Monday, 23 December 2013

Christmas Eve Blues with a Harp from Space Santa: December 24th!

The sleep of reason produces monsters. -Francisco Goya, painter and printmaker (1746-1828)

Good Morning, Non-Tosspot!

I came by around about 9:20 pm lasterevening but you had either already retired for Sugar Plum Land or were out enjoying Christmas Cheer, belying the fact of your recent GID!

 At any rate, I left a small parcel and a number of cards in your recycling bin so I trust everything is still there this morn or else the Breakfast Club People will be having a more than Happy Christmas!

I was later than I hoped to be as I dropped into see Sylvia and Raymondo beforehand and we had a very pleasant chat/visit. Both are well although Robo Man had pulled something in his back, a few days ago, I think, using the rowing machina at the gym. Nothing too, too serious and he might even go for a ride this morning. He wouldn't venture out until after 11:00 am so that probably leaves you out in the cold. I'm not sure about my own schedule but if you plan to ride around 9:00 am I might join you.

Before I left I was plied with two delicious pieces of Christmas Cake, his Mom's recipe, and it was yummy indeed. Even scored a wedge of Ray's recipe as takeaway so didn't fare too badly, I must say. They, ike the rest of us, are busy with large family gatherings over next few days but I assume we might be able to organize something later on, before Tutoring Mania rears its ugly head.

Give me some shoutage and we'll plan accordingly about ride, possible strategies in dealing with The Sisterhood, etc. Cheers, Dustbin Dunn!

P, sorry we missed you last night. I was down for the count but the sisterhood was still buzzing about so I am surprised that they did not hear you. I had some things for you as well that I will deliver your way. I usually leave my gifts for the local homeless in the recycling bin so they may be puzzled at the new found loot. 

The ride is thwarted for me this morning. The job jar is full as you can imagine. I am tethered to the vacuum and other rags and mops. Very grateful for the ride lasterday - felt renewed last night even if I was somewhat zapped.

Glad you connected to Raymundo and crew. We will organize something before the New Year. Admiral Tosspot has a good ring.  All the best to you and yours if we do not connect before tomorrow, W

P, just found loot in the recycle bin preempting the local dumpster divers. The sisterhood, who shall not be so named, is aghast at the generosity - as I am gobsmacked. Thank you so much. It rightly belongs in the sacred Islay malt cupboard. 

I hope it is okay to wrap the other item for Ms T for under the tree.

Hope to drop by later. W

Hi General Tosspot! (Were you an extra in White Christmas?)

Glad you are now back in uniform with enough malt to fill your canteen! (De-cluttering even applies to maltage!) In fact, the tiny package atop the package you purloined from the BBDs, was intended for you BUT, in the way these things seem to go, I assumed Tia Maria would soon snaffle it. 

All will become clear in the fullness of time as the Universe unfolds as it should and MFZs disappear from the face of Mother Earth. I always knew Global Warming was good for something and that, contrary to the fact that The Sisterhood frown upon tosspotting malt, with some frequency and great relish, Gaia probably likes a snort or two Herself!

Sorry about ride but understand. Might connect with Robo Man later but will depend on loosing myself from accursed shackles Coriandre is wielding. At first I thought it was a kinky phase but was soon disabused of such erotic thoughts. Rather than being tied to the bedpost I'm chained to the cutting board. Can you hear the screams of the acorn squash as I use my razor-sharp Japanese knife to slice and dice?

We who are enslaved in Domestic Service, Salute Each Other! Onward!! Fight! Down for the count but not out. Cheers, Tinpot Tosspot!

Hello Lads!

I thought I'd pass along the following to counter all the negative comments I seem to engender for my so perceived "eccentric" cycling behaviour, taken from The Genius in All of Us: New Insights into Genetics, Talent and IQ by David Shenk. I know that many of you are already aware of the importance of Practice. "Rather than being the result of genetics or inherent genius, truly outstanding skill in any domain is rarely achieved with less than ten thousand hours of practice over ten years' time" Not surprisingly this translates into an average of three hours per day, roughly the time it takes for me to log 61 km around the SP/Prospect Hill Loop, if I don't touch the Burning Ground! Need I say more?

No, but I will, of course. Really just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a Healthy, Dipsy-Doodling New Year, from all of us here at The Islay Inn to you and your families! Fondestos and Cheers from Il Conduttore who doesn't ever need asbestos soled riding boots! 


