Kitchener Open House!!! Found some of us on the wall!! — with Gaelan Rescigno, Jaime Matheos and Cheryl Steer
Sounds wonderful. Yes, I will be happy to bring a dessert! Please remind us of your coordinates, best route to your door, parking possibilities etc. See you sometime after 5:30ish. Janet
Hi Patrick, Corinne,and Janet,
Thank you all for organizing and hosting this get together. I am not yet
clear who will be able to make it from my family, every one is looking
at their arrangements. Including my wife, Shewa, who is planning to ask
for day of from work.
On the food side, we are fine with what was proposed. Is there anything
we can bring. Shewa is thinking of Quinoa salad. I only know how to
shop, and will get a couple of wine bottles. Well, we will see you all. Egn
PS: I am re-attaching directions. I did so with first email but Janet seems to have missed the file. As I mentioned in the earlier missive, there is a Construction Zone outside our patio so you will need to come to the front entrance and call our apartment. We'll buzz you in and meet you in the Lobby or 2nd floor hallway. When you enter building you will be on the 3rd floor so take the elevator to the 2nd, (#20), if one of us hasn't already come to greet you.
Lovely to hear from you, Patrick. We will oblige as per your recommendation, and see you on Friday after 5:30.
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Ralph Morse/Time Life Pictures-Getty Images
Hi Eyob!
Lovely to hear from you! The Quinoa salad sounds wonderfully delicious. Thank you very much. As well, thank you for the offer of bringing wine but please don't go to the trouble of doing so. We have plenty here and the contribution of salad is certainly more than enough.
I'm sure all of us hope that everyone from your family will be able to join us but we certainly understand if this is not possible. We are delighted to reconnect after so many years and trust that more gatherings might occur in the not too, too distant future. This being the case, perhaps we will be able to meet any who are unable to attend on Friday.
Anyway, this is a very relaxed affair so please don't allow anyone to fret or fuss about invitation. There will simply be more food and drink for those who are able to attend! Fond regards. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[An American soldier and a Frenchwoman kissing in a picture that raised eyebrows after appearing in Life magazine in 1944.]
Lovely to hear from you! The Quinoa salad sounds wonderfully delicious. Thank you very much. As well, thank you for the offer of bringing wine but please don't go to the trouble of doing so. We have plenty here and the contribution of salad is certainly more than enough.
I'm sure all of us hope that everyone from your family will be able to join us but we certainly understand if this is not possible. We are delighted to reconnect after so many years and trust that more gatherings might occur in the not too, too distant future. This being the case, perhaps we will be able to meet any who are unable to attend on Friday.
Anyway, this is a very relaxed affair so please don't allow anyone to fret or fuss about invitation. There will simply be more food and drink for those who are able to attend! Fond regards. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[An American soldier and a Frenchwoman kissing in a picture that raised eyebrows after appearing in Life magazine in 1944.]
PS: I am re-attaching directions. I did so with first email but Janet seems to have missed the file. As I mentioned in the earlier missive, there is a Construction Zone outside our patio so you will need to come to the front entrance and call our apartment. We'll buzz you in and meet you in the Lobby or 2nd floor hallway. When you enter building you will be on the 3rd floor so take the elevator to the 2nd, (#20), if one of us hasn't already come to greet you.
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US Propaganda Poster, WWII |
Regards, egn
Hi Carlos!
I just completed the MQ and have a grand total of Zero, Zilch, Nada! (The cheque's in the mail!) A score which you will have on the bridge tally on June 29th! You'll be pleased to know that I'm playing again this evening but it has nothing to do with your nasty comment: "Finally, at your advanced age it is certainly best that you play more often." Sharktooth Annie, Bless her Soul, always told me that if one couldn't say something nice, better say nothing at all. Guess you missed that lesson, Cranky Champagne. Probably bellowing out some third rate, off-Broadway musical number so loudly you drowned out any good advice coming your way! Seems that is your typical response, at least as far as bidding goes, in my own, limited experience, of course! Take those barbs, you dastard. By the way, how does it feel to be on the receiving end, Carlos The Jackal?
Off to ride around Stanley Park, Prospect Point Hill regular loop, so must away. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre to you and O Susannah. Cheers, Patrizzio "Omar Sharif" Dunn! Pic: How's that for advanced age?
Hi Jim!
Thanks again for such tenacious work on the Full Monties! Much appreciated. Looks like I may well have a chance to test ride the 19" frame here. Reckless is supposed to take delivery of one in a week or so. Will let you know what I think.
Couple of things: We are actually scheduled to arrive in York on July 16th but Cora Lee can sit and read while I circle endlessly, (I'll steal a bike from outside station!), practicing for when you stop for lattes, until next day, the 17th! As many nights in the Lake District as you deem best. Fine with us to leave such matters in your more than capable hands but somewhat dodgy mind, it seems! As you say, we can probably better plan once we have some idea of weather. Thanks, of course, for considering such travel, etc.
