Friday, 6 December 2013

Under the "O", Clickety Clickety, #66, Bad Boy Birthday Blues: December 6th

If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner. -Nelson Mandela, activist, South African president, Nobel Peace Prize (1918-2013)  

Hello Not So Lurking Lynne and Granola Happy Planet Pedro!

First and foremost, lovely to hear from you both, Granola Pete, most recently, of course. I have a gargantuan guilt chip on my shoulder, not having replied to Lynne's newsy missive of November 13th. [Thank you for your good wishes and concerns over our travel back to Vancouver and your kind remarks regarding olivettis, etc. In fact, you people are the truly generous ones!] No excuses but plenty of reasons is my standard line in these situations and I seem to need to invoke it much more frequently of late!

Hi Happy Belated Birthday! Here is a birthday present for you. It is a good feeling video of people using ice as drums. You will smile while watching the video.Take care Rhoda

Wishing our naughty Poppa a very happy birthday from Los Angeles xox

Honestly cannot remember how much you knew or were informed of our latest mini-travel south to the warmer climes of Tinsel Town. Believe trip was mentioned over course of our last, all to brief, at least from our point of view, visit. However, everything is a blur, it seems, these days. If it's Tuesday it must be Bellingham! [Day we both returned from LA, I by car, First Class Coriandre by private jet!] 

Had a grand time, everything from wine tasting on way south, to visiting with friends, Portland, Berkeley), along the way. Stay in Simi Valley was wonderful and managed some great rides. Best effort was to ride into the San Fernanado Valley twice, in one day, first over Box Canyon and then over Santa Susana Pass. I knew the area pretty well, from stay the time we met you in New Orleans, and it was something I always wanted to attempt. Weather was 23º or 24º for most of the time so it was most pleasant. Cora Lee enjoyed pool and hot tub, of course! Had grand visits with Ayn and The Lost Burritos and our Thanksgiving dinner was loads of fun.
  • Patrick James Dunn Thanks indeed to everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes. I do apologize for not replying sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Had a fabulous birthday dinner and was spoiled with wonderful gifts. Tasting Rosie The Riveter's icing! Almost worth turning 66! Again, thanks and fondestos. Cheers!
I left LA this past Saturday, driving through the salmon run of Thanksgiving traffic on I-5, to stay overnight, back in Berkeley, with Nancy and David. Spent a lovely evening with them and then the next morning I headed into SF. I wanted to take in David Hockney: A Bigger Exhibition showing at the de Young Fine Arts Museums there. Had little difficulty, as my host intimated, finding the de Young. One small detour as most direct route was blocked, once I'd reached Golden Gate Park, due to a street closure. 

Garmin Goil was up to snuff, however, recalculating to save her electronic soul, so I was soon parking underground at the California Academy of Sciences. Short walk across a lovely park with a fountain, around which numerous local artists displayed their paintings, sculptures, etc. Felt almost as if I was back on the Left Bank with Mme. Coriandre!

Strolled around the front of the museum for a few minutes, snapping away, but wanted to try to do justice to the exhibition with time I had to spend so inside around 10:10 am. The exhibition is mounted on two floors and one is encouraged to start on the Lower Level. Did just this and can honestly say I was completely mesmerized for the full three and half hours I was there. Aside from the paintings, whether in acrylic or water-colour or charcoal, what I found absolutely fascinating were his works done on both his iPhone and iPad using a sketch feature of sorts, I gather. Not having an iPhone and not having used such a feature on the iPad, I wasn't familiar with this exact technological possibility. And it really is astounding! At least to me.

What is so exciting is that one is "virtually" there, looking over the artist's shoulder as he creates a given sketch, doodle or more complete landscape or portrait. Time-lapse photography is closest approximation to this technique, I should think. At any rate, it really was exciting, thrilling even, to see how he starts something and then proceeds to fill in detail. Literally, creation in the making. Once again, perhaps and obvious technique for those familiar with such possibilities but until you see it realized you say "Of course!" So simple but so insightful, so profound. What a remarkable look at the possibilities which digital media allow. I suppose it takes true artistic genius to realize what others simply don't see in the ordinary, in the gadgets we take so for granted that we don't see them for the magic tools they happen to be.

