A Healthy New Year to
you and Cheryl, and family, Allan,
from Corinne, Chloë and Patrizzio!
Cheers to one and all!
Thank you, my friend. Best wishes to you and yours for a healthy & happy New Year.
Patrizzio Sr,
Thank you very much for your hospitality this evening. I am so pleased to have the opportunity to spend some time with you. I felt that this was the best way to get to know each better. Also understanding where we come from. Delighted to hear your stories as usual and it was very interesting. I have so many more questions to ask and we got off on a good start. We'll talk soon and safe travels. Patrick
you and Cheryl, and family, Allan,
from Corinne, Chloë and Patrizzio!
Cheers to one and all!
Thank you, my friend. Best wishes to you and yours for a healthy & happy New Year.
Patrizzio Sr,
Thank you very much for your hospitality this evening. I am so pleased to have the opportunity to spend some time with you. I felt that this was the best way to get to know each better. Also understanding where we come from. Delighted to hear your stories as usual and it was very interesting. I have so many more questions to ask and we got off on a good start. We'll talk soon and safe travels. Patrick
Buon Giorno, Patrizzio den Yngre!
"Mutual, I'm sure!" (Please identify line. Said by whom to whom. No Googleage!!! Hint: Christmas movie)
Coramandel and I both enjoyed your visit. You are a very, very interesting young man and it is more than a pleasure to spend time together and certainly to get to know one another better. I too, still have a myriad of probing questions so the journey continues!
Coriandre suggests you and The Evil Twin arrive anytime after 5:15 pm on New Year's Day. We will probably eat around 6:30 pm-7:00 pm so that gives you both a bit more flexibility should you have other commitments beforehand. Otherwise come at aforementioned time and we can sample some malt, bourbon or rye whuskeeeee! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio den Eldste, men sikkert ikke nødvendigvis Klokere!
Pic: Il Conduttore pontificating last Friday evening!
Hi Janet!
Too, too bad we couldn't connect. How went your visit with friends from Ireland? For my part, the Tourtière making went very well indeed. In terms of getting together, our social calendar seems pretty empty after New Year's Day so perhaps we can arrange a time to get together before you return to work. Take a look at the days towards the end of this coming week and let us know what times might be convenient.
Hello Old Oakites and Nouveau Vancouverites!
Trust everyone is well. Have been meaning to send along snaps taken the evening the Bright Young People were over. Thank you, Zoe, and Matt, for the lovely Gingerbread Men. (I feel terrible every time I bite off a limb but they taste so good I block out their screams!) Cora Lee and I both enjoyed the evening immensely and it was a delight to have the opportunity to visit and really have a chance to chat.
Thank you both for the lovely card, (Isn't reading my bastardized Italian enough of a lesson for Stefano to make him fluent?), and very, very entertaining Boxing Day email, Kathleen. We knew about the snakes in paradise and felines brought in to control same, from Zoe, also the snake-oil car salesman. However, I thought one usually went from conning unsuspecting buyers to holding political office, not vice versa, yer honour da Mayor! Mornington for New Year's, The Lives of the Rich and Famous, indeed!
In closing, trust our paths will cross, as you say, Kathleen, this coming year. You know you are always welcome and we truly wish to have you stay on our fancy, smancy inflatable mattress. (You can use it to river raft as well!) Fondestos and Cheers and Best Wishes for a Healthy New Year to everyone Down Under and in Kits!
Pics: Mr BMW and Ms Medical Mediator! Dinner, Christmas Eve; Santa's elf, cited for drinking/sleeping on the job, Christmas Eve of all times! Christmas morning brunch and a few presents.
Hi Darling Marilyn and Jokester Michaelo!
Thank you for your lovely Christmas letter. Know precisely what you mean about Valentine's Day delivery! In closing, trust our paths will cross this coming year. You know you are always welcome and we truly wish to host you for a change! Fondestos and Cheers and Best Wishes for a Healthy New Year to everyone!
