Sunday, 30 June 2013

Pre-Departure Blues: Sunday, June 30th

The strength of a language does not lie in rejecting what is foreign but in assimilating it. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet, dramatist, novelist, and philosopher (1749-1832) 

Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage. -Ray Bradbury, writer (1920-2012) 



noun: A fat and slovenly person.


From Middle English fusty (smelly, moldy). Earliest documented use: 1600.


The first recorded use of the word is from Shakespeare's Henry IV in which Falstaff exclaims, "Away, you scullion! You rampallion! You fustilarian! I'll tickle your catastrophe." 

[Desi Arnaz, married to Lucille Ball, another MGM star. The two lived on their farm outside Chatsworth, California. They built their own swimming pool, playhouse, garden furniture.]

Hi Kids!  Just a brief note to thank O Susannah and Champagne Charlie for the most wonderful evening of bridge in recorded history! Food was stellare and so were high end bridge prizes. Thanks to The Penguin for the most appreciated ride to and from Bridge Centrale! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Giggster! Thanks, foist and formoist, for the simply wonderful, wonderful dinner, from both Coriandre and I. Also thoroughly enjoyed Bard. (Thanks to Jacob Two Two for valet chauffeur services!) Trust junket to Squamish and environs went well and was enjoyed by one and all. I trust you stopped for lattes as well as some Devil's Elbow India Pale Ale!

Had a grand ride lasterday. Had decided that I wasn't going to join Robo Man and Sneaky Pete out to Steveston as they were headed along the route with long stretches of gravel to take them to Shell Road but wasn't really sure where I was going to ride myself. Then read a message from Sarge when I was up to feed Maggster and he said he was meeting Nicolina and Marvinator on Spirit Trail at 10:00am to ride to Horseshoe Bay. Delighted to join them so we left Heartbreak Terrrace at 9:00am to make our way to SP. 

Plenty of cyclistii, pelotonii and dangerous touristii, but we made it unscathed, over Lions Gate. We had to dipsy doodle until The Kids arrived and when they did, Nicolin'a seat needed some adjusting. Once that was sorted out, we entered the No Ride Zone of Ambleside, carefully threading our way through the Good Burghers of West Van and their pesky pooches, spitting on their self-absorbed glares.

When I first heard about the ride, I wondered if Nicolina could manage hills and distance as I knew she didn't really cycle such routes. Anyway, Marvinator and I were ahead of the other two and a hill climb or two before Lighthouse Park I went ahead while Marvinator turned around to see how they were doing. By the time I reached Eagle Harbour Marina I decided I'd keep going. Earlier in ride Sarge had said that he wasn't planning on going into HB Village anyway so I thought since I wanted to do just that, I would probably still be able to catch up somewhere on return leg. Never happened so not sure exactly what transpired with Riders of the Lost Minds!

Had close to 60 K on the clock by the time i was back in enemy territory so thought I'd make my way back along Spirit Trail and then along Harbourside. Very quiet here so I didpsy doodled quite pleasantly to chalk up the klicks and just over 75 K on the trusty odometre by the time I was making for the bridge approach. Noticed another rider at the corner of MD and Taylor Way where we turn to go across the MD bridge. He passed me before we went over the river and I noticed a banana tucked into one of the pockets on his cycling jersey. Anyway, he hurtled ahead so I thought that was the last I'd see of him, coughing and sputtering as I was from the dust he left in his wake. 

However, on the long, long climb to the crest of the LG span, I caught up to him and could easily have passed him but decided not to do so. However, he pulled aside just after the last set of uprights before SP and I went ahead. Thought about snatching his banana as I went by, gobbling it down and leaving the skin as a hazard but thought that was too, too Hungerford making!