Thank you for the lovely card! All the best of the Christmas season to you, Cora Lee and Chloe! We are spending part of the holidays scoping out new and exciting Sav's. Have a most marvelous Christmas and a fantastic New Year!  Sneaky Pete and Gemma 

Hi Sneaky Pete and Gemma!

Glad you are well and on the trail of new and exciting Sauvignon Blancs! Buona Fortuna!!! Thanks for Christmas wishes.
Cheers, Patrizzio!

dear Chloe, Corinne and Patrick ! Just opened your greeting. With everyone a pleasant holiday. We are preparing for at medium large family Christmas party at my dad's place. Visitors from Copenhagen and Sweden even. Dishes will be Danish, Swedish, Finnish and Irish ( my Irish uncle will be there ). I have a long holiday, started out unpleasantly for the boys and myself, with burglars on Saturday, fortunately nothing ruined , but some old greatgrandmother's jewellery is gone. .. We will attend the Church service in the afternoon and then home for food and presents! XO margareta  

Hi Maggie, Darling!

Glad you are well and having a large family gathering. Sorry to learn about your burglary. Upsetting at any time, let alone just before Christmas. At any rate, I do hope you will enjoy your long holiday, in spite of distressing event.

Anyway, wanted to send along a bit of news and more best wishes to you and the boys and rest of your family, (Please say hello to everyone!), both for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year!
Once again, Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Snap: Electric fireplace in our living room.

Hello Brisbanites, now probably sun-basking!

Trust you are now ensconced around a pool somewhere or at the beach with tiny umbrellas in your drinks!
Wanted to send along some news before madness begins!
Cheers, Patrizzio!

Neighbour Bernie with Flamin' in Sutherland's kitchen; Ryan, F's/S's eldest, Megan, his fiancée, Nicole, F's/S's youngest, Corinna, Swiss baorder, Flamin', Cora Lee.

Thank you, and enjoy your egnog tonight with your family. See in the new year.
Eyob, Shewa andthechildren. 

Pat, Many thanks for the Jacquie Lawson card. They are so attractive. Tried to send a reply but wasn't able. Sylvia is already off to the Market to pick up the turkey. I have a few things to do this morning. I'd like to ride but not sure if I'm going to be fit enough so if you are wanting to get off before noon, then don't let me hold you up. I'll see how I feel after getting my jobs done and get back to you. Ray

Hi Raymond!

I think that the Grinch probably put a block of some sort on your computer after he learned that you had a Christmas Tree! One of his staunchest supporters gone over to the Tiny Tim's of the world!

Be great if we can connect later but will depend on loosing myself from accursed shackles Coriandre is wielding. At first I thought it was a kinky phase but was soon disabused of such erotic thoughts. Rather than being tied to the bedpost I'm chained to the cutting board. Can you hear the screams of the acorn squash as I use my razor-sharp Japanese knife to slice and dice!

Wishing you all a happy Christmas Eve!!! Now go to bed so Santa can come and leave your presents!!
  • Sylvie Roy Joyeux noël Chloé! xxx
    Bev Power Merry Christmas to you Chloe !
  • Ayn P But Sissy I want Santa to bring me you as a present xoxo
    Patrick James Dunn Take Nana! She won't fill the stockings until she has another glass of wine
  • Corinne Durston Santa needs to draw close and whisper sweet nothings in my ear!
  • Chloe Alexis Dunn Yikes, Santa you better give out all the gifts before you're distracted by Mrs. Clause!!
  • Margareta Maunsbach Sorry to announce it at this stage, but Santa dropped off all presents in Scandinavia last night, felt tired and fell asleep (drunk) beside a chimney. I rendered him a double aspirine, and I HOPE he will manage to travel on soon...
  • Chloe Alexis Dunn Well hope those elves and reindeer work their magic as well as your good doctoring Mags!!!!

P, hope your ride and the vespers were inspiring. Our brunch was fun with toddlers commanding all the attention.

I thought the St Remy Napoleon complex porch cleaner would look festive in the malt cupboard if it were permitted and would be a treat for the tosspots -- after the bike and porch are both cleaned. The bottle that is wrapped and hopefully tucked in your frig, would be good in your coffee in the morning just FYI -- Kerry built. 

Enjoy the festivities and thanks again for the malt, W

Happy Christmas, Giorgio

Dear il Conduttore,

we will definitely see you at dinner tonight, sorry if we somehow imposed and invited ourselves into a special family gathering - although, we'll still happily eat your food!