P, hope you and Roboman got out lasterday. We had a good ride to Evergreen and a barnburner of a match that Dennis and I stole in the final point of the 5th. Looks like we are not riding today. I have another match at 4PM. Weather looks dodgy tomorrow and I play Tuesday... How is Ray? W
Hi Giggenheimer!
Congrats on last minute victory! Well done!!! Decided to play it cosy today so just enjoying life inside. Might even give up riding and take up malt sippage and DVD watching instead! Actually, far, far more demanding than a ride out to Iona bucking a fierce head wind. Janet, friend who has made three trips to Inja, to date, popped by earlier and we had a wonderful chat about her experiences there. (Served her a cup of java and was a tad upset that she wanted a hefty pour of Irish Cream stirred into it!) She will be our "expert" for proposed 2015 trip. We worked together at the Curric Lab at UBC and she then went on to Dal for Library School. Is now Head of Children's Library at Main, VPL.
Backstory to your quesion about Robo Man: When back, Cora Lee informed me that Patrizzio Due was coming by around 7:00 pm. He had sent a message along, earlier, mentioning he wanted to have the opportunity to spend some time with me, without Vittorio! He felt that this was the best way to get to know each other better as his cousin seems to do all the talking when there happen to be the two of them present. Quite touching actually!
Anyhow, he had not appeared by 7:45 pm. so close to 8:00 pm we decided to sit down to dinner. Coriandre had whipped up an omelette, using some of the cherry tomatoes and bocconcini we had left over from a salad. Warmed up some of Chloë's fabulous dressing as well so my mouth was already starting to water when Patrizzio The Younger arrived! Perfect timing of a seasoned Freeloader!
We invited him to join us although we only had a few snorts of Schnapps, (Red, red wine for The Sisterhood!), with our food as Patrizzio was driving. (Plus a couple of shots of Poitin, The Original Spirit of Ireland, weighing in at 61.5%, a veritable porch cleaner if ever there was one!) Had a great conversation about all sorts of topics. Cora Lee left us to watch TV, at some point, but we
both enjoyed his visit. He is a very, very interesting young man and it is more than a pleasure to spend time together and certainly to get to know one another better. I still have a myriad of probing questions so the journey continues!
Talked to Raymond earlier this morning and he said he was off to the gym. Mentioned his hips were a tad sore when he clambered out of bed this morning so not sure if this is ride related or not. Anyway, he seemed in good spirits so I think his heart "condition" is not an issue, at the moment at least.
Perhaps a ride on New Year's Day to clear away the cobwebs. anyway, we'll chat! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Dear Patrick and Corinne,
Here is a photo from our recent festivities -not the greatest but as in Julius Caesar "tis enough, twill serve" (describing Brutus' sword wound) Thanks for coming and we hope to connect on Vancouver Island. Happy New Year, Bill & Denise.
Hi Wild Bill and Decorous Denise!
Thank you both for the lovely evening and simply delicious bison, not to mention the tasty ancient grain! And the wines stellare, it goes without saying. (Before I forget, if you still have empty of one I brought could you supply me with label details as I meant to record them but forgot to do do. Not a big deal if already recycled.) Terrific to meet Jennifer and Robert, as well, of course. Thanks very much for photo, (only received one, not two), as well.
I had hoped to send along snaps I took of the evening but one thing led to another and now it is Sunday afternoon! Once more, thank you both for most enjoyable, delightful evening. Do hope you can visit us at Madroña Manor. Until then, Cheers and a Healthy New Year to you both from Cora Lee and Patrizio!
Patrizzio, Sorry about the confusion re subject line on my email; it was meant to say "dinner at Grossville", not two great Iphotos. In the narrative text it said "a photo" which was correct. And many thanks for the cute and clever New Years card! best regards Bill.
Bonjour Monsieur Patrick!
I will let my Evil Twin know about the time. I have never heard about this movie. White Christmas is apparently a classic movie. Unfortunately I had to google. Bob Wallace asked Doris "How do you do?" and she responded "Mutual, I'm sure". It must have been some attraction between those two in the movie, I assume. We will see you soon and Happy New Year. Cheers, Patrick
Hi Roma and Leonard!
