Thank you to my grandparents and their siblings for all they gave for us.
Yes, indeed! Yesterday, at Canadian Memorial, after the wonderful service with the Universal Gospel Choir in which Jack O'Dell was Guest Speaker and was honoured as well, your Grandmother found the names of both her brother, James, and Dusty's brother, George, in the Books of Remembrance, held by the church, which list all the Canadian fallen from WW I, WWII from Newfoundland and the Merchant Marine. During the service, before The Last Post was sounded, one of the church members read names from each of these four books. It was very moving, as you can imagine.

I wondered what had happened to you. Obviously,
you were very busy! Tricia was down in Pasadena visiting last weekend
and we had a wonderful time. We drank almost as much wine as you appear
to have been drinking on your trip. Heavens!
I think you spent more on the wine on your trip than you did on
everything else totalled! Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful. What
fascinating people you have met and to be invited into people's homes,
caves, etc. is such a treat for a tourist.
You packed a lot in while you were in Paris for
such a short time but you and Corinne don't seem to sleep much! The
last time I was in Paris, I stayed in the 5th arrondisement, about 6
blocks from Notre Dame. I loved it there.
It all sounds fabulous
and I am glad you had such a nice time. You must have put on 20 pounds,
but you can bicycle that off in no time!So good to hear from you and live vicariously through you.
Why don't you let me know when you get to LA? I
could come visit you the weekend of Nov. 23 and 24. I am having
Thanksgiving with my mother and gentleman friend and then Clif
(aforementioned gentleman) and I are going away for a long
weekend to Laguna Beach.
Let me know if Nov. 23 or 24 work for you.
Look forward to hearing from you soon!! Trice

. Keep everything Share anything.
. Keep everything Share anything.
Kindly view the document I up-loaded for you. CLICK HERE just
sign in with your email to view the document. Regards
Hi Ski and The Great Ronaldo!
Trust you are both well. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. Once again, no excuses but plenty of reasons! Had been thinking about you two, (especially when in France!), and then I received a message, claiming to be from you, having to do with Google Drive, wanting me to click on a hot link. Wanted to make sure it was not a scam so thought I'd send this message first. As well, emanated from a different email address than one I have for you. I know these can change but made me even more suspicious. Of course, now that you are a Blogger Extraordinaire, I should have realized you are plugged in everywhere, all the time! And now it's Monday morning and I don't know where time has gone! Any plans for a visit to Vancouver? Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
Hey Patrizio,
Have safe trips. Bridge upon return sounds great. Let us know. CC
Monday, Nov. 11
Still sounding like Tues may be a go for the surgery. It will be "interesting" to see if members of the surgical team put in an appearance today (Monday) to consult or if everything will happen on Tues. Those of you still working, enjoy your day off. Onward....Paul
Hi Morana! Missed you in France! Have sent a long email but wanted to say a quick hello. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Morana! Trust you well. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. Once again, no excuses but plenty of reasons! Had been thinking about you and then I received a LinkedIn update so thought I'd say hello. Hello from Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lauren!
Trust you are well. Just to remind you, I I'm off on Monday, November 18th, to drive to LA.
Do hope we can connect while there and we would be delighted if you are able to have Thanksgiving dinner, (or another meal), with us if not involved with other friends. At any rate, let me know your thoughts and we'll plan accordingly. Best wishes and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Glenada and Tahramy!
Trust you are both well. Hope you had a wonderful stay in Seattle. Do apologize for not sending these snaps along sooner! Had a very full few days after you left Vancouver on Wednesday. And now it's Monday morning, almost a week later, and I don't know where time has gone! Cora Lee just talked to Ayn so another reason for sending message! Hope we can see you when down in LA. Please talk to Ayn about what might work and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Dinner with Tinsel Towners; Andre with Flamin'/Sarge and Rhonda, friend who lives on a sailboat, with her husband, (He was away on a business trip.), moored at Spruce Harbour Marina, just down the way from us. Same marina where friend Branko has his boat. He will be driving down to SImi Valley with me so you may well have a chance to meet him; Coriandre's fabulous dinner last night!
