Hi Joe!
Trust you and Rose are both well. I'll be over 65 on December 6th! Up at 6:30 am this morning to be loved to death by both, obviously, hungry cats! In fact, Chandler actually curled up with me around 3:30 am and stayed until I had to move my feet outside the covers as I was overheating, his hot little body, on top of the duvet, adding to the temperature build up! Funnily enough, neither of them are at all vocal. Chandler gave a tiny squeak yesterday but that was the first time I'd ever heard the slightest sound from him. Wish they had been Maggie's role models! Still sad about her induced death yesterday, of course, but really the only humane course of action, given her age and numerous health problems. Still, wonderful, wonderful memories of her even if she was a banshee yowler!
Another fab day, 23º and sunny, so after I ate a late breakfast, (I'm still listening to BBC2, on-line, and this morning I heard Emma Thompson interviewed about her latest film: Saving Mr. Banks, the story of "the uber-bossy author P.L. Travers, creator of “Mary Poppins,” who tortures Walt Disney (played by Tom Hanks) before eventually softening her stance and signing away the rights to her beloved literary character.), I set off for Moorpark, a neighbouring community to Thousand Oaks, itself only about 10 km from Simi Valley. I knew the route to the latter as I rode it a number of times last time we were here. Today I decided I'd do a bit more exploring so when I came to Moorpark Road I turned right to follow it north and ended up descending something called the Historic Norwegian Grade. [I later learned that it is "a two-mile stretch of present day Moorpark Road in Ventura County, (partially within the city of Thousand Oaks), carved out of a steep hillside by members of the Norwegian Colony and their hired help between 1900 and 1911.
For construction, they used picks, shovels, crowbars, farm equipment, and $60 worth of dynamite given by the county of Ventura. Currently, the grade serves over 6000 cars every day. The grade was built to provide a safe way to move bales of hay and sacks of wheat and barley to farmers on the Oxnard Plain and to the Hueneme Wharf. The new route would allow a gradual descent with no hairpin turns down into the Santa Rosa Valley and would be safer than existing routes to the Oxnard Plain and Moorpark."
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[Richard Hamilton's "Just What Is It That Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?" The 1956 collage is often referred to as the first example of Pop Art.]
Following the bike path signs I did discover a route that would allow me to avoid climbing back up the Norwegian Grade but I didn't want to return to SImi Valley just yet so turned around and made my way back to Moorpark Road. Climb wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but since it was a continuous climb I had my work cut out for me. "Share the Road" signs were posted at both the top and bottom of the Norwegian Grade and most drivers were very courteous, waiting until road was clear to pass. Had to laugh, however, on way up, as one young woman, on her cell phone, yelled out her window as she passed me rather too closely, "You'll cause an accident!" Suppose her flagrant violation of using her mobile while driving wasn't of any concern, at least to her!
Chloe Alexis Dunn shared Danica Knox's photo
- Patrick James Dunn Ornaments Anonymous, I gather! Was he trying to kick eggnog or shortbread or both? Looks like he might be a binge eater/drinker!!!
- Chloe Alexis Dunn LOL xx
I wanted to clock another 100 km ride so I knew that with that distance on the clock I'd have upped it to somewhere between 65 - 67 km by the time I passed Lake Park Drive, street off of which I live. Then it was only a matter of following my tried and true route to Sequoia Avenue, approximately 15 km from that point. Did just that was pleased that I only had to do two loops of Lake Park Drive/N/S to reach my goal.
Forecast for tomorrow is the same as today so I'm hoping to stitch another 100+ km ride together. I'm toying with a return to Box Canyon as this will probably be last opportunity I'll have to collapse my lungs. Rain is forecast for Thanksgiving and showers on Black Friday. Guess I'll just have to wait and see. Plenty to do if I can't ride but I'd prefer to be exploring this wonderful valley and adjacent ones, if at all possible.
All the best to you and Rose. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick James Dunn In Movieland!
Tried to call you last night. I am likely going to come early Thurs
morning instead of tomorrow night. I was just too sick after sleeping
there with the cats.
I would like you to be in charge of salads, cranberry sauce and
veggies for Thanksgiving. I want a salad at noon too for lunch (I will
provide the rest). Then a salad for dinner and a veggie. Perhaps a stir
fry green bean with red peppers and garlic...I
am doing the potatoes, stuffing and mac n cheese, gravy etc. Thanks!
I have 17 on my list and Rae doesn't know of my guests by number Lol...should be fun
Hello Guayabitos Goil!
Rae said to set the table for 16, with 14 expected but I'm not sure who that includes. Lauren and Mark will come after 7:00 pm so I guess we'll need to have 18 chairs, to be on the safe side, unless you have other information.
