Hi Patrice,
You should know that I live with the fashion Gestapo so any abuse
you get from me is borne out of the constant barrage of criticism I deal
with! and of course have to pay it forward!
Very glad you guys are up for the 30th and although we are hoping
for a winter wonderland which is what one would expect at that altitude
it’s very possible there won’t be any snow yet and you ,might as well
bring your bike! We will have to keep tabs on
the weather and will let you know.
I didn’t know you were flogging Rosie’s shortbread! I am a big fan
of shortbread so maybe set some aside for me and I’ll be happy to
purchase as I have no doubt it’s excellent!
I know you are probably wanting to know what the damage on the desk
unit will be so I ran some numbers and here’s what I’ve come up with.
the sheet metal work was $472.00 and hardware is about $60.00 my time
consists of between designing, estimating ,
running around, my own fabrication install etc. about thirty hours. My
shop rate right now for general customers is $60.00 / hour. I am more
than happy to extend my most preferred friend rate to you at $ 30.00/
hour for a total of $900.00 + HST ($45.00) as
It’s run through my company and have to charge tax. I don’t have a firm
price on the sandblasting / powder coating but I’m estimating 3 –
$400.00 for an approximate total of $1877.00. I will have a final number
after I pick the stuff up.
Hope that’s alright? I know it’s quite a bit but this custom work
stuff usually winds up being more than one would expect. I do accept
partial payments of shortbread! Cheers, Al
Merry Christmas to you all
from the three of us. Spud looked decidedly heavier when we got back
from Vancouver and he keeps eyeing the almost empty whiskey bottle you
left behind. Very strange!! Thank you for the very entertaining Christmas card and greetings!
Great pic! We've had some amazing skies, and full moon over the bay here as well. Say to Big Al & Colleen. No problem for me to pick you up a ferry-no bike rack, but room in back of SUV. We'll plan details as we get closer. Enjoy the Nota Bene. Cheers, Grog
Hi Patricio and Herr Fred,
Some of the local aficionados gathered for an afternoon and evening of good
whisky on Sunday. We had an amazing lineup of whiskies to taste, as can be
seen on the attached photos. The President of the South Okanagan Whisky
Tasting Society, Kevin Ritcey, made a guest appearance. The tasting master
was Simon, who is currently the Manager of the Oliver BC liquor store. The
highlights for me were the Redbreast 15, 46%. Also the ridiculously
expensive Balblair 1975. The first picture shows our host, Jim Solley, and
his two compatriots who are the total membership of the Naramata Whisky
Cheers, Slainche, have a great Christmas, Peter
Il conductore,
I have tried adding you on facebook, but you're either ignoring my requests (probably in the midst of a drunken malt stupor) or you are simply not sure what's going on. It won't be my real name on facebook, my facebook handle is "Johan Blaze" (for privacy reasons if you're wondering) so if someone with that name tries to add you as a friend then that is me!
Mark, no worries if you don't want to be on facebook. The facebook group is just something I thought might be a cool addition to our regular spam emails, as well, I made the foolish assumption that we're all on facebook already
Moe, Kurt, Misha, are you three on facebook? Best, VL
Hi Victor, My facebook name is Moe Tootoonian. Thanks. Moe
Great pic! We've had some amazing skies, and full moon over the bay here as well. Say to Big Al & Colleen. No problem for me to pick you up a ferry-no bike rack, but room in back of SUV. We'll plan details as we get closer. Enjoy the Nota Bene. Cheers, Grog
Hi Patricio and Herr Fred,
Some of the local aficionados gathered for an afternoon and evening of good
whisky on Sunday. We had an amazing lineup of whiskies to taste, as can be
seen on the attached photos. The President of the South Okanagan Whisky
Tasting Society, Kevin Ritcey, made a guest appearance. The tasting master
was Simon, who is currently the Manager of the Oliver BC liquor store. The
highlights for me were the Redbreast 15, 46%. Also the ridiculously
expensive Balblair 1975. The first picture shows our host, Jim Solley, and
his two compatriots who are the total membership of the Naramata Whisky
Cheers, Slainche, have a great Christmas, Peter
Il conductore,
I have tried adding you on facebook, but you're either ignoring my requests (probably in the midst of a drunken malt stupor) or you are simply not sure what's going on. It won't be my real name on facebook, my facebook handle is "Johan Blaze" (for privacy reasons if you're wondering) so if someone with that name tries to add you as a friend then that is me!
