Hi Bev and Kev!
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! Much appreciated. Had a note from Trevor and Teens recently and they mentioned that they are experiencing unseasonable weather there. How about Perth?
Tree trimming time at the Islay Inn on Sunday so I sawed off the stump before
we brought the Grand Fir inside to put it in its stand, atop the three plastic milk cases Cora Lee had lashed together. We put the stand on this base so that there is plenty of space for inordinately large and expensive presents under the spreading bows!
Once this was done I was free to ride, Ride Cowboy Ride, and so I suited up and headed for SP. Given time I decided I'd go for my regular "maintenance" distance and as it turned out was, perhaps, the warmest, relatively speaking, of the last few outings. This being the case, I fairly sizzled in my cold weather gear as I made my three-time way around the Prospect Point Loop. On the last circumnavigation, the North Shore vista was simply astounding.
The setting sun emblazoned windows there so that the effect was nothing short of El Dorado, unbroken golden seams where the light struck continuous segments of glass, nuggets where individual panes where so illuminated. The effect was more than magical and I sorely wished that I could bring myself to stop and photograph the remarkable canvas. Although I possessed the technology to so capture the moment, my OCD personality would not allow me to stop and snap so I fixed the bullion scene firmly in mind and rode on, cursing myself, all the while, Dear Reader, but at least keeping myself from touching the Burning Ground, as Admirale Barnacle is wont to describe my irrational behaviour!
Must away as I am being accosted by Volunteer Woman, (She can bark out orders faster than a speeding bullet!), as more decorating chores await. Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year from both of us to both of you. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Dusty's Molly Mop/Frosty for F/S; Flamin's delicioso stuffed pork; Lurchesca between the Coriandre and Clarisse; Picasso Dusty with Lurch; Cora Lee with Seahawk Sarge; latest stage of tree; snagged empty bottle, from downstairs, earlier this morning!
Hello Stolen Bike People!
This theft is a little too, too close for comfort! Awefully glad that I listened to Naughty Nancita's advice and brung my steed indoors! This thievery aside, Cora Lee is California Dreamin' given our cold snap! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
P, thanks for the fun night of bridge in spite of the inequities of card distribution. The food and drink was superlative as always.
The booby prize was coveted by one Mongolian terrorist and has since disappeared into the offices of the clan.
We should talk about the Book Club next -- see if we can make the island wine caper work with the the great Unread. W
Hello Giorgio!
Put yer brrrrrrr chains on yer brrrrrrrr bike and let's hit Seymour Demo! Glad you enjoyed biased bridge so thanks for your many contributions. However, I would remind you to remind La Terrorista that bridge prizes are, and always have been, non-transferable and failure to return said prize to rightful owner will have serious, dire consequences! The Lexus Polizei are, as you, of all people, well know, not a para-military group one wants to annoy!
Grogg/Lurch would like us to come over to Madroña Manor on January 9th so we plan to do just that. I hope to ride to HB/Parksville, weather allowing, Cora Lee to pilot Mother Ship. Of course, you are most welcome to join us should the NRBC decide to make trek. Kerry and Tia are also welcome, of course, so something to think about even if non-readers let us down.

Must away now as I am being accosted by Highly Aggressive Volunteer Woman, (She can bark out orders more quickly than Admiral Barnacle can empty a flagon of rum!), as more decorating chores await. Fondestos and Cheers from a much put upon Xmas Elf/Patrizzio/Il Conduttore, wearing many caps, as you can tell!
Hello Patrizzio,
Glad to hear you had such a nice birthday weekend celebration and a
beautiful ride to boot. I myself ventured out however not quite so far
over to metrotown to get my new high tech replacement phone looked at
due to some issues I was having with it. They
were some help but ultimately I wound up researching and having some
help from Jesse to get all the bugs out. I am glad to hear you have some
means of communication should it be required as well and I have added
you to my contacts. Do you have hands free or
will you be forced to stop and touch the fiery ground to answer?
I stopped at Jubilee cycle on the way back and picked up some new hand grips which were long overdue as the other ones had disintegrated beyond recognition. They have a nice wide rest area for the wrists which is great because it has long been a complaint of mine that even though I raised my bars to have a taller riding position I still found that my wrists would go numb, hopefully this will alleviate the situation.
I stopped at Jubilee cycle on the way back and picked up some new hand grips which were long overdue as the other ones had disintegrated beyond recognition. They have a nice wide rest area for the wrists which is great because it has long been a complaint of mine that even though I raised my bars to have a taller riding position I still found that my wrists would go numb, hopefully this will alleviate the situation.
I look forward to catching up more tomorrow night at Chloe`s, I
will head there for around 7:30`pm and station the parts in the foyer. I
should have Jesse and or Colleen to help as well. You can call me as well on my cell. Cheers, Al
Hi Desk Man/High Tech Phone Geek!