No energy left for dramatics after cleaning litter box with my only toothbrush. These pushups are worse than climbing Box Canyon...37...38...Gasp..39...
Must away to Trader Joe's so save your barking voice. Expiringly yours, Sissy Poppa!
Rae said to set the table for 16, with 14 expected but I'm not sure who that includes. Lauren and Mark will come after 7:00 pm so I guess we'll need to have 18 chairs, to be on the safe side, unless you have other information.
No energy left for dramatics after cleaning litter box with my only toothbrush. These pushups are worse than climbing Box Canyon...37...38...Gasp..39...
Must away to Trader Joe's so save your barking voice. Expiringly yours, Sissy Poppa!
P, sorry to learn of
Maggie's passing. The cheap malt in the milk diet gets us all in the
end. I just wish we could count on the same efficiency of sleep
inducement when our time is right.
Enviable ride stats
and conditions. I dragged Ray out for a short ride lasterday which was
his first exercise in weeks (he did a loop for an hour). He has been
suffering a bronchial infection of some kind.
Gorgeous sunny day but cool. As it happens Sylvia fell down on the ice
at the front of their house in the morning - bruising her hip.
Enjoy your
Thanksgiving festivities and we will figure out the NRBC plan when you
are back in the 'hood. I fancy the idea of a Parksville cellar raid. If
we invited some of the local homeless over we could
share the hootch and get some pics for Grogg -- of them drinking his
cheap wine out of the bottle.
Give my best to all the family. Safe riding and travels, G
Hi Giorgio!
Thanks for thoughts on Maggster. Couldn't agree more about the cheap malt. That porch climber will get you every time! Sorry to hear about both Ray and Sylvia. I started my message to him" "Trust you are both well." Guess not. Haven't heard back. Anything new on that front?
Funnily enough, just had a message from Grogg:
Greetings from Madrona!
Hope all is well in California. We'll be over Sunday, Dec 8th-would a pot luck evening work for you guys? Talked to Sarge, and they are OK for that. I have a large format 2005 Osoyoos Larose that I've been saving for when we are all together. It is either a double magnum, or 5 litre!! If that night works for you guys, I'll bring it along...Cheers, Grog
It's quite obvious that he doesn't know what he has in his cellar so The Breakfast Club can really go to town!
Stats for ride:
Not sure if you know about this feature or not but if you click on the green icon, in View Details mode, you can hit a play button near top of screen which then moves the icon along the recorded route. Nifty and helpful as I often forget where I went when. The danger of dipsy-doodling!
Forecast for tomorrow is the same as today so I'm hoping to stitch another 100+ km ride together. I'm still toying with a return to Box Canyon as this will probably be last opportunity I'll have to collapse my lungs! Say hello to Raymondo if you talk to him. All the best to you three. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Casualty of too much wine or not enough chain cleaner! My house sitting family: Rae, preparing another fabulous meal and Rick in his upstairs studio.
Hi Giorgio!
Thanks for thoughts on Maggster. Couldn't agree more about the cheap malt. That porch climber will get you every time! Sorry to hear about both Ray and Sylvia. I started my message to him" "Trust you are both well." Guess not. Haven't heard back. Anything new on that front?
Funnily enough, just had a message from Grogg:
Greetings from Madrona!
Hope all is well in California. We'll be over Sunday, Dec 8th-would a pot luck evening work for you guys? Talked to Sarge, and they are OK for that. I have a large format 2005 Osoyoos Larose that I've been saving for when we are all together. It is either a double magnum, or 5 litre!! If that night works for you guys, I'll bring it along...Cheers, Grog
It's quite obvious that he doesn't know what he has in his cellar so The Breakfast Club can really go to town!
Stats for ride:
Not sure if you know about this feature or not but if you click on the green icon, in View Details mode, you can hit a play button near top of screen which then moves the icon along the recorded route. Nifty and helpful as I often forget where I went when. The danger of dipsy-doodling!
Forecast for tomorrow is the same as today so I'm hoping to stitch another 100+ km ride together. I'm still toying with a return to Box Canyon as this will probably be last opportunity I'll have to collapse my lungs! Say hello to Raymondo if you talk to him. All the best to you three. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Casualty of too much wine or not enough chain cleaner! My house sitting family: Rae, preparing another fabulous meal and Rick in his upstairs studio.
Hi Shelagh!