Once off the Causeway, he came up beside me on SP Drive and we started chatting. Rode together all the way down PPH and I learned that he had just come from Cypress, a regular ride for him. We introduced ourselves and I learned that Ryan lived in Kits, (15th/ Waterloo), and it takes him about an hour to get to first lookout point on ascent. Not exactly sure where that is but he said steepest part of ride was probably getting out of West Van. About 15 K of steady slogging up Cypress, as you may know, but nothing overly steep I gather. 

Anyway, we parted at N Lagoon Dr as I wanted to do one PPHL, to give me at least 100 K by ride's end. Ryan, for his part, said he had had enough climbing for the day and we laughed. Really pleasant young chap and I hope we bump into each other again. Told him I would steal his banana next time! In spite of the fact that I hadn't done such a taxing ride as Ryan I felt pretty
pleased with how I felt and was soon making my way towards the bottleneck of English Bay. Pleased that it wasn't nearly as bad as I had anticipated and was prety smooth sailing from there on to return to The Heartache Hotel with 101.4 K over 4:52:45, AVG 20.7 KPH, MAX 55.0 KPH. 
 Had a large java, (Grande verging towards a Venti!), and a bite to eat, (piece, Grande verging towards a Venti!) of overleft cheesecake dessert from Thursday's feast!), before giving my Madone a thorough de-greasing, (bourbon porch-climber), wash, (Cora Lee's unguents), shine, (with Maggie's tail), and lube, (sustainable salmon oil.) Might ask Obi Wan Coby to show me fine tuneage, in next few days, if that woiks!

Put together a plate of hors d'oeuvres and at 4;30 The Penguin and her Mother, Gladys Knight and the Pips, picked us up and we made for the Pitchforks who live on Rosemont Drive just of Kerr. We sat outside on their comfortable patio and had a great evening of bridge. Since there were six of us, we rotated. O Susannah and Champagne were busy preparing food, etc., so four of us played first. When It was my turn to sit out Charlie showed me their recently redecorated den and I watched first day of the Tour de France on a 60" screen. I almost didn't want to go back upstairs to play more cards! 

Glad that I did, however, a I had some very powerful hands. Funnily enough, some of most interesting ones were contracts I managed to eke out with overcalls. One, in particular, 5 Diamonds, where Cora Lee's hand was a perfect meld with mine. More Good Luck than Manageement as Dusty is wont to say! Anyway, it was more than a delightful, delightful evening, all around, from food, to company, to cards, to air temperature. Late afternoon sun was very hot and we had to move umbrella a number of times to shade players. Light breeze, wafting across patio, made it perfect and even later in the evening, (We stayed outside until after 11:00 pm.), one didn't need a sweater. 

First truly summer day/evening I think and what heaven it was. (I imagine climb up Chief might have been a scorcher!) Not sure about when I will ride today but I'll give you a call and maybe we can stitch something together. Cheers, Il Conduttore! 

Thanks Patrick I appreciate your kind and thoughtful feedback. Regards, Graeme

Hi again, Graeme!

I see from Legacy's newsletter that you are doing another tasting there. I've forwarded that message to some of my other friends who weren't able to attend one at Edgemont. By chance, close friend, Peter Lighthall, (Part of group with a share in Shelter Point cask), from Naramata, was visiting last week. He is a close friend of Fred Wuhrer, from Saanich, who heads up the Sydney Whisky Tasting Society. 

From what you mentioned during your talk, I assume you may well know Fred. At any rate, he had given Peter a small bottle, 196 ml, of Kavalan Soloist. We tasted it against three malts I had "hooded", (My Mom was a great knitter and I asked her to make bottle socks for blind tastings and I'm now using them for malts as well.): Ardbeg Galileo, 76.92 Ticks all the boxes, [26 years old from Mortlach], a Scotch Malt Whiskey Society offering I bought at the Silent Auction at the VWF Dram Come True this past May 31st and the Mackinlay Shackleton re-creation. 

The blended malt paled in comparison to others and everyone seemed to prefer the Soloist over it as well. However, I must say that when I first tried the Nimrod "house" malt, last December, as a treat to myself for my 65th, I, and others, found it a very tasty drop indeed. Again, Buona Fortuna with Victoria Caledonian! Happy Canada Day! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Paolo and Joan!

