1. A coarse, vulgar-tongued woman.
2. A woman who sells fish.
1. A coarse, vulgar-tongued woman.
2. A woman who sells fish.
From fish, from Old English fisc (fish) + wife, from Old English wif (woman). Earliest documented use: 1523.
Billingsgate, London's famous fish market, was once known for the foul language of its fishmongers. Now the word
billingsgate has become synonymous with coarse language. Fishwife is
another word to come out of this trade, as in the expression "to swear
like a fishwife". It has not been determined who the winner might be in a
swearing contest between a fishwife and
a sailor.
Hi Patrick,
Hi Patrick,
I hope that my profanity hasn't seriously damaged our chances of
clean sheets in the Annex. I guess it also means I'll have the honour
of playing with the Raging Bull, while you and Sarge guarantee your
victory with your illegal, kicking-under-the-table,
winking and secret bidding system. No worries, I've learned to endure
loss with humility as you have so eruditely documented. It will just be
an honour to be in the company of one of Vancouver's intellectual
elites, freshly returned from a high level cultural
meeting at the US Consulate General. Looking forward to seeing you and
of course to absorbing any further abuse that might come my way.
Dear Penitent!
It is with much relief that I learn of the change in your erstwhile black and hardened heart. Your humility is becoming and I feel that a modicum of hope remains that you might now abandon your once troubled way for the true path of faith in your betters. To ensure that such is the case, I have but one last test for your hubristic mien to undergo. At the behest of The Sister of Unmercy, Prioress Coriandre of Victuals, I have been directed to ask you to prepare your saladin extraordinaire for the tables of card sharps and hangers-on, (eight acolytes and possibly four sycophants), for Wednesday, June 26th. I trust, that in the spirit of contrition you will bow your once proud, disdainful head and submit to a higher and wiser authority.
I remain, as ever, your Beacon of Light and Enlightenment in both Bridge and Life, Friar Four No Trump, Asking for Aces and More!
Just watched Darcis from Belgium take first set brilliantly from Nadal. No doubt Nadal will get there in the end. Trouble with Wimbledon is one gets involved and nothing else gets done, apart from refreshments.
Good idea on the innovative use of Laphraoig etc. I have "Extremely Rare" Glenmorangie unopened, same with
Distillers Edition Talisker , some other Gkenmorangie tasters, some
Aberlour, Highland Park and Bowmore(Mild Islay?). Apart from slowly
working my way through these and others almost empty, our
main drinks are Gin and tonic, whisky and ginger and various wines, ad
cask ales- and that is only Christine. I am due to visit a Yorkshire
vineyard on Wednesday night believe it or not.
I may be confused about the car and bike pick up and also confusing
you both. Since you mentioned the car hire from York I assumed you
wanted to pick up the car at the station and we would go in convoy to
the bike shop at the east end of town. Whatever
you intend we can work round it. (There is a Costa coffee in the
station) I agree that it would be unreasonable to expect Corinne to
negotiate York by car. The idea of the bike ride back to Wetherby was in
my mind but just let me know your preference for car
pick up etc. Chris has just commented that you may be picking the car
up after the Lakes visit- I shall quickly re-read your earlier email on
the subject.

We certainly don't want to dominate your visit to Yorkshire and
understand you will want to look round places yourselves. York and
Harrogate would be easy visits if we give you parking instructions, and
of course Wetherby for a coffee, beer, walk. If we
say three days for the Dales and Lakes, am I redundant as a Yorkshire
I upped the cycle level a little today and intend to slowly cycle further in anticipation of at least one longer ride with you however.
On the golf front, the Wednesday evening meal is relatively
informal and not at all grand but I am not sure about shorts as most of
the members are too old to want to display limbs. Given you arrive on
the Wednesday Chrs and I may want to change the evening
arrangements anyway.
We enjoyed the first day of the European Team Athletics
championships even thought it was a trifle windy. Janet's garden party
lasted two days the second of which was interrupted by very heavy
showers but they were pleased with the money they raised for
the RNLI.
Sorry I can't put to bed the car hire/cycle pick-up/York
pick-up/cycle ride to Wetherby, shopping arrangements for Wednesday 17
July but will do so with further input from you.
Incidentally, when do you arrive in the UK. Our phone nos. are attached.RegardsJim
Hello Sir Jim The Addled!
