Tuesday 22 October 2013

VWF Blues: Tuesday, October 22nd

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. -Francis Bacon, essayist, philosopher, and statesman (1561-1626) 


Meg Tilly is the author of three novels for young adults: Porcupine, First Time and, most recently, A Taste of Heaven, as well as two novels for adults: Gemma and Singing Songs. Tilly is also an award-winning actor. She appeared in The Big Chill, among other films, and recently starred on Global TV’s Bomb Girls.

It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer and philosopher (1803-1882)  

Up at 5:57 am so starting to work back into normal routine! 

Hi Peggie!

Lovely to meet you! Carol Shields!!!

Must away to hear Joseph Boyden. Will be in touch later. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Yes, Carol Shields!!!  Wonderful, thanks!Nice to meet you, too.  Have a great session at the Festival.  I may see you Saturday when I have tickets at 10:30. Your neighbour, Peggie

Hello Donna Maria and Heraldo!

Well, we are now back in Vancouver after being away for a little more than 13 weeks! Funnily enough, I was going to send you an email as I had a vague recollection that you said you were going to be in Vancouver towards the end of the month

At any rate, our shifts are mainly in the evenings, with the exception of next Sunday when you will probably be Piccadilly Circusing anyway. Not sure what you schedule will be once you arrive in Vancouver, until you decamp, but perhaps we can have a coffee, or more, and a chat, one of the days before you fly off into the wide blue yonder. Give us a shout when you are settled into you appartmento and we can see what might work best for everyone.

Well, hope all continues to go well with you both and your busy lives, lollygagging hither and yon! Fondestos  from both of us to both of you. Just let us know when when we might expect to see you so that we can plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!


welcome home -- assuming you are back in the foggy False Crick.

Wrightson was good as always-- not the turn out of former events but fun none the less. Not enough women for a women's draw... We got beat up by young bucks in both our divisions but enjoyed some fun matches. Many of the same characters as you would recall -- many asking after you: Mike Oliver (played a friendly after the tourney with him), the Ushers, Gary & Ann, Koski...

Weather was sunny all five days which was unusual. Views of the city and no hazardous slides in wet leaves after too much beer on the hills around the Mac.    

I have a match today but looks like good riding in fog and sun over the next few days. Let me know your schedule.Fond regards to the long suffering sisterhood, W

Welcome home Whirlygig!

Trust you and your Sisterhood are well and happy as larks! Glad all went well with Wrightson, even if turnout was not that of former times. Would certainly have enjoyed seeing people, travel schedule allowing. Will have to try to coordinate my timing next time.

Well, yes we are now back in Vancouver after being away for a little more than 13 weeks! Funnily enough, I was just going to send you an email as I have been getting up around 5:00 am last few days and knew you were supposed to be back yesterday. Was lucky enough to have been given a complimentary ticket, (one of perks of being a volunteer), to see Jo Nesbø, Norwegian musician, songwriter, economist and author of the crime novels featuring Harry Hole. I think you know his work or at least I have mentioned him. An NRBC possibility, if such an organization still exists!

Anyway, if I ride, (and I do want to do so), it will probably have to be fairly early as I'd like to try to take in as many of events, within reason, during the day, as possible. Grogg/Lurchesca are coming for breakfast tomorrow morning, (en route to Hawaii for a month!), at 9:00 am, so tomorrow is probably out for me. Not sure what I'm up to today, before first Studio 1398 shift at 6:00 pm but I need to have a pedicure, (The Sisterhood Syndrome!), otherwise I'll be able to rake the leaves off our deck with my toenails! Perhaps we can dovetail on Thursday/Friday, probably a SP run, for me at least, in terms of timing.

Anyway, let me know what you think. Look forward to catching up. Loads to tell. Coriandre sends her best wishes to you three. Cheers for now, Il Conduttore!


Sorry to learn that the beloved Maggie is unwell. Tell her if she bucks up I will promise to be more respectful of her prowess as the guard cat.

The AD-NRBC: I have a query into the e-mail challenged Markus to see what day might accommodate his south pacific travels. But of course I am left hanging like a wet web in the fog.

Mark and I did one ride with Ray about three weeks ago and he flagged at the half way point around SP. He admitted that he had been having some uneven issues with his ticker and that fluids might be part of the problem. After we voiced concern he insisted we ride on which we reluctantly did. In typical Ray fashion he had us wanting the tether and rode hard and fast in front of us back to the Burrard Bridge. 

Cobby has the perfect bike for Ray at the store -- full carbon but upright geometry... We need to drag him in there again. 

