Hello Un-democratic People with Obvious Favourites!
Pleased that John and possibly, Miranda, (diplomatically forewarned, I note in passing!), will join us.
Since you, JDP, are obviously the Black Sheep of the family, it will be more than a pleasure to meet a balanced member of your clan! I'll be vacuuming, (I never stoop to dusting), when you are likely to arrive so please don't trip over the hose.
You'll need to send LL up to front entrance to call so that The Concierge can buzz you in. We'll work out, (ie. "argue"), about where you should park inside over the course of what looks like a frenetic day of errands and fashion advice for my debut at the US Consul's Prom!
On another matter, Sarge and I attended at tasting at Edgemont Village, yesterday evening, a Show-and-Tell conducted by Graeme Macaloney, as part of his effort to raise venture capital for the Victoria Caledonian Distillery and Brewpub. Project already has permission to build/renovate in a now empty wharehouse next to the quays where cruise ships dock. Talk about location, location! Think I can speak for Sarge when I say how much we both enjoyed his presentation.
![]() |
A peasant woman with a thread of gossamer in her hand
(detail from the painting Indian Summer)
Art: Józef Chelmonski (1849-1914)
As part of the "draw" we tasted two unnamed malts and when he revealed where they were from I think everyone was very surprised. One was the above mentioned, lower end Kavalan, (still about $180!), and a five year old Arran. Obviously the earlier to market the better the cash flow and this seems to be the evolving business model across the industry. However, according to Graeme and independent critics, such malts have being rated in the top 20 of all time best whiskys. At any rate, another whole conversation but I must say I was very impressed with the three year old and never imagined i would be.
After the spiel was over, a number of us repaired to the Edgemeont Wine Store, (Tasting took place in a funky bakery across the way!), where we were treated to two generous pours of the Scotch Malt Whisky Society bottlings, Passion-fruit scented candles, 58.1%, Cask No. 26.87, a Clynelish offering, $152.90, and A bag of boiled sweets, 62.9%, Cask No. G1.8, a grain offering from the North British Disillery, $206.90. Both most impressive and the latter an indication, again, of the move towards two other niche markets in the industry, Straight Rye and Pot Still Irish Whisky. Much to learn and much, much more to tipple!
Before leaving, we wished Graeme well, (He, in fact, stayed behind, at bakery, to talk hard business facts, (share offerings and the like), with earnest, aggressive young entrepreneur types.), in his endeavour and said we looked forward to the day when we could sip a dram of the first offering in the new Victorian Caledonian Distillery and Brewpub. Loads to talk about after you have thrown your saladin together! Travel safely. Fondestos to Lynn, whom I'm very much looking forward to seeing! Cheers, Patrick The Hurt! PS: Sorry Corny won't be joining us. I know just how it feels to be spurned!
Hi Sandra! Just recently I "connected" with Camilla and Ann on Linkedin. I don't have their regular email addresses and can't seem to post pictures on that system. At least I don't know how to do so. I mentioned to Camilla that I thought that there should be a tasting table in the incredible bathroom on third floor, I believe. In future, could it be arranged for malt to come out of the shower nozzles? Please pass along/share these snaps. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Nicotine Fiend! Get thy addiction behind thee, NOW!
Pleased you are mixing work and relaxation. O the life on VI! Glad we might be able to share in La Dolce Vita in Parksville with you two. Plans aplenty!!! Fondestos to Natalia, whom I'm very much looking forward to seeing again, and to you Heebie Jeebie Man! Cheers, Patrick The Unrelenting!
Hi Stompin' Trust you are well. Don't really use this system but thought I'd say hello when I saw your name on one of the updates! I have another binder of Stackettes archival material, if interested. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll have time to get together with you and Al before we leave for London on July 10th. Time is simply evaporating!
Lynne and Peter Lighthall are arriving today for two nights so it will be a busy time, playing bridge and tippling single malt, at least on the part of the insensitive husbands! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Camilla! Have sent some pics to Sandra as I couldn't find your email on VWF site. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Giggster! Thanks for weather report as I can't use my computer or see what's going on outside the window as Cora Lee won't let me take off the blindfold and handcuffs she insisted I wear for the kinky sex last night! Sometimes I think The Sisterhood is a wonderful secret society!
Give me a shout if and when it looks promising ad I'll see if I can find the key to the manacles! At any rate, it looks like a frenetic day of errands and fashion advice for my debut at the US Consul's Prom before bridge fest! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Can you tell me what time we r dining with u? What time is the writer's fest? I was going to do a chicken dish but don't have any chicken!! Lol so I took out sausages To BBQ and I will make a couscous salad . We r trying to figure out if we have time to stop by and see Avery .