Mark, no worries if you don't want to be on facebook. The facebook group is just something I thought might be a cool addition to our regular spam emails, as well, I made the foolish assumption that we're all on facebook already
Moe, Kurt, Misha, are you three on facebook? Best, VL
Hi Victor, My facebook name is Moe Tootoonian. Thanks. Moe
Same for me as for the dates... and also not sure if i will make it to the island. Thanks and best wishes, Misha
Jon, I have sent a friend request to you on facebook. My facebook name is "Johan Blaze" VL
Victor, i was on Facebook ... but then left 2-3 years ago). Don't have much enthusiasm yet to come back. will see. thanks, Misha
the NRBC group will be worth a comeback Misha! My suggestion to anti-facebookers is to make a fake account using a
fake email simply for the purposes of our group, but once again, the fb
group is just for fun so no pressure VL
NRBC - a cautionary tale? http://www.capebretonpost.com/Canada---World/Society/2013-12-18/article-3548061/Long-walk%2C-short-pier%3A-Tourist-distracted-by-Facebook-plummets-off-pier-in-Australia/1
8^) cheers, Mark
NRBC - a cautionary tale? http://www.capebretonpost.com/Canada---World/Society/2013-12-18/article-3548061/Long-walk%2C-short-pier%3A-Tourist-distracted-by-Facebook-plummets-off-pier-in-Australia/1
8^) cheers, Mark
Both dates work for me. undecided whether I will be able make over for the Vancouver Island Inn Bloodletting. GB
Hey Al, Friday is not good for me as I am having people over and
Saturday I work and have plans. I do have Sunday off but have things
going on in the afternoon. Would the morning work?? Sorry bout the difficulty of getting together, let me know if Sunday works when you get a chance. Thanks, Chloe
Hi Chloe,
Hi Chloe,
No probs on difficulty as we’re all busy this time of year. I think
Sunday will be okay say around ten thirty or so? I could get Jesse to
help probably and perhaps Patrice?
Hi Big Al and Chloë!
I'm free on Sunday so that date/time is fine with me. I gather you are not at GIB this coming Sunday, Chloë. If you are working, I'm sure your Mother will be available to hold doors, etc. Anyway, see everyone at 10:30 am this coming Sunday. Cheers, Patrizzio/Dad! no have the sunday off!!
Hello Patrick,
How is it going? What's the latest news from the internecine, social media warfare. Does still resist your Maginot Line? I am sorry for my late answer, it's being a very busy time kissing, hugging, and getting drunk. You are far more crazy than I thought at the begining, mamma mia!
I'll try to be there whenever you finally set the date for the next
meeting. Please inform me when the peace treaty is already signed. Eguberri zoriontsuak eta urteberri on! jon
P.S.1: May I ask your adress?
P.S.2: I really appreciate your language corrections, I'll try to get
rid of them by improving my skills; so take advantage of my weakness now, it may not last very long ;-p
The Henke Family wishes all their Friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Successful New Year. Cheers, Andy, Marge & Adrian
The Henke Family wishes all their Friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Successful New Year. Cheers, Andy, Marge & Adrian
Just a quick note Eric will not be coming with us on Saturday--thanks for including him in the invitation. Can you tell me the time again? Cheers
Hi Jo-Anne!
Sorry that Eric will not be joining us but understand, of course. Anytime after 6:00 pm. See you on Saturday. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy holidays!
From Dec. 9 to Dec. 20 I will be checking my email regularly, however, please note the following:
For immediate assistance with instruction, please contact Chris.Ball@ubc.ca
604-822-8680 or
Danielle.Winn@ubc.ca 604 822-8783.
If you have questions regarding loans and renewals please call our main desk at 604-822-5381.
For questions regarding course reserves please contact Nick Rizzo at nick.rizzo@ubc.ca 604-822-0996
For questions about overdues please contact Tip Placzek at tip.placzek@ubc.ca 604-822-5024
For all other research and resource inquiries, please call our reference line at 604-822-3767.
If you have questions regarding loans and renewals please call our main desk at 604-822-5381.
For questions regarding course reserves please contact Nick Rizzo at nick.rizzo@ubc.ca 604-822-0996
For questions about overdues please contact Tip Placzek at tip.placzek@ubc.ca 604-822-5024
For all other research and resource inquiries, please call our reference line at 604-822-3767.
Thanks very much. Jo-Anne Naslund Education Library
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