P, Good on Chloe -- sounds delicious. Cobby built a fry up to greet me after a very hot squash match -- oysters, onion rings, mashed spuds, broc.... Margarita at the door when i got off the bike. Fun all round. Look forward to hearing about Sunshine Valley. I am good for bridge on either night but would prefer Wednesday. Kerry would also like to get in on the intro bridge/coaching -- so maybe we should alternate with the gals. I am good for an up an over. I would prefer this morning. Let me know when. W
Hi Margaritaville!
Sounds as if you were pretty well taken care as well, especially after the pressure cooker squash match. Brings to mind a CLA conference I attended in Toronto one summer back in mid-80's. I knew somebody who played at a Canadian Armed Forces facility. Squash court was built inside a hanger-like structure, (Not even sure where in city it was now.), literally a box within a box. I was already dripping by the time I arrived, (walking through muggy, muggy air/water!), and then went from fireplace into fire. The court didn't have air-conditioning and it might have well have been a sauna, cranked to highest setting. Needed a Margarita after every shot let alone after each game! Most difficult aspect was avoiding small puddles of water on floor that inevitably formed from torrents streaming off our drenched gear. My sneakers even squish squished, much like ride last week when I was soaked from thundershower. With any luck we'll dodge rain drops this morning!
I'm ready to roll anytime you feel like heading out so give me shout and enough time to suit up. Cheers, Patrizzio!
At the Heartbreak Terraci? Did not want to call you back and disturb the C-sterhood. W
Enjoy the ride , gentlemen. Should be available later in the week. Ray
Hi Patrick
I said earlier that it might be best to see how the weather turned out before scheduling this trip.
Given it will be mid Summer and I particularly wanted to stay at somewhere we have stayed before, I have changed my mind and booked two nights July 21/22 at the Grange in Keswick. I couldn't get us booked earlier that weekend and hope that these days are OK by you both. This would mean our returning you to Wetherby (or elsewhere if you prefer) on Tuesday July 23. Regards, Jim

Arrangements for staying at The Grange sound wonderful. ( Suppose it is too, too much to hope that a bottle of Penfolds Grange Hermitage will be placed on the pillows of our rooms!) Dates are fine as well so thanks again for everything.
How did you spend Father's Day? We dined on a wonderful Indian meal, (salmon curry, rice, lentils and a very spicy yogurt raita, (tomatoe, cucumber, red onion, green chiliis, ginger and yogurt), all prepared by Chloë. Absolutely delish! Crème brûlée, from Stewart's at Granville Island, for dessert so treated royally!
On Saturday afternoon we drove up to Sunshine Valley, about 20 K east of Hope on Crowsnest Highway. (Wonder if you took this route, Hwy 3, when you visited Kimberly.), to enjoy a simply wonderful time with Colleen and Big Al, friends and riding mate. They bought this recreational property towards the end of this past February. Their more than comfortable cabin is less than 100 metres from the banks of the Sumallo River, a rainbow trout habitat. (We saw two, resting in a small pool, on our stroll shortly after arriving.) Sound of the rushing water forms the most peaceful soundscape. This combined with the clear mountain air made for wonderful sleeping.
Not as much cycling as I might have liked but a good reconnaissance expedition! Only a short 10 K, round trip, from their place to Lookout for Hope Slide. Wanted to ride from there to Bridal Falls, (virtually downhill all the way), but Cora Lee was volunteering for Aunt Leah's at Car Free Day, on Main and Broadway, (Main was blocked off from their all the way to 33rd, with booths of all sorts: volunteer/community organizations, food, jewellery, clothing, face painting, games for children, bands, etc.), on Sunday afternoon so timing simply wouldn't work. Ride the other way will be very, very challenging but would really like to try it. Probably not until November now but if weather cooperates, something to keep in mind. Not very impressive statistics but most enjoyable riding. Categorized as a "latte" outing in official record: Combined ride: 31.4 K over 2:17:39, (44 minutes for Hope Slide), AVG 13.6 KPH, (includes walking bike at Car Free, down Main from Broadway to 21st), MAX 47.6 KPH, (old Hope Princeton Highway).