Sad as it makes me, I am forced to point out that The Sisterhood is right! As Christine has so wisely inferred, it was always our intention to collect the hire car at the end of our stay with you and Chris's, so it seems, fast dwindling supply of hootch! (Is it your dim-witlessness that causes her to tipple so heavily, I wonder? Cora Lee claims that I drive her to drink and distraction, so I have a modicum of sympathy for you and your long suffering, highly intelligent, gorgeous wife!) Hope this makes matters clearer regarding bike purchase and car pick-up.
I'd still like to pop by Evans after arriving In York, if possible, to test ride bikes and look at accessories, unless you think another time is more suitable. If shop thinks that one I decide upon can be road ready that morning/afternoon perhaps the two of us could ride back to Wetherby with the "domestiques" following a safe distance behind, in the support vehicle! To this end, would you have time to call and ask whether this might be the case. Based on reply, I'll let you determine feasibility or ride, shopping opportunity for said domestiques, latte breaks, etc.
With respect to Duty Free, it seems as if I'll need to enquire about the availability of a cask, let alone cask strength, to satisfy Chris' prodigious thirst for the Demon Rum, etc. (If I determine that more than a litre bottle is not available, I'll bring a keg of GI Bitter. This will mean that Cora Lee won't be able to have a suitcase but she is quite pleased about this eventuality as it will provide a reason to shop for new clothes once overseas!) Be curious to learn about Yorkshire vineyard and the varietals they grow. Cool climate vines, I suspect. We had some from Nova Scotia which Flamin' picked up on her last trip to visit her Mom, and was quite impressed so no reason that the Dales cannot become the Napa of the UK!!!
With respect to your redundancy as resident Yorkshire guide we simply didn't want you to feel that you had to be responsible for our every waking moment. When we have visitors, and we are delighted to do so, we spend time with them, of course, but usually suggest things to do, places to visit, etc., and leave them to decide how they'd like to spend a given day, meeting later for dinner. Something along those lines was what we had in mind so that you both could less constrained to attend to anything that your busy lives demand of you.
The long and the short of it is that we are happy to do almost anything, unchaperoned or otherwise! Naturally, of course, we are looking forward to the Lake District and any other day trips you might wish us to take. All very free and easy so please don't worry about having to "entertain" the Canadian Freeloaders every day for their entire stay! I mention this, in particular as it seems we might not be able to pry you away from the telly, anyway, given your mention of Wimbledon, but especially with the Tour on in July! Quite an excuse not to go riding, you rotter!
I'll have a pair of "long" pants along so I can hide my knobbly knees in case we make it to The Club, eh old boy, there's a good chap! Pleased that the RNLI garden party raised money in spite of nasty weather. In a similar vein, it was supposed to be sunny all day yesterday, a wonderful forecast for organizers of Greek Day in Kitsilano. Broadway is closed between Macdonald and Alma with all sorts of food booths, cultural stages, beer gardens etc. Unfortunately, it started to drizzle around noon and lasted all afternoon.
I had arranged to ride with Sarge and Robo Ray that morning so Sarge and I met him on Maple and 25th, at 9:30 am. When I first saw him I didn't recognize him as rider was wearing a bright orange T-shirt and I'd never seen such garb on Kale Man. When we were close enough I realized that he was, in fact, wearing, for the very first time, a shirt I'd given him last summer, a Keo Beer, (local tipple from Cyprus), emblazoned, very, very expensive garment! I wanted him to take it off for two reasons: In the first instance I deemed it was far too good for riding, really a dress T-shirt, not meant for gardening or cycling at all. Secondly, it matched my Trek Madone so if anyone was going to wear it, it should have been me!
Laughing, we continued to make our way, following Cypress to eventually end up on Kent. Neither of them had been on this route for some time so were pleased to ride this way again. Once we reached Boundary, (street between Vancouver and Burnaby, hence the name.), we continued on into the Glenlyon Business Park where the wide, well paved, empty streets were most enjoyable to ride upon.
