Hi Big Al!
Just a quick note to say that I'm sorry we didn't know about Colleen's surgery when we popped by. I probably shouldn't have hugged her so tightly so please apologize! I didn't read your email until just a few minutes ago. By the time we were back home we had to prepare the evening's dinner and get the house in order before everyone arrived. Had a lovely evening with Joan and Paul Whitney and Jo-Anne and Colin Naslund. Jo-Anne Trueman, (Bit confusing, at times, when calling out their names as you can well imagine!), our friend and neighbour from upstairs, dropped by just before I started final vacuuming sweep and so we invited her to join us for dinner. She is a lovely person and loads of fun.

Since Paul is still recovering from heart surgery they needed to leave around 10:00 pm and as Jo-Anne/Colin live but a few blocks from the Whitneys they very kindly drove them home. Had kitchen tidied close to 10;45 pm when two young lads, Victor and Patrick Chang came by. Very interesting young men. I met them about a year ago, at the VIFF as they were volunteering as well. We hit if off and Victor has joined our Book Club. He didn't enjoy practicing law and I suggested he might consider librarianship as a possible alternative. To make a long story short, he will start at SLAIS, at UBC, in January!

Anyway, wanted to send along best wishes to Colleen for a speedy and full recovery. Hope I can get out for a ride today. Forecast shows showers around noon but just cloudy for rest of afternoon so looking forward to working off some of those scrumptious smashed potatoes. Once again, Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you both and the lads. Thanks, as well, for your great Christmas card. Fab shot with Sunshine Valley sign, snow, etc! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Snaps: Packing hampers and Chloë's office at Aunt Leah's in New West; Sunshine Valley People!
Hi Lads! Great to see you both last night. Very pleased that you were able to come by. I know it will be a busy time for everyone, over next little while, but let's try to get together again before Jo Nesbø goes back to his Norwegian kitchen! Thanks again for marvellous Aquavit! We'll need to try it against the bottle of Swedish product my friend Kjell gave to me. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kjell!
Grand to chat with you! Thanks very much for the call. How did your concert go?
Coriandre and I spent most of yesterday morning in New West, (Snobby Bobby's turf!), helping to pack Christmas hampers for Aunt Leah's. The other volunteers were a friendly, industrious bunch so it was quite a bit of fun. One of the older women was from Cornwall, originally, so we had enjoyed chatting about our house exchange and travels there. She left Cornwall in the 60's to come to Canada and mentioned that she can hardly recognize the place now.
Shortly after noon, on our way home, we delivered three of the hampers to individuals, (one the family we, along with Sutherlands/Clara and Dusty/Grogg and Lurch "adopted" for Christmas), who lived in East Vancouver, one a very pleasant young woman who has just been hired to work at the AL Thrift Shop where Cora Lee volunteers. She was a foster-child who was helped by AL until she turned nineteen. Another woman was in a women's shelter and I could only take hamper to the locked gate as no men are allowed past this point. Really makes one realize how difficult so many people's lives are.
Back home to start food preparation for dinner. Had a lovely evening last night with Joan and Paul. Anyway, wanted to send along best wishes to you and family. Please pass along fond regards to everyone at your Christmas gathering. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Snaps: P/J; CL/Joanne; Jo-Anne/CL; J/Colin; The Goils; packing hampers and Chloë's office at Aunt Leah's in New West; lady in red is one from Cornwall
I'm amazed! Never had a Christmas card like that before. Hope you'll all have a great time./ Kjell
The concert was a musical show with a slightly aged Swedish pop
star/song writer and a back-up band. A gigantic Christmas buffet was
included, and the venue was the Grand Hotel, the most posh and
prestigious old hotel you'll find in Stockholm.
We were seated at one meter from the stage, and the show, which
lasted for one and a half hours, was very up-tempo, and got a tremendous
response from the audience, especially the female part. Although I
don't really care for this guy's music, it was a
great experience. Kjell
Hope this finds you
well. The sisterhood are both down for the count with virulent stomach
bugs -- we think acquired from Kerry's niece's toddler on Friday. Tia
was the first to race for the throne followed
an hour later by Kerry. Jake and Amira fell to the germ in the night. I
feel a little off but nothing that bad. We had planned to go to Seattle
last night and reluctantly reneged on that plan -- before we knew the
bug would fell us.