Hoping to go for a longish ride today. Whirlygig, (Robo Man is still tutoring like a madman!), will come down to the Heartbreak Terrace and we'll attempt, (30% chance or showers), an up-and-over Lions Gate and then I'll head out to UBC afterwards. Thanks again for all the booking effort. Fondestos to you and Chris from Coriandre. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hello Bridge Players everywhere!
I believe Mick is tasting wine on the Naramata Bench so he cannot play, other than perhaps on Thursday. Sarge cannot play on Thursday. I'm open for either evening, as is Whirlygig. Will let Theodorakis let us know which date suits his grandparenting schedule and then confirm date, time and locazzione. We are welcome at the Islay Inn unless I receive notice of another venue. Please let me know as soon as you are able. Thanks and Cheers, Il Conduttore! We can come to my place. Wayne
Hi Lads: Thanks for hosting, Sarge! Just waiting for Theodorakis who never reads his email!
On another bridge matter, Peter Lighthall, aka Jugos Dom Pedro, will be in Vancouver, with The Divine Miss L, staying in Luxury, Sheer Luxury, at The Annexe, on June 26th and 27th. I'm trying to put together two tables of bridge on the 26th so that we can all benefit from The Supercilious Naramatian's duplicate skills. Please RSVP if you'd like to be part of the august crowd of awestruck learners. It goes without saying that The Sisterhood is welcome, as well, and if peopleage so desire, we could make a pot-luck dinner out of the occassione. Let me know if you are interested/able to make this fun-filled, wild bidding, malt poundin', werewolf howlin' night! Cheers, Patrizzio! The 26th works for me. Wayne
Look its Cornwall!!!! mom/dad you should go to this hotel for a meal or something....it look Divine!!! xx
Hi Goils! Apparently this is where Ayn is staying when she visits! We might come over to steal the bath towels!!! Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio! PS: Have you recovered from your run Krissy?
Hi Kids! Modify away! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Looks good. Wayne
Short and succinct !! I knew u had it in u !! Looks good Michele
Do you want them printed in color. If so how many. W
Yes that would be great. One for each condo and a couple to post on the boards. Thanks, Corinne
Greetings Corinne & Patrick--
Just checking in to confirm that we will be checking into the Island Inn next week, and we are really looking forward to it. We will drive down on Wednesday (June 26) and stay over that night and on Thursday (June 27). We will be leaving early on Friday (June 28) as that is the day of the wedding (4:00 p.m. in Courtenay). Our return trip plans are still a little bit up in the air, but I don't think that we will be stopping in Vancouver on our way home since we don't have to deal with the Chinese visas business this trip.
Right now the plan is to get an early ferry out of Victoria on Wednesday, July 3 and come all the way home that day. Hope this all jibes (mas o menas) with your recollections. We'll be in touch from somewhere en route to let you know our estimated ETA--it should be sometime in the mid-to late afternoon. It'll be great to see you and have a visit.
Cheers for now, Lynnie XOXO P.S. Any requests for Okanagan goodies?
Hello Dearest and Favourite Naramatians!
Lovely to hear from you and learn that all is still on for your coming visit. Yes, we have penciled you in for the 26th/27th so your room will be ready. We've invited Joan and Paul for dinner on the Thursday, the 27th. Tried Wednesday first but they have a Jazz Fest concert. Not sure of menu just yet but was thinking of requesting Jugos Dom Padro's fabulous Caesare saladin so let us know if he might be able to whip it up, given his fairly recent nasty emergency eye surgery! Sounded very traumatic but I gather all is reasonably well on this front, not having heard any more news to the contrary.