Another truly delightful display involved his so digital films, five or six relatively short works, (duration from about 9 minutes to 2-3 minutes, if I remember correctly), in which he has a number, (10?), of jugglers performing different routines, shot with numerous digital video cameras from different perspectives with the overlapping results shown on one huge wall screen composed of (18?), flat-screen monitors. One quite short clip was a multiple, parallel scene, three or four panels, unscripted play, more skit-like, with Hockney quasi directing the actors. Humorous written pages, left on desk tops or tables, could be read: Plan B, Plan B, (no script), and the like. I gather Hochney is a heavy smoker and many of his sketches include ashtrays filled with butts, his portraits often show individuals with cigarettes, and so on. One of the legible pages in this digital movie said something like: "We all face death whether we smoke or not." In another sketchbook, or painting, there appears quite a bit of text bemoaning the "bossyboots" of the world for draining the life out of everything with their political correctness. While smoking remains a legal addiction I much, much against, I do appreciate his stance on political correctness.

What I liked as much, perhaps even more, were the exhibits involving his sketchbooks. There were about 7 or 8 monitors, with some of the individual sketch books opened, displayed below, each showing the contents of two sketch books, covering, more or less, time spent in Yorkshire, London, Iceland and Spain. What an inspired way to show the contents of these "building block" sketches. One is able to identify early iterations of some landscapes and figures which find their way into larger and/or more complete works. Again, simply fascinating to glimpse the making of his art, in progress, so to speak, in such a dynamic, immediate way.

Since it was included in the price of the ticket, I took a very, very quick look at The Art of Bulgari: La Dolce Vita & Beyond, almost obscene in its opulence and ostentation when compared to Hockney's brilliant, brilliant  landscapes and riveting, intimate portraits. Made for Tinsel Town or Vegas there are 150 pieces which highlight the "pivotal period in the evolution of Bulgari's distinctive Italian style and the jewels loved and worn by celebrities and jet-setters, including several from the legendary collection of Elizabeth Taylor. 'The only word Elizabeth knows in Italian is Bulgari.'- Richard Burton". The Art of Vulgari it should have been called as, generally speaking, I am not drawn to this style. However, I suppose this jewelery is in the tradition of  Fabergé and I must admit some of the designs were remarkable.

Although I had spent almost four hours "devouring" art, I was famished once I left the museum and so ate the wonderful sandwich David had made for me. Delish in the extreme so I was most thankful for the needed sustenance! Since I was making for Redding I entered "Fairfield" into Garmin Goil's circuitry, while I munched, hoping she would lead me out of SF and across the Golden Gate as I'd not been over this bridge in some time. Took off as soon as my sandwich was gone but suspected, early on, that she was taking me back across the Bay Bridge. I didn't argue as it was almost 2:00 pm by then and I really didn't want to delay my journey north any longer, not relishing finding my own way to the Golden Gate Bridge and the necessary, right connections beyond, at this point.

Everything went very smoothly out of SF, (Have you ever visited Treasure Island, bye the bye? What is there?), as traffic wasn't too, too heavy, from the get go. Quite enjoyed traveling over the Bay Bridge, both ways, so that helped me over my disappointment at not going using Golden Gate. Was soon whizzing past Ashby Exit, waving to my hosts, then El Cerrito, San Pablo and Pinole to cross over the Carquinez Bridge, ($10 in tolls for the day, $20 for parking, not that I'm complaining, mind!), to head for Suisun City, Fairfield and then Vacaville, taking the I-505 N towards Winters/Redding here. 

Once I joined the I-5, just before Dunnigan, the traffic started to build up again so I decided I'd stay in Williams for the night, instead of pushing on to Redding. I was tired of fighting holiday traffic after Saturday's demanding drive. Furthermore, Redding is only about an hour and a bit further along so staying in Williams wouldn't add all that much time to my drive next day. More importantly, Jack's, (our favourite steak joint), is not open on Sunday. If it had been, I'd have made a point to get there. Stage Stop Inn, in Williams, is just fine, cheap and clean and with WiFi that works and but a block or so from Granzella's, for dinner/breakfast.

Next day I drove to Portland to overnight, again, with Marilyn and Mike, and enjoyed another wonderful meal and great good company. Next morning I made for Bellingham where I had arranged to stash four cases of wine with the grandmother, Elena, of on of Chloë's closest friends, Katie. A bit of dipsy doodling to find  Windward Drive in Belllingham as my Garmin Goil couldn't bring up street. Turned out it is in one of those developments off a golf course, Sudden Valley, so perhaps that is the reason. More through good luck than management, I happened across a local Tourist Information Centre and chap there was very helpful in setting me straight. Wine stored, I headed for the Peace Arch. Had to wait an hour at the border but otherwise everything went like clockwork.

