Chloe Alexis Dunn shared a group post: Aunt Leah's 25th Anniversary BASH!
ONE WEEK AWAY! Got your dancing shoes ready?
Just Donated to Typhoon Haiyan in Philippines, such devastation, through Red Cross. Every donation helps !!
Dear Patrick and Corinne
First and foremost so sorry for the delay in responding to this
message--it's just that email is just so much at times I must admit
(dear Patrick) that I set your email aside until tonight.
Thanks first off for emailing at all and first and foremost I certainly
hope that you both are well and that Paul Whitney is okay--what news.
Given his temerity regarding library issues this was really shocking to
me -- why wouldn't he be as vulnerable as
the rest of us. Anyways I hope you can convey to Joan that he is much
in our thoughts and that somehow convey our strength and help may help
at this time.
November 11 is really a time for considerable reflection. And your
ceremony and honoring seemed to be amazing and immense. For me it was a
time to think of my father, his brother, my aunt and my grandfather
(WWI) and as time passes I realize what a privileged
and "pussy" lot, my children and I are--we haven't faced any hardships
and when I think back to when you used to carry on about our "whinging
and whining" in the Currric Lab you actually were correct--we had
nothing to complain about and still don't.
So on that note dear ones--it would be so lovely to get together with
you-- we must plan it soon. I am taking some vacation in the first part
of December --any chance between Dec. 8 and 12. so long for now Jo-Anne
Dear "Whinging and Whining" One!
you have finally seen the error of your selfish ways! Just kidding but
it is true we are so fortunate, for so, so many reasons. Anyway, latest
from Paul. I'll be sure to pass along your best wishes and thoughts. Thanks.
Cora Lee informs me that either the 11th
or 12th are best for us. However, we'd like to have you here so let me
know which day is preferable and we'll plan accordingly. Vacation? You
UBC Librarians are always on vacation or else reading a book while
working! What a life! Money for nothing and parking for free! Fondestos
and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lauren!
Great to hear from you. I talked to Ayn yesterday and
we are planning to have a gathering on Sunday, November 24th. Another
friend from Pasadena will be joining us so we thought that we'd have a
late lunch. Guests can come whenever timing suits, (bring your swim suit
and have a hot-tub if so inclined), and we can visit before, during and
after meal. This way people, especially non-Simi Valley folk, won't
have to drive at night.
As well, you and your cousin, and his
children, of course, are more than welcome to join us on Thanksgiving,
if that works for everyone. It'll be a large gathering, no matter what,
so please don't feel you have to arrive at any given time. After 4-5 pm
is fine as well if your cousin wishes to spend time with children alone,
so to speak. At any rate, you decide what is best but do hope that
November 24th is fine with you even if Thanksgiving is out.
Will certainly call once we arrive. Thanks for number. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Tinsel Town:
Here are copies of latest correspondence so will
let you know what Lauren decides. As well, Admiral Barnacle has
confirmed that he will accompany me so will need to work out various
options for staying at your place, etc., if such happens, but that can
wait for moment. Nana is reading her morning paper before driving your
grandparents to dentist and bank. Clarisse baked your Christmas goodies
this past Tuesday and Dusty sealed them in a lock-box so no pilferage in
transit. She just brought over two "healthy" muffins and they are
already gone as I snarfed them with my java! Love and Cheers, Muleage
Wed Nov 13 am
Week three as a tenant at VGH commenced yesterday. No word from
anyone in authority in the Cardio Ward on a surgery date. Things are
progressing in a kind of Zen state interrupted by blood pressure checks,
blood sample extractions etc. Visits from friends
have helped keep the mind focused.
Strategies to be deployed today include initiating two external
queries on the status of things (my GP and my original surgeon who I
think has been away) along with ratcheting up internal pleading with
whomever with any semblance of authority puts in an
I remain confident that something has to give at some point. I do
wonder if there is a record for the length of time being kept on Ward
awaiting surgery. Something to chat with the nurses about - there
probably are some impressive VGH histories in this
regard - real or apocryphal. I'll report back on this. Onward and Inward.....Paul
Hi Paolo!