Hi Flamin':
VWF event starts at 7:30 pm at Frederic Wood Theatre at UBC. We are planning to eat around 6:00ish, +/- , as things unfold or unravel, as it were! Cora Lee is doing some salmon on the bbq as well so she could pop the sasaugin on if you are pushed for time. Petros is making a Ceasare so don't worry about coucous if Avery comes before honouring your social obligazziones! All of this to be done in Darrow-like fashion with people coming and going, arguing at the top of their lungs and throwing beer bottles through neighbours' windows. People can munch when and as hungry so I wouldn't worry overmuch. This 'ain't Parksville, doncha know! Cheers, Il Scullione!
PS: I think I left the wine glass charms Vivacious and Sandra presented us with. Are they already around The Mounts? If so, we get glasses as well!
Hi Patrick, I'm not sure what I've done to earn such bitter invective. Perhaps the small sample of Kavalan Soloist I'm bringing you will sweeten you up a bit. Very interesting to hear of the lecture you and Sarge attended. My friend Fred Wuhrer in Saanich, who heads up the Sydney Whisky tasting society, has also been telling me about the revolution in whisky making, driven to a great extend as you suggest by cash flow and growing global demand (there must be a lot of old farts like us). Fred was telling me that the venerable Macallan brand is going away from age statements on most of their whiskies, except the 15-years olds and up.Thanks for all your hard work in preparing this special bridge occasion. See ya later, Peter
Chloe Alexis DunnMake your lunch plans around where the pig will be!!
Hi Paper Thin Skinned Pedro! Look into your recalcitrant heart, my boy, and the answer will come to you in a flask, (sorry, I meant to say "flash"), of cask strength light!
I forgot to mention that Graeme consults for Shelter Point and was very complimentary, genuinely so, about the operation. I guess that means he actually works for us! Keep the Soloist under your hat, (My absolute favourite, actually, from purloinage in New Orleans, you might wish to dis-remember!), until there are "just the two of us", a witty allusion, on my ever so humble part, to The Millionaires' oft spoken words regarding some high end wine that they are saving for when "There are just the four of us!
I gather Graeme would know Fred as part of "recruitment" process is obviously to speak to the converted, to meet with such societies as the one in Sydney. Graeme mentioned that global demand is stemming in large part, from China, India and Brazil, as you probably know. Last time we were with Stefano and Kathleen we visited a winery near Old Oak and it was shipping most of its production to China.
Another much needed market for the overproduction in last decade or more, I believe. Question of "quality" comes to mind, in my mind, to the extent that this is really a very, very hard business model, driven to make repectable product, of course, but above all to make money. Graeme stated, quite unequivocally, that goal is to build business to a certain point and then sell it to a conglomerate to better able giant to market niche product. Way of the world, I suppose but I think, believe, trust there will always be the Nichols, Marichels and Black Widows to keep artisan quality alive and well and living in Naramata!
Corinne Durston
Patrick in his Hong Kong suit on his way to American Embassy reception for writer Jeannette Walls!
- Sylvie Roy Wow bel homme! :0)
- Beverley Wittwer looking pretty spiffy Patrick xx
- Bob Altwein Look sharp, feel sharp!
Hi Courtier, waiting in the wings, Our Sometime Fellow Rider, now Our Ever Reluctant Pelotonian!
Sorry to learn that the Hard Working, Candle Burning Sisterhood won't be joining thistereven but delighted to accept kind invitazzione for Friday. As I quill and quire, I'm supping on a melange of refired, (sometimes my typing disorder comes up with a more appropriate word!), lentils, celery and sustainable oink, slathered in local hot sauce from St Martin! I can take reasonably fiery expressions but La Sensitiva needs but gentle flavours or else her stomach, lower intestinal tract and bowels revolteth. ("Oh, Knave, how revolting! How disgusting!" sayeth the Queen! Thanks for cutting Fauxpaws off at the pass. That pesky critter is always rearing its pesky head! Cheers, Il Volcanatore!
PS: Remind me to pass along some red and green, hot peppers, if you'd like them, to use for Friday's fire-breathing dragon affair!
PPHL: 33.1 k over 1:31:42. AVG 21.6 KPH, MAX 55.9 KPH
Sorry to learn that the Hard Working, Candle Burning Sisterhood won't be joining thistereven but delighted to accept kind invitazzione for Friday. As I quill and quire, I'm supping on a melange of refired, (sometimes my typing disorder comes up with a more appropriate word!), lentils, celery and sustainable oink, slathered in local hot sauce from St Martin! I can take reasonably fiery expressions but La Sensitiva needs but gentle flavours or else her stomach, lower intestinal tract and bowels revolteth. ("Oh, Knave, how revolting! How disgusting!" sayeth the Queen! Thanks for cutting Fauxpaws off at the pass. That pesky critter is always rearing its pesky head! Cheers, Il Volcanatore!
PS: Remind me to pass along some red and green, hot peppers, if you'd like them, to use for Friday's fire-breathing dragon affair!
