Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Box Canyon/Santa Susana Pass Doubleheader Blues: Wednesday, November 27th

Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. -John F. Kennedy, 35th US president (1917-1963) 

Nana's veggies sound just fine! See you in the morning!! Xoxo You won't have time to play on your bike tomorrow as you will be too busy as my sous chef so have a great ride today!
Could you also pick up fresh rosemary and sage and another large onion please. Thanks Minion Poppa xoxo Please get rosemary. Sage and onions (not red) thank you!! I have your miner's lamp...oops

Hi Agneta!

I thought that you were still in Mexico but I guess your voice is so loud that it carries all the way from Guayabitos! Your talents are wasted in Tinsel Town as they could be put to very good use at Fawn Valley Court reprimanding Joey for counter violations and Chandler for furniture scratching. A full-time job instead of barking out shopping lists. I guess you figured my ear drums would be shattered by now so you needed to repeat your rosemary/sarge order!

Oi Vey! A thief already yet! Oi Vey! We don't need no stinkin' Welsh coal miner's lamp as we leave the gas on all the time here in Simi Valley.

Over and out, quivering with fright, in his riding boots, terrified, Minion Poppa, the lowest form of life on Earth! 

And yes...but get the whole canned cranberries please. .not the jelly!!!

Yes Siiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrr!

Cut the dramatics or you'll be scrubbing the latrines with your toothbrush you sissy! Now drop and give meeeee 50!!!

Do Rick and Rae have any guests coming? 

I have 17 on my list and Rae doesn't know of my guests by number Lol...should be fun 

Can you pick up cream cheese and heavy cream? lv CoraLee
Martha Stewart uses heavy cream and cream cheese in her mashed potatoes along with butter and salt and pepper. Sounds good! Mom

Oh yum...sounds good!

Hello Guayabitos Goil!

Rae said to set the table for 16, with 14 expected, but I'm not sure who that includes. Lauren and Mark will come after 7:00 pm so I guess we'll need to have 18 chairs, to be on the safe side, unless you have other information.

No energy left for dramatics after cleaning litter box with my only toothbrush. These pushups are worse than climbing Box Canyon...37...38...Gasp..39...

Must away to Trader Joe's so save your barking voice. Expiringly yours, Sissy Poppa! 

Drive careful on the way back and see you next week.  We are off to Kitamat this weekend for skating and then Whitehorse the following weekend. Wayne 

Hi Donna Florida and Cactus!

Trust you are both well and getting ready for Thanksgiving. I'll be alone until Thursday morning as Ayn is allergic to all the cat hair and didn't have a very good night when she stayed over last Saturday.

Looking at the calendar and working back from when I need to be home, (Wednesday, December 4th for Christmas DInner for Friends of VPL), I was wondering if you are free to go to the Hockney show on Sunday, December 1st? Museum isn't open on Monday. I thought it would be easier, for me, to leave Tinsel Town on Saturday to drive to Villa Vicente and stay overnight. Museum opens at 9:30 am so we could plan to arrive shortly thereafter, (Donna Florida will have to go to bed at 8:00 pm on Saturday night!), so that after viewing I could hit the road for Redding or beyond. Need to stop in Portland next day, to stash wine, and then on to Vancouver next day.

If, for whatever reasons, you are not able to take in exhibition on Sunday, I will probably try to do so on my own as I'm quite keen to see it and don't know if I'll have the opportunity again, at least in the near future. If you have a social engagement, at home, for Saturday I can huddle in the basement with Boris and Natasha or otherwise amuse myself if you are out and about.

Anyway, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

It's beautiful up here right now, I presume it is in the southland as well, so no doubt you are out riding.

I would like to compliment you on your cleverness in putting the important info you need to communicate at the TOP of your message instead of burying it near the bottom.  In fact, your plan sounds good, so we will expect you Saturday night for another festive dinner and off to see some great art together on Sunday morning.  We can easily work out the minor logistical eyebrow raisers involved in getting us all to the museum...

We just visited my mom to wish her a happy hanukah and thanksgiving.  Mission accomplished! On to the kugel...Cactus

Hello everyone, as part of creating the group I need to add everyone as friends, so I need whatever your facebook info is so I can properly find you and add you as a friend. This is assuming everyone has facebook, of course Best, VL
Hello Social Utility Man, et al!

Grand that you are setting up the group, Victorious. You probably have lots of time since you rarely read the selected books! My facebook name is Patrick James Dunn. I see my email address is out of date: is now but I gather system simply forwards messages so not a big deal.

I assume I signed on to facebook, back in the 17th Century, with the former address so I'm not sure where that leaves you, Mr Techno Smarty Pants. If you can unravel this particular bane of changing systems perhaps you can unsubscribe me from a host of other organizations who claim not to be able to find any of my past email accounts. Malt for mystery solved! Buona Fortuna!

Had another grand ride today, 102.78 km. Went into the San Fernanado Valley, from Simi Valley, twice. First time via Box Canyon Road and then over the Santa Susana Pass. Makes three 100+ km rides, back to back to back. Last time I did this it was in France, this past October, along the Canal de Garonne, three last days of our barge holiday. However, by and large, terrain hereabouts is far more challenging with the plethora of hills, (lots of those however, once one gets away from either the Garonne River or the canal), long grades and reasonably steep canyon passes as opposed to the tow paths beside the canal.

