Hi Toys R Us Guy!
You are now officially part of the elite "Toying Group"! Thanks for the other message for Paris in Summer. I know costs are obviously going to be higher in the city, especially in the Latin Quarter, but at least the price/week gives an indication of reasonableness of the monthly rate for Beau Soleil. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick James Dunn We belong to The Sisterhood Mutual Admiration Society! Yes we do!!
Hi Patrick and Corinne, Did we send you medical questionnaires recently or do you need us to send to you? If so, you can bring on the 29th. However, we can go ahead and provide the quote/coverage
before we get the copy for our records, if we know the levels. Thanks, Charlie
Thanks Charlie, I've done my through Pacific Blue Cross. Corinne
Hi Kids! Have been meaning to send
these along for ages! No excuses but plenty of reasons! Evening the
China Hands arrived, Cora Lee did some truly delicious lamb ribs and
chops on bbq, along with
brown rice mixed with rice/feta and mint, pan fried cherry tomatoes and
a mixed bean salad, "boughten" but still very tasty, from Costco. Fresh
raspberries with ice cream, (courtesy of Joanne), and gluten-free
macaroons, vanilla and chocolate, for dessert. Gavin and I started out
the evening with a some hefty snorts of Laphroaig Triple Wood, 48%, so
we didn't really notice or pay attention to the Gatling gun bursts of
disapproving looks and comments from the assembled
Sisterhood, literally! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Sorry, forgot to attach snapolas!

Hello Old Oakites! Wonderful to see
you, even if for but one glorious evening, Kathleen! Trust rest of your
stay went well. I presume you are back home, nose to the grindstone
now! Sorry I've not sent these along sooner. No
excuses but plenty of reasons. You should have been here, Stefano, but I
gather you just returned from a wonderful trip to China. Best wishes from Cora Lee to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Gloria! How wonderful to bump
into you in the hallway at Isaac Brock. Am sorry we didn't have more of
chance to visit longer. However, Corinne, my wife, and I are usually
back every summer so trust we can connect next time we are in Winnipeg. Did you have a "hospital" reunion? If so, trust it was as much fun, or more, than IB celebration.
stay in touch. If you are planning to visit Vancouver, at some point,
let us know. Depending on timing, etc., you are welcome to stay if you
don't mind a blow-up bed. Not a bad one, I must say. Patti, Corinne's
sister, and her husband, Gavin, have been sleeping on it since last
Wednesday with no complaints. They stopped off in Vancouver, back from
two weeks in China. They live in Petawawa.
Our youngest daughter,
Chloë, finally moved out at the beginning of April and took her bed
with her so we needed something fairly quickly. Won't be looking for
anything more permanent until after we are back from our next trip.
Leave on July 10th for London. Doing a house exchange in Cornwall for
all of August then Cora Lee is off to Italy for a little more than two
weeks with friends from her Book Club while I have rented a place in
Languedoc for September. On the 28th of that month we join close friends
on a barge trip on the Canal du Midi for two weeks. Return to
Vancouver on October 19th. Will probably need to sell inflatable bed,
and more, to help pay for trip once back! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick and Corinne: Thanks for these photos, and for the fond but rapidly receding memory of
a fun summer evening; it was great to meet Patty and Gavin, and your
neighbour Joanne.
I am writing from LAX while I wait for my ride over the water and back into winter / saltmines...Love and cheers from Kathleen xo
Dear Indentured One! I trust that your cruel employer will allow you a brief, recuperative respite before hurling you back into the Pitte of Despayre. If it helps you as you wade threw yon Slough of Desponde, know that, (on this side of the Pond), we continue to frolic, wantonly, dancing in Bacchanalian ecstasy, on Chloë's rooftop patio, consuming mind altering potables all the while!
Snap was actually taken by Rebekah, Patti's/Gavin's youngest daughter, this evening. I, alas, was not present at the Shrine of the Goddess, begriming, as I was, my hands at a Fix-it-Flat session at West Point Cyles. From all accounts the Celebrants enjoyed themselves at the Loft and then repaired to Commercial to dine at Havana, a trendy restaurant with a gallery/small theatre in back. For my part I quite enjoyed learning how to change a flat tire although I hope never to have to do such a thing, especially when whizzing along some of the Tour de France routes in Languedoc, this coming September!
I hear from Stefano, that you will be in Italy around the same time. Perchance, will you cross paths with The Travelling Sisterhood Book Club? Of course, you are welcome to stay at Beau Soleil should that fit your itinerary.
