Hi Goils!
Here is a copy of the message I sent to Gayle and Derek. Be strong Chloë! I know it will be painfully difficult but you can do it if only for Maggie's sake. Give darling Maggs all my love. Will be with you this afternoon, in my thoughts and in spirit. Love Dad!
Hi Derek and Gayle!
Lovely to hear from you although I was sorry to learn about your fall. You must have taken a few lessons from Cora Lee! Anyway, am glad you seem to have escaped serious injury. Even a sore back is not to be sneezed at, particularly as we age. I really don't take anything for granted, health wise as we all know that other, "things" happen whether one falls down stairs, off a ladder or, indeed, from a bike, travelling faster than a speeding bullet! As well, hope your stomach trouble has cleared up although I suspect that it was due, in part, to the anxiety caused after you embezzled my Sainsbury's cheque! Talk about customer service! I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing. Was it somehow tied in to our applying for a card? At any rate, another good reason to return to Cornwall!
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A THOUGHTFUL MESSAGE OR TWO HERE TO PREPARE YOU FOR CHRISTMAS. Please drink responsibly – sit down so you don’t spill any! |
Your Christmas concerts sound lovely. I know we have tickets for a number of choral events and such, as well, so looking forward to that as well. Along with us, Clara/Dusty and Chloë will attend the Universal Gospel Choir concert on December 15th, I'm not mistaken. We heard them recently, at a Remembrance Day service, and bought our tickets then.
Speaking of concerts, this past Friday I went with Rae and Rick, the couple I'm house/cat sitting for, to a school concert. Their daughter, Judy, is in the Santa Susana High School Performing Arts Choir. I assumed it would be much like going to a typical, cobbled together school or church Christmas pageant we have all "endured" over the years but was I in for a wonderful surprise! The level of performance was almost unbelievable, at least to my eyes and ears. Not only was there a large vocal ensemble but also a number of smaller choirs, (women's/small group), and a jazz choir, mixed. Latter, in particular, was truly phenomenal. The musical theatre involved a number of Broadway pieces, (Legally Blonde, Newsies), and the dance choreography was superb, let alone the two young women doing incredible back flips back and forth across the stage. The range and style of material was marvellous, literally drawing upon the musical traditions of world culture, Haitian, Japanese, African, French, Quebec, Celtic to name a few. Members of the accomplished school orchestra also participated. Judy gave a lovely solo performance. She has a very strong, powerful voice and has obviously inherited musical talent and genes from both her parents/grandparents. The music director, Bevin Abbe, is obviously adored by her students and she truly cultivated and showed, in shining display, the depth and breadth of talent they possess. And, perhaps most importantly, everyone had fun while they bowled the audience over. I honestly didn't want the concert to end, so entertaining it was, so thrilling were the voices, so moving the material.
At any rate, it was a very interesting trip down but I'll spare you the details. Suffice it to say, I arrived in Simi Valley around 3:30 pm on Thursday. Lazy day Friday morning, settling in and learning a few things about the house and the cat's feeding routines, amounts, etc. Day was clear and bright but the Santa Ana winds were ferocious. Blew all three large umbrellas in back yard over, one into pool! Desperately wanted to go for a ride so suited up and headed out to re-travel many of my favourite shorter routes, discovered over the course of our stay last year. A great first ride especially since I'd not been out for almost a week, travel schedule not allowing any exercise other than bottle opening!
Stats for ride:
After I was back, Rick and I took my car to their storage locker and brought back a table and six chairs for the Thanksgiving dinner table. (We are having about fourteen guests for dinner so need to move the large kitchen table into the living room to extend the dining room table to accommodate everyone. Table from locker will be used to hold the turkey, ham and other food dishes. Plan to have Los Horridos help me move the furniture when they come for brunch on Sunday.) Once we had unloaded the car I had a quick shower and shortly thereafter three friends arrived and we sat down to enjoy another of Rae's truly delicious dinners, (short ribs), and then we headed out to the simply wonderful concert I've already described above.