Stats for today's ride:
If you have never used the Garmin site before you probably do not know about the feature which allows you to click on the green icon, (indicates Start of Ride), in View Details mode. When system responds, you hit a play button near top of screen and this command moves the icon along the recorded route. Nifty and helpful as I often forget where I went when. The danger of dipsy-doodling!

Expecting about 18 people for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow so should be fun. 22lb turkey and a large ham, not fun for them! Hope to put a considerable dint in the four cases of wine I've accumulated so far. All the best to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Cindy, at David Coffaro, off East Dry Creek Road, not far from Healdsburg; looking out over winery's vineyards; display at a deli down the road from Coffaro.

Hello Texas Tornadoes!
Trust you are well and enjoying life, wherever you are! No word in ages. 
After I'd fed the savage beasts and showered/changed and fed myself, had a chat with Cora Lee. She's looking forward to relaxing over her week away as she has had an exhausting time ever since I've been away, volunteering, meetings, etc. After we said goodnight, I went back to answering/sending email. Don't know where the time went but it was past midnight before I knew it so I brushed and flossed as I wanted to read while I could still keep my eyes open!

Not up until 7:30 am this morning. Even the cats slept in. After breakfast busied myself with email until around 9:30 am and then set out to Trader Joe's. Both Cora Lee and Ayn had given me list of things they needed for Thanksgiving dinner so I managed to get most of what was requested there but ended up buying a cabbage, green, at Target, across the way, of all places! Stopped at Big 5 Sporting Goods on way to TJ but it didn't open until 10:00 am. Went back as I wanted to look for a camel pack for Alejandro, for his marathon training. Part of his late birthday present. Found a model that might work so was pleased. On my way to car I noticed a store, Valley Produce, so walked over. Wanted to buy a red cabbage as neither TJ's or Target had any. Couldn't believe the fantastic prices, bit like Young Brothers on Broadway in Vancouver. Found my red cabbage and five bunches of radishes for $1! TJ's produce tends to be overpriced, in my estimation, so I wish I'd noticed VP earlier. Anyway, pleased with my purchases, I returned home to put away groceries and then suited up for my ride.

While driving to the stores I had mulled over where I might go and as it turned out I had another grand, grand ride Might be my last ride before starting north on Saturday. Rain is forecast here for Thanksgiving and showers on Black Friday. All the best to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

I am currently out of the office.  For urgent matters, please call or text my cell.  Thanks!

Hi Flamin'!

Did you send this? Not like you to even send an email, let alone read one!  Just back from 102.77 km ride. Went into the San Fernanado Valley, from Simi Valley, twice. First time via Box Canyon Road and then the Santa Susana Pass. Have fun in Kitimat. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Stats for today's outing:

Waterwheel Petit Verdot  Bruichladdich Barley 2004 Warrabilla Durif

From: Michele Sutherland
Sent: November-27-13 5:30 PM
Subject: You have 1 google doc message 
Google Drive
 Keep everything. Share anything.
Google Drive. Keep everything. Share anything.

Please view the document I uploaded for you using Google docs. CLICK HERE just sign in with your email to view the document its very important. Thank You.


I am as well as I could hope given the bit of a scare I got just before this trip.  I often regret not going, but the cancellation was prompted by  a lengthy period of fibrillation that Saturday.  I had one more "fling" on Tuesday.  These last about 4 hours, although unlike Juan, my pulse rate does not increase.  Other than my blood pressure being high, I have been "good" since.

The challenge now is to start getting back into a regular exercise routine, lose some weight and not get stressed.  Have a cardio appt. coming up in Dec (Fri the 13th!!), so will re-evaluate then.

Looks like a beautiful area, nice ride, but, … could not but notice the excessive dipsy doodling.  You would be the ideal candidate to test Euler's theory on networks.  That is, given a convoluted route, ending up where you started, is it possible to travel each leg exactly once.  While you were backtracking, retrying, traveling the same leg endlessly, I would simply apply the mathematical solution and be back at the ranch sampling maltage and pondering on your endless frustration - actually you would probably be having "fun".

I will put the rest of your email on my reading list, as I now must go rake leaves.  Actually, I am putting together a "book club" of sorts, that is, a group of readers dedicated to the study of  "Travels of El Conductoré".  It is an exciting idea, although still in its infancy, which would explain the rather spotty response to date.Looking forward to a get together when you get back.

Oh, assuming you have netflix, here are a couple of Spanish movies you may not have seen.

1) The Dancer Upstairs.  This is awesome.  Directed by John Malkovich.

2) No Rest for the Wicked.  Interesting.  A dark movie.

Dear Patrick,

On December 5 the Vancouver Writers Fest will present a special event with Khaled Hosseini, in conversation with The Globe and Mail's Marsha Lederman.

As this is the last special event of the year, and if you haven't already, we encourage you to use your 2013 donor benefit of 2-for-1 voucher and a pair of complimentary tickets for this event. Join us for an unforgettable evening with the #1 New York Times-bestselling author of The Kite Runner as he presents his latest book, And the Mountains Echoed-an unforgettable novel about finding a lost piece of yourself in someone else. Sandra

Complete event details can be found here.

Please call 604-681-6330 to book your tickets.

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