Had a call from Robo Man on Monday morning and we met at the heartbreak Terrace at 10:15am to make for Stanley Park. Not far from Olympic Village we passed two joggers and they turned out to be Krissy and Mark, the daughter and son-in-law of couple, Gayle/Derek, from Cornwall, with whom we will do house exchange. We chatted for a bit, riding slowly beside them. Krissy said she was "knackered" and Mark's knee was giving him trouble, but their young pup, trotting effortlessly beside them, seemed more than fine, however! Hoping to have a meal together before we leave. Less than a month now!
Raymondo and I continued around Science World adn made our way to Stanley Park for an up-and-over of Lions Gate. Bit of a jog along Spirit Trail in North Van and then retraced our route. Tutor Man had lessons shortly after noon so I accompanied him past Kits Pool and then waved goodbye. Couple of loops around Kits Point and I was back home with 53.3 K over 2:52:35, AVG 18.5 KPH, MAX 54.2 KPH. Quite pelased at the "maintenance" run after Sunday's outing.
That evening I had signed up for a Fix-a-Flat session put on by West Point Cycles, (where I purchased my Trek Madone), so I rode there on my older Brodie. Workshop was a practical one and I wanted to become familiar with taking off the front wheel on this bike as it is not a quick release. Andrew, chap who instructed about 12 of us, was very helpful and informative. Managed to thoroughly begrime my hands but feel I have a much better understanding and capability of changing a tube. Although we didn't work on rear wheel, Andrew demonstrated what he considers the "best" way to remove it from chain/derailleur. This technique, (chain is on smallest ring, back and front), makes alignment easier when putting wheel back on. I"m sure you are an expert in such matters, (I know Robo Man is, by his own admission, having repaired flats ever since he started riding, back in Hartlepool, I gather!), but I really have never done much more than clean my chain so it was really a very valuable session.
Bit more confidence to tackle the problem seems to make all the difference. Now I can repair any flats while you align the crease in each leg of your spiffy, crisp white cycling shorts and adjust the cuffs on your freshly laundered and ironed, form-fitting Lycra jersey, sipping a latte or two, little finger extended, as you savour a Dark French Roast and nibble on vanilla macaroons, regaling all and sundry, with endless anecdotes from college days, punting with shapely damsels or bowling for your college, never swotting but always top of your class! Is the flat fixed yet, Jeeves, there's a good chap!
By the time I was home had an additional 13.19 K over 45:55, AVG 17.2 KPH, MAX 31.5 KP, but only mention it in passing as not able to record it as part of an official statistic, as you will most certainly understand.
Had hoped to go for a longish ride today but weather is not cooperating in the least. Heavy, heavy showers all morning. They are supposed to vanish towards noon with only the threat of a thunderstorm later in the afternoon! Might just go for a swim instead.
Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Sarge at Dram Come True, May 31st; one of the tasting tables; Swedish masseuses I've hired for month of September, for Languedoc, flanked by Heraldo, left, and Big Al, right. Reason enough to have sore muscles!!!
Thanks for details, sounds lovely. As I think I wrote, dates X with ours.
- We're in Copenhagen 18-25 August
- Flying to Rome, for 5 days when Colin comes in
- We'll drive to his place in Mercatello (Urbino area) for about 2+weeks
- On ~ 18 Sep we'll bus to Sicily where Joe (did you meet Joe who planted John's grape vine next to us?) has a house, about a week there
- Return to Melbourne 28 Sep.
Tell C abt these dates, fair chance we could catch her. K back yesterday, well, and working this morning! Back to my myxolidian scales in triplets. Love. S.
Hello Patrick,
Thought I would catch up with you to see how things are going. It sounds like you had a terrific reunion catching up with old mates and going down memory lane. Gayle went to her Delta High School reunion several years ago and she said it was wonderful to reconnect with her old friends. Two of her best friends at Delta High we now see regularly when we visit Vancouver.
We have had terrific weather over the last few weeks so have been both rambling and cycling. Have managed to get Gayle out on her bike a few times over the last week or so. A few days ago we packed up a picknic in my pannier and cycled to Trelissick and had our lunch overlooking the Fal estuary. We then a had look around the gardens and cycled back along the river to the Bissoe bike trail through old mining country and back home. It was perfect cycling weather. No wind, sunny and temperature around 21c. Her gears have started playing up (probably from lack of use!) so will need to take the bike in for a service. Unfortunately today the weather has changed and turned rainy. There are several systems coming off the Atlantic so it looks unsettled for the next week. I don't mind the rain so much but there are also strong winds forecast which are unpleasant.
Had lunch with my nephew, who lives in Falmouth, last week. He has just retired for the second time (he is 58). He first retired from the bank at when he was 50 but felt it was a little early so went to work for a different organisation. He now feels he has had enough so finally retired last month. His wife, who is a nurse, is very much younger than he is and a long way from retirement herself so he has now taken up all the house chores and cooking. But this still leaves him lots of time for kayaking and fishing which he enjoys. He also cycles so I agreed to take my bike to Falmouth to have a few spins with him. I haven't done much cycling in that area so will be nice to explore some new territory!