I knew about this years ago but just re-discovered it
The Hill is "Any Known Blood"? Guy Guy, the book title is: Blood: The Stuff of Life. See you Sunday. G
My only serious complaint with my time in hospital to date has related to communications - keeping me in the loop on what is unfolding. This improved today but unfortunately I didn't appreciate the message conveyed. Not only is my surgery not happening on Tuesday as previously discussed, but as of now I have no confirmed date for when it will take place. As I understand things this does not relate to my readiness for the procedure but rather the more mundane issue of space availability. I am told the the surgical team will "review my situation" tomorrow and report back. Stay tuned.
In the meantime I am happy to have visitors if folks would like to stop by. Give me a call or check in by email to check on timing. Cheers....Paul
Hi Paolo!
Sorry to learn that you are still on the waiting list! Must be quite frustrating by this point. At any rate, we'd like to pop by to say hello so will probably give you a call sometime tomorrow. Cora Lee is ferrying her folks to various appointments in the morning so I assume we might be around in the afternoon. Anyway, we'll call first , of course.
Had quite a busy weekend as we hosted another dinner on Sunday evening as well. Earlier in the day Cora Lee, her Mom and I attended a Remembrance service at Canadian Memorial, 16th & Burrard, and after the wonderful service with the Universal Gospel Choir in which Jack O'Dell was Guest Speaker and was honoured as well:
During the 1950s, Jack O'Dell was a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). In the late 1950s O'Dell withdrew his membership from the CPUSA to work in the Civil Rights movement in the South. He worked with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. O'Dell was a director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Because of O'Dell's past involvement with the Communist Party, Dr. King received pressure from many liberal leaders—including the Kennedy brothers, John and Robert—to distance himself from O'Dell. After conferring with King, O'Dell decided to accept a less prominent post within the movement in order not to alienate important allies of the Civil Rights struggle; nevertheless, he continued to play a decisive role in the SCLC, as well as in King's move towards the political left towards the end of his life.
We know him, and his lovely wife, Jane Power, from Trinity United and I really wanted to hear him speak. He celebrated his 90th birthday last summer and is not in the best of health. He has been struggling with various medical issues for the last number of years but in spite of his considerable ailments, he never complains. Certainly an incredible, remarkable individual, gentle in the extreme but with a will of steel, as you might imagine, given his history.
He gave a very personal, fascinatingly interesting, succinct overview of the Civil Rights movement and his part in it. Quite remarkable to see and listen to someone who was in Selma and so many other places during this time of violence and strife, social upheaval and struggle for justice and human rights. The UGC added yet another stirring dimension to the service, of course.
On an even more personal note, Clara found the names of both her brother, James, and Dusty's brother, George, in the four Books of Remembrance, (the only replicas on public display outside of those housed in the Peace Tower in Ottawa), held by the church, which contain the names of all the Canadian fallen from WW I, WWII, from Newfoundland and the Merchant Marine. During the service, before The Last Post was sounded, one of the church members read names from each of these four books. It was very, very moving, as you can well imagine.
After the service the church hosted a Remembrance Day Open House so that anyone who so desired could consult these remarkable tomes. Refreshments were served and there was a wonderful band, In the Mood Quartet, playing great swing music, with Angela Verbrugge singing songs from the era. Funnily enough, we knew the piano player, Gerry Teahan. His wife, Sue, was a Children's Libarian at VPL for many years and that is how we first got to know them both. Did you know Sue? At any rate, it was a very pleasant counterpoint to the solemn, though uplifting service.