Great to see you yesterday before you achieved Nirvana! Cora Lee sends along her best wishes. Hope to go for a longish ride today as weather looks promising. Fondestos
and Cheers, Patrizzio!
7pm Wed Nov 13
Turns out my 2+ week wait for a surgery slot is not that unprecedented. The nurses can without difficulty remember patients who have waited 4 weeks on the ward for surgery. Not 5 weeks though so there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Having reported this, I am pleased to report that a doctor told me this morning that I have a Friday surgery slot assigned. Being an optimistic soul I have embraced this news at face value (past disappointments aside) and have initiated my psychological preparations.
It will take a visit from the surgery team tomorrow (or Friday am I suppose) and the initiation of Thursday pre-op rituals to confirm the reality of things proceeding. Stay tuned. Onward....Paul
Hi again Tom!
Pleased to hear your Mom is so well, in spite of snow. Tell her to move to Vancouver! No snow and plenty of bridge!!!
Corinne is reading her morning paper before driving her parents to dentist and bank. Clara baked Christmas goodies for Ayn and our grandchildren, this past Tuesday. Dusty sealed them in a lock-box so no pilferage in transit. I'm driving down to LA, leaving on Monday, November 18th. Cora Lee is flying down on Thanksgiving morning as she has too, too many volunteer meetings to take time to drive!
Clara just brought over two "healthy" muffins and they are already gone as I enjoyed them with my java! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ruthless!
As you know, I'm driving down to LA, leaving on
Monday, November 18th. Admiral Barnacle has confirmed he will be
accompanying me so pleased for company and help with wine/malt
consumption! Cora Lee informs
me that weekend of 14th of December is best for us. Would you like/be
able to come here and stay over? We would arrange bridge, uncomfortable
sleeping arrangements, weak wine, mouldy food, etc. If not and we come
to The Squamish Waldorf we need to be back on Sunday for a Universal
Gospel Choir concert. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos
and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat and Corinne, Yes, the 14th would be great as we are already in
town celebrating my niece's 16th birthday from 4 to 6pm in Port
Coquitlam. We would love to come, play bridge, enjoy whatever you have at hand
(moldy or otherwise) and stay the night, if that's fine with all of you. For now, we wish you lots of happy driving and riding and look forward to the stories that come with each. Ruth
Hi Little White!
So very delighted that the staff and management of The Squamish Waldorf
are finally coming to spend a night in the Evil City! We will start
laying away food immediately so that it might putrify to coincide with
your unwelcome tenancy! Bring your electric blanket, tarp and mosquito
repellant as we have reserved the patio for you and Mr Grumpy! [Please
note that this message has not been proof read for social niceties!]
Barnacle, aka Branko, came for dinner and a strategizing meeting for
trip south this evening. He confirmed, yesterday, that he will be
riding shotgun to California so pleased about having company and help
with vino/malt consumption! Unfortunately, more pontificating and
grandstanding than analysis but still a grand evening. Coriandre outdid
herself with delicioso baked bbq chicken highs, Parmesan topped
zucchini/eggplant and green saladin, courtesy of Patrizzio! At a loss
for Crème Brûlée, we used high test Bourbon for dessert! Needed a number of second helpings to make sure we liked substitute. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al!
You folks are incredibly
busy! Work, work, work! You do need an extended holiday so come on my
next road trip. Not sure if I didn't mention it or you just skimmed my
last message but I'm driving down to LA, leaving on Monday, November 18th. Unfortunately, since we won't be back until December 3rd we'll have to wait until early December to get together. Fondestos
and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Arachnid Man/Selma Radical and now Drumless, Insensitive New Ager!
Thank you for your splendiferous offer of hospitality. Just a slight clarification, Admiral Barnacle, [Self-promoted, from Captain, by the way!], is actually, in real life, one Branko Peric, not Andre MacKenzie! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
I was wondering how you
made out. It is a good thing you had bridge to entertain you all. It
was certainly a miserable weekend weather wise! It was really great to
see you both though.
The photos of your meal were inspiring. I have had a yen ever since.
There was serendipity afoot today.