PPHL: 33.1 k over 1:31:42. AVG 21.6 KPH, MAX 55.9 KPH
Hey Patrick,
for your interest in Montague Bikes. It sounds you have quite the
series of trips planned in the coming months. I'd be happy to send out a
Montague T-shirt for you
wear on your travels. What size would you need? We're a little low on
stock right now, so hopefully we have the appropriate size...Best Regards, Ryan
Patrick James Dunn US Consul's residence but still a blast!
Dear Audience:

Patrick James Dunn US Consul's residence but still a blast!
Dear Audience:
order to clear up a misconception that I, like many others, have (had)
with respect to deer and the scatology of said species, this profoundly
news-breaking report based on extensive research
will provide all with the true facts about the matter at hand.

spending almost two (2) decades traipsing through the regional
forest--some fourteen hundred (1,400) acres--nestled alongside my
previous homestead in Pefferlaw, Ontario, Canada (44.3500°
N, 79.1000° W), I sometimes felt something squishing beneath my feet
that looked much like dark-roasted coffee beans (SEE EXHIBIT
A--attached). It did not take me too long to determine that, indeed,
these were not coffee beans that may have fallen out of someone's
pocket, but rather were 'presents' left by deer that lived among the
tall white pines. Ever since arriving at that conclusion, I was forever
convinced that all deer droppings were as such regardless of the
deer's size, gender, place-of-birth, religious beliefs and
so on and so forth--a universal truth!
took me up until now to find out that I have been deluded these some
sixty years past. During my efforts on trying to cultivate a wee bit of
land midway up on Sugarloaf Mountain so that I
could grow some veggies, to my surprise I came across irrefutable proof
(SEE EXHIBIT B--attached) that 'presents' left by deer didn't
necessarily look like dark-roasted coffee beans.
You never know. Yours truly, TOOMUCHTIMEONMYHANDS
I can't help noticing that your scatological argument is built on
the unstated (and so far unproven) premise that the presents seen in
both photographs were left by deer. I suspect a Spurious Enthymeme.
Enthymeme n Logic
Sorry, but I don't have a time lapse camera. Just gotta take me for my word!
Dear Scatologists, Martinets et al!
As a seasoned hunter, tracker and scout for the Franklin Expedition, I can assure the Sparring Nitwits that each is wrong. The fecal matter, (At first glance, I assumed the droppings were the Kalamata olives which we were served for a snack on Saturday!), is neither from deer nor the elusive Enthymeme, Wild, Spurious or Domesticated. The common, garden variety of Enthymeme, indigenous to Nanaimo and Friar Tuck Way, in particular, leaves droppings which look very much like cigarette butts. I noticed many of these, scattered everywhere on the property, and, indeed, in the otherwise quite scrupulously clean house, right against Sugarloaf Mountain Park.
I will be more than pleased to mediate this name-calling rant at the next meeting of the NRBC since I feel it unlikely than any of the participants, either in rant or Book Club, will have bothered to read Indian Horse. Cheers, Patrizzio The Puppetmeister!
(Philosophy / Logic) an incomplete syllogism, in which one or more
premises are unexpressed as their truth is considered to be self-evident
2. (Philosophy / Logic) any argument some of whose premises are omitted as obvious
[via Latin from Greek enthumēma, from enthumeisthai to infer (literally: to have in the mind), from en-2 + thumos mind]
Dear Mr. Martinet:
Dear Mr. Martinet:
Sorry, but I don't have a time lapse camera. Just gotta take me for my word!
Dear Scatologists, Martinets et al!
As a seasoned hunter, tracker and scout for the Franklin Expedition, I can assure the Sparring Nitwits that each is wrong. The fecal matter, (At first glance, I assumed the droppings were the Kalamata olives which we were served for a snack on Saturday!), is neither from deer nor the elusive Enthymeme, Wild, Spurious or Domesticated. The common, garden variety of Enthymeme, indigenous to Nanaimo and Friar Tuck Way, in particular, leaves droppings which look very much like cigarette butts. I noticed many of these, scattered everywhere on the property, and, indeed, in the otherwise quite scrupulously clean house, right against Sugarloaf Mountain Park.
I will be more than pleased to mediate this name-calling rant at the next meeting of the NRBC since I feel it unlikely than any of the participants, either in rant or Book Club, will have bothered to read Indian Horse. Cheers, Patrizzio The Puppetmeister!
- Chloe Alexis Dunn Look at my Daddi O all dressed!!!
- Margareta Maunsbach Woaw! I'd never imagined you would wear anything but flowered shirts and clogs Hopefylle you had fun at the embassy!!
- Rebecca Frazier Looking good pat!! Ps I love Jeanette WallsPatrick James Dunn The New Me! Arrivederci Clogs and Hawaiian Shirts!!!
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