Funnily enough, I was home only a few minutes before Coriandre. We'd just about unpacked our bags when her sister, Pam, and her colleague, Loreen, from Winnipeg and Thunder Bay, respectively, arrived for dinner. In town on business, Canadian Grain Commission, they have been in Vancouver since this past Sunday. Chloë came for dinner, as well as Clara and Dusty, so it was a family reunion. Flamin' and Sarge came up for a drink before they had to leave to curl

Busy weekend ahead. It is my 66th birthday today and we will have a family dinner with Clarisse, Coathanger and Chloë this evening. I plan to ride 66 km once the frost has dissipated! Cora Lee just left for a full day of meetings and volunteer shifts. She won't be home until 6:15 pm, after she closes Aunt Leah's Place Thrift Store near Broadway and Main. Good Heavens Mrs Evans, I'm to prepare most of my birthday dinner!

Saturday we have to buy our tree at the 54th and Granville lot, one of four Aunt Leah's tree lots across the city. We have shifts there this coming week. Part of Chloë's portfolio is Volunteer Coordinator so she is tapping her family and friends! In the evening we are having a potluck with two tables of bridge. Polly and Mick Carter, along with Whirlygig and Admiral Barnacle. [In fact, Branko was to join me on trip to California but two days before we were to leave he started to have some worrying heart issues so his physician didn't want him to travel. Since then he seems to have had things sorted out. I don't know the exact details but I suspect it has much to do with his not being able to handle stress, of any kind, particularly well. Suppose I'll now have to be rather gentle with him and his bidding! Rats!!!]

The other day we had our youth make gingerbread houses. The best part was after when they brought them to a local homeless shelter.]

Sunday, The Millionaires are in town so we are having dinner downstairs with Flamin' and Sarge. They left, early this morning, for Whitehorse, for a figure skating competition. They still do a fair bit of officiating/security work for Skate Canada. [Kitimat last weekend!] They are back at 8:00 am Sunday morning so we'll work out menu then. Grogg is bringing over either a Rehoboam or a Methuselah, (He's not sure of the bottle size!), of Osoyoos Larose. He didn't mention vintage. Will be interesting to see how it pans out. Without being mealy-mouthed, he often brings along vintages which have peaked. Occupational hazard when you have thousands of bottles of wine! I plan to suggest that he leave out two or three cases of "culls" when we house/cat sit for them in January. Speaking of which, please think about coming over to stay, plenty of room, if trip to VI might dovetail with a visit to your brother.  
Thanks very much for the tip on the Forty Creek - Heart of Gold. Interestingly enough, see that bottles are available at Broadway & Maple, Dunbar and Jericho Village but not at Cambie! Plan to pick up a bottle to give to myself for my birthday! Enjoy your malt tasting! I'm sure it will be wonderful.

Do wish, of course, that we were able to join you in Florida. [Just dawned on me that you will be there when we are in Parksville!] Ever since returning, Cora Lee has been wandering about our place, moaning about how cold it is, hankering for the warmer climes of Southern California. I know she would rather be in Florida than at Madroña Manor! Nevertheless, we'll drown our sorrows with Grogg's rejects, {perhaps!}, and think fondly of you two, under the palms, sipping drinks with tiny umbrellas, around the pool, glistening with allergen-free sun screen, eating gluten-free, ancient grain crackers, smothered in lactose-free unpasteurized cheese, and smoking the odd stogie! Both Cora Lee and I wish you both a safe, comfortable journey to Paradise and trust you spend the merriest Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year there. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Lumi!

Thank you for sending along link to blog. Enjoyed it. Glad you were able to use some of pics. Yes, we are back but everything is still a bit of a blur.
Must away as I have scads of errands to do. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Paolo!

Trust you are well on the road to full recovery! Hope we can see you two before Christmas, one way or another. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Good to hear you are home safe Patrick. I'm closing in on week 2 at home and I'm very pleased to be here. Progress is hard to judge but it is there I think. I'll give a call on the weekend to catch up. Cheers.....Paul

Stats for today's birthday ride:

Thought you would like to have your wisdom about taking your bike into the house confirmed. This is a few blocks up the hill from us. Hope you are having a stellar Birthday! Cact.

