Hi Pat, Can see Jambalaya Diaries, IID: Summertime and the Livin' is Easy but can’t see
Cotton is High and Your Mama's Good Lookin'! anywhere so I guess we have a link missing.
Any ideas? Just
waiting on Don and Anne coming around for a glass of red by the fire –
it’s frigid outside and has rained for most of the day! Ooroo for now, TrevorHi Trevor!
Sounds as if you live in Northern BC with your rain and frigid temperatures! Lucky you have firewood adn red wine to keep you warm. All we have is cat on one's lap to keep us warm in such situations! Please send along best wishes to Anne and Don and have an extra glass of Shiraz for us!
You seem to be having similar weather to Vancouver, although I suspect our temperatures might be warmer. After yesterday's ride, home to find Chloë, back from her shift at GI Brewery, chatting with Cora Lee and Maggs. What with work at Aunt Leahs, M-T, and then GI shifts on F/Sat, she's a busy, busy girl! Instead of going over to spend evening with a girlfriend she was heading home to go to bed early!

See if that turns up anything. Think it should unless it has been blocked by Australian Security Services! By way of searching I discovered that there is another Patrick Dunn in Vancouver, a realtor, I believe. Perhaps a long lost, fabulously wealthy twin! Might ask him to sponsor my bicycle purchase and subsequent travels. I'd be happy to wear "Dunn's Realty" on my jersey! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, Yep – that did it – I’m now back on line and can keep up to date on your
dipsy doodling! Weather
here is sunnyish today but cold and windy; we were scheduled for a bike
ride sometime today so I’m keeping my fingers crossed Tina forgets –
maybe a coffee shop with
a log fire might be more the go!
Don and Anne didn’t turn up after all last night – don’t blame them in the least because the weather was really miserable; had to force myself to watch the Wallaby’s vs English and Irish Lions rugby test – only bummer was the Wallaby’s lost by two points – could have won in the final seconds with a penalty kick but the kicker slipped over! Fondestos to all, Trevor
Don and Anne didn’t turn up after all last night – don’t blame them in the least because the weather was really miserable; had to force myself to watch the Wallaby’s vs English and Irish Lions rugby test – only bummer was the Wallaby’s lost by two points – could have won in the final seconds with a penalty kick but the kicker slipped over! Fondestos to all, Trevor
Hi Trev!
Glad you were able to find blog. Almost not able to ride tomorrow myself. Took a short jaunt out to UBC at around 3:00 pm to stretch my legs. All went well until sabotage as I was coming back, through Musqueam, towards Shaughnessy GC when I popped a spoke! Know the sound now so I stopped and found sheared piece. Carefully twisted off remaining bit and made for West Point Cycles. Arrived at 5:30 pm and fortunately was able to have it replaced. While I was waiting I chatted with an employee, very friendly young man, from Sydney/Canberra who is here for the summer.
Didn't catch his name but he rides for an elite team, (just below point where one turns professional), here in town and has been doing many of the rides in Washington, Oregon and Banff, of late. He only started cycling about two years ago. Before that he was an extreme runner, 100 miles/18 hours through the bush, according to him. Cycling is a piece of cake compared to that. Bright kid as he is going back to Oz to attend Law School. And I thought my 100 K was something!
Back home with 55.7 K over 2;45:15, AVG 20.2 KPH, MAX 50.9 KPH, but cannot log as an "official" ride as touched the ground after 20 K when I stopped to inspect suspected broken spoke. Still, glad this happened today and not when on a longer ride.
Anyway, set for domani. With Sarge, meeting Robo Man at 25th and Maple and then on to Kent and environs. Funnily enough, I mentioned the Wallaby’s vs English and Irish Lions rugby test when I called Raymond about tomorrow's ride. He was up at 5:00 am to watch match and was cheering for England as he is from Hartlepool, near Newcastle. He admitted Wallaby's should have won but was chuffed they didn't! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Just to let you know, Byron won't be joining us for bridge - I realized that he and Anne are away in Europe.
Lynne says she would be pleased to join Corinne at the VWF event if you'd be kind enough to pick up tickets. I'm green with envy that you would be invited to the US Consulate General's house. I remain your humble vineyard worker, Peter
Lynne says she would be pleased to join Corinne at the VWF event if you'd be kind enough to pick up tickets. I'm green with envy that you would be invited to the US Consulate General's house. I remain your humble vineyard worker, Peter
How The Mighty Have Fallen!