If a woman and her daughter hadn't come to our door about their missing
male cat I would not have been on the lookout. If I hadn't heard about
3 cougars in Westsyde after domestic cats I wouldn't have worried. If I
hadn't got up at 5:00 am because of a nightmare, a lost female cat
wouldn't have seen me . If Wally hadn't been asleep, I wouldn't have
heard her crying at the front door. If the bird wasn't playing on the
floor I would have let her in. If the only other lights on in the
complex were not the neighbours who have cats, I wouldn't have taken her
to them. If their daughter Chelsea hadn't been visiting, the cat would
never have been identified. If they didn't have a pet carrier and
they all didn't have to go to work I wouldn't have seen the wonderful
reunion . She had been gone for two weeks! I have never seen such a happy cat!
Later on I found out that another neighbour had been feeding her and
tried to take her to the SPCA but because of their ring worm problem he
was turned away. Thank goodness! He decided a few days before to stop
feeding her and that is why she was so desperate this morning.
I meant to mention that the cat was about 15 km from where she lived!
Hi Sara Jane!
you spent a relaxing weekend, in spite of having to help clean house!
Weather was actually rather pleasant so was probably quite enjoyable as
far as any riding you did.
Bit of a lazy morning today as I was
up until 2:00 am trying to get rid on my email backlog! Corinne read her
morning paper before driving her parents to dentist and
bank. Clara, her Mom, baked Christmas goodies for Ayn and our
grandchildren, this
past Tuesday. Dusty sealed them in a lock-box so no pilferage in
transit! However, she brought over two "healthy"
muffins and they lasted about three nano seconds as I enjoyed them with
my java!
Had hoped to go for a longish ride with friend,
Whirlygig, today as weather looked most promising. However, when we
connected he'd just returned from a quick loop of UBC. (He lives on
2nd/MacDonald.) That being the case I set out by myself, just after
11:00 am. Decided it was such a gorgeous day that I'd head for Horseshoe
Bay as I've not ridden there since returning. Must say that I was quite
pleased with how all the various hills felt. I do think that my riding
in Languedoc was pretty good "training" for some of my regular routes.
By comparison, even the steepest, longest hills didn't seem as daunting
as I first found them. Obviously this has to do with familiarity of
course but still, relatively speaking, these hills seemed far easier today than they have in the past.
a short dipsy doodle along Spirit Trail into North Van, just as far as
Fell Avenue so that I'd have about 50 km on the clock by the time I hit
HB. When I was back in SP I had logged 70 km, more or less, so only
needed two Prospect Hill Loops to give me my goal of 100+ km. Added a
few more dipsy doodles so that I hit home with 111.14 km. Stats for
Quite chuffed, especially since it was such lovely weather. English Bay was
stunning with the freighters spread across its expanse. Felt like I
could almost touch one of them as vessel was anchored just off the part
of Marine Drive that allows spectacular views of downtown and the Lions
Gate. Even had a friendly chat with another rider shortly after leaving
Dundarave, heading home. I gather he works somewhere in West Van and was
making for his home in Burnaby, over Second Narrows. We rode together
all the way to Park Royal and then he took turn-off to take him to
1st/3rd St W. He said the Low Level Road by the tracks is closed due to
street work. (Be great if there is a dedicated bike lane there when
finished!) Guess we might have seen evidence of this had we ridden
together to Seymour Demo on Sunday.
Thanks again for website. I
plan to take a closer look at it when in Simi Valley, sipping dynamite
Zins! Must away as Admiral Barnacle, aka Branko, is coming over for
dinner and a strategizing meeting for trip south. He confirmed,
yesterday, that he will be riding shotgun to California so pleased about
having company and help with vino/malt consumption! Fondestos and
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Little White!
So very delighted that the staff and management of The Squamish Waldorf
are finally coming to spend a night in the Evil City! We will start
laying away food immediately so that it might putrify to coincide with
your unwelcome tenancy! Bring your electric blanket,
tarp and mosquito repellant as we have reserved the patio for you and
Mr Grumpy! [Please note that this message has not been proof read for
social niceties!]
Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick &
Corinne--Thanks for the news and pictures, which are great. It looks as
though you were having a wonderful time as is usual around the table at
the Island Inn. We were glad to hear that you'd arrived home safely. I
always worry about friends and family driving back to the Coast or the
Island at this time of year. I assume that you had an uneventful trip
and didn't encounter too many snowy or slippy sections ...? we really
enjoyed having you here as always and look forward to the next time.