I can only attribute
my own escape from the bug to malt and blind luck. I have to admit I am
in a Malt Free Zone (MFZ) here now. The trip to Seattle was to replenish
the stock.
Seems like the lads
are somewhat noncommittal about our proposed Island gathering -- to
understate it slightly. Maybe we should just make it a bridge and ride
weekend? Lemme know your thoughts.
Have you been riding? Any word from Ray? Regards to all at the Islay Inn, W
Hi Gastrointestinal Giorgio!
Must really apologize for being so remiss in saying hello. Terribly sorry to learn of the bubonic plague sweeping through your family! However, I am perhaps more disturbed to learn that you currently inhabit a MFZ. No wonder you are under the weather! Guess it was a good thing that you had cancelled your Seattle junket. Clan Sutherland were there this weekend to take in Seahawks game. I gather this was one of few home losses in some time. Sarge and company will be upset, I'm sure.
I agree with your suggestion, given the overwhelmingly lukewarm response from the non-readers about the proposed Island venue for the next NRBC gathering, that we simply make it a riding/bridge weekend. Anyone who wishes to come, under these changed circumstances, is more than welcome, of course. If people wish to go ahead with either of the dates already proposed, please do so. If, on the other hand, group can wait until after we return from Madroña Manor, then that would be great. However, I certainly don't expect my schedule to dictate things for rest of you. Anyway, I'll leave things in your more than capable hands.
Haven't heard from Robo Man for a bit. When we came home yesterday, I found a book, (The Man who Cycled the World by Mark Beaumont, left by a friend, Jim Crowe, whom we met, briefly, in Hong Kong, in 2012, when he was passing through Vancouver a few weeks ago. We were in LA at the time otherwise I'd love to have seen him.), along with some book reviews, on chair by the patio door, so I gather he was by, at some point. Plan to drop him a line and/or call. Wonder if he is tutoring on Christmas Eve?
Wanted to thank you for helping Chloë out with volunteering on Vancouver tree lot. (According to her she finally wore you down!) Even though she pestered you ceaselessly, I know she really appreciated your help. Apparently, Paul was very impressed with your work. I gather he met Marcus at the Burnaby lot and he, Paul, mentioned to Chloë that he was very impressed with her Dad's network of friends!
Back home to start food preparation for dinner. Had a lovely evening last night with Joan and Paul Whitney, Jo-Anne, (She is still a Reference Librarian at the Education Library at UBC. I actually hired her, in the mid-'80's, along with my former boss, Howard Hurt, now, sadly, deceased.), and Colin Naslund and Joanne Trueman, (Bit confusing, at times, when calling out their names as you can well imagine!), our friend and neighbour from upstairs. She had dropped by just before I started final vacuuming sweep, earlier that afternoon, and so we invited her to join us for dinner. She is a delightful person and loads of fun.
Finished off a bottle of Tullibardine Single Cask, 55.1% and put considerable dents in another couple of more anaemic ones, tippling with The Swedish Twins until about 1:30 am. Had a message from Victorious late this afternoon in which he said: "...we wish you and yours a great one with lots of joy, 15-18 yrs single malts and less "porch cleaners"! Thought that you might appreciate the concatenation of porch climber/chain cleaner. Vittorino's version would probably be pretty powerful stuff especially with all the salt and grit carried in on people's shoes/boots as a result of the latest snowfall!
Treated myself to a lazy morning today. Am really enjoying Strange Shores by Arnaldur Indridason, an Icelander, and can hardly put it down. Hope to start on some of his other crime novels featuring his characters Erlendur and Sigurdur Óli. This particular work features Erlendur alone, at least so far.
Stats for today's ride:
Anyway, wanted to send along best wishes to you and The Sisterhood for a speedy recovery from whatever ails everyone. Please pass along fond regards to everyone. Hope we can connect over next few days. Are you in town or heading out somewhere? Tomorrow's forecast doesn't look all that promising so if it rains all day, as predicted, I'll probably try to run as many errrands as possible. Tuesday looks far better so depending on your schedule, perhaps we can engineer a ride. At any rate, let's chat in the morning if you are well enough to reach a phone! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
A Moose in a Maple Tree - The All Canadian 12 Days of Christmas
Hi Gastrointestinal Giorgio!
