Up at 6:54 am to have a quick shower to ready myself for Day 4 of Efudex application, around 9:00 am when Coriandre rouse her tousled head. Egg Nog infused java so all is well with the waning year!
Hi Big Al and The Hole-in-the-Wall Gang!
Glad to hear that the Sunshine Valley Outlaws are well, relaxing instead of terrorizing local populace! Think you predicted arrival time pretty closely as Coriandre has to conduct an interview for individual applying for job as accountant for restaurant that Trinity has transformed itself into owning, Heartland, near 12th/Kingsway, at 10:30 am. We should be packed and ready to roll before that so once she has finished interview she'll call me and I'll collect her and we'll head for the hills to join up with Butch and The Kid!
Die Direktoren has decided that a Moroccan tagine, (beef, chick peas, chunks of squash, cherry tomatoes), is to be our offering to the bandits. It's pretty much a meal in itself but rice or potatoes, of some kind, would make a good "soppage" side dish, if the nasty varmints need even more from their feedbags. A simple green salad is always welcome, from my point of view. We are more than happy to bring any of latter with the chuck wagon, so let me know. If I haven't heard from you, in the next little while, I'll call you on my new cell: two tin cans and a long piece of baling twine! Might be a bit of interference going over Port Mann Bridge but otherwise seems to work just dandy, pudnah!
In case yer moonshine has run out and yonder hills have you snowbound, I've included a little larnin' material for you while you twiddle yer shoooting fingers in front of the pot-bellied stove. So let us know about any other vittle fixin's we can mule. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrice,
Wonderful to hear you will be coming and bearing such delicious sounding cargo! Hopefully you don't get ambushed by the Othello tunnels gang on the way but if you do just tell them the hole in the wall gang will head them off at the pass! Maybe you can throw some Calona red wine blend to keep them occupied while you make good your escape to the Hope Hilton!
We have everything covered foodwise besides what you are bringing up other than perhaps a newspaper for fire starting purposes so if you happen upon a pile of old ones please grab some so we can fire up our stove. Cheers, drive safe and look forward to seeing you soon!
Dear Saloon Manager, Concierge and Stable Boy, Hope Hilton!
Nice ploy about needing newspapers to start the fire. We know that you really need them to give to the Upstairs Maid to stuff the matresses as I gather from the last visit that you guests were not at all impressed with the horsehair filled ones! Might be good enough for the Othello Tunnel Gang but they are louts and tosspots.
Still waiting for Mme. Coriandre to call to provide instructiones for last few errands I'm hoping to accomplish on my bike before her interview is over. One way, or another, I think we are pretty much on schedule for a departure around noon so then it's blazing saddles! Cheers, Patrizzio "El Loco" Dunn!
Great letter! However, I agree with Corinne that you vastly over-praised yourself with the "I must have been a very, very good boy this year." We wish Corinne and you a very Happy New Year. Mike
Hello Michaelo!
Always terrific to have friends and relatives to keep my hubristic tendencies in check.Once again, best wishes to you and Marilyn for a Healthy New Year! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio/Agamemnon "With Overweening Tendencies to Insist on Walking On the Red Carpet" Dunn!
Hi Sheila and Des!
Trust you are both well. Have been meaning to send along a message for ages. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Furthermore, Wanted to wish you both all the best before the New Year. Once again, all the best for a Healthy New Year to you and family. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Missing any wine?
Our sewer has backed
up and we have plumbers rooting around (haha) in our basement. In my
explorations I literally stumbled upon 26 bottles of David Coffaro which
according to the documents nearby I picked
up on 22 Aug. 2009. I regret to note that they were stored tops up-not
sure how that happened. In any event, I righted them and write to remind
you of their existence. Perhaps they are "over the hill" and I should
start testing them? They are nowhere near
our sewer problem, I happily note, so the bottles are fine out the
outside and I hope on the inside....Back to the plumbers who are still investigating....Cct.
hi ! Thank-you for the card All the best for the New year Ania
P, My steam powered computer could not run these cards. But my phone could. I won't tell the sisterhood. W
Great shots! Nana looks Scandinavian....I like your blue jacket and love that you took your matching new pot with you on holiday!! Those icicles are huge!!! Happy new year to all!!!
thanks for the card Patriciio and famiglia. All the best in the New Year,
GBR and Nancy Pants.
Thanks Patrick, Nifty card, we are just having a quiet one at home
this year and looking forward to Claire finishing work probably in
September. Thanks for your thoughts and we hope you all have a
relatively fine NYE we have noticed that the US and Canada
have been having some rather frosty weather a little east of you guys I
think. So have a good NYE and we will chat in 2014. Cheers Greg and Claire
Thanks Guys Have a great New Year and a fantastic 2014 xxxx
Watch Video 1 first then Video 2
The real commercial:
1. Molson Canadian | The Beer Fridge
The parody:
2. 22 Minutes: Beer Fridge Ad Spoof
both days work well for me as well Happy new year everyone by the way! VL
Patrice, Thank you for your NY greetings. Lovely day down here (29c) and hope to get to the beach. Later I'll lunch with my mates Scott and Dominic (I'm sure you met them) and will be seeing in the new year at a Harbour front home.
Tomorrow I suspect I'll be checking into the Sydney branch of the Betty Ford clinic!!! Love to the Dunn gang Tiptoe
Hi Pat, Sorry for the delay - we had a long and fairly unremarkable drive yesterday. I was thinking of you when we passed Sunshine Valley - unfortunately there wasn’t much sunshine there yesterday, but it looked rather cozy in there all the same.
![]() |
Snowshoeing!!! |
Talk soon - thanks for the update and the pics - mine are still on the camera; I’ll get around to dealing with them some time in the summer, as all good photographers won’t use their images until they’re just right (or when they remember about such things). -A.
Victor, sorry for the confusion. The next gathering will be somewhere in Vancouver. G
We have spent the whole afternoon popping balloons. Why didnt' we have the sense to pop open Champagne bottles instead! Thanks and have a safe and wild New Years! Cactus and Donna F.
Patrick, Agamemnon, eh? as the Canadians would say. When we went to the Queen Charlotte Islands in 1989, we stayed the first night of the trip in Cache Creek, but earlier had stopped in Hope to buy some beer. They had an attractive band box in a shady park; it looked nice. The latest correction for the German word is "Die Direktorin" as the feminine of Direktor. Keep up the faux humility. Mike
Both days are fine with me. And happy new years to all. Cheers Moe
Big White 2013 -
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