We're sorry that a short trip to Florida in January is not in your plans
but we also totally understand that the timing is not right for you.
We'll just have to look forward to India together!
Life continues apace here in The Naramata with lovely and relatively
warm and sunny late fall weather. In fact, it is so good that P played
golf yesterday and is getting out on the links again tomorrow. We had a
very nice long walk along North Naramata Road this a.m. and now are
feeling quite self righteous. P has been out working in the vineyard and
garden and I think will doubly deserve a wee pre-supper snort when he
gets in. I'm not sure how well whisky matches with minestrone (which is
the featured dish for supper) but it will taste good anyway and will, in
all likelihood, go with the accompanying cheeses. Speaking of
foodstuffs, thanks again for all the goodies you brought with you. You
were too generous by far. We are still enjoying the olives. Cheers for now. Take care. Lurkin' Lynnie
Hi Pat,
Thanks for the update. Glad you are back safe. Claire and I are down in
Tulum Mexico until the end of the month. We have rented a house on the
beach. Our two daughters and their boyfriends are joining us on
Saturday. Also renewed my Whistler ski pass today.
My plan is to get more mileage out of the old hip before it is replaced
on Jan 14. Dennis.
University Librarian at Kwantlen Polytechnic University
You seem to cram more into two days than any regular person does in a
year! Good to hear from you. I've sent a connect request on Garmin, so
you can see my exploits afoot. I'll watch for you on my next seawall
Had to snip your message below because you had exceeded the character limit! No shortage of character with you Pat!
all the best

tmundle wants to connect with you on Garmin Connect.
Got a compliment on my new Seahawks hoodie from a random guy on the street. Now I remember what a real "like" feels like.
Patrick James Dunn Same
happened to me, just after leaving Dundarave, on way back from HB, when
another rider came alongside and said he really liked my bike!
Patrick James Dunn I vehemently dislike everyone who "likes"! Such a simplistic and lazy way of participating in Life! Just letting everyone know!
Hey Pat!
Excellent - count me in for the 24th I very much look forward to it!!
As for Thanksgiving, thank you very much it's really kind of you - I'll
have to see how the day goes. My cousin has recently separated from his
wife so it's the first Thanksgiving having to share the day. Just want
to ensure he's happy :-)
Glad we have a plan and we'll chat again once you are on US soil! Speak soon. Lauren
Dear Patrick and Corinne
First and foremost so sorry for the delay in responding to this message--it's just that email is just so much at times I must admit (dear Patrick) that I set your email aside until tonight.
Thanks first off for emailing at all and first and foremost I certainly hope that you both are well and that Paul Whitney is okay--what news. Given his temerity regarding library issues this was really shocking to me -- why wouldn't he be as vulnerable as the rest of us. Anyways I hope you can convey to Joan that he is much in our thoughts and that somehow convey our strength and help may help at this time.
November 11 is really a time for considerable reflection. And your ceremony and honoring seemed to be amazing and immense. For me it was a time to think of my father, his brother, my aunt and my grandfather (WWI) and as time passes I realize what a privileged and "pussy" lot, my children and I are--we haven't faced any hardships and when I think back to when you used to carry on about our "whinging and whining" in the Currric Lab you actually were correct--we had nothing to complain about and still don't.
So on that note dear ones--it would be so lovely to get together with you-- we must plan it soon. I am taking some vacation in the first part of December --any chance between Dec. 8 and 12. so long for now Jo-Anne
Dear "Whinging and Whining" One!
Glad you have finally seen the error of your selfish ways! Just kidding but it is true we are so fortunate, for so, so many reasons. Anyway, latest from Paul. I'll be sure to pass along your best wishes and thoughts. Thanks.
Cora Lee informs me that either the 11th or 12th are best for us. However, we'd like to have you here so let me know which day is preferable and we'll plan accordingly. Vacation? You UBC Librarians are always on vacation or else reading a book while working! What a life! Money for nothing and parking for free! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lauren!