Had a wonderful, if brief, visit with Kathleen, on June 5th, over the course of the evening. She had been to Nashville and then Montreal, (a week each, on work related matters, I think), before coming to Vancouver. Stefano had just returned from a wonderful trip to China, with one of his brothers, a few days before she left Australia so he decided not to join her, although he dearly wanted to visit Nashville. Funnily enough, I'm pleased to report that I took delivery of my new MacAir, (For various reasons have decided upon this for travel purposes even though Lurking Lynne is not enamoured of this particular machina, I gather!), last Wednesday, 12th, coming from Shanghai, as you might presuppose! According to tracking system, it left city on same day, 5th, that Patti and Gavin, (Cora Lee's sister and brother-n-law), flew from there to Vancouver. They had been in China on a small group tour for about two weeks. (Guess we don't even have to change sheets for all these China Hands!)
We enjoyed wonderful weather the evening she was over. Really one of the first times we've been able to sit outside without sweaters and blankets and hot water bottles! O for the climes of The Naramata!
Cora Lee did some truly delicious lamb ribs and chops on bbq, along with brown rice mixed with rice/feta and mint, pan fried cherry tomatoes and a mixed bean salad, "boughten" but still very tasty, from Costco. Fresh raspberries with ice cream, (courtesy of Joanne), and gluten-free macaroons, vanilla and chocolate, for dessert. Gavin and I started out the evening with a some hefty snorts of Laphroaig Triple Wood, 48%, so we didn't really notice or pay attention to the Gatling gun bursts of disapproving looks and comments from the assembled Sisterhood, literally! Speaking of things malted, had a wonderful evening of tasting at Dram Come True on May 31st. Hosted a gathering here beforehand in order to have a "base" for the malt to follow. The non-imbibers, Joanne and Cora Lee, kindly chauffeured us to Hycroft after we'd eaten but refused to entertain any thoughts of collecting us after affair was over in spite of numerous lurid offers for recompense. Still puzzled! Have the tasting program so we can chat about offerings when you are here.
As well, wonder if you'd like to play bridge on Wednesday, JDP? We have been playing for last few months, once a week, with lads drawn from Book Club, Peleton and St Elsewhere, aka Ragin' Bull! If you'd like to ask lads from your bridge group we could probably stitch together two tables, or more, if we invite some of the affiliated Sisterhood. However, LL and Mme Coriandre might well prefer to sip wine and make mean remarks from afar. Let me know and I'll put the wheels in motion.
Thanks for you generous offer/inquiry regarding Okanagan "loot". Very thoughtful and kind but all we require is your company and friendship. We are truly delighted that you will be visiting/staying and are very much looking forward to catching up on everything since New Orleans! Is that just a fabulously pleasant memory? Did it actually happen or was it a dream? Seems so long ago now!
Best wishes from Cora Lee to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Patio and dinner, couple of Wednesdays ago; Gavin; Patti; Joanne, friend and neighbour; our tiny corner of Provence; a tavola at The Islay Inn. Dram Come True: Sarge being piped into Hycroft; The Scotch Malt Whiskey Society's tasting table; Kathy Shoemaker, didn't know chap in middle, and Paolo; pillar for support after numerous tastings; Swedish masseuses who will be at Beau Soleil this coming September, flanked by Heraldo, left, and Big Al, chatting about treatments for tired, aching muscles after exercise of one sort or another, on one of the many Hycroft patios, between tastings!
Hi, I know Patrick has been in touch but just wanted to say how much we are looking forward to see you both, Hugs Corinne
Hi Patricio and Corinne,
1. Yes, I’ll be happy to make a large Caesar saladin.
B Bridge on Wednesday would be great. I could check whether Byron Stewart is available for bridge (Anne would also come but only for dinks and food), otherwise I don’t think two tables are necessary as that’s a pretty big production.
I’m sure you’ll love the MacAir. I now have a Dell XPS Ultrabook that uses similar solid state technology and is highly portable. Cheers, looking forward to lots of laughs. Cheers, Peter
B Bridge on Wednesday would be great. I could check whether Byron Stewart is available for bridge (Anne would also come but only for dinks and food), otherwise I don’t think two tables are necessary as that’s a pretty big production.