We were back home by 9:30 pm but Rae/Rick/Judy had to be up at 5:00 am next morning as limo was coming to collect them at 6:00 am to take them to LAX to catch their flight to Hawaii so they went upstairs to finish packing while I loaded the dishwasher and tidied up the kitchen. Rick came downstairs around 11:00 pm and we chatted over a nip of Grangestone. Said goodnight once dram was gone as he still had some work to finish before leaving it all behind for little less than a week. I sent a few messages and then made for bed myself. Would be an early morning for me as well as I wanted to say goodbye as they were climbing into taxi.
I was up at 5:30 am to make myself a cup of java and make one last list of phone numbers and addresses should an emergency of any kind befall. Simoids got off, mostly on time, without too, too much fussing so I was left all alone with Joseph and Chandler. Forecast looked super fine, at least as far as cycling was concerned so I planned to head out over Santa Susana Pass and Box Canyon Road. Latter connects with the Orange Busway, if one follows Valley CIrcle to Plummer.at some point and then to Glen Valley and Little Tijuana. Around 8:00 am I phoned Ayn and arranged to meet her at her place in Valley Glen as I wanted to have my haircut at the Mexican barbershop a block or two from her apartment. Had a tasty breakfast of pasta overlefts, suited up and was away by 9:30 am. Wind was not as fierce as it was yesterday but was heading into it as I made my way along East Los Angeles and it was a struggle. Ascending the pass was like riding in a wind tunnel as the hills acted a as afunnel of sorts and I was literally buffeted form side to side with each new blasting gust. Fortunately Aeolius Furioso was at my back as I laboured up Box Canyon Road, helping me along. While not as protracted a climb as coming from the San Fernanado Valley side, ascent from Santa Susana Roadis an unrelieved one. Other approach offers a few "plateaus" where one can catch one's breath.
At any rate, I was pleased to be back "attacking" this route but even more pleased to reach the top. Once I'd intersected with the Orange Bus Line's dedicated bike/pedestrian path I literally roared along, the wind effortlessly pushing me at 33+ km/hr much of the way to Woodman. Took me about three and a half hours to reach the barbershop as I had close to 63 km on the clock. Wind really was a factor as I should have been able to cover that distance in not much more than three hours if I'd been able to maintain an AVG of 20 km/hr. Still, I was reasonably happy as I'd not been forced to touch the Burning Ground once, dipsy doodling my way out of trouble at various uncooperative stop lights, particularly once on the OBL.
Ayn was actually waiting for me, on the sidewalk in front of the barbershop but had to follow me back to her place as I wanted to go to the bathroom. Once there she gave me a tasty snack of apple, cheese, corn chips and houmous, fuel for return trip. Since it had taken me longer to get to her place I didn't feel I had time to go shopping with her to Trader Joe's and her Armenian butcher shop. We needed a few things fro dinner that night and brunch for Sunday. I knew it would be at least 1:30 pm, or even a bit later, by the time I had had my haircut and I didn't want to be on the road without my lights. Quite an oversight on my part but I really hadn't anticipated having to use them. Light starts to around 4:30 pm so it was to be a race against time on return journey.
Gave her he key to the house and went to be shorn. Happened to have the same barber who cut my locks last March so was pleased as he'd done a grand job last time. Apologized to him for my riding shirt, pretty drenched as it was, explaining where I'd come from. Young lads, both barber and cutee, at/in next chair seemed quite impressed that I'd ridden from Simi Valley. While I was pleased at stitching together both valleys I told them that the unrelenting head wind was certainly more draining than the hill climbs. Very pleased, once again, with my haircut and beard trim, (Only $13 so I tipped the rest of the $20), so said goodbye to my new fans and made my way across the Woodman to enter the bikeway at 1:45 pm.
Wind, I knew, was going to be horrendous and it was. Still, since I'd already touched the Burning Ground, I didn't fuss when I missed a light and so my progress was halting, stop and go, stop and go until I reached Plummer. Wind was so firece on last leg of OBL route that I was actually glad to have to stop for a forced break, every so often. Once past the long, long, long light on Topanga Canyon Road, never had to stop again until I reached home, although ascent of Box Canyon was steeper and longer than I had remembered. Part of this was, I'm sure, due to the fact that I had about 80 km on the clock by the time I started the climb.