From the once immensely powerful and frighteningly influential CEO of Jugos Naranja de Guayabitos, a multinational conglomerate with considerable, global holdings in real estate, mining, liquor, market gardening, and niche markets as diverse as high end golf clubs, playing cards and artisan cheeses, to an illegal vineyard worker, follow the crash and burn story of one man's skydive from fame and fortune to destitution and bitterness in this mesmerizing, NY Times Best Seller, Jugos Dom Pedro: Life and Hard Times or How 25¢ Martinis Caused My Downfall! At better bookstores everywhere!
Hope you don't mind but will probably have to restrict your bridge playing to the patio table, given your likely garb and muddy footwear. (Will a hammock suffice there, as far as overnight stays are concerned?) Cora Lee is quite amazed that Lynne has stood by you after you lost everything. "Now that is True Love", she quipped! Lucky for you, amigo, that you didn't hitch your star to Coriandre's as I think I would have been summarily dumped had I been in your now, worn shoes!
Pretty sure I can obtain tickets for VWF event. Must say that I'm really enjoying The Glass Castle and, under other circumstances, would have liked to attend interview at Freddy Wood. See you soon. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: How long is it by burro from The Naramata? Pic: Once hubristic CEO pondering his fate!
Hi Ostrich People, Grand Pappy Sarge and GI Lass!
Have included Chloë in message, Raymondo, so that you can provide details regarding beer keg. I mentioned you'd inquired but thought it best you deal directly with her as I don't know date, etc. Or you can call her at GIB, (604-687-2739), as she's working there today.
Sarge and I are planning to ride tomorrow, leaving around 9:00 am, +/-, out to Kent/Boundary and into Burnaby industrial park just beyond. (Big Al is out at their cabin.) If either of you are interested let me know. We can meet at 25th/Maple or ride out to UBC and along MD, depending on your overly sensitive personalities and extremely demanding natures! I'd prefer latter, (route, that is!), returning on Cambie but that goes without saying! Waiting to be Over-Ruled, Cheers, il Conduttore!
P, Thanks for the pics of Sarge. I cannot join you tomorrow. Enjoy, W
Dear Ignoramus/Marcus Aurelius/Big Al/Ragin' Bull or whatever your name is!
Sorry that you won't be able to join us for lattes and croisssants! Almost not able to ride tomorrow myself. Took a short jaunt out to UBC at around 3:00 pm to stretch my legs. All went well until sabotage as I was coming back, through Musqueam, towards Shaughnessy GC when I popped a spoke! Know the sound now so I stopped and found sheared piece. Carefully twisted off remaining bit and made for West Point Cycles. Arrived at 5:30 pm and fortunately was able to have it replaced. While I was waiting I chatted with an employee, very friendly young man, from Sydney/Canberra who is here for the summer.
Didn't catch his name but he rides for an elite team, (just below point where one turns professional), here in town and has been doing many of the rides in Washington, Oregon and Banff, of late. He only started cycling about two years ago. Before that he was an extreme runner, 100 miles/18 hours through the bush, according to him. Cycling is a piece of cake compared to that. Bright kid as he is going back to Oz to attend Law School. And I thought my 100 K was something!
Anyway, set for domani. Meeting Robo Man at 25th and Maple and then on to Kent and environs. Interested in joining me for:
Monday, June 24 at Vancity, 7:00pm:
Sorry that you won't be able to join us for lattes and croisssants! Almost not able to ride tomorrow myself. Took a short jaunt out to UBC at around 3:00 pm to stretch my legs. All went well until sabotage as I was coming back, through Musqueam, towards Shaughnessy GC when I popped a spoke! Know the sound now so I stopped and found sheared piece. Carefully twisted off remaining bit and made for West Point Cycles. Arrived at 5:30 pm and fortunately was able to have it replaced. While I was waiting I chatted with an employee, very friendly young man, from Sydney/Canberra who is here for the summer.