Put yer brrrrrrr chains on yer brrrrrrrr bike and let's hit Seymour Demo before your wrists go numb! Glad you have rid yourself, with Jesse's aid, (I need Chloë's help, even with a cell for Dummies!), of bugs and now can enjoy an extended ride over fiery ground, even in this sub-zero landscape!
I plan to be at Chloë's loft around 7:00 pm so give me a buzz when you are close and I'll come to foyer to open door and help with muling desk parts. I am adding your number as I scribe!!! Cheers, Il Conduttore
Put yer brrrrrrr chains on yer brrrrrrrr bike and let's hit Seymour Demo before your wrists go numb! Glad you have rid yourself, with Jesse's aid, (I need Chloë's help, even with a cell for Dummies!), of bugs and now can enjoy an extended ride over fiery ground, even in this sub-zero landscape!
I plan to be at Chloë's loft around 7:00 pm so give me a buzz when you are close and I'll come to foyer to open door and help with muling desk parts. I am adding your number as I scribe!!! Cheers, Il Conduttore
Hey Al, Does 7 on tuesday work for you? Chloe
Hi Chloë!
I just sent Big Al a message, replying to his message saying he would be arriving around 7:30 pm. I plan to be at your place around 7:00ish so see you then. Love/Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
I just sent Big Al a message, replying to his message saying he would be arriving around 7:30 pm. I plan to be at your place around 7:00ish so see you then. Love/Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Hi D,
sounds good!! bring keys if you can as depending on work you may get there before me!! or if you have your cell on you I can always text/call you if need be!!! LOVE that you are texting, its a whole new world!! xx
Hi again, Kids!
Just need to learn how to text while riding! At least I will have the ability to call someone when I run into something while so distracted! Fondestos, Out of this World, Patrizzio!
Just need to learn how to text while riding! At least I will have the ability to call someone when I run into something while so distracted! Fondestos, Out of this World, Patrizzio!
Patrick, did we agree to something on the 27th? How much had we had to drink at that point?
Are you really coming
back? If you bring Mme Coriandre we might even let you in! Realizing
your technique for hiding such inquiries in the midst of scintillating
narratives about your bicycle/gustatory adventures,
I did my best to read through your message, but if there is any
specific reminder or plan broached, it eluded my reedy gaze. So feel
free to remind us of what we have in store for us.
anywhere (in more ways than one) so you can count on us to have an "open
door" policy! Open bottle policy of course as well. If I'm cooking,
let me know if you have any preferences!!! It feel to freezing here this morning; even the pussycats didn't want to go out. Pool deck at Hearst was however balmy! Cactus
Hi Cactoosian!
Must say that I am more than impressed with you going from someone who hastily skims my epistles to someone who goes over them with a fine toothed comb! Sorry that you were the unwitting victims of a botched cut-and-paste job but No, sad to say, we will not be knocking on your door on December 27th. Hope to do that, a few days later, for New Year's as Grogg/Lurch would like us to come over to ring in 2014 at Madroña Manor. If we go it would involve the whole entourage, F/S and Cora Lee's parentos. Take the Llama Express and we'll collect you in Bellingham!
Put yer brrrrrrr chains on yer brrrrrrrr bike and let's hit the frosty road as it's still snowing lightly here. Supposed to turn to freezing rain shortly so that bodes catastrophe for Vancouver drivers. Apoligetskiis and Fondestos, Scissor Man!
Pic: Aspen, Vancouver!
Must say that I am more than impressed with you going from someone who hastily skims my epistles to someone who goes over them with a fine toothed comb! Sorry that you were the unwitting victims of a botched cut-and-paste job but No, sad to say, we will not be knocking on your door on December 27th. Hope to do that, a few days later, for New Year's as Grogg/Lurch would like us to come over to ring in 2014 at Madroña Manor. If we go it would involve the whole entourage, F/S and Cora Lee's parentos. Take the Llama Express and we'll collect you in Bellingham!
Put yer brrrrrrr chains on yer brrrrrrrr bike and let's hit the frosty road as it's still snowing lightly here. Supposed to turn to freezing rain shortly so that bodes catastrophe for Vancouver drivers. Apoligetskiis and Fondestos, Scissor Man!
Pic: Aspen, Vancouver!
Glad to have that
misunderstanding cleared up, although we'd have been happy to have
you!!! There is zero chance we will be flying to Bellingham for a New
Year's visit, although we are glad to imagine so many
of our friends together on the Island. If you want one good reason why
we're not flying north, it's the sad picture of the deck of the Island
Inn you have attached. We are creatures of the tropics, where it's a
balmy 43 at noon today. Let's go sunbathe!!! Cactus
Hello Namby Pambies!
There is a very good reason that red wine anti-freeze was invented, dontcha know? Nonetheless, I'll leave you to to slathering on sun-screen while we surf the snowdrifts! Fondestos, The Abominable Snowman!
Hello Namby Pambies!
There is a very good reason that red wine anti-freeze was invented, dontcha know? Nonetheless, I'll leave you to to slathering on sun-screen while we surf the snowdrifts! Fondestos, The Abominable Snowman!