I’m sure you’ll love the MacAir. I now have a Dell XPS Ultrabook that uses similar solid state technology and is highly portable. Cheers, looking forward to lots of laughs. Cheers, Peter
the Caesar salad – I’ll be happy to pick up the lettuce, croutons,
anchovies, and parmesan. Assume you will have garlic, lemon, mustard,
egg, and Worcestershire
sauce. Peter
Hi again, JDP the Pushy!
Will you have to go to Lo de Marcos for the anchovies? If so, bring back some local coffee beans, three blankets and four shrimp tacos to go! We will endeavour to have all the other ingredients you have listed so peremptorily!
On matters bridge, it won't be difficult to put two tables together so don't worry your pretty little head and your Ragin' Bull eyes!
Just to keep youse up-country upstarts in yer place, I have in my possession, as I pen, an Invitation to a Reception at the U.S. Consulate General's Residence, 1563 Matthews Avenue, on June 26, from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm, in honour of The Glass Castle author, Jeannette Walls, so whatcha think of dem apples, Jugos? I'm planning to go just to scope the "scene", (while you drink malt with Sarge!), but I thought that LL and Cora Lee, and now Anne, might be intereseted to attend the VWF event with Walls in conversation with Vancouver Sun feature writer, Denise Ryan, at 7:30 pm at UBC, while lads play cards. Just a thought but let me know as I'll obtain tickets if The Goils would like to go. Cheers and Go Garlic, Patrizzio The Lemonhearted!
Do any of the literati yonder know Robert Musil (b. 1880
klagenfurt, Austria-Hungary - d. 1942 Geneva) ? Came upon a little book
not much bigger than a chapbook of nine of his stories and essays in
translation published as a Penguin Modern Classic, "Flypaper."
As it happens I had been sent out by N Saturday to buy some
flypaper, but en route to Home Hardware wandered into a bookstore.
While browsing noticed this book pulled out of place and left leaning
front forward on the shelf. The title essay begins: "Tanglefoot
flypaper is approximately fourteen inches long and eighteen inches
wide; it is coated in poison paste and comes from Canada." This
followed by a meditation on dying flies. Arrived back home with only
the book.
I suppose everyone else studied this in a modern European literature class that day I slept in? Guy
Guy, Pat & I were thinkin we would see something in the next few weeks. Remind us which plays Nancy was working on. Thanks, G
She's done costumes for Twelfth Night and Hamlet. She's been going to
the dress rehearsals and now the previews, and says good things about
both. But she is very pumped about this production of Hamlet,
particularly Jonathan Young in the title role, and
the modern setting, ipads galore. Have also heard good things from
others who've been to a preview Saturday. Guy, Thanks. Sounds like Hamlet may be the one. G

Never heard of Musil so I was probably playing handball instead of going to the same class. Sounds interesting, almost in a Kafkaesque fashion.
Thanks for tips on Yorick and Company. Are you interested, Mr Forgetful, in going if we others can find a date? Perchance a meal at the Elsinore Inn beforehand should that work for one and all. Must away to find the DDT spray can! Cheers, Patrizzio The Exterminator, Silent Spring, VII!
Hi Morana!
Congratulations on your new job! Buona Fortuna!!!
Have you had any more thoughts on whether you might be coming to Languedoc, sometime in September? Don't worry, one way or another, but I'm trying to figure things out in terms of occupancy so would like to know, over next few weeks, if possible.
Branko came for bridge two weeks ago but have not seen him since then. He might be interested in Beau Soleil as well, dovetailing with a trip to Croatia, I suppose. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Marco: Trust you are well. Less than a month before we leave for London. Have you had any more thoughts on whether you might be coming to Languedoc, sometime in September? Don't worry, one way or another, but I'm trying to figure things out in terms of occupancy so would like to know, over next few weeks, if possible. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Why bother with the Montagu Navigator when you could get this. Cheap way to cross the channel.
Hi Raymond and Giggster!