Great to hear from you. I talked to Ayn yesterday and we are planning to have a gathering on Sunday, November 24th. Another friend from Pasadena will be joining us so we thought that we'd have a late lunch. Guests can come whenever timing suits, (bring your swim suit and have a hot-tub if so inclined), and we can visit before, during and after meal. This way people, especially non-Simi Valley folk, won't have to drive at night.
As well, you and your cousin, and his children, of course, are more than welcome to join us on Thanksgiving, if that works for everyone. It'll be a large gathering, no matter what, so please don't feel you have to arrive at any given time. After 4-5 pm is fine as well if your cousin wishes to spend time with children alone, so to speak. At any rate, you decide what is best but do hope that November 24th is fine with you even if Thanksgiving is out.
Will certainly call once we arrive. Thanks for number. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Tinsel Town:
Here are copies of latest correspondence so will let you know what Lauren decides. As well, Admiral Barnacle has confirmed that he will accompany me so will need to work out various options for staying at your place, etc., if such happens, but that can wait for moment. Nana is reading her morning paper before driving your grandparents to dentist and bank. Clarisse baked your Christmas goodies this past Tuesday and Dusty sealed them in a lock-box so no pilferage in transit. She just brought over two "healthy" muffins and they are already gone as I snarfed them with my java! Love and Cheers, Muleage Man!
Wed Nov 13 am
Week three as a tenant at VGH commenced yesterday. No word from anyone in authority in the Cardio Ward on a surgery date. Things are progressing in a kind of Zen state interrupted by blood pressure checks, blood sample extractions etc. Visits from friends have helped keep the mind focused.
Strategies to be deployed today include initiating two external queries on the status of things (my GP and my original surgeon who I think has been away) along with ratcheting up internal pleading with whomever with any semblance of authority puts in an appearance.
I remain confident that something has to give at some point. I do wonder if there is a record for the length of time being kept on Ward awaiting surgery. Something to chat with the nurses about - there probably are some impressive VGH histories in this regard - real or apocryphal. I'll report back on this. Onward and Inward.....Paul
Hi Paolo!
Great to see you yesterday before you achieved Nirvana! Cora Lee sends along her best wishes. Hope to go for a longish ride today as weather looks promising. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
7pm Wed Nov 13
Turns out my 2+ week wait for a surgery slot is not that unprecedented. The nurses can without difficulty remember patients who have waited 4 weeks on the ward for surgery. Not 5 weeks though so there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Having reported this, I am pleased to report that a doctor told me this morning that I have a Friday surgery slot assigned. Being an optimistic soul I have embraced this news at face value (past disappointments aside) and have initiated my psychological preparations.
It will take a visit from the surgery team tomorrow (or Friday am I suppose) and the initiation of Thursday pre-op rituals to confirm the reality of things proceeding. Stay tuned. Onward....Paul
Hi again Tom!
Pleased to hear your Mom is so well, in spite of snow. Tell her to move to Vancouver! No snow and plenty of bridge!!!
Corinne is reading her morning paper before driving her parents to dentist and bank. Clara baked Christmas goodies for Ayn and our grandchildren, this past Tuesday. Dusty sealed them in a lock-box so no pilferage in transit. I'm driving down to LA, leaving on Monday, November 18th. Cora Lee is flying down on Thanksgiving morning as she has too, too many volunteer meetings to take time to drive!
Clara just brought over two "healthy" muffins and they are already gone as I enjoyed them with my java! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ruthless!
As you know, I'm driving down to LA, leaving on Monday, November 18th. Admiral Barnacle has confirmed he will be accompanying me so pleased for company and help with wine/malt consumption! Cora Lee informs me that weekend of 14th of December is best for us. Would you like/be able to come here and stay over? We would arrange bridge, uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, weak wine, mouldy food, etc. If not and we come to The Squamish Waldorf we need to be back on Sunday for a Universal Gospel Choir concert. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat and Corinne, Yes, the 14th would be great as we are already in town celebrating my niece's 16th birthday from 4 to 6pm in Port Coquitlam. We would love to come, play bridge, enjoy whatever you have at hand (moldy or otherwise) and stay the night, if that's fine with all of you. For now, we wish you lots of happy driving and riding and look forward to the stories that come with each. Ruth
Hi Little White!