Trust you are well. (I don't really use LinkedIn but I must admit it is often useful for connecting with library folk.) Have been having a wonderful time ever since leaving Vancouver on November 18th. Cora Lee was too, too busy with meetings, etc., for Friends and other volunteer organizations, to take the time to drive with me. She flies down to LA on Thursday morning to celebrate American Thanksgiving together with Ayn and Los Horridos. We'll have a large gathering where I'm house/cat sitting in Simi Valley, (Not that far from where Ayn lives, near Sherman Oaks/Studio City. I cycled over the Santa Susana Pass into the San Fernando Valley, and back, this past Saturday, 125 km round trip, as I wanted to have a haircut at the Mexican barber down the street from Ayn's apartment. I'd been there before and was very happy with $13 cut!), for same cousin as last Christmas, while family is in Hawaii celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. Gorgeous weather so I'm having a grand time cycling. Plenty of wine so all bases are covered. I plan to be back in Vancouver by December 4th, (Corinne on 3rd), as I'm hoping to take in David Hockney: A Bigger Exhibition at the de Young Museum in SF on way north. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patricio,
Very good to hear from you, although was a bit teary myself
thinking about Maggie and the need to have her euthenised. Being very
much an animal person and very close to our Own Oliver I can identify
with how difficult and emotional all of that can be
. My deepest condolences to you all.
Enjoyed reading and amazingly was able to read it all in one
sitting due to the fact that I have finished working on the show, your
accounts of rides, dinners, circling feline sharks etc. It sounds like
such a beautiful area and would love to be able
to go on some rides with you around there. perhaps next year same
As I was saying I’m simply ecstatic to have finished working on the
show and although I am still busy with a few other things that have
been on the back burner for the last several months at least it is to be
done on my own schedule. This will allow me
of course to get out for some rides again which I really look forward
to. I was under the impression from your earlier email that you were
heading down there with Branko..did that not happen? or did he simply
become irritating and you took advantage of a left
hand hairpin around one of those hairpin turns along the jagged cliffs
of the Big Sur to unlatch the passenger door and let centrifugal force
take care of the problem?
We’ll look forward to your return and catching up, The parts for
Chloe’s desk unit are ready for a test fit so I will give her a call get
that done as well as to offer my condolences. Take care, Al
Hi Big Al!
Thanks for thoughts on Maggster. Just talked to Cora Lee and she said house is pretty quiet without her around. Chloë happened to call, on Coriandre's cell, while we were chatting, and she seems to be handling things pretty well. Know she'll be pleased to hear about the desk. Glad you are enjoying "retirement" now. Be great if you could join us down here. Wine, sunshine, cycling, prescription dope, what more could you want?
Guess I didn't mention that Admiral Barnacle phoned a day or so before we were to leave to say that he had been diagnosed with some heart irregularities. Obviously, he had to cancel trip. Don't know any more as I hadn't a chance to talk at length before I left. He hasn't replied to my last email so I hope he is okay. All the best to you four. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Rick in his upstairs studio. He has been nominated for a number of Grammy's although never received one, unfortunately. He worked on The Apprentice and used to talk to Donald Trump everyday, at the time. Currently doing the music for a number of reality shows. He was in a band, Agent, in Vancouver, for about twenty years or so, I think, until he moved to LA, realizing he wasn't going to become a rock star. Put his musical talent and experience into becoming pretty successful in this music production business. (I think that is what it is called or how one would characterize it.) Anyway, he is always crazy busy so I think you will understand, given your own involvement in the film/TV industry.
Hi Big Al!
Thanks for thoughts on Maggster. Just talked to Cora Lee and she said house is pretty quiet without her around. Chloë happened to call, on Coriandre's cell, while we were chatting, and she seems to be handling things pretty well. Know she'll be pleased to hear about the desk. Glad you are enjoying "retirement" now. Be great if you could join us down here. Wine, sunshine, cycling, prescription dope, what more could you want?
Guess I didn't mention that Admiral Barnacle phoned a day or so before we were to leave to say that he had been diagnosed with some heart irregularities. Obviously, he had to cancel trip. Don't know any more as I hadn't a chance to talk at length before I left. He hasn't replied to my last email so I hope he is okay. All the best to you four. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Rick in his upstairs studio. He has been nominated for a number of Grammy's although never received one, unfortunately. He worked on The Apprentice and used to talk to Donald Trump everyday, at the time. Currently doing the music for a number of reality shows. He was in a band, Agent, in Vancouver, for about twenty years or so, I think, until he moved to LA, realizing he wasn't going to become a rock star. Put his musical talent and experience into becoming pretty successful in this music production business. (I think that is what it is called or how one would characterize it.) Anyway, he is always crazy busy so I think you will understand, given your own involvement in the film/TV industry.
Tried to call you last night. I am likely going to come early Thurs
morning instead of tomorrow night. I was just too sick after sleeping
there with the cats.
