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Happy Holidays from Alastair Bird Photography. From our family to yours, all the best in 2014! |
What a fabulous, simply fabulous card! Trouble is that most who receive it will think that it is staged, not just an ordinary day in the life if East Vancouverites.
As well, do I note a trend towards the crass exploitation of your children, tots touting mall garb, and now your long-suffering wife forced to model against her will? In the Xmas card she's probably embarrassed/ashamed to be so used, while The Goils are arguing about how to resist their conniving father. Great Christmas messages Alastair Bird Photography is promoting: child labour and spousal abuse. Business must be tough if you have to stoop to such underhanded, unethical means to save a few pennies, especially since they are no longer coin of the realm. No coincidence either that one of the most memorable film Scrooges was played by Alastair Sim!
Well, I just hope you can look yourself in the mirror Flash. Poor Jimmy Olsen must be beside himself, outraged at his Evil Twin's move to the Dark Side. Anyway, Happy Christmas, Healthy New Year and Bah, Humbug from our normal family to your beleaguered one! Cheers, Patrizzio, The Best, Kindest, Most Understanding, Tolerant, Generous, Patient and Modest Father/Spouse in the World!
PS: Give us a shout if you'll be around over hols as we'd love to see everyone before Department of Social Services intervenes.
Coffaro Christmas News 2013
and warm holiday greetings! 2013 was a very memorable year for us. We
did take that family vacation we talked about last year, just the four
of us celebrating a weekend of family bonding
in the Big Easy. Here we are posing at one of the many original
Louisiana plantation homes along the banks of the mighty Mississippi.
highlights of our year included Dave celebrating his 70th birthday in
May and later in the year, as his "I'm getting old and get to have
whatever I want" birthday gift, he bought an all electric
car, a Tesla. Ask Pat and she'll tell you all about their first
long-distance road trip up to Seattle in October - it was quite a
challenging expedition, driving from charging station to charging
station along the way. Kate and Susie both started new jobs
in August. Kate moved from one structural engineering firm to another
and now works in San Francisco, and of course still loves living there,
as well.
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Tristan |
All in
all, though, we are just thankful for a healthy, happy and prosperous
year. We hope likewise for you, and that 2014 will bring us all more of
the same! Let's continue to stay in touch and
hopefully have the opportunity to spend time together in the new year! Love and good cheer, Pat Dave Kate and Susie
Hi Pat and David!
Thank you for your eChristmas card and great snap of you both and your lovely daughters. Setting reminded us of our time in New Orleans last January. Sorry I missed saying hello this past November. I saw Cindy and picked up four bottles of Matt's Zin. Had hoped to stop by on my way north but time simply wouldn't allow.
Hi Patrick,
Congrats on a great ride! How often is "regular"? Matthew and I use
mapmyrun; I have to say, I have got quite addicted to collecting
fitness stats! The photo of the sunset is pretty fabulous. We would love
to visit on Friday evening; we will come by a
bit after 6:30pm.
Looking forward to catching up with you and Corinne, and maybe even Chloe if she is around? Best wishes, Zoe
Hi Zoe!
Terrific that you can come over on Friday! In the unlikely event that we are delayed returning to The Island Inn, just knock on Clara's/Dusty's door, right off our patio, and they will shelter you from the cold until we make our way back. Not sure what Chloë's schedule happens to be but I'm sure she would be delighted to see you both if she is free. Crazy time for her, at the moment, as she is in charge of volunteers for tree lots. Sales are going very well but still a lot of spots to fill, especially when people cancel assigned shifts. We are scheduled for Thursday, 1:00-5:00 pm and she called this afternoon to see if I could work from 10:00-2:00 pm as she needs someone for that shift on Granville & 54th. I'm happy to do it, of course, although I had hoped to go for another longish ride. Forecast looks reasonably promising after 2:00 pm so perhaps I can squeeze in something once I'm back home.