Anyway, I persevered and once I'd gained the top of the hill, I forgot all about the exertion required to get me there. With wind, more or less at my back for almost all of the remaining distance, (except for last swoop down hill to Fawn Valley Court), I whizzed along and knew I'd be okay as far as light went. Dusk was settling in in earnest just before 5:00 pm but by then I was only a few kilometres away from home and even had time to push up reading on the odometre on the quiet streets near the house before ending the ride.
Stats for inter-valley ride:
Back inside found Ayn was busy preparing the night's dinner. She was going to bbq the pork chops and strip steaks she'd bought that afternoon and I was told, in no uncertain terms, that the salad was my responsibility. I made myself a cup of Keurig java, Caffè Verona Dark, and took it into the bathroom. Had a luxurious hot, hot shower and soothed my back and legs muscles although I must say I felt pretty good in spite of my almost seven hours in the saddle.
Squeaky clean I dressed fro dinner and then set about throwing together a mixed green saladin, using the tomatoes, green oniones and Feta Ayn had picked up. Was throwing together a simple oil and vinegar dressing, with Coleman's dry mustard, when our first guests, Nancy and Brian, arrived. Ayn worked with Nancy at Sony in the mid-'90's, I believe, and they have been friends ever since. Had just poured them each a glass of wine when Lauren, friend from London, now working in Simi Valley, and her family friend, Ryan, knocked on the door. Originally, she was to join us for Sunday brunch but after accepting invitation she discovered that it was Hayden's, Ryan's son, birthday so she had to cancel. Fortunately, they were free on Saturday evening.
We spent a lovely time, enjoying the delicious food, polishing off numerous bottles of Coffaro and Soda Rock and getting to know a little bit about each other. I was pleased to finally have a chance to ask Lauren questions about a whole range of things. Although I've known her since 2007 I'd never really talked to her, other than rather briefly, at various, reasonably large gatherings, in London, during our stays with Penny. For example, although I'd met her Dad and step-Mom this past August, I didn't know anything about the circumstances of their marriage or the death of Lauren's Mother, in an automobile accident, outside of Toronto, when she was seven. Not that there was any particular reason that I needed to know any of this but in a strange way I came to play a minor role in helping Lauren to re-connect with her step-Brother, Tyler, who had not been in contact with the family for over ten years. This being the case, I was quite curious to know some of the details of the backstory behind these events.
Anyway, everyone visited with everyone else so a good time was had by all. Around 11:00 pm, after cake, (brought by Lauren and Ryan), and ice-cream for dessert, our guests had to be on their separate ways as both couples had busy days on the morrow. After saying goodnight, Ayn loaded the dishwasher and I washed whatever we couldn't squeeze into the machina. Both of us were more than happy to go to bed before midnight.
Up at 6:30 am, Sunday morning, to be joined, almost immediately, by Joey and Chandler, circling me like voracious sharks, threatening to take a hefty bite out of my legs if they were not soon fed! In fact they are actually extremely well behaved with regard to feeding times and although they show keen interest in their fare they do not complain at all, unlike our Dear Maggie. Had a long chat with Cora Lee before last night's dinner guests arrived, and was saddened to learn that she has reached the point where Corinne decided that she has to be euthanized. I don't know all of the details but among other things, she has a number of tumours on the right side of her face, one of which is now bleeding. We have known about he existence of same ever since we took her to the SPCA two or more years ago, when she first started showing signs that her health was deteriorating. At the time, the examining vet said that these growths would inevitably become more pronounced.
Of course, as you can well imagine, this is all very, very upsetting for everyone, particularly Chloë. Corinne is flying down to LA on Thursday of this coming week to celebrate American Thanksgiving with us and she didn't want Chloë to have to deal with taking Maggster to the clinic all by herself. (The appointment has already been made for today at 5:00 pm so I am to offer up a prayer for her as she shuffles off her feline coil!) I feel badly that I won't have the chance to see Maggs and say my own sad farewell. She has not been a particularly easy cat over the years but she has occupied a very large part of our lives for over sixteen years. Ever since we returned, this past October, and we brought her back to the Islay Inn, she had returned to a pretty good shade her old self, (given her age, etc.), complaining loudly, demanding to be fed but also being very affectionate, as well, settling in on Corinne's lap when she read or watched TV, or purring loudly, gazing into my face when I'd read in bed.