I think the flying bike is the answer to all our prayers! Forget about crossing the Channel! What about the Atlantic? Quite a nifty design and overall concept. Think it may well appeal to those extreme sports nutters who jump off cliffs, para sail, etc. Not for me, just yet, at least until I've conquered Cypress!
We missed you this morning as it was a very pleasant up-and-over. Showers were threatened but none transpired, nothing but sun and blue sky, although some dark clouds over mountains looked a bit ominous at one point.
After we had completed our Lions Gate Grind we made for home again and I kept on out to UBC after Giorgio peeled off. (I spoke with Whirlygig a few moments ago so he know some of this.) On way up Foreshore Hill I was passed by to riders but overtook slower one before we reached the crest of the hill.
Near MOA he passed me again and joined up with his friend so I decided to see if I could keep up. Did so and they really pulled me along as we were going between 36-37 KPH once on divided highway, around 40-42 KPH towards end of stretch. This really helped my AVG as it was nothing to shout about given the lacklustre pace Whirlygig seems to enjoy without you along, Robo Man! Actually, first part of ride was most pleasant, chatting about all and sundry.
At any rate, I think I would have followed them along MD had it not been a week day. Don't like heavy truck traffic so turned down Crown and made my way back to Shaughnessy Golf Course and then up Camosun to Imperial. Back down to MD and then through Wesbrook Village and along 16th to Tolmie. (With construction on 16th and E Mall I have been avoiding this part of my regular l.) Took roundabout back through WV and onto MD to do a number of loops around parts of West, Main and East Malls so that I had 110 .3 K on the clock at the bottom of the FH. My fastest ever descent there, I think, or one of the fastest. I feel I could have topped 60 KPH but there was a "slowpoke" in front of me and I was worried about driver slowing down, all of a sudden, as I noticed some erratic weaving on Marine Drive, near MOA, as I made my way toward the turnoff.
Didn't even need any extra dipsy doodles around Kits Point to roll into Heartache Terrace with 121.2 K over 5:45:42, AVG 21.0 KPH, MAX 59.4 KPH, so was very pleased with all aspects of the most enjoyable outing.
As I mentioned to Giggster, might be a possibilty of riding with Big Al this coming Sunday, out Kent to Boundary and then through the industrial park there. Thought I'd let yyou know in case you might be interested. Weather looks rather "iffy" for longish rides, until Saturday. But who knows! Cheers, Patrizzio.
PS: Book I've mentioned to you both is Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith, his first novel. Thanks, by the way, Giorgio, for the Reacher book.
Hi Marilyn and Big Al! Just a quick note to thank you both for such a wonderful time in your more than wonderful Sunshine Valley palazzo! Just sorry that we couldn't have arrived sooner and stayed longer. Next time we'll be there for weeks!!! Thanks again for the lovely food and time together, whether on walks or riding or bridge lessons!
Robo Man sent this link and I think this is the answer to bypassing the Hope Slide grade:
As I mentioned to Giggster, might be a possibilty of riding with you this coming Sunday, out Kent to Boundary and then through the industrial park there. Thought I'd remind you just in case it has already slipped your busy mind! Weather looks rather "iffy" for longish rides, until the weekend, but who knows! Thanks again, Kids. Cheers, Patrizzio.
Pics: Just a few snaps for now. More when time allows.
Should be good for Sunday, if I don't
get caught up in painting or deck staining. Although, looking at those
stats, you might well be out of my league, Pat, and I may have to take
the areal route at 4000ft. for better wind assistance. Ray
Hi again, Raymond!
Just use the aerial approach for your deck and roof. No ladders and you can do the entire deck surface at one time without having to wait for portions to dry before moving along. Just "hover" and pour! More time for cycling, reading and watching recorded rugby. This machine was designed especially with you in mind. Talk about a labour saving device. Apparently next model will have a Tutor Robot so you won't even have to worry about lesson plans anymore either! Cheers, Patrizzio "Sky Pilot" Dunn!