Speaking of riding, I usually try to do 50+ km as my "benchmark", regular ride, time/weather allowing, of course. Today I did 51.44 km, more of "stretch" outing after yesterday's 100+ km. (Don't have a link to Garmin as I rode my Brodie, my "errand" bike. (It just occurred to me that I could have popped the odometre into my pocket and it would have recorded my route, etc., since it uses GPS technology, although I don't have a mount for it on my handlebars!) In fact, was quite pleased to ride it again as it is very comfortable. My first "decent" bike and am please that it has stood the test of time. A good workhorse. I don't like to take my carbon fibre, Trek Madone and have to leave it outside a given store, even if locked, as it is fairly expensive and tempting to those thieves who know what to look for.
Went to Metrotown as I needed to do a bit of Christmas shopping and had to pick up something there that wasn't in store, in question, nearer to us. (Note how cagey I'm being! Spies are everywhere!!) Quite enjoyed the ride through East Van as I've not ridden these particular streets for over a year or more. Knew, more or less, the bike routes I needed to follow so that was fine. Had forgotten, however, how many reasonably steep hills there are between us and Central Park, especially following Mosaic, Dumfries and Midtown Ridgeway, at different points, interconnecting as they do. Pretty good workout at times, more of a roller-coaster ride than long, gradual grades, but very pleasant, nonetheless as it was a grand day for cycling. Not too chilly and dry, even though rain was forecast later in the afternoon. Stopped at Mountain Equipment Coop, on Broadway, not far from Cambie, on way back from Metrotown and since I only had about 37 km on the clock when I left MEC I did a dipsy-doodle down to Science World and went just beyond the Burrard Street/Aquatic Centre before retracing my route home. Stats for today's ride: 51.44 km over 2:27'35 for an AVG 17.3 km/h.
At any rate, it is fun to be able to record your fitness stats, for whatever activity you pursue. You can "friend", (not sure if that is the "correct" term but I suspect you understand point.), fellow Garmin users and have done so with someone who is a runner. His recorded outings automatically appear beside my stats so I can berate him for his poor times and meagre distances, compared to my elite standards!!!! I gather one can purchase a device which allows one to track Triathlon events. Needed one in early November when I was caught in some very heavy rain!
Look forward to seeing you both and please plan to have a bite to eat as well, unless you desperately need to dine earlier. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hey Funkmeister!
if we are talking going all the way back to the 70’s then ok as long as you don’t dredge up any of that 90’s garb! That was a glorious shot! one almost expects to see angels
As far as the desk goes, I phoned them this morning and they
were dragging their feet and talking about Friday so I mentioned that I
would be unavailable after Thursday or
so so if they wanted it out of there they had best get cracking. I will
let you know what transpires as soon as I can.
That will be good if you
can make the 30th and of course you’re welcome to stay for New years as
well although we did talk to some friends
about coming on the 31st but it would still be doable but cozy. We are
hoping for snow as they just built a sledding hill up there and the kids
are really looking forward to some snow fun as well as utilizing the
outdoor skating rink. talk to you soon. Cheers, Al
Hi Big Al!
Sounds as if you have been tutored by Cora Lee regarding fashion rules and regulations. And I thought that you were an easy going guy!
We are on for the 30th so thanks very much. We'll talk later about what food we can contribute, etc., so perhaps you can let us know what you plan and we can dovetail. Looking forward to seeing Winter Wonderland. Will be a bit like going back to Winnipeg/Falcon Lake for Christmas, something we did in the '80's, when Mom still lived there.
If Desk Caper is on for Thursday, that is fine. If so, please let me know damage so I can sell some of Cora Lee's jewelry at GI. I have a booth there and am already selling Rosie-the-Riveter's Christmas shortbread. Sales are brisk and I think I'll be able to buy another malt cabinet, and fill it, before holidays are over but no wriggle room for desks! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio Il Imprenditore!
Both days are OK with me in terms of dates, but I am not sure I can make it to the island. Thanks. Moe
Many apologies for the delay
in emailing. Where does the time go! First let me say how sorry we were
to hear of poor Maggie. Its difficult loosing a pet that has been part
of the family for so many years. We have four cats buried in the
garden and each loss was difficult. I don't think we will get any more
after Spud.