Toward the end of the site we took Marine Way to Stewardson Way which lead rather nicely onto the bike path over the Queensborough Bridge. At this point Sarge wanted to return via the bike path running parallel tot he Sky Train, out of New Westminster, into Burnaby and then Vancouver. I don't especially care for this route as there are many, many streets to cross even though it is a dedicated bike path. This being the case, Raymondo opted to join me, (He said he always thought that this route was what we had decided upon when we made for New West anyway.), returning via Westminster Hwy, once over bridge, and then River Road when in Richmond.
To my mind, a much more pleasant cycling route, right alon Fraser for much of the way. At any rate we sped along and around 11:11 am we were close to Vulcan Way and not far from the Cambie Sky Train Bridge. I estimated that Robo Man would be home by noon since he had some tutoring around 1:00 pm, I think, and needed to have a shower and more importantly, lunch! We made our way iver CSTB and then up Heather. At 49th Robo man suggested we turn left towards Oak instead of crossing to continue along regular route on Willow. Since I was planning to head out to UBC after I waved goodbye at Pine Crescent and 37th, anyway, I agreed. Unfortunately, light on Oak changed just before we could cross this busy thoroughfare so I dipsy doodled right onto Oak and then circled on 46th, assuming Raymondo was behind me. He wasn't! I assumed he may have waited, like a law abiding citizen, for light to change and then proceeded along 49th and thence homeward, at the appropriate cross street. Never saw him after that so this is all theoretical. Perhaps he is circling endlessly somewhere!
Once I'd decided I'd lost him, (sarge being first to jump ship!), I needed a bit of creative ingenuity to get across both Oak and Granville without the aforementioned domestiques. Practiced, by now, in the fin art of dipsy doodleing I was able to do so and was soon back on Marine Drive. Followed my tried and true Camosun/Imperial Loop and then a meandering circuit arounf Wesbrook Village and Maina nd West Malls at UBC to have 97 K on the clock at the bottom of the Foreshore Hill. Once near the Heartache Terrace I decided I could up the distance a bit so hurled myself along Lamey's Mill Rd and then Charleson Rd, more to try to bring up my AVG rather than to clock more distance. When back at Heartbreak Terrace I almost threw up my arms in a gesture of victory: AVG showed 20.0 K! Unfortunately, very distressed to relate that when I invoked odometre readings while at my laptop, 19.9 KPH reared its ugly head! Not at all sure what happened but I suspect some nefarious dealings by either Sarge or Robo or both! Still, a grand, grand ride of 111.7 K over 5:35:35, AVG 19.9 KPH, MAX 54.3 KPH.
Funnily enough, Sarge and Flamin' were just returning from Greek Days when I was putting away my bike and they told me about soggy outing there. It started to sprinkle when I was back on Marine Drive, more of a fine mist than a drizzle so not all that unpleasant and much better riding weather than baking sun. For his part, Sarge quite enjoyed his solo return as he'd not done much of that route before. (Will have to call Raymond as soon as I've posted this to see how he fared!) We'd been invited downstairs, by them, for a wonderful steak bbq so had a lovely evening to finish a very enjoyable day.
Not sure what will come of it but this is the message I sent to Montague:
Dear Foldable Bike People!
I will be traveling in Britain and France for the next three months, (as of July 10th), and I have ordered a Navigator from Evans Cycles in York. Have not yet decided between the 19" and 21" frame, until I test ride both.
Not a big deal but I thought that I would ask whether Montague might be interested in giving me a couple of your T shirts and I would wear them proudly, advertising your wares when I am in Yorkshire,(July), Cornwall, (August), and Languedoc. Tour de France went through the village of Neffiès, where I have rented a house, with friends, for September, a year or so ago. At the end of September I will be on a canal cruise, along the Canal du Midi, for two weeks, and will suggest to the company that perhaps they should consider offering foldable bikes, Bikes that they provide are fine for riding along the canal but my friends and I are interested in exploring the surrounding countryside and your foldable road bike is the perfect solution!
Anyway, thought I's see what you think of making me an "unofficial" company rep. Of course, I understand if you are unable to provide me with a shirt or shirts. Cheers, Patrick Dunn!
Perhaps I should send same message to Evans! Be wonderful if they waived cost of bike AND threw in some cycling gear!!! Then I could afford Chris's hootch! Best wishes from my Sisterhood to your own! Cheers, Patrizzio!
will be fine. A grand salad it will be. You can leave out the lemons
from your list of requested ingredients. From you I request the
following: 2
eggs, olive oil, garlic, Dijon mustard and Worcestershire sauce. I’ll
source the rest.
