Chloe Alexis Dunn shared a link.
LOCATIONS A non-profit group dedicated to helping youth is offering
free photos with Santa at three of its Christmas tree lots this weekend,
starting with its Vancouver location. Aunt . . .
verb tr.: To disdain or scorn.
From Old French desprisier (dispraise),
from Latin pretium (price, worth, or reward). Ultimately from the
Indo-European root per- (to traffic in, to sell) which also gave us
praise, price, precious, appreciate, appraise, and interpret.
Earliest documented use: 1480.
Come down and see me at the Aunt Leah's Coquitlam tree lot!!! You could buy a tree from me!!
We drove down to Marco from Orlando yesterday. Took the back roads
to Ft Meyers. BassPro beckoned. Had to find a camp stove for
Then we continued south on I-75. Speed limit is 70 but everyone
was driving 80+ and bumper to bumper. You just can't keep away from
them. I think we need to find a GPS that will use a plan that avoids
the main traffic roads. Gail
Marvin Angelo Mercado Kitkat found her new favorite spot
Hi Jack and Gail!
Loved the holiday workout! How very, very appropriate!!! Trust you spent
a wonderful Thanksgiving with Laury and Nora. We had a grand time in
Simi Valley. Left for home yesterday. Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Ayn's apartmento; Macey's and then Berkeley.
Consider this....... No
one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the Canadian Military
for up to 20 years, risking their lives & limbs, protecting our freedom, and only get
about 40% of their pay on Retirement. While Politicians hold their political positions
in the safe confines of the Nation's Capital, protected by these same men and women,
and receive full-pay on Retirement .... after serving only two terms. If
each person who receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in 3 days most people
in Canada will have got the message... including the likes of Senators Mike Duffy & Pamela
Wallin, as well as all those Other politicians who have NOT yet been caught "double dipping"!
is one message that really should be passed around. "If you choose not to pass it on,
you still have made a choice, and these brave Canadian Heroes have given you that right!"
Regards, Bill Major-General (Retired) Past Chair & Life Member OPC Honouary Life Member ACL
We drove down to Marco from Orlando yesterday. Took the back roads
to Ft Meyers. BassPro beckoned. Had to find a camp stove for
Then we continued south on I-75. Speed limit is 70 but everyone
was driving 80+ and bumper to bumper. You just can't keep away from
them. I think we need to find a GPS that will use a plan that avoids
the main traffic roads. Gail
Marvin Angelo Mercado Kitkat found her new favorite spot
Hi Jack and Gail!
Loved the holiday workout! How very, very appropriate!!! Trust you spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with Laury and Nora. We had a grand time in Simi Valley. Left for home yesterday. Take care of each other. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Ayn's apartmento; Macey's and then Berkeley.
Consider this....... No
one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the Canadian Military
for up to 20 years, risking their lives & limbs, protecting our freedom, and only get
about 40% of their pay on Retirement. While Politicians hold their political positions
in the safe confines of the Nation's Capital, protected by these same men and women,
and receive full-pay on Retirement .... after serving only two terms. If
each person who receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in 3 days most people
in Canada will have got the message... including the likes of Senators Mike Duffy & Pamela
Wallin, as well as all those Other politicians who have NOT yet been caught "double dipping"!
This is one message that really should be passed around. "If you choose not to pass it on, you still have made a choice, and these brave Canadian Heroes have given you that right!"
This is one message that really should be passed around. "If you choose not to pass it on, you still have made a choice, and these brave Canadian Heroes have given you that right!"
Regards, Bill Major-General (Retired) Past Chair & Life Member OPC Honouary Life Member ACL
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