We just returned from Southampton after spending several days with Marnie, Ant and Tristan. He had his second birthday while we were there and Marnie had his birthday party with his little friends at the local recreation centre where they enjoyed a bouncy castle and other things to keep them occupied for an hour. Then they all enjoyed a lovely tea party prepared by Gayle and Marnie.
Prior to going to Southampton we had an evening at the Truro Methodist Church with the Cornwall Symphony Choral Society. A wonderful evening of Carols, both traditional and modern with a spattering of other works like Zadok the Priest and a few 15th Century Carols. Just a great evening. Maur, Bill, Margaret and Barry also attended.
A few days later we attended the Advent Carol Service at Truro Cathedral. The Cathedral Choristers are truly magical as was the service itself. The Cathedral was in darkness except for candles at the start of the derive and the Cathedral lights gradually increased as the choir moved around the Cathedral. We return to the Cathedral on Dec 22nd for the nine lessons and carols which is always uplifting at this time of year.
We have been blessed with very mild and calm weather here in Cornwall. Hardly any wind and little rain. Very unusual for this time of year when we are usually hosting gales off the Atlantic. In contrast they have had some dreadful weather up north and along the Eastern coast with strong winds, rain and flooding! Today is another glorious day, calm sunny and quite mild. Gayle and I are just about to walk up to the butcher to get a ham. We are having all the family over on Friday for our usual pre Christmas buffet. Have decided to do a Barbados Baked Glazed Ham with cumberland sauce and a Lancashire Hot Pot and French beans with almonds. Desert will be a trifle with amontillado sherry and Gayle will also be doing a blueberry pie with Cornish cream. Everyone will be getting lifts so we can let the wine flow freely!
Returned to the Doctor yesterday to get the results of my blood tests and x-ray. Bloods were all fine but the x-ray uncovered a cracked disc, obviously caused when I fell off the ladder going up into the loft! At least I know why I am getting discomfort in my upper back. Doc says it will take some time to heal so will have to put up with the discomfort for a while yet!
Have booked seats tonight at the cinema to see The Hobbit. Had to get Gayle to remind me how the first Hobbit film ended. Couldn't remember a thing!!
Steve and Gudrun are at loose ends on Christmas Eve so will be joining us at Sydney House. Gayle normally prepares her traditional tourtiere on Christmas Eve. Something we got into years ago in Ottawa when we used to spend Christmas Eve with French Canadian friends. All the best, Derek
Hi Gayle and Derek, and Spudnik!
Lovely to hear from you. Loved the snap of Tristan, his face smeared with cake! (Unfortunately, other two pictures couldn't be opened. Just an outline box and text below.) Reminded me of Pierre's 1st birthday party. Ayn had baked a chocolate cake with green icing and Pierre was able to mash fistfuls of both into his hair! Think he thought it was more fun than eating! He looked like a cupcake himself.
Pleased to hear that you are enjoying such good weather at this time of year although I gather you are not doing much cycling with your sore upper back. However, glad to learn that you are on the mend. Always a bit worrisome when one has an ongoing ache or pain and not quite sure why. I'm still waiting to be reimbursed for the £222 that I paid to have my gold crown re-affixed, mid-August. Suppose I should refrain from opening bottles of Proper Job with my teeth!
Thanks for your kind words about Maggie. Pleased to say that her ashes are now flanking Mom's, (We plan to inter her remains next to my Father's grave, in Winnipeg, this coming July/August, when back in Manitoba to celebrate Clara's/Dusty's 69th wedding anniversary.), with Smokey's on the other side. Sneakers' ashes are in our "garden". Maybe that's why Spudnik sleeps on the electrical tower: cat ghosts!