Fortunately Corinne's parents are next door so Chloë will have her Grandmother's shoulder to weep upon while we are away. The fact that she is still working seven days a week, (Monday-Friday at Aunt Leah's and then Sat/Sun at GIB), is probably a blessing, of sorts, inasmuch as she is so busy that she won't have as much time to think about losing Maggie. A difficult time but not unexpected although such decisions are absolutely wrenching.
At any rate, I took some comfort in my charges, their own crazy antics making me laugh and bringing back similar fond memories of Maggie when she was their age and the absolute terror of the rat population, scouts making tentative forays up from Granville Island. Single-handedly Maggie ensured that Harbour Terrace was a Rat-Free Zone! Ayn joined me in the kitchen about 8:00 am and we chatted while she started to prepare the four quiche she had decided would be brunch fare. She required a few more food items she'd not found yesterday so after her shower she went out asking me to fry the oniones and mushrooms she wanted for the quiche. Did this and and a few other chores around the house before she returned.
Once back we visited, she baking and I scribing, the cats tussling with each other or worrying some silly toy, until The Lost Burritos arrived shortly before noon. Grand to see both handsome lads as it had been almost six months since I seen them this past May when we were down for Alejandro's graduation. Got caught up on Xavierino's work on security detail at Sound, an "in" LA nightclub and Alejandro's training for a half marathon to be run in a month or so. Once quiche were ready we sat down to relish the wonderful egg concoctions, continuing our verbal visit. After the extended brunch Pierre spread his giant's frame out on the couch in the family room and dropped off to sleep. He'd been working until 4:00 am so he was pretty sleepy as you can well imagine. Alex wanted to watch some of the Clipper's basketball game so he did just that and after Ayn and I loaded up her car, she curled up on the couch and had a nap herself.
Around 3:00 pm Pierre woke up and the gang readied themselves to leave. I had suited up for a ride as I wanted to stretch my legs after yesterday's outing. Thanking Ayn for the wonderful meals over the course of the last two days I stood on the third stair of the staircase to hug Los Horridos goodbye, otherwise I'd have been embracing their kneecaps!
Waved goodbye as I set off on my ride and they made their way back home. Made sure I had my lights as I knew it would be dark by the time I returned. Another lovely day and wind wasn't too, too bad. Had intended to make for Sequoia Avenue as I knew this would put roughly 16 km on the clock and give me enough time to return by the time light started to fade. However, when I reached Erringer Road I decided to take a quick run up Sunnydale Avenue. One thing led to another and before I knew it I was making an incredible climb into uncharted territory.
If I had known what was in store for me I probably wouldn't have attempted such a climb after yesterday's Box Canyon up and over repeat. Nevertheless, I soldiered on and must say that this was the most prolonged, steepest climb I've ever completed, here or elsewhere, whether in Cornwall or Languedoc. Nothing out of Vancouver even compares, at least in my experience. Hill up to Blasted Church Winery in the Okanagan is probably a close approximation in terms of incline and length. Parts of Box Canyon, for example, might be a tad steeper but definitely do not go on for the same vertical distance. Here I was in my lowest gear and had to stand for duration of climb and was actually starting to worry about whether I could even make it to the top as I couldn't even tell where that might be, the road curving as it did. My breathing, gasping really, was very laboured towards the end although my legs felt absolutely fine. Quite, quite happy to reach the top, as you can well imagine, Dear Reader, and was able to regain my breath and composure on relatively level streets which wound the crests of the hills thereabouts.