Didn't catch his name but he rides for an elite team, (just below point where one turns professional), here in town and has been doing many of the rides in Washington, Oregon and Banff, of late. He only started cycling about two years ago. Before that he was an extreme runner, 100 miles/18 hours through the bush, according to him. Cycling is a piece of cake compared to that. Bright kid as he is going back to Oz to attend Law School. And I thought my 100 K was something!
Anyway, set for domani. Meeting Robo Man at 25th and Maple and then on to Kent and environs. Interested in joining me for:
Monday, June 24 at Vancity, 7:00pm:
of the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival last year, this
powerful, gripping film marks a return to the world stage for the
Taviani brothers, whose illustrious art-house career
includes Padre Padrone, The Night of the Shooting Stars and Good
Morning, Babylon.
in a documentary style in Rome’s high security Rebibbia prison, the
movie chronicles a production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar performed
by the inmates just a few miles from where
the Roman emperor was assassinated. The actors are real life murderers,
mafiosi and drug dealers, and their performances slip subtly between
Shakespeare’s text and their own contemporary argot, blurring the lines
(literally) between past and present, art and
life… But complicating things even further, the Tavianis scripted
everything, off-stage as well as on, so what we take for "reality" is
every bit as artificial as the play itself - and just as true. Let me know. Cheers, Brutus!
Interesting that you have a friend at Spruce Harbour Marina as well. Will have to ask Branko, (Peric is his last name.), about Scott. I agree, the "clubhouse" is terrific. Ragin' Bull celebrated his 60th there and it was terrific. Space is really wonderful for such things. The Bull might be joining Sarge and I for a malt tasting in North Van on Tuesday evening so I'll quiz him about Scott if he decides to come along.
Busy week, next week, with close friends, Lynne and Peter, in from Narmata, staying with us overnight Wednesday/Thursday. We spent a week together in New Orleans this past January. She and Cora Lee were classmate at Library School. I was a year ahead of them so I taught them everything they know! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
Sorry, have been so slow in letting you know about your offer, towards which Denise and I gave considerable thought, of us visiting you in the Languedoc in September. We just got back from a fabulous ice seeking cruise to Alaska -we had great weather and it helped that the cruise line charges a low $18 fee per bottle for corkage. Consequently we hefted a dozen bottles on board.
Denise and I regret to tell you that we can't manage a trip to Europe in September. Earlier this spring we lost our beloved dog Turley and consequently made some travel commitments for August, October and November and are now maxed-out financially. We would have loved to have spent time visiting with you in the sun of the south of France
countryside. Ideal in September and at that really neat place you arranged in a landscape saturated with succulent wines. Just wished we would have known about your offer before we had made the other plans. Many thanks for your invitation.
Just received a father's day card (very late!!!) from Jennifer who now lives in London -it had a cartoon picture of a little boy on a computer next to his mom & dad and is saying "Admit it - You only had me for the free tech support". She gets marks for cleverness but I am
not sure about the "free" part. Let us know if you are going to be around in July and we'll try to organize a barbie at our place? cheers, Bill
Hi Denise and Bill!
Alaska trip sounded wonderful. We encountered same corkage blackmail when on cruise around the Horn in 2009. However, The Millionaires helped out some on this front!
With respect to Languedoc, I understand completely but thought I'd mention it in case you could join us. Perhaps another time. Over next few years we'd like to spend more holidays in Europe and to this end I'm leaving the foldable bike, (Montague Navigator), I'm intending to buy, in York, with friends who have a fabulous place just outside of Valence,( Chabeuil is the village), about an hour or so from Lyon. Rates for Beau Soleil are even better in April and since it is so close to Barcelona we hope to combine one of our next visits to the south of France with some time in Spain as well.
Would love to get together in July but we leave on July 10th for London so probably will have to wait until after we return, October 19th. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: From fourth floor, communal patio, at loft on Wall Street. Appreciated your comment about "free" as Chloë isn't paying even close to market value rent on a place that we hoped she would eventually buy from us! Kids today! At least they appreciate fine wine at an earlier age. I was still drinking Baby Duck in my late 20's!
Ragin': This from my friend Joan:
I too have a friend in the Spruce Harbour Marina and he is a live aboard too.. but has another sail boat in the Caribbean (nicer one) for the horrible rainy months in Vanc. He teaches off shore sailing part time at the False Creek sailing school .