Back home by just before 2:00 pm and since the weather was crisp but dry I decided I'd try for a ride. Turned out to be absolutely wonderful so I was more than exhilirated as I did my usual Three Loops of Stanley Park:
In spite of the lovely, dry weather there were few people about so I relished having the Seawall almost completely to myself. Back home to shower and change in time to welcome Andre and Rhonda, friend who lives on a sailboat, with her husband, (He was away on a business trip.), moored at Spruce Harbour Marina, just down the way from us. [Same marina where friend Branko has his boat. He will be driving down to Simi Valley with me.] Andre is the friend with whom we stayed in tiny village of Chabeuil, near Valence, (and with whom I left my bike, [Not sure if you knew that I bought a foldable road bike, Navigator, in York and used it everywhere. Fabulous riding, especially in France.], and cycling gear), and he is over here visiting his mother, now living on Vancouver Island. Had a grand evening and popped downstairs to let Andre meet Clan Sutherland. Flamin' and Sarge and two other couples all stayed with Andre and Rosemary, (his partner), the night before we met in Agen for canl barge cruise. All three Sutherland children and partners were there for dinner so thought Andre would enjoy meeting Flamin's/Sarge's extended family.
Back upstairs to enjoy another of Coriandre's fantabulous dinners: Curried shrimp, green, cashews with rice; a pork curry, red, and a chick pea/spinach dish, below. Scrumptious! Plenty of wine and then just a few snorts of Ardmore, a very pleasant Highland malt, 46%, to make everything blend in!
Had a great sleep-in until almost 9:00 am and then busied myself, finally putting away a whole host of clothes and papers and whatnot, travel flotsam and jetsam that had been piled in our bedroom, almost since we arrived back home! Cora Lee has been giving me murderous looks and threatening vile acts for last few days so I knew I had to act or risk a fate worse than death! Even managed to squeeze in another Three Looper, (I somehow deleted the ride so you are spared most of the stats except distance, 55.2 km and an AVG of 21.5 km/h. Seawall was a quite busy with bicycle traffic when I left at about 2:45 pm but hardly a soul when I made my way home at jsut after 5:00 pm.
After a very tasty meal of overlefts we played two slow rubbers of bridge with Clara and Dusty. Clara and I came out ahead by 120 points so very close. Cora Lee and Chloë had gone to see About Time, at Fifth Avenue, with Richard Curtis' latest, starring Rachel McAdams and Bill Nighy. They both enjoyed it but found it very "weepy", happy/sad, and had the red eyes to prove it!
Supposed to be cloudy for most of the morning, early afternoon tomorrow so perhaps I'll try to time things right and ride up to VGH to visit you before 3:00 pm and stay until it stops raining! All the best for now. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Flamin', Andre, Sarge, Rhonda, (She is quite an interesting woman, an ornithologist with Federales, Pacific and Yukon Region, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada. Didn't really have a chance to talk about things in detail but she said her work has not been affected by The War on Science: Muzzled Scientists and Wilful Blindness in Stephen Harper's Canada as Chris Turner would have it. Will be curious to talk more on this subject when next we have a chance to meet.); Sunday's feast; Ardmore with Andre and Rhonda after a few belts!
My only serious complaint with my time in hospital to date has related to communications - keeping me in the loop on what is unfolding. This improved today but unfortunately I didn't appreciate the message conveyed. Not only is my surgery not happening on Tuesday as previously discussed, but as of now I have no confirmed date for when it will take place. As I understand things this does not relate to my readiness for the procedure but rather the more mundane issue of space availability. I am told the the surgical team will "review my situation" tomorrow and report back. Stay tuned.
In the meantime I am happy to have visitors if folks would like to stop by. Give me a call or check in by email to check on timing. Cheers....Paul
Hi Paolo!
Sorry to learn that you are still on the waiting list! Must be quite frustrating by this point. At any rate, we'd like to pop by to say hello so will probably give you a call sometime tomorrow. Cora Lee is ferrying her folks to various appointments in the morning so I assume we might be around in the afternoon. Anyway, we'll call first , of course.
Had quite a busy weekend as we hosted another dinner on Sunday evening as well. Earlier in the day Cora Lee, her Mom and I attended a Remembrance service at Canadian Memorial, 16th & Burrard, and after the wonderful service with the Universal Gospel Choir in which Jack O'Dell was Guest Speaker and was honoured as well:
During the 1950s, Jack O'Dell was a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). In the late 1950s O'Dell withdrew his membership from the CPUSA to work in the Civil Rights movement in the South. He worked with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. O'Dell was a director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). Because of O'Dell's past involvement with the Communist Party, Dr. King received pressure from many liberal leaders—including the Kennedy brothers, John and Robert—to distance himself from O'Dell. After conferring with King, O'Dell decided to accept a less prominent post within the movement in order not to alienate important allies of the Civil Rights struggle; nevertheless, he continued to play a decisive role in the SCLC, as well as in King's move towards the political left towards the end of his life.
