If you don't execute your ideas, they die. -Roger von Oech, author and
P, really fun night and thanks for dinner for
the whole crew -- photos, the cards and the anemic malt. Oh yes, and the
contentious cookies that nobody would eat. The impromptu gallery showing with the artist was absolutely priceless.
Please ask Sarge if he will take Tia with him to Edmonton? She can be ready at a moment's notice. Off to play a match with Dennis against Charlie and Mike K.
Hi Partner!
No disingenuous humility here! Well played!!! Loads of fun and thank Kerry for delicioso tasty appetizers. Trust you made it home safely. Has Sarge been around yet? If so, guess I won't be taking him to the airport shortly!
Have included the snaps I took just before you went on the gallery tour! You can use one for your family Christmas card. Small, maltage royalty fee per use! Think the first shows the personality of Tia Maria, just a blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr of activity! Cheers, Patrizzio "Yousuf Karsh" Dunn!
No disingenuous humility here! Well played!!! Loads of fun and thank Kerry for delicioso tasty appetizers. Trust you made it home safely. Has Sarge been around yet? If so, guess I won't be taking him to the airport shortly!
Have included the snaps I took just before you went on the gallery tour! You can use one for your family Christmas card. Small, maltage royalty fee per use! Think the first shows the personality of Tia Maria, just a blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr of activity! Cheers, Patrizzio "Yousuf Karsh" Dunn!
PS: Regards to The Earthworms! Off to ferry Sarge. Will stop by to collect Tia Maria! Talk soon. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Raymond!
Thanks for birthday wishes! I plan to forward beer plumbing video to Big Al. With his expertise he should be able to hook up cask strength malt barrels to our water system!
Saw him this past Tuesday when he and Colleen brought over the desk he is fabricating for Chloë. The four of us took the three pieces from his truck up the elevator to loft and then he fitted them into place to ensure that everything fit, as measured. Few minor adjustments but nothings serious. Next stage will involve powder coating the metal to provide the finish Chloë decides upon.
Took Sarge to YVR this morning at 8:00 am. He is also going to be in Edmonton but will be there until end of next week. He is presiding at an RCMP hearing. Will stay tonight with Des and Sheila, couple who joined us on canal barge this past September/October.
Having two tables of bridge tonight with Ruth/Rick, friends from Squamish, and our travel agents, O Susannah and Champagne Charlie. R/R will stay overnight so it will be good to see them for more than the evening.
Might try to squeeze in a short ride later, around 2:00 pm, as forecast shows a bit of a break in rain then. Must away now as Cora Lee is barking out orders for me to come and re-arrange furniture for tonight's festivities!
Have included some snaps I took of "The Great Desk Caper" and those from last night. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Peter thanks for this. I will send you the info we have after Christmas. Hope all is well in Naramata. We wish you all, a wonderful Christmas season. Love Corinne
Hello Memsahib and Chapatti Man!
I echo Coriandre's thanks for link. Think it would be useful to have our friend Janet look at it as well, to see what she thinks. Will report back after I finish my next plate of curry! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Paragliding Man!
What a breathtaking video! Simply wonderful!!! I'm almost embarrassed to send along my earth-bound rides! Sorry to hear about you Dad. Very difficult situation, obviously. On a brighter note, we were down in California, (We enjoy Monterey as well, having first explored that area of the coast in early '80's when I was still at the Curric Lab!), for American Thanksgiving so I had a grand time the cycling there. Know SImi Valley pretty well now as we were there last Christmas as well. Last day for riding there I cycled into the San Fernando Valley twice, once over Box Canyon and then over Santa Susana Pass. Had always wanted a "double-header" ever since first discovering these routes.
Wanted to try to squeeze in a short ride, around 2:00 pm, as forecast showed a bit of a break in rain then. Unfortunately, for me, Cora Lee was barking out too, too many orders to be able to get away before tonight's festivities!
You should give us a call and if you are around GI over next few weeks, pop by for a drink and a chat. Cheers for now, Earth Bound Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick & Corinne,
Hope you are both well, no doubt off again on one of your magic journeys.