Spoke to Mark and Krissy on Sunday. Mark said the truck has been doing well and sales are good. Looks like he will remain with the truck for the summer and return to the school in October. Krissy sees to be doing fine at The Meatery. They are now opening in the evening and seem to be hitting their sales targets.
We are off to Southampton on Friday for the weekend to look after Tristan and the dog. Marnie and Ant are off to London for the weekend to visit some friends. We will return to Cornwall on Monday or Tuesday. Maureen will take care of the cat while we are away.
I was reading a feature in my cycling magazine before dinner which made me think of you. It was a couple who took a cycling trip around the inner Scottish Hebrides visiting all the whiskey distilleries! She starts her article "whiskey is a drink truly of its place. Whether you are drinking it at a crowded bar in the heart of London, by the fire in a country pub or in your own armchair at home, that first fiery, throat catching sip and softly evolving, smokey taste immediately evokes wild, remote landscapes and fierce weather" I'm sure this is one cycle sojourn you would thoroughly enjoy! Perhaps it's one to do before you hang up your cycle clips!
We are members of the Cornwall Wildlife Society and I just noticed (or rather Gayle pointed out to me) that they are starting a new wildlife photography group which I think I will join. It combines rambling in the countryside with a wildlife expert and photographing the flora and wildlife over the seasons. I will miss the first couple since we will be in Canada but should be able to catch up with the October session.
We spent Sunday with Steve and Gudrun. Went to a National Trust property in north Cornwall. Went for a nice walk then had a nice lunch in the garden of a little pub at the quay. They both send their regards and look forward to seeing you in August. Gudrun said they may try to get tickets to Wuthering Heights and join us for the evening.
Right must dash. Picture attached I took while we were having our picknic. Best to Cora Lee and Chloe, Derek
Hello Patrick,
Thought I would catch up with you to see how things are going. It sounds like you had a terrific reunion catching up with old mates and going down memory lane. Gayle went to her Delta High School reunion several years ago and she said it was wonderful to reconnect with her old friends. Two of her best friends at Delta High we now see regularly when we visit Vancouver.
We have had terrific weather over the last few weeks so have been both rambling and cycling. Have managed to get Gayle out on her bike a few times over the last week or so. A few days ago we packed up a picknic in my pannier and cycled to Trelissick and had our lunch overlooking the Fal estuary. We then a had look around the gardens and cycled back along the river to the Bissoe bike trail through old mining country and back home. It was perfect cycling weather. No wind, sunny and temperature around 21c. Her gears have started playing up (probably from lack of use!) so will need to take the bike in for a service. Unfortunately today the weather has changed and turned rainy. There are several systems coming off the Atlantic so it looks unsettled for the next week. I don't mind the rain so much but there are also strong winds forecast which are unpleasant.
Had lunch with my nephew, who lives in Falmouth, last week. He has just retired for the second time (he is 58). He first retired from the bank at when he was 50 but felt it was a little early so went to work for a different organisation. He now feels he has had enough so finally retired last month. His wife, who is a nurse, is very much younger than he is and a long way from retirement herself so he has now taken up all the house chores and cooking. But this still leaves him lots of time for kayaking and fishing which he enjoys. He also cycles so I agreed to take my bike to Falmouth to have a few spins with him. I haven't done much cycling in that area so will be nice to explore some new territory!
Spoke to Mark and Krissy on Sunday. Mark said the truck has been doing well and sales are good. Looks like he will remain with the truck for the summer and return to the school in October. Krissy sees to be doing fine at The Meatery. They are now opening in the evening and seem to be hitting their sales targets.
We are off to Southampton on Friday for the weekend to look after Tristan and the dog. Marnie and Ant are off to London for the weekend to visit some friends. We will return to Cornwall on Monday or Tuesday. Maureen will take care of the cat while we are away.
I was reading a feature in my cycling magazine before dinner which made me think of you. It was a couple who took a cycling trip around the inner Scottish Hebrides visiting all the whiskey distilleries! She starts her article "whiskey is a drink truly of its place. Whether you are drinking it at a crowded bar in the heart of London, by the fire in a country pub or in your own armchair at home, that first fiery, throat catching sip and softly evolving, smokey taste immediately evokes wild, remote landscapes and fierce weather" I'm sure this is one cycle sojourn you would thoroughly enjoy! Perhaps it's one to do before you hang up your cycle clips!
We are members of the Cornwall Wildlife Society and I just noticed (or rather Gayle pointed out to me) that they are starting a new wildlife photography group which I think I will join. It combines rambling in the countryside with a wildlife expert and photographing the flora and wildlife over the seasons. I will miss the first couple since we will be in Canada but should be able to catch up with the October session.
We spent Sunday with Steve and Gudrun. Went to a National Trust property in north Cornwall. Went for a nice walk then had a nice lunch in the garden of a little pub at the quay. They both send their regards and look forward to seeing you in August. Gudrun said they may try to get tickets to Wuthering Heights and join us for the evening.
Right must dash. Picture attached I took while we were having our picknic. Best to Cora Lee and Chloe, Derek
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