Your carol concerts, particularly one in Cathedral, sounded simply wonderful. Having visited it, I can only imagine how wondrous it would have been. All the best to you and Gayle, Derek, and to Maur and Bill, Margaret and Barry, you country bumpkins the lot of you, and to Audrey and Brian, the Truroites, the uppity town folk, as well as Goodie-Two-Shoes and Stefano, and last, but not least, Spudnik, for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year. Will be thinking of you all and your sumptuous feast of Barbados Baked Glazed Ham and all the rest of the mouth-watering vittles, (Tourtière on Christmas Eve sounds wonderful indeed!), on Friday. We are having the daugther and son-in-law, (Zoe and Matt have been living in Vancouver for last two years.), of close friends from Melbourne for dinner that evening so looking forward to hearing all the latest news about Zoe's parents. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Los Horridos; Cora Lee and Ayn; 66th Birthday, on my new phone and quality control of icing on cake; sunset yesterday!
We just returned from Southampton after spending several days with Marnie, Ant and Tristan. He had his second birthday while we were there and Marnie had his birthday party with his little friends at the local recreation centre where they enjoyed a bouncy castle and other things to keep them occupied for an hour. Then they all enjoyed a lovely tea party prepared by Gayle and Marnie.
Prior to going to Southampton we had an evening at the Truro Methodist Church with the Cornwall Symphony Choral Society. A wonderful evening of Carols, both traditional and modern with a spattering of other works like Zadok the Priest and a few 15th Century Carols. Just a great evening. Maur, Bill, Margaret and Barry also attended.
A few days later we attended the Advent Carol Service at Truro Cathedral. The Cathedral Choristers are truly magical as was the service itself. The Cathedral was in darkness except for candles at the start of the derive and the Cathedral lights gradually increased as the choir moved around the Cathedral. We return to the Cathedral on Dec 22nd for the nine lessons and carols which is always uplifting at this time of year.
We have been blessed with very mild and calm weather here in Cornwall. Hardly any wind and little rain. Very unusual for this time of year when we are usually hosting gales off the Atlantic. In contrast they have had some dreadful weather up north and along the Eastern coast with strong winds, rain and flooding! Today is another glorious day, calm sunny and quite mild. Gayle and I are just about to walk up to the butcher to get a ham. We are having all the family over on Friday for our usual pre Christmas buffet. Have decided to do a Barbados Baked Glazed Ham with cumberland sauce and a Lancashire Hot Pot and French beans with almonds. Desert will be a trifle with amontillado sherry and Gayle will also be doing a blueberry pie with Cornish cream. Everyone will be getting lifts so we can let the wine flow freely!
Returned to the Doctor yesterday to get the results of my blood tests and x-ray. Bloods were all fine but the x-ray uncovered a cracked disc, obviously caused when I fell off the ladder going up into the loft! At least I know why I am getting discomfort in my upper back. Doc says it will take some time to heal so will have to put up with the discomfort for a while yet!
Have booked seats tonight at the cinema to see The Hobbit. Had to get Gayle to remind me how the first Hobbit film ended. Couldn't remember a thing!!
Steve and Gudrun are at loose ends on Christmas Eve so will be joining us at Sydney House. Gayle normally prepares her traditional tourtiere on Christmas Eve. Something we got into years ago in Ottawa when we used to spend Christmas Eve with French Canadian friends. All the best, Derek
Hi Gayle and Derek, and Spudnik!
Lovely to hear from you. Loved the snap of Tristan, his face smeared with cake! (Unfortunately, other two pictures couldn't be opened. Just an outline box and text below.) Reminded me of Pierre's 1st birthday party. Ayn had baked a chocolate cake with green icing and Pierre was able to mash fistfuls of both into his hair! Think he thought it was more fun than eating! He looked like a cupcake himself.
Pleased to hear that you are enjoying such good weather at this time of year although I gather you are not doing much cycling with your sore upper back. However, glad to learn that you are on the mend. Always a bit worrisome when one has an ongoing ache or pain and not quite sure why. I'm still waiting to be reimbursed for the £222 that I paid to have my gold crown re-affixed, mid-August. Suppose I should refrain from opening bottles of Proper Job with my teeth!