We are well. Have my sisters daughter and her partner coming in for Christmas
Spending Boxing Day with the usual crowd the Hon. Loretta Chaperon and her crowd. She has had two hip replacements, and two ankle operations in the last few years. Her former husband is back with her, Barry was in China teaching for quite a few years. Now they are together again. This year we are not having our New Years Open House maybe next year
I was in Wpg. cooking up another Turkey dinner for my family in Oct. My Mom turned 97 and still going strong probably will outlive me she is so resilient
That tough Ukrainian heritage. My niece had another baby and her sister is also expecting this coming Jan. John is well, playing squash once or twice a week.
And into his many projects, doing what he loves best. I continue to enjoy my wonderful hikes through Mt. Doug with my hounds and their friends. When I came back from Wpg. Tess started to have seizures. Here is my story.
Merry Christmas to you both With lots of Hugs & Kisses Love, Jean, John Benson & Tess
To my Many Canine Loving Friends & Family,
is a sad story with a happy ending about our little girl Tess. Please
forward this story to your many canine loving friends to help save a
life or two.
I met Dr. Erika Raines Homeopathic Doctor at the “Tree of Life
Veterinarian Hospital” in Courtney, our little girl Tess a one and a
half year old Dalmatian started to have seizures
about three months ago. At first John & I did not think they were
serious but when they developed into cluster seizures striking three
times a week on average I began to panic. As we watched helplessly each
time she began to convulse, her head began to jerk,
shaking violently tossing back and forth, salivating as her muscles
twitched, her legs paddled out of control. What we were viewing were
Grand Mal seizures that were life threatening. Tess’s anxiety became my
anxiety, I was consumed with fear as I could see
she knew what was happening and I could not help. Just reading this I
know you would think just the thought of your loved one experiencing
Epilepsy would strike fear and horror into your heart if they were
diagnosed. I was consumed with guilt that these symptoms
must have been something that I have done wrong to cause such a
frightening disease.
a state of panic I took her to our Veterinarian for an assessment to
find out was happening and had a full blood panel done. My eyes glazed
over as I heard the diagnosis Idiopathic Seizures
or Epilepsy which is the most common neurological disease affecting
over 4% of dogs. The common treatment is Phenobarbital a conventional
anticonvulsant drug with serious and chronic long term side effects
which can lead to scarring of the liver in just three
months and liver failure and if suddenly taken off the drug could be
life threatening.
was consumed with fear but I knew I could not put my little Tess on
medication. Was I playing with her life, I was in a state of shock, I
knew her cluster seizures were life threatening
and she could die if they continued to develop. I desperately went to
other conventional veterinarians for second opinions and their
conclusions were the same. Phenobarbital. I questioned the long term
effects that Phenobarbital would have on Tess and I felt
there must be a natural alternative. My gut feeling was telling me to
go in a different direction for I knew deep down there was a natural
cure. I talked to many Natural paths and none of them had extensive
experience using herbs in treating seizures and all
used traditional medications Phenobarbital. However, they all
recommended Dr. Erika Raines saying she was the best physician on the
island that could help with Tess’s seizures. Dr. Raines blend of
traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine;
homeopathy with conventional medicine would provide Tess with a
holistic approach to suit her needs. “Dr. Raines was having great
success with her Chinese Herbs treating seizures” they said “and if
anyone could cure little Tess she could.”
when I called Dr. Raines, I was overwhelmed with her enthusiasm, her
confidence, her exuberance in what she did and she had a profound belief
in what she practiced. Her Homeopathic
approach was aimed at obtaining a complete cure and therefore looking
at the illness at a deeper level instead of temporarily masking the
symptoms. Idiopathic epilepsy she said is diagnosed by elimination
providing clues to possible underlying cause of the
seizures. She could offer a variety of alternatives to anticonvulsant
medication which again have a toxic side effect. “The disease can be
cured she said because she has a very clear understanding of seizures
and how they can be cured”. “Jean she said I
can cure Tess; I have cured seizures many, many times”. “Let’s get
started” I said. “The first thing you need to do she said was to get
Tess on a hypoallergenic diet as Tess could be allergic to certain
chemicals in her food which could cause seizures.”
She recommended West Coast Canine Life. I contacted the nutritionists
there and they guided me on how easy it was to prepare human quality
food with their organic pre-mix that contains no chemicals or
preservatives offering a balanced nutritious food for
Tess. It was wonderful making Tess her food as it put me in control and
gave me the feeling I was helping her on her road to recovery.