Looking forward to seeing you, Corinne and the rest of the Dunn mafioso VL

Unfortunately, wasn't able to squeeze in a ride as too, too many domestic chores to discharge. Nevertheless, Jazz Vespers was a simply wonderful Christmas Eve event so you should think about taking it in if you happen to be in town when it is on. The vocals of The Three Queens, Karin Plato, Jennifer Scott and Kate Hammett-Vaughn were thrillingly tremendous and Jillian Lebeck, piano, Rene Worst, bass, and Tom Forster, drums, were groovesters extraordinaire. Rev. Dan Chambers and Rev. Kathryn Ransdell, the liturgists, presented a remarkably meaningful Christmas story. We sang carols and just took in the true spirit of Christmas so it was a very, very moving afternoon.

Swedish lads didn't make concert but they arrived arounf 6:00 pm and we jhad a rollicking good time. Started with Clarisse's borscht, fabuloso, and then on to feat on perogies, fried oniones and Cora Lee's fish cakes, spectaculare! Cannot begin to say how amazed everyone was at the unbridled appetites shown by The Swedish Twins. Before they ate us out of house and home, we shepherded them downstairs to Flamin' and Sarge who were hosting their own Christmas Eve dinner. 

Lads depredaded  the lovely smorgasbord they had mounted and we pretended we didn't know them! Loads of fun chatting with one and all and then it was time for The Swedish Twins to move on to their next party. Said goodbye and hope to see them on New Year's Eve. Back upstiars to load dishwasher and do some dishes. Must away as it is time for me to play at being Santa's Helper! Fondesos, Patrizzio, The Elf With A Red Nose! 


Your well wishes are returned wholeheartedly, hope to get together for bridge, or a ride during which I wish to stop 2 times for bathroom breaks and at least once for café americano every 30

minutes. I must say however, your argument for not touching the ground falls considerably short of convincing.  If the requirement was to ride 10,000 hours straight, that would be one thing.  But once you have touched the ground, say between daily rides, how can you argue the number of touches affects the final result?  Are you suggesting that if you ride 3 hours a day, and touch the ground 3,000 times over a 3 year period, … oops I know that's he magic "33" … but irrelevant!!! … you will be more skilled than me just because I take a coffee stop each ride?  I DON'T THINK SO.  Besides, it's a well know fact that caffeine stimulates the brain, so you "might" be better at the end of the 10,000 hours but I'd be smarter! Branko!
Cutest card, thanks for thinking of us as we set about opening presents with Jess, her flatmate Sam, and Jill. Expecting Ed, Jane and Xavier for dinner. Mild 25 here. Love to you all, and have a great time. We'll talk in the NY. Love, S & K

Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family, near and far. We are thinking of you all and wish you a wonderful holiday with your loved ones. Have a healthy, joy-filled year ahead. With love and gratitude, Maya

fabulous picture of St. John's

The fine line we are called to pursue asks us to stay grounded in every moment and yet rise above the chattering asphalt of our lives. It is certainly no coincidence that we celebrate il conduttore's mastery of transcendent travel on the birth eve of a fellow who , according to a dozen reliable witnesses, developed quite a knack for much the same. I could highlight a multitude of other similarities, such as the recurring bread and fishes miracles at Inn Islay, and assorted complexes, but I must wrap up now lest the gold, frankincense and myrrh, to be put under the tree, remain unwrapped. I will however leave you with a few poems that were inspired by a recent trip to my sister's beach house in North Carolina.  
Pelican Fly By...

Flap Flap, quiet quiet,
We ancient peleton glide
So close, to source
To know, to wear
The meaning of our shadow there

Sand Pipers and Gulls on a frosty bright morn...

We shiver and we flutter
Tail feathers to the rising sun

The night has past
The day has come
Anew our journey has begun 

With soaring gratitude
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Stephen

p.s. What an amazing concert at St. Mary's! It was great to see you there. We have the same choir director as the Universal Gospel Choir and have almost as much fun as they do.


I have built tall castle walls

With thick bricks all well fired

Yet still my shadow seeps on in

And my weary soul is tired


My heart knows but can't yet see

The sacred life beyond the moat

To a land beyond self and reason

 I need but find my boat 


With Purpose and Meaning for coordinates

And Gratitude for a sail

Surely heaven will be my constant crew

And hell can learn to bail


To journey's end I will be carried

On waves of bright sea foam

With hull and mast well travelled

And my soul at last at home

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