The man who dies rich dies disgraced. -Andrew Carnegie, industrialist (1835-1919)
Hi Jim and Chris!
Trust all goes well with you both. Just a few questions about booking a car. I have found a Hyundai i10, or similar, with Alamo, at York Station, pick up there, drop-off at Stansted Airport, for $939.88/£586, from July 25th-August 31st.
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Francia/Jonathan! |
First, will we be overstaying our welcome to leave on the 25th, based on return from Lake District and/or your own family schedule? I can change date to 23rd or 24th depending on what is best for you folk. Search I did for car hire in Wetherby didn't seem to have option of different drop-off location. Aside from booking dates, does this seem like a reasonable price? From our perspective it seems fine. Don't expect you to do much searching but if you should know that we can rent a vehicle, in Wetherby, with similar options to ones described above, then please advise. My thinking on this particular matter is that it might be an easier way to rid yourselves of us, right on your own patch! Anyway, would appreciate your candid thoughts as soon as you've fortified yourself with a number of lattes and/or single malt!
As well, you haven't mentioned anything about the possibility of joining us in Languedoc. Just mention it because we'd love you to do so but obviously don't want to pressure you in any way. Robo Man is still prevaricating. I know he might be more easily persuaded if I could tell him that you were coming to Beau Soleil! At any rate, you are both more than welcome should this fit with your busy lives.
Let me know about car dates, etc., when you have a moment and then I'll book the vehicle. All the best for now. Cora Lee sends her regards to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Graeme!
Thanks for the invitation to the tasting on June 25th. Is it possible to bring a friend? Please let me know at your convenience. Thanks, Patrick Dunn
Hi Mari!
I must really apologize for not replying sooner to thank you for your kind offer to help with "Hungarian Curiosities" and more. Much appreciated. However, as I think I may have mentioned, this coming trip will not permit a visit to Hungary and Julia. On a more positive note Corinne and I do hope/plan to return to Europe over the course of the next few years so a visit to the "new Hungary" is definitely high on our list of countries to explore.
Hard to believe that we leave for London in less than a month, on July 10th. Most of our travel arrangements have been made but I have been unable to book my train from Paris, Gare du Lyon, to Béziers, the town in Languedoc with the closest station to Neffiès, where I have rented a house for September. I have a confirmed ticket on Eurostar, from London to Paris, but it seems that it might still be too early to make local bookings.
Thanks again for you generous offer of advice. I'm sure I'll take you up on this when we plan our next European trip. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Attachment: I've included the brochure for Beau Soleil in case you are curious.
Hello Dearest Eveline and Heinz!
Congratulations on the more than wonderful news that you will become grandparents or have already achieved this status! I do apologize for not replying sooner but life has been full and hectic so no excuses but plenty of reasons! Flamin' and Sarge became proud grandparents themselves just a few weeks ago with the birth of daughter, Sheila Avery, to Rebecca and Corey. (Some of your offspring may well have heard about this on Facebook already!)
Thanks, as well, for the updates on your lads. (Congratulations to Sabine and Simon, of course) Very pleased that all goes so well for everyone, either at work or school. Will Nikolevitch design the atelier? Perhaps he is too expensive after his devoted parents impoverished themselves with his expensive travel, (Five Star Hotel in Vancouver, nothing but lobster for lunch!!), and ESL education with many, many missed classes due to hangovers!
Your past trip to Germany and coming one to Liguria make me envious indeed. Sad to say, however, that this coming trip will not permit a visit to our dear friends in Switzerland, although you might bump into Corinne in Italy! She flies to Rome on September 2nd but I'm not sure of her exact itinerary. (I'll let her provide you with those details.) On a more positive note, we do hope/plan to return to Europe over the course of the next few years so a return visit to Sonnenblick is definitely the highest on our list of Swiss hotels! Perhaps we can reserve the Atelier Suite?
Hard to believe that we leave for London in less than a month, on July 10th. Most of our travel arrangements have been made but I have been unable to book my train from Paris, Gare du Lyon, to Béziers, the town in Languedoc with the closest station to Neffiès, where I have rented a house for September. I have a confirmed ticket on Eurostar, from London to Paris, but it seems that it might still be too early to make local bookings.
Thank you for your considerate wishes on my recovery. I can say that I feel that I am probably as strong or stronger now than I was before the accident. At least my legs seem to think so. Thanks again for you generous and kind offer to visit. We extend the same to you in both Cornwall, (We are doing a house exchange there for all of August.) and Languedoc. You will already be packed for Italy so just change your departure dates and itinerary. A pre- and post-holiday holiday!!! Cora Lee sends her warm regards to you both. All the best to the rest of our favourite Bernese. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kelly!
My turn to apologize for not thanking you sooner for being a partner with Melissa's friends and family! No need for you to have done so, however. Thanks for tax receipt and Buona Fortuna with all your future fund raising initiatives! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
Thank you for joining me on LinkedIn. Below &
appended is a notice for our complimentary whisky tasting in Vancouver
next Tuesday 25th with show & tell PowerPoint presentation on our distillery plans. I shall appreciate it if
you will share this with your whisky-drinking & real ale friends (no competing distillers please
J ) and RSVP me with those wishing to attend
Best Regards,
Dr. Graeme Macaloney
PEng.,MSc.,BSc., FIChemE.
President, MacMhaol-onfhaidh (‘Macaloney’) Distillers Ltd
Whisky tasting invitation for next Tuesday 25th: Hi Lads! Any interest? Cheers, Patrizzio!
How much. I am interested. Wayne
Complimentary Sarge, complimentary! I gather we'll have to sit through a presentation, however! Cheers, Patrizzio!
I guess I can suffer. Wayne
This trailer might appeal to you and Corinne with your great interest in movies.
Dear Help Service:
I have been repeatedly unable to book and pay, (VISA), for a trip from Paris, Gare du Lyon, to Béziers, IDTGV, on September 2nd at 12h07. Any help much appreciated. Cheers, Patrick Dunn.
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