I mentioned Branko's name to him but he did not seem to know the name.... was that a first or last name? Also, Ragin' Bull may not be his well known name....if you're the inventor....we could spread that around though.
My friend is Scott Watson and his sail boat is on the end of the dock closest to Granville Island. He has a suite near Stamps pub (Wicklow) in 805 Moberly Rd. where his mother resides.. she rents from him.. I like their little "clubhouse" in the Spruce Harbour marina.. very cozy and great for parties.....!
See you on Wednesday, June 26th, anytime after 6:00 pm, laden with delicious appetizers! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Pat - Encourage them to go - it is not sold out. Interview with her in the Book Section of today's Globe.
Emailed with Kjell - things sound OK on the health front but he
does appear to be experiencing intimations of mortality. Aren't we all I
say to that. Cheers.....Paul
Hi again, Paolo! Pleased to hear Kjell seems fine. Was a tad worried as I'd not heard from him since he returned to Sweden. Your message will prompt me to send along greetings. Talk of intimations of mortality! I've been trying to "pound' them into my skull with last two bike accidents! Slow learner, however! Cheers, Patrizzio, "Living for Dummies" Dunn!
Hi Kjell!
Have been meaning to send along a message for some time. Paul mentioned that all seems fine on the health front. Glad to hear this, of course. Will see him and Joan on the 27th, at our place, when Lynne and Peter, from Naramata, will be staying with us over the 26th/27th.
Best wishes from Cora Lee. Fondestos and Cheers, Concierge, Sommelier and Kitchen Scullion, Beau Soleil!
Hi Patrick
Before I forget here are our telephone numbers, home and mobiles. We arrived back from Southampton on Tuesday after looking after Tristan and the dog. I'm always shattered when I get back, not because of Tris but looking after the dog. Whistler is a Border Collie. A lovely dog but he follows me everywhere wanting me to take him for walks! Consequently, I spent a lot of time walking him in the New Forest. The forest ponies have their little folds right now which are adorable so I had to watch whistler since he tends to chase them. Not to harm them you understand but rather he feels he needs to round them up. I made sure I put him on a leash if we got too close to them just to be on the safe side!
Gayle's spent the day yesterday with her friend Sandra who just came back from Spain. Sandra and her husband have a house in Cornwall but rent an apartment in southern Spain spending most of their time there. I think they have decided to sell the house here and move permanently to Spain. One of their sons married a Spanish girl and live over there and their other son and his girlfriend are on student visas in Australia. Consequently, Sandra said there is nothing really keeping them in Cornwall and they also hate the English climate.
Since Gayle was otherwise disposed it gave me a chance to plan a morning out on the bike. I left here and cycled to a little village called Mithian from there a short 4 miles and a fairly long decent to the seaside town of Perranporth then a long climb out of Perranporth towards the village of Goonhavern then another long decent before a difficult and long climb past a cider farm towards Truro. Another decent into Truro where I stopped for a coffee and croissant then back on the bike for the climb out of Truro and through the back roads towards the village of Chacewater and finally back home. It had been a while since I tackled so many climbs in one morning so I was quite pleased that I managed the climbs without having to get off the bike! I have to say though it doesn't get any easier! I checked the cycle meter on my iPhone when I got back to look at the stats and found that it wasn't working! Very annoying!
Went to lunch with the sisters at Falmouth on Wednesday for Audrey's birthday. Had a very enjoyable time although this same week one of my sisters, Margaret, was diagnosed with bladder cancer which came as a shock to us all. However, she is in good spirits and goes into hospital on July 2nd for an operation to remove the tumor and start receiving treatment. So fingers crossed.
I guess you only have about three weeks before you are on your way. I assume you are flying directly from Vancouver to London. What airline did you decide to use? Well just going to watch an hour of tv then off to bed!Gayle sends her best wishes to you both as do I Derek
Hi Derek!
Thanks for lovely snaps. Chloë happened to walk in the door, on her lunch break, just as I opened your message, so she was delighted to see pictures.
Sorry to hear about Margaret's diagnosis but trust all goes as well as can be expected.