Congratulations Tiptoe! Buona Fortuna!!! Cheers, Patrice!
Greetings Patrice, If I get in I'll have appointed as my wine selector. Love to all
Hi again, Lord Chardonnay!
Cora Lee wants The Shopping Portfolio, Chloe the Liquor Regulatory Board Chair. Please add Single Malt Consultant to my Ministry. Let the patronage begin!!! Cheers, Patrice!
Greetings from Big Sky Country,Getting ready to depart on Megabus for San Antonio, and the weekly commute...
After an eventful three-week trip to Taiwan and Korea at the end of
the semester (May 15 - June 2) I returned to warm climes and Ruth's
even warmer embrace (figuratively speaking), as well as ten eager
students taking my summer school class at Trinity.
Ruth and I had and have much to discuss, as I received an attractive
job offer in Taiwan: Dean of the International College at Tunghai
University, paying over 2 million dollars annual salary (these are
Taiwan dollars, but still...) Tunghai is a place close
to my heart, as my alma mater, Oberlin College, helped to establish it
in 1955. It features a chapel designed by I.M. Pei, and a liberal arts
and sciences curriculum modeled on the American system. My first step in
considering this offer is to try to set up
a collaborative arrangement with Trinity University.
All of our attention is now on our beloved Spurs, who are vying with the dastardly ghetto bling villain Miami Heat in the NBA championship finals, where we hold a 3-2 margin (needing one more victory) thanks to the heroics of the saintly Manu Ginobili in his return to the international stage last night. 6th and hopefully final game tomorrow night - I will be in SA but Ruth will be in Dallas and miss the victory riots which I plan to join fully.
All of our attention is now on our beloved Spurs, who are vying with the dastardly ghetto bling villain Miami Heat in the NBA championship finals, where we hold a 3-2 margin (needing one more victory) thanks to the heroics of the saintly Manu Ginobili in his return to the international stage last night. 6th and hopefully final game tomorrow night - I will be in SA but Ruth will be in Dallas and miss the victory riots which I plan to join fully.
The "magic coins" in the subject line refer to an unexpected gift
from Nick, the beverage manager at Truluck's (who remembers you fondly).
He leaned in last night and said that we "seemed like friendly people"
and "good customers," and slipped us two nougats
- good for free drinks and appetizers at any Trulucks in the world -
and sure enough, two of our drinks magically disappeared from the bill
that very night. So we are looking forward to testing the coins at
Trulucks elsewhere - and maybe show them off at other
fine establishments to shame them into free libations as well. Worth a
try, don't you think?

We will be in Vail for three weeks in July and August - welcome to join us for all or part of it! Best, Randy
Hi Texas Tornadoes!
Pleased that all goes well for everyone. Grand, as I say, to hear from you as have not done so in some time. I presumed you were both as busy as we seem to have been ever since returning in February! Will we have to stat referring to you as The Milionaires II? You'll spit on Magic Coins if so, presumably! (Please pass along best wishes to Nick and ask him when he plans to visit Vancouver!)
Thanks for the offer to visit in Vail but we are off to London on July 10th. With your millionaire's salary you'll now be able to visit us in Languedoc in September. Have rented Beau Soleil for whole month so grab flights and come and luxuriate along the Canal du Midi! Let us know if you might just squeeze in a tasting trip to France! Fondestos to you both from Coriandre. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pleased that all goes well for everyone. Grand, as I say, to hear from you as have not done so in some time. I presumed you were both as busy as we seem to have been ever since returning in February! Will we have to stat referring to you as The Milionaires II? You'll spit on Magic Coins if so, presumably! (Please pass along best wishes to Nick and ask him when he plans to visit Vancouver!)
Thanks for the offer to visit in Vail but we are off to London on July 10th. With your millionaire's salary you'll now be able to visit us in Languedoc in September. Have rented Beau Soleil for whole month so grab flights and come and luxuriate along the Canal du Midi! Let us know if you might just squeeze in a tasting trip to France! Fondestos to you both from Coriandre. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
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