So very delighted that the staff and management of The Squamish Waldorf are finally coming to spend a night in the Evil City! We will start laying away food immediately so that it might putrify to coincide with your unwelcome tenancy! Bring your electric blanket, tarp and mosquito repellant as we have reserved the patio for you and Mr Grumpy! [Please note that this message has not been proof read for social niceties!]
Admiral Barnacle, aka Branko, came for dinner and a strategizing meeting for trip south this evening. He confirmed, yesterday, that he will be riding shotgun to California so pleased about having company and help with vino/malt consumption! Unfortunately, more pontificating and grandstanding than analysis but still a grand evening. Coriandre outdid herself with delicioso baked bbq chicken highs, Parmesan topped zucchini/eggplant and green saladin, courtesy of Patrizzio! At a loss for Crème Brûlée, we used high test Bourbon for dessert! Needed a number of second helpings to make sure we liked substitute. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al!
You folks are incredibly busy! Work, work, work! You do need an extended holiday so come on my next road trip. Not sure if I didn't mention it or you just skimmed my last message but I'm driving down to LA, leaving on Monday, November 18th. Unfortunately, since we won't be back until December 3rd we'll have to wait until early December to get together. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Arachnid Man/Selma Radical and now Drumless, Insensitive New Ager!
Thank you for your splendiferous offer of hospitality. Just a slight clarification, Admiral Barnacle, [Self-promoted, from Captain, by the way!], is actually, in real life, one Branko Peric, not Andre MacKenzie! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
I was wondering how you made out. It is a good thing you had bridge to entertain you all. It was certainly a miserable weekend weather wise! It was really great to see you both though.
The photos of your meal were inspiring. I have had a yen ever since.
There was serendipity afoot today.
If a woman and her daughter hadn't come to our door about their missing male cat I would not have been on the lookout. If I hadn't heard about 3 cougars in Westsyde after domestic cats I wouldn't have worried. If I hadn't got up at 5:00 am because of a nightmare, a lost female cat wouldn't have seen me . If Wally hadn't been asleep, I wouldn't have heard her crying at the front door. If the bird wasn't playing on the floor I would have let her in. If the only other lights on in the complex were not the neighbours who have cats, I wouldn't have taken her to them. If their daughter Chelsea hadn't been visiting, the cat would never have been identified. If they didn't have a pet carrier and they all didn't have to go to work I wouldn't have seen the wonderful reunion . She had been gone for two weeks! I have never seen such a happy cat!
Later on I found out that another neighbour had been feeding her and tried to take her to the SPCA but because of their ring worm problem he was turned away. Thank goodness! He decided a few days before to stop feeding her and that is why she was so desperate this morning.
I meant to mention that the cat was about 15 km from where she lived!
Hi Sara Jane!
Trust you spent a relaxing weekend, in spite of having to help clean house! Weather was actually rather pleasant so was probably quite enjoyable as far as any riding you did.
Bit of a lazy morning today as I was up until 2:00 am trying to get rid on my email backlog! Corinne read her morning paper before driving her parents to dentist and bank. Clara, her Mom, baked Christmas goodies for Ayn and our grandchildren, this past Tuesday. Dusty sealed them in a lock-box so no pilferage in transit! However, she brought over two "healthy" muffins and they lasted about three nano seconds as I enjoyed them with my java!
Had hoped to go for a longish ride with friend, Whirlygig, today as weather looked most promising. However, when we connected he'd just returned from a quick loop of UBC. (He lives on 2nd/MacDonald.) That being the case I set out by myself, just after 11:00 am. Decided it was such a gorgeous day that I'd head for Horseshoe Bay as I've not ridden there since returning. Must say that I was quite pleased with how all the various hills felt. I do think that my riding in Languedoc was pretty good "training" for some of my regular routes. By comparison, even the steepest, longest hills didn't seem as daunting as I first found them. Obviously this has to do with familiarity of course but still, relatively speaking, these hills seemed far easier today than they have in the past.