Our friends in Australia, near Bendigo, had a wonderful Border Collie, Maggie, and she reminds me of Whistler. When we staye dwith them, a few years ago, we slept in a separate annexe with an attached bathroom. However, one had to go from the bedroom, outside along a small passageway to reach shower.toilette. If I had to go to the bathroom during the night Maggie would be waiting for me, a ball between her paws! One year, when we returned from a trip to Adelaide and had been away for a week or two, I opened the car door and she literally hopped into my lap! Simply a wonderful and adorable creature but truly exhausting after a very short time!
Quite enjoyed your description of your bike ride. You will fit right in with the late crowd over here! I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms and hope I stay in Cornwall!
Best wishes from Cora Lee. Fondestos and Cheers, Concierge, Sommelier and Kitchen Scullion, Beau Soleil!
Patrick, It makes for a heart-rending, tragic tale and I don't want to stand
in the way of your best-selling efforts. However, things have improved
greatly for our lot thanks to the efforts of St. Cesar Chavez. We've
traded in the burro for a Lexus for our trip
to the Big Island Inn.
Humbly, JDP
Dear St Naramata!
I am heartened to learn that your fortunes have improved but I regret to inform you that you are still regulated to the hammock on the patio and, as additional penance, for your false profession of faith, your bridge partner will be Ragiin' Bull, by order of papal bull! Cheers, St Patrizzio, Pope Innocente III!
Screw it then, I'm not coming.
Dear St Naramata!
Profanity, sayeth the preacher! Profanity! Still drinking from the bitter cup of frustration and thwarted ambition? Beware of this overweening pride as even the Bridge Gods may turn against thee and smite thy selfsame self and cursed partner with the jaw of an ass, or bullock, as thine case may well be. In Spiritus Sancti, Beati mites sed non in pecto, Seven No Trump!
I am heartened to learn that your fortunes have improved but I regret to inform you that you are still regulated to the hammock on the patio and, as additional penance, for your false profession of faith, your bridge partner will be Ragiin' Bull, by order of papal bull! Cheers, St Patrizzio, Pope Innocente III!
Screw it then, I'm not coming.
Dear St Naramata!
Profanity, sayeth the preacher! Profanity! Still drinking from the bitter cup of frustration and thwarted ambition? Beware of this overweening pride as even the Bridge Gods may turn against thee and smite thy selfsame self and cursed partner with the jaw of an ass, or bullock, as thine case may well be. In Spiritus Sancti, Beati mites sed non in pecto, Seven No Trump!
Hi Krissy and iHusband4! Just had a lovely message from your Dad with terrific snaps. Glad you are persisting with running! Onward! Fight! Time for my ride. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Duhlink!
Trust you are well. Just wondering if you can advise where best to select drop-off location for car we will rent in York and use to travel to Cornwall and then back to London at the end of August. I think Stansted Airport might be best as I assume we could miss most of London and then take train to Mill Hill Broadway. Does this make sense? Any other location, towards south of city, coming from Cornwall? As well, any thoughts on Languedoc? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi "Snap-on" Pat, OK, i will likely take you up on your offer regarding the parkage. Will see either the you, Corinne late tomorrow afternoon. Too bad about Corinee and her Flu bug. Looking forward to the concert.
Trust you are well. Just wondering if you can advise where best to select drop-off location for car we will rent in York and use to travel to Cornwall and then back to London at the end of August. I think Stansted Airport might be best as I assume we could miss most of London and then take train to Mill Hill Broadway. Does this make sense? Any other location, towards south of city, coming from Cornwall? As well, any thoughts on Languedoc? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi "Snap-on" Pat, OK, i will likely take you up on your offer regarding the parkage. Will see either the you, Corinne late tomorrow afternoon. Too bad about Corinee and her Flu bug. Looking forward to the concert.
Good that you will be cycling along old byways and
with the company of the right ghost – better Wordsworth then his chum
Coleridge. Who needs to be under the influence of Laudanum.
On top of that, imagine trying to do that as you pedal your way clear across Xanadu, fording the sacred River Alph
in the process and ending
up on the otherside of a mysterious dream?
OK, a portraiture session this Fall will work. I will book you in Oct 20. A day should be enough to get over your jetlag. Just
kidding. bob
ps: Thanks for the photo which i suspect is from the roof of the other residence around Wall Street. I have attached a gaggle
of photos from recent times
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