Raines then requested that I send Tess’s medical records and blood work
to her. Upon assessing Tess history Dr. Raines said that there were
many reasons why Tess was having seizures.
“First, she had antibiotics administered for her ear infections, many
times, this could cause seizures.” We were giving her tick and flea
medications ‘Revolution’ on a monthly basis this could be causing the
seizures. Vaccinations, cause seizures. Her blood
showed levels of hypoglycemia which could cause seizures. She could be
hyperthyroid and over exercising could all cause seizures” and Tess was
highly active, almost obsessively.
Raines stated that Tess had to be detoxed from all the toxins in her
body. She said that she would be giving Tess a blend of Chinese herbs
to be administered twice a day and a Seizure
Remedy mixture three times a day. I felt relieved. The practice of
Chinese medicine administering herbs has been around for thousands of
years and proven their worth over the centuries. It takes a qualified
Homeopathic practitioner to know exactly what
to mix for each illness, a complicated process that requires a skill
and once the proper remedy is given it can stop the seizure in its
track. It is a skill that takes years of practice and Dr. Raines has
developed that skill through practice over and over
again. I felt completely confident in her and what she was giving to
Tess. A burden had been lifted.
began to administer the detox herbs starting on a Thurs. along with the
Seizure Remedy every day and waited for the weekend to arrive. The
seizures continually started on Sunday and Monday
mornings around 4 & 5a.m. in the early hours. I can remember it was
early Sunday morning at 2 a.m. and Tess awoke almost knowing something
would be happening. Seizures are “Kindling” which means the brain has
been trained to start the seizures at a specific
time and even Tess could bring them on. So at that early hour I fed her
to ensure her blood sugar would not drop and administered the Seizure
Remedy and put the girl back to bed. I waited, and then she woke at 4
a.m. I did the same fed her & administered the
Seizure Remedy and put her back to bed. I waited as the dreaded hour
drew near it was always 5 a.m. well Tess slept through the hour
peacefully. It was the first seizure free Sunday in three months. Then
again early Monday morning she woke at 2 a.m. I fed
her and administered the Seizure Remedy and put her back to sleep. I
stayed awake and waited for the dreaded hour of 4 a.m. Little Tess
slept right through. This was the first seizure free Monday in three
has been four weeks since Tess has had a seizure due to an overwhelming
success with Dr. Raines Homeopathic medicine. It is absolutely amazing
and we are deeply grateful to Dr. Raines
for having the confidence and the skill in treating Tess providing us
real hope for a positive outcome of treatment. The disease was so
distressing for all of us and it is no longer the source of suffering
for Tess. She has been given the opportunity to
live a quality life, without drugs, without side effects and no longer
without seizures.
am grateful that I had the courage to go beyond conventional medicine
to find a cure for Tess. I highly recommend Dr. Raines for her
professionalism, her belief in what she does her confidence
and skill in her Homeopathic and Chinese Medicine knowing that she
could cure Tess. She has made us profoundly grateful. Dr. Raines loves
what she does and she has saved many, many lives through her belief and
knowledge in what she practices, she saved little
Tess’s life. Love Jean, John & our Dalmatians Tess & Benson
This is a
wonderful offering from our holistic veterinarian Dr. Raines who has helped
me a lot over the past
month. **Free Gift for the Friends and Family of Jean**Tess
has done so well with her herbal and homeopathic medicine that we would
like to extend an invitation to her friends and family to achieve
greater health and wellness for
their pets.
**FREE ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT ($52 value) WITH ASSESSMENT with Tree of Life Veterinary Care**
consult is designed to educate and empower you to help your pet live a
healthier life, and the complimentary treatment to immediately kick
start those
benefits! Whether they have specific health issues you’d like to resolve or you’re just looking for them to have a greater overall sense
of well-being, there’s a good chance we can help you.
Call our office
during the week of Christmas
and speak to one of our staff members to take advantage of this offer at 250-338-2316
Visit our website at
are here to help you in any way we can and we can't wait to meet you
and you’re pet to get on the road to health and well-being, just as Tess
Warm Regards, Dr. Erika Raines, DVM, Dr. Radica Raj, DVM, And all the staff at Tree of Life Veterinary Care
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