Dear neighbors -

Last night a visitor at our home had two bicycles stolen from a bicycle carrier attached to his car. The car was parked on Grand View Drive.  The bikes disappeared sometime between 10 pm last night and 10 am today.  If anyone saw anything amiss, please let me know.  Thank you. 

Hey Al, Does the Tuesday work for you?? I can do either but up to you and your schedule :)

Hi Chloe, and Pat..aka the social butterfly and or the kite biker.

Tuesday should work ok , the film people are scrambling and the schedule is out the window. I may get some last minute call and will have to play it by ear goes the film business. Cheers, A 
  • Colleen Teahan Waldron My darling Patricio....the biggest kid i know.... we miss you and look forward to celebrating with you when you come home!!!!
  • Ayn P Oh he's home...the State of CA sent him back!
  • Penny Doorbar Happy birthday PatRizzo! Xx
  • Henie Reisinger Happy birthday Poppa! xo

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear host father, Patrick!!
    Wishing you very happy birthday.
    My mom also says HAPPY BIRHTHDAY to you.
  2. Happy Birthday Pat! Xo

  3. Rebekah Balfourposted toPatrick James DunnHappy birthday Uncle Patrick!! Or should I say buon compleanno!!

  4. Bella M. Mercadoposted toPatrick James Dunn Happy birthday Patrick, where is the party?
  5. 29 friends posted on your timeline for your birthday.

    • Morana Peric wrote on your Timeline.

      Happy birthday, dear Patrick! :) Many freezing hugs from Croatia! *****

    • Margareta Maunsbach wrote on your Timeline.
      Happy Birthday Pat!!

    • Sylvie Roy wrote on your Timeline.
      Bonne fête Patrick! De Québec xxx
  6. Happy Birthday to my Dearest Cruel and Grumpiest Host Father Patrick James Dunn !

  7. Chloe Alexis Dunn Happy Birthday to my Daddy D!!!🍰️ enjoy your day, looking forward to celebrating with you tonight!!

  8. Ayn P Wishing our naughty Poppa a very happy birthday from Los Angeles xoxo 
    Happy Birthday Patrick Hope you have a great day, lots to eat and lots of good wine to drink.Enjoy Luv Kev and Bev xx



noun: Excess or redundancy.


From Latin nimius (too much). Ultimately from the Indo-European root ne (not), which also gave us nil, null, not, never, nothing, nihilism, annihilate, and naughty. Earliest documented use: 1542. 

Hi Patrick

Thanks so so much for your email.  Dec. 12th is a bit problematic for us as Eric arrives home  and I am not sure exactly the time of his flight.  Colin will know better. I realize Dec. 11 isn't so great for Corinne ?? 
What time of the day were you thinking of?

Glad to know your trip back from Portland was safe.  I really like Portland but time has been short so we have not managed to get there. 
I have been immersed in the European Film Festival at Pacific Cinematheque.  I have seen some wonderful films and some not so wonderful films.

It would be great to get together with you and please let Corinne know I thought the VPL fundraising campaign was clever and very good.
Cheers for now Jo-Anne 

Hi Joanne, the 11 is fine. Could you come at 7 pm? We will be selling christmas trees until 5. Look forward to seeing you both, Best Corinne

Happy Birthday Patrick Hope you have a great day, lots to eat and lots of good wine to drink. Enjoy Luv Kev and Bev xx 

Chloe Alexis Dunn posted on your Timeline
"Yippee!! it's your Birthday!!!! Happy Birthday Daddie O!!!! xxxxx"
  • 6 December

  • Takagaki Toshiko wrote on your timeline.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear host father, Patrick!!
    Wishing you very happy birthday.
    My mom also says HAPPY BIRHTHDAY to you.
    Hi Toshi! Thanks for birthday wishes from you and your Mom. Trust all goes well with you both. Fondestos, Patrizzio!

  • Gaelan Rescigno wrote on your timeline.
    Happy Birthday Pat! XoHi Gaelan! Thanks for birthday wishes! Congratulations to you on your new job! Bravo! Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • Rebekah Balfour wrote on your timeline.
    Happy birthday Uncle Patrick!! Or should I say buon compleanno!!Hi Rebekah! Thanks for the birthday compleannos! Sorry we didn't cross paths when in California. Timing was off, of course, but perhaps another time. Cheers, Uncle Patrizzio!