Must really apologize for being so remiss in saying hello. Terribly sorry to learn of the bubonic plague sweeping through your family! However, I am perhaps more disturbed to learn that you currently inhabit a MFZ. No wonder you are under the weather! Guess it was a good thing that you had cancelled your Seattle junket. Clan Sutherland were there this weekend to take in Seahawks game. I gather this was one of few home losses in some time. Sarge and company will be upset, I'm sure.
I agree with your suggestion, given the overwhelmingly lukewarm response from the non-readers about the proposed Island venue for the next NRBC gathering, that we simply make it a riding/bridge weekend. Anyone who wishes to come, under these changed circumstances, is more than welcome, of course. If people wish to go ahead with either of the dates already proposed, please do so. If, on the other hand, group can wait until after we return from Madroña Manor, then that would be great. However, I certainly don't expect my schedule to dictate things for rest of you. Anyway, I'll leave things in your more than capable hands.
Haven't heard from Robo Man for a bit. When we came home yesterday, I found a book, (The Man who Cycled the World by Mark Beaumont, left by a friend, Jim Crowe, whom we met, briefly, in Hong Kong, in 2012, when he was passing through Vancouver a few weeks ago. We were in LA at the time otherwise I'd love to have seen him.), along with some book reviews, on chair by the patio door, so I gather he was by, at some point. Plan to drop him a line and/or call. Wonder if he is tutoring on Christmas Eve?
Wanted to thank you for helping Chloë out with volunteering on Vancouver tree lot. (According to her she finally wore you down!) Even though she pestered you ceaselessly, I know she really appreciated your help. Apparently, Paul was very impressed with your work. I gather he met Marcus at the Burnaby lot and he, Paul, mentioned to Chloë that he was very impressed with her Dad's network of friends!
Back home to start food preparation for dinner. Had a lovely evening last night with Joan and Paul Whitney, Jo-Anne, (She is still a Reference Librarian at the Education Library at UBC. I actually hired her, in the mid-'80's, along with my former boss, Howard Hurt, now, sadly, deceased.), and Colin Naslund and Joanne Trueman, (Bit confusing, at times, when calling out their names as you can well imagine!), our friend and neighbour from upstairs. She had dropped by just before I started final vacuuming sweep, earlier that afternoon, and so we invited her to join us for dinner. She is a delightful person and loads of fun.
Finished off a bottle of Tullibardine Single Cask, 55.1% and put considerable dents in another couple of more anaemic ones, tippling with The Swedish Twins until about 1:30 am. Had a message from Victorious late this afternoon in which he said: "...we wish you and yours a great one with lots of joy, 15-18 yrs single malts and less "porch cleaners"! Thought that you might appreciate the concatenation of porch climber/chain cleaner. Vittorino's version would probably be pretty powerful stuff especially with all the salt and grit carried in on people's shoes/boots as a result of the latest snowfall!
Treated myself to a lazy morning today. Am really enjoying Strange Shores by Arnaldur Indridason, an Icelander, and can hardly put it down. Hope to start on some of his other crime novels featuring his characters Erlendur and Sigurdur Óli. This particular work features Erlendur alone, at least so far.
Stats for today's ride:
Anyway, wanted to send along best wishes to you and The Sisterhood for a speedy recovery from whatever ails everyone. Please pass along fond regards to everyone. Hope we can connect over next few days. Are you in town or heading out somewhere? Tomorrow's forecast doesn't look all that promising so if it rains all day, as predicted, I'll probably try to run as many errrands as possible. Tuesday looks far better so depending on your schedule, perhaps we can engineer a ride. At any rate, let's chat in the morning if you are well enough to reach a phone! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hello Patrizzio, Corinne,
Hi again Lads!
Cora Lee's Mom, Rosie-The-Riveter, was pleased you enjoyed the tarts so you'll need to come back for more and an Akvavit taste-off! Not sure what your Christmas schedule involves/entails but you are more than welcome to come over Christmas Eve as we will be here, doing last minute wrapping, malt sampling, etc. Also, Boxing Day we will be at home after a having 20 people for dinner on Christmas Day. Doing a joint venture with Clan Sutherland so it should be fun. More or less here until January 30th when we are heading up to Sunshine Valley, just past Hope, to spend that night with close friends at their cabin there.