Thank you for coming and for the wonderful, wonderful desserts!

Think I had mentioned, on Thursday evening, the tasting done by Graeme Macaloney, earlier that week. I sent him a message thanking him for his efforts and had a note back from him this morning. Who knows, perhaps VC's first release may be at a future DCT! Thanks for kind wishes for our travels. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

  Hi Jugos Dom Pedro and Miranda/Johannes, The Hard of Hearing!

Thanks to everyone for bridge, food, hootch and hilarity! Wonderful to meet you both, Miranda and John. Hope that we can play more bridge when we return. You are both welcome to join our modest, weekly bridge gathering, should time, inclination and schedules allow. John, I'll pass along your email address to Whirlygig and he can contact you with an invitation. Not sure what will happen over summer months but who knows.

Trust all goes well with everyone, baby vines included! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Three Weddings and a Ferry Ride People!

Trust travel connezziones  went smoothly and wedding was fun. Just a short note to thank you both again for the wonderful wonderful visit and all your wonderful, wonderful gifts. Hope to have the snow peas and broccoli tonight. I'm spitting cherry pits onto the floor, as I scribe. Maggie is batting them all over the place, acting like a kitten! Guess I'll have to vacuum before Coriandre returns from praying for my black soul!

So that we wouldn't be too, too lonely, after you two abandoned us, we made sure we had another social engagement and had a lovely meal with Kerry, Tia Maria and Whirlygig that evening. Buona Fortuna on your exciting travels in China, dear, dear friends. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Raymond!

Glad to learn that you didn't stop for any lattes an such! Not sure about when I will ride today but I'll give you a call and maybe we can stitch something together. Sarge would like to ride fairly early on tomorrow morning so perhaps that might work as well. Cheers, Il Conduttore.

Hi Big Al!

No need to apologize for anything. We've been so busy I hardly know what day it is myself! I gather you are probably enjoying La Dolce Vita in Sunshine Valley this long weekend. Talk soon. Next weekend looks pretty good so far. Only have to pack my bag! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

 Hi Roberto!

Grand news. Buona Fortuna with sales! Peter and Lynne stayed with us this past Wednesday/Thursday. Had a wonderful evening of bridge on Wednesday with Peter's cousin, John, and his partner, Miranda. Cheers, Patrizzio 

Great story Patrick! 

Isn’t the love of whisky, shared with friends, just wonderful J Yes, I know Fred well – I have done various different ‘fun’ whisky tastings for his club.

Given that you can participate in our hands-on whisky academy and exclusive ‘founder-owner’ bottling’s, by either transferring existing RRSP monies from your mutual fund investments, or by putting $10k or more in to an RRSP, which when doubled up with the EBC, can get you up to $7k back in personal income taxes, are you interested to consider becoming a ‘Founder-Owner’? Best Regards, Graeme

Hi Graeme!

The offer is very, very attractive but, truth be told, I'm far more interested, at my age, 65, by and large, in sampling malt than in waiting for it and any related investments to mature. Selfish person that I am, I'm not too, too worried about leaving a legacy for my children. What ever I don't spend before going to the Great Pot Still in the Sky they are more than welcome to have and use as they see fit. But I'm not going to change my lifestyle to try and make that estate any larger. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Great philosophy J.  I will remove you from my ‘pester’ list. Best regards, Graeme                                                        

Hi Lads: Anyone keen to ride tomorrow morning, between 8-9:00 am, perhaps out to Iona? Let me know, one way or tother. Cheers, Patrizzio!

I am in to leaving at 8 30. Wayne

In the midst of house painting and need to use the cooler, earlier hours unfortunately. Ray
Today: UBC via 4th 33.4 k over 1:43:33, AVG 19.3 KPH, MAX 57.9 KPH, Dunbar at 16th to Blenheim. 

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