Re bridge, I have taken the liberty of inviting my cousin John Coates, who lives nearby at 7th
and Granville. He is a quite competent duplicate
player. I expect he will help to raise the overall level of play. It
was the only way we could find to connect so that he could present me
with a seedling of a heritage grapevine from his late father’s (my Uncle
Jack’s) Oliver garden. If that meets your
approval, can you please provide me with some guidance as to where and when John should arrive?
You suggest in your flowery (some might say overblown) prose that there may be sycophants. Does that mean the girls are attending and are not going to the VWF event? If girls are attending, and if it would be appropriate, should I also tell John that he could bring his lovely lady, an even more competent duplicate player? If that would make too many players, let me know and I won’t mention it to John.
You suggest in your flowery (some might say overblown) prose that there may be sycophants. Does that mean the girls are attending and are not going to the VWF event? If girls are attending, and if it would be appropriate, should I also tell John that he could bring his lovely lady, an even more competent duplicate player? If that would make too many players, let me know and I won’t mention it to John.
Hail Caesar, render unto Caesar etc. Cheers, Peter Overblown, indeed, Sir!
I can provide you with some guidance in humility for all your impudence and rudeness, you ingrate. Soiled sheets, with the odd bedbug for goodly measure, at the Annexe for you, you heritage snob of the most overweening kind!
By all means, invite Cornelius as well, while you are at it. I thought that Flamin' and Sarge were Freeloaders but you Naramatians and your kith and kin take the cake! Be delighted to meet John and his wife and if you think that they can manage Ragin' and I, they are more than welcome to the bridge fray. You, (Lynne really, if truth be told!), will have reserved parking so not sure how you want to manage how they will get here. I'll attach some directions but let them know that access via our patio isn't possible as a result of on-going construction. Not a big deal but a complication, nonetheless.
I have arranged, at more great expense, to have three tickets for the VWF event, (Flamin' is going as well.), but I'm sure I could obtain another if John's wife would like to join Sycophants instead of giving lessons. I suggested event, in the first place, as I know LL isn't keen on bridge, or its malt swigging adherents, so thought this might be a way to contain her suppressed rage. I presume to think John's unnamed, gorgeous wife, might wish to stay and act as Overseer for The Sisterhood. Elaine, of Ted/Elaine, will be playing so some female support to be had. Just let me know, either way, as soon as you can.
Finally, thought that you might like to know, given your first appropriate salutation that I'm off to see CAESAR MUST DIE, (Cesare deve morire), this evening at Vancity, 7:00pm:
I can provide you with some guidance in humility for all your impudence and rudeness, you ingrate. Soiled sheets, with the odd bedbug for goodly measure, at the Annexe for you, you heritage snob of the most overweening kind!
By all means, invite Cornelius as well, while you are at it. I thought that Flamin' and Sarge were Freeloaders but you Naramatians and your kith and kin take the cake! Be delighted to meet John and his wife and if you think that they can manage Ragin' and I, they are more than welcome to the bridge fray. You, (Lynne really, if truth be told!), will have reserved parking so not sure how you want to manage how they will get here. I'll attach some directions but let them know that access via our patio isn't possible as a result of on-going construction. Not a big deal but a complication, nonetheless.
I have arranged, at more great expense, to have three tickets for the VWF event, (Flamin' is going as well.), but I'm sure I could obtain another if John's wife would like to join Sycophants instead of giving lessons. I suggested event, in the first place, as I know LL isn't keen on bridge, or its malt swigging adherents, so thought this might be a way to contain her suppressed rage. I presume to think John's unnamed, gorgeous wife, might wish to stay and act as Overseer for The Sisterhood. Elaine, of Ted/Elaine, will be playing so some female support to be had. Just let me know, either way, as soon as you can.
Finally, thought that you might like to know, given your first appropriate salutation that I'm off to see CAESAR MUST DIE, (Cesare deve morire), this evening at Vancity, 7:00pm:
Winner of the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival last year, this powerful, gripping film marks a return to the world stage for the Taviani brothers, whose illustrious art-house career includes Padre Padrone, The Night of the Shooting Stars and Good Morning, Babylon.