We know him, and his lovely wife, Jane Power, from Trinity United and I really wanted to hear him speak. He celebrated his 90th birthday last summer and is not in the best of health. He has been struggling with various medical issues for the last number of years but in spite of his considerable ailments, he never complains. Certainly an incredible, remarkable individual, gentle in the extreme but with a will of steel, as you might imagine, given his history.
He gave a very personal, fascinatingly interesting, succinct overview of the Civil Rights movement and his part in it. Quite remarkable to see and listen to someone who was in Selma and so many other places during this time of violence and strife, social upheaval and struggle for justice and human rights. The UGC added yet another stirring dimension to the service, of course.
On an even more personal note, Clara found the names of both her brother, James, and Dusty's brother, George, in the four Books of Remembrance, (the only replicas on public display outside of those housed in the Peace Tower in Ottawa), held by the church, which contain the names of all the Canadian fallen from WW I, WWII, from Newfoundland and the Merchant Marine. During the service, before The Last Post was sounded, one of the church members read names from each of these four books. It was very, very moving, as you can well imagine.
After the service the church hosted a Remembrance Day Open House so that anyone who so desired could consult these remarkable tomes. Refreshments were served and there was a wonderful band, In the Mood Quartet, playing great swing music, with Angela Verbrugge singing songs from the era. Funnily enough, we knew the piano player, Gerry Teahan. His wife, Sue, was a Children's Libarian at VPL for many years and that is how we first got to know them both. Did you know Sue? At any rate, it was a very pleasant counterpoint to the solemn, though uplifting service.
Back home by just before 2:00 pm and since the weather was crisp but dry I decided I'd try for a ride. Turned out to be absolutely wonderful so I was more than exhilirated as I did my usual Three Loops of Stanley Park:
In spite of the lovely, dry weather there were few people about so I relished having the Seawall almost completely to myself. Back home to shower and change in time to welcome Andre and Rhonda, friend who lives on a sailboat, with her husband, (He was away on a business trip.), moored at Spruce Harbour Marina, just down the way from us. [Same marina where friend Branko has his boat. He will be driving down to Simi Valley with me.] Andre is the friend with whom we stayed in tiny village of Chabeuil, near Valence, (and with whom I left my bike, [Not sure if you knew that I bought a foldable road bike, Navigator, in York and used it everywhere. Fabulous riding, especially in France.], and cycling gear), and he is over here visiting his mother, now living on Vancouver Island. Had a grand evening and popped downstairs to let Andre meet Clan Sutherland. Flamin' and Sarge and two other couples all stayed with Andre and Rosemary, (his partner), the night before we met in Agen for canl barge cruise. All three Sutherland children and partners were there for dinner so thought Andre would enjoy meeting Flamin's/Sarge's extended family.
Back upstairs to enjoy another of Coriandre's fantabulous dinners: Curried shrimp, green, cashews with rice; a pork curry, red, and a chick pea/spinach dish, below. Scrumptious! Plenty of wine and then just a few snorts of Ardmore, a very pleasant Highland malt, 46%, to make everything blend in!
Had a great sleep-in until almost 9:00 am and then busied myself, finally putting away a whole host of clothes and papers and whatnot, travel flotsam and jetsam that had been piled in our bedroom, almost since we arrived back home! Cora Lee has been giving me murderous looks and threatening vile acts for last few days so I knew I had to act or risk a fate worse than death! Even managed to squeeze in another Three Looper, (I somehow deleted the ride so you are spared most of the stats except distance, 55.2 km and an AVG of 21.5 km/h. Seawall was a quite busy with bicycle traffic when I left at about 2:45 pm but hardly a soul when I made my way home at jsut after 5:00 pm.