Thanks for your kind words about Maggie. Pleased to say that her ashes are now flanking Mom's, (We plan to inter her remains next to my Father's grave, in Winnipeg, this coming July/August, when back in Manitoba to celebrate Clara's/Dusty's 69th wedding anniversary.), with Smokey's on the other side. Sneakers' ashes are in our "garden". Maybe that's why Spudnik sleeps on the electrical tower: cat ghosts!
Your carol concerts, particularly one in Cathedral, sounded simply wonderful. Having visited it, I can only imagine how wondrous it would have been. All the best to you and Gayle, Derek, and to Maur and Bill, Margaret and Barry, you country bumpkins the lot of you, and to Audrey and Brian, the Truroites, the uppity town folk, as well as Goodie-Two-Shoes and Stefano, and last, but not least, Spudnik, for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year. Will be thinking of you all and your sumptuous feast of Barbados Baked Glazed Ham and all the rest of the mouth-watering vittles, (Tourtière on Christmas Eve sounds wonderful indeed!), on Friday. We are having the daugther and son-in-law, (Zoe and Matt have been living in Vancouver for last two years.), of close friends from Melbourne for dinner that evening so looking forward to hearing all the latest news about Zoe's parents. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Los Horridos; Cora Lee and Ayn; 66th Birthday, on my new phone and quality control of icing on cake; sunset yesterday!
Another year has quickly passed and it is time to connect with those we think about often but are not fortunate enough to see.
We had a busy year doing some of the things we really enjoy and a
lot of things we have to, until we can retire. Jackie's baby Henry
invited us to his 1st Birthday in January, so we flew to Toronto for an
extended weekend and had lots of fun celebrating
with him. We enjoyed a two week holiday in Cuba in March, but other
than exploring shore roads, fishing docks, and visits to the valley,
stayed pretty close to home all summer.
Anne's parents moved into a seniors apartment complex in Windsor in
April. They are safe, happy and well cared for. What a relief!!!!
Mom is busy on the social committee and Dad is trying to keep up with
her. He had a couple of strokes during the summer
that slowed him down a bit, but is refusing to let health get in the
way of life.
Kurt's mom went to New York state to visit with her brother and
sister in law in August and hasn't come home yet. She is staying with
them for Christmas. We will find it different with her being away, but
she is having a great time and will be returning
home in late January, so we can celebrate with her at that time.
Kurt had been working in a casual position at the hospital for 18
months, to help with renovations and relocation of offices and patients
in preparation for a large addition to the building, The need for an
extra staff ended in August, and we are hopeful
for a call back in March, when the new wing opens and they need an
additional Maintenance person.
Our 6 grandchildren are all growing as fast as weeds and doing
well. They range in age from 23 months to 13 years. Ian's girls are
still very busy dancing, swimming and horseback riding ; Jackie's baby
is busy, busy, busy trying to do everything; Jennifer's
3 year old is Miss Attitude, her 6 year old is the Apple of Grampy's
eye and the 13 year old is a great outdoor loving, skateboarding, normal
13 year old kind of guy. We are blessed to have each and every one.
Anne went to Jackie's for Halloween and had a really fun time. Henry wore her out, but she loved every minute of it.
Going to the valley for Christmas with the Porters and dinner at
Jeans (Anne's sister) with her children and grandchildren. Always a
noisy and enjoyable time with something being spilt and someone crying!
Isn't that what it is all about? Love, laughter
and cleaning up.
Wishing you peace, happiness and a healthy 2014. Anne and Kurt
Hi Anne and Kurt!
Lovely to hear from you. Enjoyed hearing all about your busy lives and growing families! All the best to you both for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year. Fondestos from Cora Lee and Cheers from An Older but probably Not A Wiser Nor Kinder, Gentler Patrizzio!
Hi Anne and Kurt!
Lovely to hear from you. Enjoyed hearing all about your busy lives and growing families! All the best to you both for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year. Fondestos from Cora Lee and Cheers from An Older but probably Not A Wiser Nor Kinder, Gentler Patrizzio!
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