I must away to garb myself in Gortex. Alack and Alas, the rain returneth and I must cycle downtown this cloudy morn. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Robo Man: 53.3 K over 2:52:35, AVG 18.5 KPH, MAX 54.2 KPH, Fix-a-Flat 13.19 K over 45:55, AVG 17.2 KPH, MAX 31.5 KPH
Hi Patrick and Corinne, Did we send you medical questionnaires recently or do you need us to send to you? If so, you can bring on the 29th. However, we can go ahead and provide the quote/coverage
before we get the copy for our records, if we know the levels. Thanks, Charlie
Thanks Charlie, I've done my through Pacific Blue Cross. Corinne
Hi Kids! Have been meaning to send these along for ages! No excuses but plenty of reasons! Evening the China Hands arrived, Cora Lee did some truly delicious lamb ribs and chops on bbq, along with brown rice mixed with rice/feta and mint, pan fried cherry tomatoes and a mixed bean salad, "boughten" but still very tasty, from Costco. Fresh raspberries with ice cream, (courtesy of Joanne), and gluten-free macaroons, vanilla and chocolate, for dessert. Gavin and I started out the evening with a some hefty snorts of Laphroaig Triple Wood, 48%, so we didn't really notice or pay attention to the Gatling gun bursts of disapproving looks and comments from the assembled Sisterhood, literally! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Sorry, forgot to attach snapolas!
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Hi Gloria! How wonderful to bump into you in the hallway at Isaac Brock. Am sorry we didn't have more of chance to visit longer. However, Corinne, my wife, and I are usually back every summer so trust we can connect next time we are in Winnipeg. Did you have a "hospital" reunion? If so, trust it was as much fun, or more, than IB celebration.
Please stay in touch. If you are planning to visit Vancouver, at some point, let us know. Depending on timing, etc., you are welcome to stay if you don't mind a blow-up bed. Not a bad one, I must say. Patti, Corinne's sister, and her husband, Gavin, have been sleeping on it since last Wednesday with no complaints. They stopped off in Vancouver, back from two weeks in China. They live in Petawawa.
Our youngest daughter, Chloë, finally moved out at the beginning of April and took her bed with her so we needed something fairly quickly. Won't be looking for anything more permanent until after we are back from our next trip. Leave on July 10th for London. Doing a house exchange in Cornwall for all of August then Cora Lee is off to Italy for a little more than two weeks with friends from her Book Club while I have rented a place in Languedoc for September. On the 28th of that month we join close friends on a barge trip on the Canal du Midi for two weeks. Return to Vancouver on October 19th. Will probably need to sell inflatable bed, and more, to help pay for trip once back! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick and Corinne: Thanks for these photos, and for the fond but rapidly receding memory of a fun summer evening; it was great to meet Patty and Gavin, and your neighbour Joanne.
I am writing from LAX while I wait for my ride over the water and back into winter / saltmines...Love and cheers from Kathleen xo
Dear Indentured One! I trust that your cruel employer will allow you a brief, recuperative respite before hurling you back into the Pitte of Despayre. If it helps you as you wade threw yon Slough of Desponde, know that, (on this side of the Pond), we continue to frolic, wantonly, dancing in Bacchanalian ecstasy, on Chloë's rooftop patio, consuming mind altering potables all the while!
Snap was actually taken by Rebekah, Patti's/Gavin's youngest daughter, this evening. I, alas, was not present at the Shrine of the Goddess, begriming, as I was, my hands at a Fix-it-Flat session at West Point Cyles. From all accounts the Celebrants enjoyed themselves at the Loft and then repaired to Commercial to dine at Havana, a trendy restaurant with a gallery/small theatre in back. For my part I quite enjoyed learning how to change a flat tire although I hope never to have to do such a thing, especially when whizzing along some of the Tour de France routes in Languedoc, this coming September!
I hear from Stefano, that you will be in Italy around the same time. Perchance, will you cross paths with The Travelling Sisterhood Book Club? Of course, you are welcome to stay at Beau Soleil should that fit your itinerary.
I must away to garb myself in Gortex. Alack and Alas, the rain returneth and I must cycle downtown this cloudy morn. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Robo Man: 53.3 K over 2:52:35, AVG 18.5 KPH, MAX 54.2 KPH, Fix-a-Flat 13.19 K over 45:55, AVG 17.2 KPH, MAX 31.5 KPH
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