Give my regards to Grogg and L. We need to convince him to fund the Foundation that you and I co-direct. We just need to figure out the perfect mission for that Foundation -- something combining high roller rehab and...  

A Thursday Friday ride should work for me. I will ride early Wednesday with Cobby who is trying to be disciplined and get out before work.

Kerry got you and Corinne a signed copy of Blood, by Lawrence Hill which i will deliver when next we meet. His Massey lecture is tomorrow at the Chan and Kerry is attending - leaving me home with the MT. Go figure. W


This is just a friendly reminder about your volunteer shift TOMORROW, Wed Oct 23, for the Vancouver Writers Fest.

Please check your Assignments tab on My Volunteer Page for details about your shift, i.e. what you are doing, where, when and who to report to....
Many thanks! We are so looking forward to your help and are so very grateful!
This festival absolutely would not happen without you!
Volunteers don't just do the work ~ they make it work.-Carol Pettit

Kathryn Fowler, Volunteer Manager 

Hello Patrick,

Here is the link to the Ticket Availability Page for Volunteers, where you will find up-to-date information on upcoming festival events:


The page will be updated throughout the festival, so check back each day for updated information. Volunteers are eligible for one complimentary standby ticket per event where there are unsold seats.

We encourage you to come and experience these entertaining, inspiring and thought-provoking events - and don't forget your badge!

With thanks and best wishes for the Fest, Lili Okuyama Volunteer Assistant Vancouver Writers Fest Oct 17-22, 2013

Took in a rioutous, fun-filled session Tuesday afternoon: Mystery, Adventure and Lies with Rachelle Delaney, (The Metro Dogs of Moscow), Gary Fagan, (Danny Who Fell in a Hole), and Meg Tilly, (A Taste of Heaven), suitable for grades 4-7. Was more than a delight to be in a room filled with such enthusiastic, rambunctious, bouncing off the walls, squirming in their seats readers. Not to say that they were not an appreciative and quiet audience when authors were reading or speaking but the energy just crackled through the room, as I am sure I need not tell you or Wally, veteran teachers that you were. Took me back to my days in the Curric Lab when I was a lot closer to Children's/Young Adult Literature than I am, to some regret, now. Meg gave an ultra-hilarious, highly animated reading which had the kids yowling. Excerpt had to do with potty humour so of course she was reading to the perfect demographic and had everyone, including the adults, howling. Not just yuk yuks either, as she was able to take the incident in question and use it to provide a very moving, and I do mean moving, insight into the character of her two nine-year old best girlfriends.

Waited until the appreciative hordes had departed and then had Meg sign her book. Not that I pretend to know her but she really was quite courageous in terms of some of the personal revelations she made during the session. She admitted that she had never, ever thought that she would write. Not quite sure why but she was not in formal schooling for roughly Grade 3 and 4 so never really learned to spell or sound out words. This inability hounded her and she didn't start to write until she stopped acting, over twenty years ago, more or less. She said, while we chatted, that she hadn't spoken so openly when she first started to be published but, at some point, came to the decision that perhaps her story might be of some help to others so afflicted.

I had intended to take in another session, moderated by Joseph Boyden, (I find him a remarkable author/individual), but I learned just minutes before it was to begin that he was stranded in Victoria. I gather he was to fly, by small float plane, to Vancouver but heavy fog cancelled flight! I would have liked to take in both sessions but as they were on at the same time that was not possible, of course. At any rate, my point is that this is what I enjoy so much about the Festival. Through Chance, Serendipity, call it what you will, one happens upon/discovers people and stories that are hard to imagine/believe ever existed. Cannot stress how fortunate I feel to be able to take advantage of such a wondrous situation/event.

would you want to attend the NRBC the night before you leave Hawaii -- the 7h of November? And are you up for a ride the next three days -- Wed t0 Fri -- thru fog and sun? G

I think I'll have to pass on the evening of the 7th - I suspect I'll be packing or doing some last minute woodwork...A ride sounds like a good idea - from what I've gathered, you should make your way out this way - we've missed much of the fog that has wrapped up you denizens of the coast, and we had a lovely sunny afternoon today. Also the salmon are back in the Brunette, if that's of interest...8^) cheers, Mark

Found this fascinating bit on Youtube by Ed Roland.

Here he's talking about his second wife, to whom he'd been married for more than a year without her having ANY idea that he was a famous musician. He describes this starting at about 1:40 into the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARLDAfpWuK8

I just can't help but wonder what she thought when she found out.

If you don't know who he is either, he was the lead singer and songwriter for Collective Soul (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_Soul), one of my favorite music groups. They had seven number one hits "Shine" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m0bI82Rz_k) being the one most people will remember.

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