So let me know what might work best for you two and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks for Christmas wishes. I especially enjoyed the line: "...we wish you and yours a great one with lots of joy, 15-18 yrs single malts and less 'porch cleaners'"! Wonderful concatenation of porch climber/chain cleaner. Your version, Vittorino, would probably be pretty powerful stuff especially with all the salt and grit carried in on people's shoes/boots as a result of the latest snowfall! However, need to correct you with respect to your use of "less". It should be either "less porch cleaner" or "fewer porch cleaners" but I appreciate the sentiment!
Anyway, wanted to send along best wishes to you both. We plan to take in the Special Christmas Eve Jazz Vespers concert at St. Andrew’s-Wesley:
On Christmas Eve three of the finest women vocalists in the lower Mainland will present a special Jazz Vespers concert at St. Andrew’s-Wesley. Karin Plato, Jennifer Scott, and Kate Hammett-Vaughan will offer their gift to the city–an hour of holiday treats ranging from traditional carols to popular tunes, each song especially arranged to blend perfectly the voices of this dynamic trio. Each woman is a star in her own right, and this is the only time of the year when you’ll be able to hear them together.
There’s no admission charge but the offering will benefit Covenant House which exists for young people aged 16-24 who often have no one else. Most have fled physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse or have been forced from their homes. Covenant House bandages their feet cut up from days and nights walking the streets; gives them hot food and a warm bed; and supports them in their choice to change their circumstances while helping them heal from past traumas.
Consider this scenario: a young woman, pregnant, terrified by the big city, wandering the streets with no place to lay her head. Sound familiar this Christmastime? This is your chance to enjoy some terrific music and support an organization which helps youngsters exactly like her.
St. Andrew’s-Wesley where Jazz meets the Spirit. Burrard/Nelson Streets, December 24 – 4 pm, Free admission. Free parking under Wesley Place, (entrance off the lane behind the church), is free for Jazz Vespers but it is necessary for you to register your vehicle number in the Narthex, (Lobby), of the Church.
At any rate, you are both welcome to join us for Vespers and then come for dinner afterwards, or just Vespers or just dinner. Let's chat over the phone or by email and take it from there. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Snaps: All taken before you reprobates came knocking!
Hi O Susannah and Champagne!
Must really apologize for being so remiss in saying thank you for your lovely salad and fabulous bridge prizes. Great evening and it was a delight to see you both, of course. Ricardo mentioned how much he enjoyed meeting you, even though he will come to regret it, I'm sure! Loved the Juggling Snowman! Congrats again on partnering with Flight Centre Canada! Bravo!!! Anyway, wanted to send along best wishes to you both for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year! Cheers, Il Conduttore! Snaps: Bridge fiends!
thank you again for supreme hospitality, especially as we barged in
at an ungodly hour to raid your malt and sugar supplies, interrupting
Corinne's reading time (although interesting coincidence that she was
reading a book by one of Sweden's greatest modern
crime writers, Henning Mankell), and Pat's...whatever time? And all we
brought in exchange was some low-grade Norwegian aquavit that Pat found
on special at the duty-free when he was getting kicked out of Norway for
a month (real reason for his coming back
here) for being too ugly. The malt gods are not happy I think...
Corinne, your mother's sugar tarts were lovely, and thank you again
for your advice on the profession, I'd love to bug you again sometime
as it was hard to catch everything over Pat's commanding voice : )
Yes! if it isn't too much of a burden we'd love to get together
again, hopefully while it's still light outside. Please let us know
when's a good time, it's a real joy and honour for us to get to spend
time with you, as well, coming to your home really
reminds us of Sweden and it's rare for us to get that kind of nostalgia
Corinne, Pat, If we don't see or talk to you before Christmas, we
wish you and yours a great one with lots of joy, 15-18 yrs single malts
and less "porch cleaners". Thank you again for being in our lives and
letting us be your friends
Take care, VL
Hi again Lads!