  • Bella M. Mercado wrote on your timeline.
    Happy birthday Patrick, where is the party? Hi Bella. Thanks for birthday wishes. Party was at the Islay Inn but just a family affair. Since you are "family' you and Aleberto should have been there! Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • Morana Peric wrote on your timeline.
    Happy birthday, dear Patrick! Many freezing hugs from Croatia! *****Hi Morana! Thanks for birthday wishes even if accompanied by sub-zero hugs! You should have stayed in Turkey! We should have stayed in California, (there for American Thanksgiving), as it's snowing as I write! Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • Margareta Maunsbach wrote on your timeline.
    Happy Birthday Pat!!
    • Hi Dottore! Thanks for birthday wishes! Wish we could have connected this past summer/fall. Time for you to return to Vancouver. Fondestos, Patrizzio!
    • Margareta Maunsbach I agree. Don't worry - I'll be back

  • Sylvie Roy wrote on your timeline.
    Bonne fête Patrick! De Québec xxxHi Sylvane! Thanks for birthday wishes. When are you going to make another trip west? Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • Robbie Romu wrote on your timeline.
    Happy Birthday Patricio!Thanks for birthday wishes, Robertito!

  • Chloe Alexis Dunn wrote on your timeline.
    Yippee!! it's your Birthday!!!! Happy Birthday Daddie O!!!! xxxxx
    • Great salad, Chloë!
    • Chloe Alexis Dunn you mean the dressing from 4 days ago? must be pretty strong now!!
    • Patrick James Dunn Was great for cleaning pine pitch off the floor around the tree stand!

  • Joe Meikle wrote on your timeline.
    Is it true you're like a fine wine? (Hoppy Bathday)

  • Nicole Lymann wrote on your timeline.
    Happy birthday pat!!!Thanks for the malted birthday greetings, Giuseppe! When are in ton for bridge? Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • Rebecca Frazier wrote on your timeline.
    Happy birthday Patricio!!! For he's a Jolly good fellow!!! Have a fabulous day from Rebecca and Avery!!Thanks for the birthday wishes, Kamloops Gals! Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • Jordan Hamlyn wrote on your timeline.
    Happy birthday Pat! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  • Jordan Hamlyn wrote on your timeline.
    Happy birthday Pat! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  • Nicole Marie wrote on your timeline.
    Happy Birthday Patrick James Dunn!! Hope you have a wonderful day.Thanks for birthday wishes and wonderful bottle of wine from you and Marvinator! Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • Wayne Sutherland wrote on your timeline.
    Happy Birthday Pat. Think about you in Whitehorse Thanks for birthday wishes from Whitehorse, Sarge. As well, thanks for grand cycling shirt! Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • David Kessler wrote on your timeline.
    I join the thousands who welcome il Condutore aboard to a higher level. All you need is one more 6 and you're cooking. In all seriousness, Happy Birthday, hip hip hooray, and I hope you did into some good malt before they close down the shop on this one.....Cheers! Thanks for birthday wishes, Cactus. Best malt is that which is consumed with friends so thanks for tipple this past visit at Villa Vicente! Cheers, Riiiiiiiiizzzzzzzo!

  • Roger Darrow wrote on your timeline.
    Happy Birthday to the Mayor of Grandville Island...I will raise a glass for you! Thanks for the birthday wishes, Roger the Dodger! Funny how my constituents pay me no heed so I do need to drown my thwarted political aspirations with many glasses of malt! Cheers, His Lordship, Mayor Dunn!

  • Carol Riera wrote on your timeline.
    Patrizio! Bonne fête de Quebec. See you in 2014!! xoxox Hi Choocheranian! Thanks for birthday wishes. Looking forward to seeing you too. Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • Marco Züllig wrote on your timeline.
    Happy happy Birthday Patrick. All the best Hello Marco! Thanks for birthday wishes. Too, too bad that we were not able to see one another this past summer /fall when we were in France. You need to think about opening a branch office in Vancouver! Cheers, Patrizzio!

  • June Burton wrote on your timeline.
    Happy birthday, Patrick. Hi June! Thanks for birthday wishes. Had a grand visit with Lauren, close friend of Lisa's, this past November, when we were down in Simi Valley for American Thanksgiving. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

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