After a very tasty meal of overlefts we played two slow rubbers of bridge with Clara and Dusty. Clara and I came out ahead by 120 points so very close. Cora Lee and Chloë had gone to see About Time, at Fifth Avenue, with Richard Curtis' latest, starring Rachel McAdams and Bill Nighy. They both enjoyed it but found it very "weepy", happy/sad, and had the red eyes to prove it!
Supposed to be cloudy for most of the morning, early afternoon tomorrow so perhaps I'll try to time things right and ride up to VGH to visit you before 3:00 pm and stay until it stops raining! All the best for now. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Flamin', Andre, Sarge, Rhonda, (She is quite an interesting woman, an ornithologist with Federales, Pacific and Yukon Region, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada. Didn't really have a chance to talk about things in detail but she said her work has not been affected by The War on Science: Muzzled Scientists and Wilful Blindness in Stephen Harper's Canada as Chris Turner would have it. Will be curious to talk more on this subject when next we have a chance to meet.); Sunday's feast; Ardmore with Andre and Rhonda after a few belts!
Patrick, Thanks - we'll have to get the travel agent's contact info. Thanks again for the wonderful Tullibardine. Cheers, Peter
Hi Jugos and LL!
Sorry that I haven't sent along a thank you note for the more than wonderful visit, brief though it was. Always a delight to stay in The Naramata with you, in your lovely, lovely home and enjoy your gracious, unstinting hospitality. Glad you like the Tullibardine. I went to Legacy on Saturday to pick up a bottle of same but all the Sovereign was gone! Assuaged my hurt and bitter disappointment by picking up a bottle of Laphroaig Càirdeas, 51.2% and a couple of bottels of Bourbon I'd not tried before: Elijah Craig, 12 years old, 47%, and Four Roses, Single barrel, 50%. Hurry on down!
Only excuse for not writing sooner was that we had a very full and busy week once back. Not to mention this long weekend as we hosted dinners on both Saturday, (Joan Whitney, alone, as Paul is still awaiting surgery at VGH, along with Jane, minus Kjell, who is suffering from a very painful knee injury.), and Sunday. All the best for now. Fondestos to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Thank you for the maddeningly tasty chocolades, Upstairs Maid! Quite enjoyed the chocs on way home. Cora Lee had snagged them before I even knew they were on pillow. I made my two last and didn't have secondo until a day or so after we returned home, much to Coramandel's oft voiced annoyance as she was sorely tempted!
Hi Sara!
Once more, sorry that we weren't able to get together for a ride. Trust you had a good one, however. Weather turned out to be remarkable, both Sunday and Monday, so we can't complain!I Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Giggster!
Sorry that we weren't able to get together for a ride before you left for the Gulf Islands. Trust you enjoyed a wonderful long weekend. Weather turned out to be remarkable here so we really were fortunate, from a cycling point of view, at least.
On Friday morning I renewed my driver's license at the MacDonald office and was pleasantly surprised at the quick, friendly service. I was in and out in not much more than five minutes! Did a few other "car" errands and then back home to ride. Bit of a slight, light, light drizzle when I left but by the time I was at SP even that had stopped and I had a glorious time doing the circuit regulare, up to Prospect Point and around six times, with necessary dipsy doodles after each loop to ring up my first 100+ km ride since returning. Stats for ride:
If you take a look at the link it seems as if it took me almost 12 hours to complete ride. I think I inadvertently hit a button to "resume" ride when I took odometre off bike and it continued to run until I downloaded the day's outing! Found Sarge here, chatting with Cora Lee, when I returned. He often comes to our place to open his mail and leave his recycling with us! Assuaged my hurt and bitter disappointment at not riding with you, Whirlissimo, by stopping by Legacy to pick up a bottle of Laphroaig Càirdeas, 51.2% and a couple of bottels of Bourbon I'd not tried before: Elijah Craig, 12 years old, 47%, and Four Roses, Single barrel, 50%. Yank Jacob Two Two back from Hong Kong and hurry on over! If elastic band isn't long enough to reach, bring Amira!!!
What are your plans? All the best for now. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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