Saturday, 1 June 2013

Feld of Wrath: Saturday, June 1st

I am about to - or I am going to - die; either expression is used. -Dominique Bouhours, grammarian (1632-1702) 

Walking is also an ambulation of mind. -Gretel Ehrlich, novelist, poet, and essayist (b. 1946)

Dear Critics! I beg of you, craven knaves, it is "Holier-than-Thouness", foist and foremoist. Then the HIT Man did a tune-up lasterday, solo mio, forlornly, following the Stanley Park PPHL 7 times, (for Buona Fortuna, it goes without saying), to arrive back at The Heartache Terrace with 103.1 K over 4:45:48, AVG 21.6 KPH, MAX 54.4 KPH, for best ride since returning from Tinsel Town/The Peg. No sluggards or malingerers to slow me down!

Much malt talk on ferry. Until we three meet again. Cheers, Il Conduttore! Pic: In case The Bull joins us to HB!


as the plan stands now we (Pat, Mark & me) will be on the 12:50 ferry arriving at your digs on our bikes as soon as we can get there from the ferry. Call or text if you need more info. 7NT, G

Thanks for the update. I just hope that not all the booze has gotten drunk by the time you get here!--Kurt

Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher best known today for his statement "that which does not kill us makes us stronger," was an early convert to the pessimism of Schopenhauer. Yet by 1876, at the age of thirty-two, he had radically changed his philosophy -- and adopted a philosophy that revered Ubermenschen ( which can be translated as "supermen"), men who pursued lives of adventure and exhilaration, but only after suffering in pursuit of that life:

"What had ... helped to change Nietzsche's outlook was his reflection on the few individuals throughout history who appeared genuinely to have known ful­filled lives; individuals who could fairly have been described -- to use one of the most contested terms in the Nietzschean lexicon -- as Ubermenschen.

"The notoriety and absurdity of the word owe less to Nietzsche's own philosophy than to his sister Elisabeth's subsequent enchant­ment with National Socialism ('that vengeful anti-Semitic goose', as Friedrich described her long before she shook the Fuhrer's hand), and the unwitting decision by Nietzsche's earliest Anglo-Saxon translators to bequeath to the Ubermensch the name of a legendary cartoon hero.


Help the BEST food truck in the world OUT!!!!!
If a vegetarian of 12 years could eat BACON from this truck, so should you!!!!

Hot dog and roast chestnut stands have been a staple of Vancouver street life for years.
Since 2010, Council has been expanding the options for food permits to include more diverse and nutritious choices, and more accessible locations.
With the addition of 15 new vendors in May of 2013, there are a total of 114 food cart vendors permitted to operate on Vancouver's streets, offering food that is healthy, interesting, convenient, culturally diverse, and delicious.

Launching June 23, and running until Sept.22, the second annual Food Cart Fest features more than 20 top food carts every Sunday at a new location at W. 1st Ave. near Cambie Bridge.

Dear Duplicadoes! Doubled! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: For the Nicotine Fiend!

Hi Groggage!

Funny, I am off, shortly, to ride to Horseshoe Bay, with Whirlygig, as we are off to Nanaimo to have our Book Club meeting on Sunday. Playing bridge this afternoon and evening. Staying with a friend of Giorgio's, Kurt. Had thought about riding up to see you two but have to be back on Sunday as Patti/Gavin are visiting. Coming from China.

Sarge, Big Al, Heraldo, (Colleen's Dad), Dave, (Maya's ex), all went to Dram Come True last night at Hycroft. Wonderful evening and some stupendous malts.

Starting to feel pretty good, thanks. Yesterday, solo mio, (Whirlygig and Robo Ray begged off!), following the Stanley Park Prospect Point Hill Loop 7 times, (for Buona Fortuna, it goes without saying), to arrive back at The Heartache Terrace with 103.1 K over 4:45:48, AVG 21.6 KPH, MAX 54.4 KPH, for best ride since returning from Tinsel Town/The Peg. No sluggards or malingerers to slow me down.

Fond regards and best wishes to The Range Rider. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Pics: Isaac Brock reunion dinner; Filmer/Sally, my cousin. I stayed with them. Kaitlyn, Scott, her boyfriend, Travis, S's/F's daughter/son. Los Horridos!