Happy Birthday! Hope Friday saw you busy and celebrated!...old man....
Hi Brenda Louise!
Thanks so much for the fond birthday wishes! Much appreciated even if directed to an "Old Man!" Funny thing, I had a number of other birthday wishes adressed with the same salutation!
Thank you, as well, for the lovely, lovely Christmas card! What a wonderful, wonderful water colour study. Dusty, along with everyone else, is most impressed. When do you start selling them online? You'll be able to pay for your air-fare to Hong Kong in no time flat!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids!
Just a quick note to thank everyone for the splendiferous feast last night and the stellar wine. Really was a wonderful evening with wonderful food and drink and shared with wonderful, wonderful friends, that we are blessed to have, and family, it goes without saying, so thanks to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Retired VPLites!
A few shots from the lovely meal last Wednesday at U&J Tha! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrizzio,
Thanks for your usual newsy update. Next to me, man of few words
and an even more diminished desire to type, you are a complete contrast
and dynamo!
Ink in on your diary, Friday the 27th for dinner here at 7PM.
"Here" is the east side of a duplex. We were
thinking of a beef or bison dish if that suits you and Cora Lee?
(respite from turkey!) And you need not bring anything other
than yourselves. You'd better go for a long bike ride that day because
you'll be consuming copious calories here.
If we don't see you before, you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.
Hi William!
Beef or bison sound simply fabuloso! Thanks very much. We'll be knocking on your door at 7:00 pm. Don't wish to be too, too forward making or cause you to change your planned menu but since Cora Lee is gluten-intolerant, perhaps we could bring an ancient grain dish to compliment whatever you plan to serve should any of dishes be mainly wheat-based. Not a big deal but thought I'd mention it otherwise she's more than happy not to eat with her meals! This is a double-edged sword as it means fewer glasses of wine for us, of course. Anyway, please let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks again. Looking forward to hearing about your latest travels. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Darling Penny!
Had been meaning to send along a message with snaps of Lauren before and at Thanksgiving in Simi but life was such a whirlwind there and also the same once back home that I never managed to realize my good intentions! Had a lovely couple of visits with her so pleased we could connect. Thanks so much for thoughtful pre-birthday and birthday wishes! As well, was delighted to receive Madcap's text on Cora Lee's cell. Please give him a big thank-you smooch for me!!! We Sensitive, New Age Males are not afraid to express our feminine side!!! Fondestos and Cheers,Patrizzio!
Pics: Lauren; her family friend Mark with Ayn's friend's husband; Patrizzio lecturing; Lauren with Kathleen, Ayn's friend, and Alejandro; Lauren and Cora Lee; David Hockney Exhibition in SF; 66th Birthday bash!
Beef or bison sound simply fabuloso! Thanks very much. We'll be knocking on your door at 7:00 pm. Don't wish to be too, too forward making or cause you to change your planned menu but since Cora Lee is gluten-intolerant, perhaps we could bring an ancient grain dish to compliment whatever you plan to serve should any of dishes be mainly wheat-based. Not a big deal but thought I'd mention it otherwise she's more than happy not to eat with her meals! This is a double-edged sword as it means fewer glasses of wine for us, of course. Anyway, please let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks again. Looking forward to hearing about your latest travels. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Darling Penny!
Had been meaning to send along a message with snaps of Lauren before and at Thanksgiving in Simi but life was such a whirlwind there and also the same once back home that I never managed to realize my good intentions! Had a lovely couple of visits with her so pleased we could connect. Thanks so much for thoughtful pre-birthday and birthday wishes! As well, was delighted to receive Madcap's text on Cora Lee's cell. Please give him a big thank-you smooch for me!!! We Sensitive, New Age Males are not afraid to express our feminine side!!! Fondestos and Cheers,Patrizzio!
Pics: Lauren; her family friend Mark with Ayn's friend's husband; Patrizzio lecturing; Lauren with Kathleen, Ayn's friend, and Alejandro; Lauren and Cora Lee; David Hockney Exhibition in SF; 66th Birthday bash!
- Patrick James Dunn Thanks indeed to everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes. I do apologize for not replying sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Had a fabulous birthday dinner and was spoiled with wonderful gifts. Among other things I am now the proud ownerI am now the proud owner of a Doro PhoneEasy, mobile for Dummies! Cora Lee claims that she was worried that I might have a flat or an accidento on way to Horseshoe Bay or Box Canyon Road or Oliver, per esempio. All well and good but I know, in my heart of hearts, that she would be too, too busy and/or annoyed to receive such a call and interrupt her volunteer schedule or reading or watching The Young & The Restless to come and rescue me! Still, it's the thought that counts!!! Tasting Rosie The Riveter's icing! Almost worth turning 66! Again, thanks and fondestos. Cheers!
- Suzanne Broughton Halpenny as always- well said Patrick
- Patrick James Dunn Just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts!
- Nicole Marie Probably true. I programmed Chloe in your speed dial as well so might have better luck with her
- Rae Tanner Joey and Chandler send their love!
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