Thank you for your lovely e-Christmas card. Had a newsy Christmas card from Julia as well. Trust everyone is well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patricio,
Hope all is well, we're having a really nice relaxing time up here and
look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow. Let us know if anything has
changed otherwise we'll expect you around 3 ish. Cheers, Al and the gang. Xo
P, Malt and DVDs -- a laudable resolution for the New Year. We sell all our bike hardware and buy sippage... Good to know Robo was back in form. A ride may be a necessity on the first day of the year. Interesting that the other twinkie showed for a visit. W
Due to the underwhelming uptake to the Island wine heist gathering, I will suggest two alternate dates: February 2 or the 9th. Venue TBC. Please let us know if either of those dates work for you. And a happy new year to all, G
Most Gracious Greetings Commander of the Islay Inn,
first of all, sorry to hear about Michelle and Wayne's situation. It's even worse given the time of the year. I wish them the best and hope they manage well during this time.
Yes, indeed, I think the young and switchy cub is trying to lose his older, wiser, and handsomer benefactor cousin. I can only surmise for two simple reasons:
1. Whenever, we're out together, I get all the women;
2. he wants all of the good malt to himself! (and leave me at home, by myself, with the 12-yr old chivas blend aka "porch cleaner", mama mia!)
But thank you for exposing the devious and cruel plot to overthrow the royal house of V of the Southern Richmond Tundra. Believe me, I will deal swiftly and heavily with the young offender. For starters, besides the initial 30 lashes, his share of malt for the rest of the holiday season will automatically be transferred to my own glass whenever dispensed where it will be consumed solely by said benefactor cousin. The gall of this little devil, I tell you, despite everything I've done for him since birth, this is how he treats me? With an insurrection, no less!
On to other matters, I would be absolutely delighted to join the Dunn Clan of the Islay for New Year's Day. Thank you again for generously extending your home to two lost lads, one of which is still being house trained. Please, let me know what the appropriate time is to arrive for the festivities and frivolity. I am sure the young cub has already responded to your kind invitation in the affirmative. Given the recent revelation of his treachery, do not be shocked to see him dressed in medieval stocks on January 1st. Feel free to make the most of your expiring vegetables as projectiles when you see him.
Please find attached some pictures from the past few days from mine and the younger's movements, some including yourself Salut! VL
first of all, sorry to hear about Michelle and Wayne's situation. It's even worse given the time of the year. I wish them the best and hope they manage well during this time.
Yes, indeed, I think the young and switchy cub is trying to lose his older, wiser, and handsomer benefactor cousin. I can only surmise for two simple reasons:
1. Whenever, we're out together, I get all the women;
2. he wants all of the good malt to himself! (and leave me at home, by myself, with the 12-yr old chivas blend aka "porch cleaner", mama mia!)
But thank you for exposing the devious and cruel plot to overthrow the royal house of V of the Southern Richmond Tundra. Believe me, I will deal swiftly and heavily with the young offender. For starters, besides the initial 30 lashes, his share of malt for the rest of the holiday season will automatically be transferred to my own glass whenever dispensed where it will be consumed solely by said benefactor cousin. The gall of this little devil, I tell you, despite everything I've done for him since birth, this is how he treats me? With an insurrection, no less!
On to other matters, I would be absolutely delighted to join the Dunn Clan of the Islay for New Year's Day. Thank you again for generously extending your home to two lost lads, one of which is still being house trained. Please, let me know what the appropriate time is to arrive for the festivities and frivolity. I am sure the young cub has already responded to your kind invitation in the affirmative. Given the recent revelation of his treachery, do not be shocked to see him dressed in medieval stocks on January 1st. Feel free to make the most of your expiring vegetables as projectiles when you see him.
Please find attached some pictures from the past few days from mine and the younger's movements, some including yourself Salut! VL
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