Good day Gentlemen,

my apologies for this late notice but I got called in for my on-call job today so I will not be making the trip to Mr. Rathfelder's plantation aka sugarland. I read Brothers Sisters per the pledge of the NRBC to actually read the books, and my only opinion is that it's not my kinda book so I'm looking forward to the next book which I'm assuming is the elusive Muddy Waters bio? Or are we changing it because there aren't many copies around to loan? With love and affection, VL

Thanks for letting me know, Victor. Make money...much more an important endeavour! Glad to see that you've read the book. Kurt

Dear Pat: I have been authorized by Nanaimo's First Nations tribe, the Snuneymuxw, to bestow upon you a First Nations-type name: Four-Sheets-to-the-Wind. Hoping you a speedy and safe trip to our sacred lands. Yours truly, Idle No More (too busy making beds!)
I'll be in Victoria tonight to see my sister's brother and some nieces and neice's sisters. I plan to drive up to the Wrathslair tomorrow morning to meet with nrbc brethren and any interloping members of the sisterhood  who may present themselves.  I confess I lack Misha's ambition for a dawn departure.  If it won't be too late, I see arriving about 11ish by motor, so no pick up at ferry terminal required.  Guy

As many of you may know, Pig on the Street recently had their generator stolen from them, right before the busy summer season started! This makes me and many of their other loyal friends and customers angry, so I decided to kickstart a fundraiser to help them get back on their feet! You can always make more money..but those sandiwches are irreplaceable! Krissy and Mark put so much love into what they do, so lets give some back! xo  

Help the BEST food truck in the world OUT!!!!!
If a vegetarian of 12 years could eat BACON from this truck, so should you!!!!
My little sister has gone off the deep end of the vegan dock this time...but let's do this for bacon!! Who's with me!!!!!
The astonishing physiology of the eye:
"A trip through an eyeball, [starts] from the pupil, where light enters, [and goes] to the back of the eye. Here, the retina is the layer of the eye's wall that includes the photoreceptor cells -- the rods and cones -- that capture light energy and change it into the electrical language of the nervous system. The rod cells provide black-and-white vision and detect motion, and the cone cells send signals for color. The retina also has cell layers that transmit the light signals to the optic nerve, which sends the information to the part of the brain that interprets the input as a visual image. The comparison of the human eye to an old-fashioned camera is apt -- the back of the retina is like a sheet of photographic film. ... 

"Each eye has 100 million ... long, skinny [rod] cells, and each has about two thousand translucent discs that fold inward from the surrounding cell membrane, making the rod look a little like an electric toothbrush. The aligned discs resemble toothbrush bristles at one end, and a neural connection at the other end of the cell that goes to the brain corresponds to the part of the toothbrush that plugs into a power outlet.

"Embedded in the rod's folded discs are many molecules of a pigment called rhodopsin, which actually provides vision. Each rhodopsin molecule is built of a protein part called opsin and an­other, smaller part made from vitamin A, called retinal. A flash of light lasting mere trillionths of a second changes the shape of the retinal, which in turn changes the shape of the opsin. The change in opsin triggers chemical reactions that signal the nearby optic nerve, which stimulates the visual cortex in the brain. In this way, each of the 100 million rods and 3 million cones of a human eye contrib­utes a tiny glimpse of a scene, which the brain then integrates into an image.

"To see the world as a continuous panorama, rather than a series of disconnected snapshots, rhodopsin must quickly reform after it changes in response to light. In dim light this happens slowly, and the rhodopsin is recycled inside the eye. But in very bright light, rhodopsin contorts too fast to fully recover. This is why we are tem­porarily blinded when walking out of a dark theater, to which our rhodopsin has adapted, into bright sunshine. 

It is also why we tell children to eat their carrots, because vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness. Cones work in a similar way, but instead of rho­dopsin, they use three other visual pigments that are sensitive to different wavelengths of light, and interpret the hues of red, green, and blue that color our world. Mammals other than humans and our primate cousins have only two types of cones, which restricts the color palette available to them. ... 

"In a layer of cells next to [the rods and cones] called the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a caretaker of sorts for the rods and cones, removing wastes while absorbing stray light rays that might otherwise bounce around the eyeball, creating meaningless flashes. The RPE's most important job is to store vitamin A. It uses a protein, called RPE65, to activate the vitamin, forming the retinal essential for black-and-white vision." Ricki Lewis, The Forever Fix, St. Martin's Griffin, 2012  



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