Cora Lee's Mom, Rosie-The-Riveter, was pleased you enjoyed the tarts so you'll need to come back for more and an Akvavit taste-off! Not sure what your Christmas schedule involves/entails but you are more than welcome to come over Christmas Eve as we will be here, doing last minute wrapping, malt sampling, etc. Also, Boxing Day we will be at home after a having 20 people for dinner on Christmas Day. Doing a joint venture with Clan Sutherland so it should be fun. More or less here until January 30th when we are heading up to Sunshine Valley, just past Hope, to spend that night with close friends at their cabin there.
So let me know what might work best for you two and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks for Christmas wishes. I especially enjoyed the line: "...we wish you and yours a great one with lots of joy, 15-18 yrs single malts and less 'porch cleaners'"! Wonderful concatenation of porch climber/chain cleaner. Your version, Vittorino, would probably be pretty powerful stuff especially with all the salt and grit carried in on people's shoes/boots as a result of the latest snowfall! However, need to correct you with respect to your use of "less". It should be either "less porch cleaner" or "fewer porch cleaners" but I appreciate the sentiment!
Anyway, wanted to send along best wishes to you both. We plan to take in the Special Christmas Eve Jazz Vespers concert at St. Andrew’s-Wesley:
On Christmas Eve three of the finest women vocalists in the lower Mainland will present a special Jazz Vespers concert at St. Andrew’s-Wesley. Karin Plato, Jennifer Scott, and Kate Hammett-Vaughan will offer their gift to the city–an hour of holiday treats ranging from traditional carols to popular tunes, each song especially arranged to blend perfectly the voices of this dynamic trio. Each woman is a star in her own right, and this is the only time of the year when you’ll be able to hear them together.
There’s no admission charge but the offering will benefit Covenant House which exists for young people aged 16-24 who often have no one else. Most have fled physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse or have been forced from their homes. Covenant House bandages their feet cut up from days and nights walking the streets; gives them hot food and a warm bed; and supports them in their choice to change their circumstances while helping them heal from past traumas.
Consider this scenario: a young woman, pregnant, terrified by the big city, wandering the streets with no place to lay her head. Sound familiar this Christmastime? This is your chance to enjoy some terrific music and support an organization which helps youngsters exactly like her.
St. Andrew’s-Wesley where Jazz meets the Spirit. Burrard/Nelson Streets, December 24 – 4 pm, Free admission. Free parking under Wesley Place, (entrance off the lane behind the church), is free for Jazz Vespers but it is necessary for you to register your vehicle number in the Narthex, (Lobby), of the Church.
At any rate, you are both welcome to join us for Vespers and then come for dinner afterwards, or just Vespers or just dinner. Let's chat over the phone or by email and take it from there. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Snaps: All taken before you reprobates came knocking!
Hi O Susannah and Champagne!
Must really apologize for being so remiss in saying thank you for your lovely salad and fabulous bridge prizes. Great evening and it was a delight to see you both, of course. Ricardo mentioned how much he enjoyed meeting you, even though he will come to regret it, I'm sure! Loved the Juggling Snowman! Congrats again on partnering with Flight Centre Canada! Bravo!!! Anyway, wanted to send along best wishes to you both for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year! Cheers, Il Conduttore! Snaps: Bridge fiends!
Hi Ragin'!
Glad you enjoyed the cat/dog clip. I can still remember the first time you told me about the same situation at your place. Needed a laugh as it has been pretty hectic here for last few days. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Pat and Gavin and Goils!
Glad you were able to book the canal barge. I'm sure you will enjoy yourselves.
Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Champagne!
Clarisse loved the jokes! On another matter, do you have an other email address? Can't seem to get this one to accept e-card delivery! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Glad you enjoyed the cat/dog clip. I can still remember the first time you told me about the same situation at your place. Needed a laugh as it has been pretty hectic here for last few days. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Pat and Gavin and Goils!
Glad you were able to book the canal barge. I'm sure you will enjoy yourselves.
Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Champagne!
Clarisse loved the jokes! On another matter, do you have an other email address? Can't seem to get this one to accept e-card delivery! Cheers, Patrizzio!
When asked for your name, just put
in your first name.
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