Filmed in a documentary style in Rome’s high security Rebibbia prison, the movie chronicles a production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar performed by the inmates just a few miles from where the Roman emperor was assassinated. The actors are real life murderers, mafiosi and drug dealers, and their performances slip subtly between Shakespeare’s text and their own contemporary argot, blurring the lines (literally) between past and present, art and life… But complicating things even further, the Tavianis scripted everything, off-stage as well as on, so what we take for "reality" is every bit as artificial as the play itself - and just as true.
Let me know about Wednesday's plots! Cheers, Brutus!
Dear Sir Seedy Seedling!
Please find attached the Direzziones to the Bridge Capital of Granville Island! I won't be home from my liaison with US Consul General until shortly after 6:00ish but John and company are welcome earlier. Coramandle will be here, vacuuming, peeling potatoes, etc., but you are welcome to key to malt cupboard. Cheers, The Duplicate Director!
B, Would love to join you Monday night but I have been seconded by the sisterhood.
Enjoy your ride today -- looks promising. The ides of June. W
Hi Giorgio!
Gather you are well yoked! Too, too bad but I could see it coming a mile away. Thought I'd pen this while waiting, hoping, that rain will let up somewhat. I need to go to RBC on 4th & Balsam to pick up some €'s for deposit for Beau Soliel. €250 isn't due until August 1st but it's easier to pay here, (Simon Collins lives near the corner of 25th and Highbury.), than arranging payment when we are overseas.
More than glad that I had arranged to ride with Sarge and Robo Ray Sunday morning, given abysmal forecast and reality of weather. Still no confirmation on menu from Cora Lee but Jugos Dom Pedro is doing a Caesare and I've asked Elaine to bring dessert. I think we'll be doing chicken on the bbq so perhaps an ancient grain dish from you, along with some of your catch and release trout for yourselves! Best wishes from my Sisterhood to your own! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Trev! Can only sympathize with you and Teens at this point in time, in terms of elder care. As you know, I certainly didn't have such difficult health issues to deal with, by and large, with respect to Mom. Nevertheless, trying situations no matter how much you do or have to do. Emotionally it is also draining, not the least of which is being faced with the mortality of loved ones and indeed, one's own life course. Best wishes from my Sisterhood to your own! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Bob! Great to see you last night. Glad everything worked out so well with parking, concert and then visit. Back Story to Sunday morning/afternoon, included, in case you are mildly interested! Best wishes from my Sisterhood, (Flamin' and Cora Lee), to you. Cheers, Snap-to-It, (says Die Direktoren!), Patrizzio! Pics: Maggster; Avery with her Mom, Rebecca; Sarge with Avery.
Hi Chloë! I really liked the cake, etc., as well as the remarks! Great to see Bob Altwein last night. He parked his car in your spot before going to a concert a Performance Works, then stayed for a drink afterwards, at Sutherlands. We were invited for dinner. Marvinator and Nicolina were there as well. Love and Cheers, Dad!
Pics: From Bob, Anna at his apartment; Ellie, his latest girlfriend, at her place on Salt Spring; butterfly and hummingbird from her garden; of Salt Spring.
Hi Patrick Just to let you know I'm home a little earlier (as in now) if that is better for you. Simon
Hi Gran Duggacio! Great to see you last week. Will have to do it more often once we are back in October. Cheers, Patrizzio!
very busy Sunday indeed, I do hope you secure sponsorship, although i hope the asked company reserve rights to consult your frame and the size of shirt gifted to you!!! No one wants their clothes to look badly on their model!!! xx sent Ray an email about Keg options, thought you would be happy to know!! how's my kitten??
Hi Keg Girl! Great that you sent a message to Raymond. I'm sure he'll appreciate information. Perhaps Montague will spring for your airfare to England so that you can consult on shirt size, colour, etc!
Maggs must have felt the vibes because just as I started to reply to your message she stretched, cleaned herself and then walked over to rub my leg and lick my shin. Don't think she likes the chopped up sardines I gave her for a snack, however. Purrs from Maggster! Love, Dad!
Pic: Forgot to send this snap of chowder Ellie made. Looks pretty good!
Hi Elim! How are you? Just thought I'd say hello after all these years. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat! Sat next to David Truelove at the staff luncheon last week & we were reminiscing about the days when I was an undergrad working in ILL! So many changes!