I would like you to be in charge of salads, cranberry sauce and
veggies for Thanksgiving. I want a salad at noon too for lunch (I will
provide the rest). Then a salad for dinner and a veggie. Perhaps a stir
fry green bean with red peppers and garlic...I
am doing the potatoes, stuffing and mac n cheese, gravy etc. Thanks!
Hello Barking Out Orders Mama!
Talked to an exhausted Nana this evening and she said she wanted squash and Brussels sprouts so I will arrange to buy/prepare, (at least partially), these items. She also suggested a cole slaw salad. I will buy fixings for that as well as for the various mixed green ones you have legislated. I'm happy with the stir fry you suggest so let me know if you would like that as well. Is "boughten" cranberry sauce fine?
I'll miss not being told what to do and when on Wednesday evening but I'm sure you'll double your efforts on Thursday! In fact, I think you are more than right to stay away.
All the best. Don't strain your vocal cords! Love and Cheers, Poppa "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Parade Ground Bullies Here in Simi Valley" San!
Hello Barking Out Orders Mama!
Talked to an exhausted Nana this evening and she said she wanted squash and Brussels sprouts so I will arrange to buy/prepare, (at least partially), these items. She also suggested a cole slaw salad. I will buy fixings for that as well as for the various mixed green ones you have legislated. I'm happy with the stir fry you suggest so let me know if you would like that as well. Is "boughten" cranberry sauce fine?
I'll miss not being told what to do and when on Wednesday evening but I'm sure you'll double your efforts on Thursday! In fact, I think you are more than right to stay away.
All the best. Don't strain your vocal cords! Love and Cheers, Poppa "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Parade Ground Bullies Here in Simi Valley" San!
Hi Lumi!
Sorry that it has taken me so long to reply to your message. Great to meet you and certainly enjoyed the luncheon/auction. Have attached some of the pics I took. Unfortunately light glare from windows behind podium made it difficult, at least for my amateur ability, to capture some of the action! Anyway, please use them as you see fit. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Dennisovitch!
Trust you are well and enjoying life in Mexico! Nice life indeed!! Coincidentally, we will be attending a destination wedding near Cancun in May. Any thoughts/suggestions about biking in the area? Availability of decent bikes? Road conditions? All the best to you and Claire. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Groggage!
Just talked to Cora Lee and she said we are free on Sunday, the 8th so look forward to catching up. As well she said place is pretty quiet without Maggie around. You probably didn't know that she and Chloë took Maggs to the SPCA yesterday. Her overall health had deteriorated to the point where Corinne decided that she has to be euthanized. All the best to you and Lurch. See you on the 8th. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al!
Trust you are well. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again Patrizzio!
No problem about the name Jlo , now if only I was her age!!! (the real Jlo!) Sorry to hear about your beloved cat but I suppose it’s the best thing for her.. so she doesn’t suffer. I will pass your phone # on to Merna.. she will be glad you’re not upset about the no communication so far..Thanks for the great story of your last trip.. reading it felt like I was there….! Amazing bike rides..Perhaps see you over the xmas holidays? (but then you’re probably going away somewhere) Cheers! JWo
Thanks for thoughts on Maggie. Regards to Merna. We are around for Christmas so I'm sure we can arrange something. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Sarge!
Talked to Cora Lee this evening and she said we are free on Sunday, the 8th so look forward to catching up with you and The Millionaires. All the best to you and Flamin'. See you on the 4th or 5th. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Drive careful on the way back and see you next week. We are off to
Kitamat this weekend for skating and then Whitehorse the following
Stockings are hung by the chimney with care..... Christmas cakes well aged and being marinated weekly, so all is well on West 23rd.
No word on Arthur. Stella said she would phone me but she hasn't and I don't want to intrude. Lost a close friend, Ivor, in England last week whose funeral was yesterday. Spoke with his wife and son on the phone which was very emotional.
Sounds like some tough riding south of LA. Out for the first time in weeks on Monday with George but only lasted an hour. I'm quite unfit at the moment.
Jim Crowe flew in from HK on Saturday afternoon. Within 2 hours we were walking along Spanish Banks at quite a good clip, as my hips will attest to, followed by a few minutes at the rugby match at Jericho and a beer in the clubhouse afterwards. Jim ran the next 2 mornings. He is in very good shape with no joint problems and he is one of the few 66 year olds still capable of putting in some good mileage. He moved on to the Vancouver Hotel where he had a conference and some business meetings before heading back to HK last evening. He very kindly brought me a suit of clothing which, with a few minor alterations, will fit very well. The trick will be to try to find a SUITable occasion to wear it. Ray
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