Did a short dipsy doodle along Spirit Trail into North Van, just as far as Fell Avenue so that I'd have about 50 km on the clock by the time I hit HB. When I was back in SP I had logged 70 km, more or less, so only needed two Prospect Hill Loops to give me my goal of 100+ km. Added a few more dipsy doodles so that I hit home with 111.14 km. Stats for ride:
Quite chuffed, especially since it was such lovely weather. English Bay was stunning with the freighters spread across its expanse. Felt like I could almost touch one of them as vessel was anchored just off the part of Marine Drive that allows spectacular views of downtown and the Lions Gate. Even had a friendly chat with another rider shortly after leaving Dundarave, heading home. I gather he works somewhere in West Van and was making for his home in Burnaby, over Second Narrows. We rode together all the way to Park Royal and then he took turn-off to take him to 1st/3rd St W. He said the Low Level Road by the tracks is closed due to street work. (Be great if there is a dedicated bike lane there when finished!) Guess we might have seen evidence of this had we ridden together to Seymour Demo on Sunday.
Thanks again for website. I plan to take a closer look at it when in Simi Valley, sipping dynamite Zins! Must away as Admiral Barnacle, aka Branko, is coming over for dinner and a strategizing meeting for trip south. He confirmed, yesterday, that he will be riding shotgun to California so pleased about having company and help with vino/malt consumption! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Little White!
So very delighted that the staff and management of The Squamish Waldorf are finally coming to spend a night in the Evil City! We will start laying away food immediately so that it might putrify to coincide with your unwelcome tenancy! Bring your electric blanket, tarp and mosquito repellant as we have reserved the patio for you and Mr Grumpy! [Please note that this message has not been proof read for social niceties!]
Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick & Corinne--Thanks for the news and pictures, which are great. It looks as though you were having a wonderful time as is usual around the table at the Island Inn. We were glad to hear that you'd arrived home safely. I always worry about friends and family driving back to the Coast or the Island at this time of year. I assume that you had an uneventful trip and didn't encounter too many snowy or slippy sections ...? we really enjoyed having you here as always and look forward to the next time. We're sorry that a short trip to Florida in January is not in your plans but we also totally understand that the timing is not right for you. We'll just have to look forward to India together!
Life continues apace here in The Naramata with lovely and relatively warm and sunny late fall weather. In fact, it is so good that P played golf yesterday and is getting out on the links again tomorrow. We had a very nice long walk along North Naramata Road this a.m. and now are feeling quite self righteous. P has been out working in the vineyard and garden and I think will doubly deserve a wee pre-supper snort when he gets in. I'm not sure how well whisky matches with minestrone (which is the featured dish for supper) but it will taste good anyway and will, in all likelihood, go with the accompanying cheeses. Speaking of foodstuffs, thanks again for all the goodies you brought with you. You were too generous by far. We are still enjoying the olives. Cheers for now. Take care. Lurkin' Lynnie
Hi Pat,
Thanks for the update. Glad you are back safe. Claire and I are down in Tulum Mexico until the end of the month. We have rented a house on the beach. Our two daughters and their boyfriends are joining us on Saturday. Also renewed my Whistler ski pass today. My plan is to get more mileage out of the old hip before it is replaced on Jan 14. Dennis.
You seem to cram more into two days than any regular person does in a
year! Good to hear from you. I've sent a connect request on Garmin, so
you can see my exploits afoot. I'll watch for you on my next seawall
run! Had to snip your message below because you had exceeded the character limit! No shortage of character with you Pat! all the best Todd |
tmundle wants to connect with you on Garmin Connect.
Got a compliment on my new Seahawks hoodie from a random guy on the street. Now I remember what a real "like" feels like.
- Patrick James Dunn Same happened to me, just after leaving Dundarave, on way back from HB, when another rider came alongside and said he really liked my bike!
- Patrick James Dunn I vehemently dislike everyone who "likes"! Such a simplistic and lazy way of participating in Life! Just letting everyone know!
Excellent - count me in for the 24th I very much look forward to it!!
As for Thanksgiving, thank you very much it's really kind of you - I'll have to see how the day goes. My cousin has recently separated from his wife so it's the first Thanksgiving having to share the day. Just want to ensure he's happy :-)
Glad we have a plan and we'll chat again once you are on US soil! Speak soon. Lauren
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