Hi again, Elim! I keep meaning to pop by ILL and say hello to everyone there as I ride past UBC quite regularly. Don't know where the time goes, however. Probably won't be until the Fall now as we are off to England and France on July 10th. Will spend about ten days in Yorkshire then a house exchange in Cornwall, (August), and Languedoc, for most of September. Tour de France went through the village of Neffiès, (where I have rented a house, with friends), a year or so ago. Looking forward to riding through the vineyards there. At the end of September we will be on a canal cruise, along the Canal du Midi, for two weeks so not back in Vancouver until October 19th.
Have seen Tom Shorthouse, (former Head of LL), and Al Soroka, (former Ref Lib at LL), a number of times of late. Don't know if you might know those names or not. Trust all goes well with you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Linda! Thought I'd say hello when I saw your name on one of the updates. Trust you are well. We have kept in touch, to a certain extent, with goings on in La Penita and Guayabitos through Agneta who you may know and who has just had a house built. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Paolo! Arranged for three tickets to Jeannette Walls' talk on Wednesday. Lynne, Flamin' and Cora Lee will attend while Peter and I and others play bridge! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ania! Thought I'd say hello when I saw your name on one of the updates. Trust you are well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Tracey! Thought I'd say hello when I saw your name on one of the updates. Trust you are well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, All is well with me but not nearly as interesting or fun sounding as your note. It's dull and rainy today, hardly the way to start the summer. I think I need to follow your example and get out and do some traveling. My next bit of vacation is filled up with re-tiling my bathroom floor and doing a bit of a kitchen makeover. I think a trip needs to be in my future! Enjoy your summer. Tracey
Hi again, Tracey! I know how you feel. I spent many holidays working on our house. Glad we are in a condo now but there is always something to do. We just just finished painting the spare bedroom after finally de-nesting our youngest daughter!
Don't want to bother you with technical questions, BUT, for some reason I cannot connect with some people on Linkedin. I think it has to do with the change from "interchange" to "mail". I know old address is still supposed to forward to new address. Even though I have changed address in my profile, I still run into glitches. Any ideas? Not a big deal, more annoying than anything else. I really don't do much with this network but I keep getting notices of one sort or another. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi El Presidente! From Flower vendor to CEO, my how your star shines! Loved the cake for David's retirement! Sent pictures to Chloë and she did as well, plus remarks, particularly ones at the end! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio, Scullion at present, but ever dreaming of climbing the corporate ladder to the top and beyond!
Hi Antonio! Trust you are well. Are you still playing squash?Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Graeme! Just to let you know I will be attending the whisky tasting with friend, Wayne Sutherland. Thanks. See you tomorrow. Cheers, Patrick!
Hi Darling! I endorse you with all my heart and soul! Love, Patrizzio!
Hi Kathryn! Thought I'd say hello when I saw your name on one of the updates. Trust you are well. I have a snap or two of you from Dram Come True. If you send me an email address I'll send them along. I don't think I can attach messages in Linkedin, at least as far as I know. If I'm wrong, let me know what to do and I'll post them here. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Kathryn! I'm like you, I hardly ever use Linkedin but I've found that sometimes it comes in handy to connect with people one has lost touch, with for whatever reasons. Here are some snaps from Dram. (Can you remind me of the name of chap between you and Paolo? I think we were introduced but I haven't the faintest now. Seeing Paul on Wednesday at the US Consul's reception for Jeannette Walls so I can ask him then. Just feel badly when I have to say: "And I don't know that fellow's name!") Really like Hycroft but think that there should be a tasting table in the bathroom. What a great shower. What tiles! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi, I have no idea who that fellow is. I think Paul may have introduced us but his name has evaporated. Best, Kathie
Dearest Vaporatta! I'm glad I'm not the only one, Vaporetto, that is! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Yes. Good idea! Hi Matt!
For some reason I cannot connect with some people on Linkedin. I think it has to do with the change from "interchange" to "mail". I know old address is still supposed to forward to new address. Even though I have changed address in my profile, I still run into glitches. This is the case with the present attempt to connect. Any ideas? Not a big deal, more annoying than anything else. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kurt and Natalia! How is kickin' the habit going? You know I won't let up until you STOP SMOKING! I trust the deck is finished and you are on to other projects.
Having two, or perhaps three, tables of bridge this coming Wednesday as close friends, Lynne and Peter are staying with us over 26th/27th. They have a gorgeous home on the Naramata Bench. Lynne and Cora Lee were classmates in Library School. I was a year ahead of them and taught them everything they know. Consequently, they know very little! The Sisterhood is actually going to hear Jeannette Walls, (The Glass Castle), be interviewed at UBC while the rest of us knock back malt and cheat at cards.
Giggenheimer, Kerriopolina and Tia Maria are coming. We need you as Director as Peter's cousin and his wife, (very good duplicadoes I understand), will be joining the card sharps. Ragin' Bull as well but he has been seeing a shrink ever since he played with you!
This has yet to be decided/determined but The Millionaires, Parksville friends, phoned last week to ask us if we would cat/house sit for them in January, when they are off jet-setting around the world. If this comes to pass, (I believe it will.), I hope you and Natalia might be able to come up for a day or so or more, depending on work schedules, etc. As well, I'm sure Whirlygig and K/TM would like to visit. I think I'll suggest NRBC too so it could be a month long party! Huge place right on the water so could be a blast. Anyway, I'll let you know as soon as I do and we can start to plan accordingly. Fondestos to lovely, lovely, long suffering Natalia and Cheers to the Nicotine Ogre, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! I've tried to phone all day. Are you that busy or still experiencing trouble with phones?
At any rate we were wondering if you could bring dessert, for about 12 people? Something simple and easy as we know how Hazel is in the kitchen! Hope this is not too, too onerous a request, coming so shortly after your full tilt wedding mode. At any rate let us know and we plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Chris! Thought I'd say hello when I saw your name on one of the updates. Trust you are well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Giggster!
How goes servitutde? No news seems like bad news! Are you up for a ride domani? Forecast doesn't look all that promising but I managed a rain-free errand ride this afternoon and then to Vancity and back. Too, too bad you couldn't have seen Cesare deve morire as it was fascinating, simply wonderful, given the play, the actors, the location, the director, everything.
Coriandre wonders if you might bring a cooked vegetable dish on Wednesday. In preparation for bidding, did you know that each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history? (Taken from the Pitchforks travel newsletter.)
Spades – King David
Hearts – Charlemagne
Clubs – Alexander the Great
Diamonds – Julius Caesar
Greetings from Rebibbia, alta sicurezza!
P, I will bring a roasted veggie dish on Wednesday. Let me know if there is anything more.
Sorry, I have a noon match today so will not ride. Also blood letting mid afternoon. Maybe Wednesday, if the monsoons ease up?
This from Wikipedia, confirming the Pitchfork's naming disorder is not;
- King of Diamonds: Caesar (presumably after Julius Caesar, dictator of the Roman Republic)
- King of Spades: David (a biblical king)
- King of Clubs: Alexander (king of Macedonia and ruler of one of the largest empires of the ancient world)
- King of Hearts: Charles (presumably after Charlemagne) W
Hi Carol!
Thought I'd say hello when I saw your name on one of the updates. Are you still in touch with Harriet and Paul? I've sent a number of messages but no response so I don't know if message isn't getting through or simply being ignored. Hope all is well with them. Haven't seen or heard from them since we visited in 2011.
We are hoping to spend American Thanksgiving in LA with Ayn and our grandsons, Pierre and Alexander, this coming November so if you are interested it might be fun to get together, schedules allowing. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Beatricce!
Trust you are well. Have you won the lottery yet? How go plans for wedding? We are hoping to spend American Thanksgiving in LA with Ayn and our grandsons, this coming November, so it might be fun to get together, schedules allowing. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Maret! Trust you are well. Fond regards to you and David from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Ski and Ronaldo! Trust you are both well. You are welcome in either Cornwall or Neffiès. Let me know, you abominable correspondents, and we'll plan accordingly! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! I thought that you might enjoy this snippet about John Foggerty since you introduced us to Blue Moon Swamp! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Ski and Ronaldo! Trust you are both well. You are welcome in either Cornwall or Neffiès. Let me know, you abominable correspondents, and we'll plan accordingly! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids! I thought that you might enjoy this snippet about John Foggerty since you introduced us to Blue Moon Swamp! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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