I ended up following Mellow Lane back to First Street so once there I knew exactly where I was. I had always wondered where Mellow Lane went as I's whizzed past it many, many times last year. Now I knew and knew what to avoid! Nevertheless, I was obviously pleased with my effort and rest of ride was literally a piece of cake, in comparison. Once back at the bottom of First I continued on to Sequoia and once there, turned back for home. About halfway along Fitzgerald, not far from Erringer, one of my lights gave up the ghost so I congratulated myself for having the foresight to carry two. Cyclops-like I made my way along Arcane and then back up First.
Knew I would have about 42 km on the clock once I turned onto Lake Park Drive North and just as I did my second lamp ran out of juice. Wasn't too, too worried at this point as streets are well lighted and traffic is sparse. I know the road pretty well and didn't have to worry about pot holes, (there simply aren't any), and other such surface irregularities. Continuing past Fawn Valley Court I made my way along Lake Park Drive South to complete a number of loops, (each loop is roughly 2.5 km), to give me my target of 51+km. Stats for ride:
Joey and Chandler welcomed me back as they were obviously waiting to be fed. Once I'd given them their rations I rolled the garbage, recycling and garden waste bins out onto the street, ready for collection on Monday morning. Back inside I made myself a Keurig and had a shower. Enjoyed a tasty dinner of overlefts and watched Mystery Detectives, more by chance than anything else. I have taken to using the upstairs bathroom shower as it has a tiled bench which allows me to scrub my feet much more easily. As well, there is a flat screen TV mounted on the wall so I often watch news while there. Anyway, I could not find the HLN channel on huge set downstairs so I ended up taking a kitchen chair upstairs to make my viewing experience even better. Must say that I found the process of solving the various crimes and accidents, (In particular the "1993 derailing of the Amtrak "Sunset Limited" on the Big Bayou Canot bridge in northeast Alabama, killing 47 and injuring 103. It is the deadliest train wreck in Amtrak's history and the deadliest rail disaster in the United States" Investiagators eventually discovered that "a poorly trained barge pilot rammed the bridge in a pre-dawn fog moments before the 11-car train began to cross the span.", and the King's Cross fire of November 18th, 1987 on the London Underground. The fire killed 31 people. The subsequent public inquiry determined that the fire had started due to a lit match being dropped onto the escalator and suddenly increased in intensity due to a previously unknown trench effect."), absolutely fascinating, riveting, in fact.
Once all the evil-doers and negligent had been brought to justice, I returned to my workstation and managed to put in a bit of work on The Diaries. Bed at just after 1:00 am and even managed to follow Kinsey for a chapter before I started to nod off. All in all, a grand, busy day so I dropped off almost as soon as my drooping eyelids closed.
Not up until 8:00 am this morning and as I was getting out of bed Chandler hopped up beside me, purring like crazy. Suppose his hunger overcame his skittishness and he rubbed and rubbed as I scratched his head and stroked his back. He really is a lovely thing and I hope he will find me more approachable over the next few days. Fed the circling beasts and then made my Keurig to enjoy while I checked my email. Another clear blue sky so I plan to head for Santa Susana Pass, my riding destination of the day. A good ride but not quite as taxing as Box Canyon and I want to log 100+ km without touching The Dreaded Burning Ground!
Time to suit up so I'll say goodbye for now. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Maggie in better times! Alexander Valley, Sonoma, where I stopped at Soda Rock to collect wine! View, towards Golden Gate, from my bedroom window in Berkeley. David and Nancy sending me off with my thermos of java. Judy before her concert. The Sleeping Giant, Chandler, Alejandro and Ayn.
Stats for today's ride:
Left the house at a few minutes before 1:00 pm and it was simply gorgeous, blue sky and all. Bit hard to know how to dress. Think it was about 23º when I started out so wonderfully warm. However, Santa Ana's, of late, are quite cool so when riding into wind or even pelting downhill, it can be chilly. Of course, as soon as the sun starts to drop, so does temperature. Anyway, I was pretty warm by the time I made it to the top of Wood Ranch Parkway but was glad I'd my vest on as I buffeted my way down Long Canyon Road. Was making for Santa Susana Pass so I put Trek on autopilot and was soon fighting my way, against the gusting wind, along East Los Angeles Road. Took it as far as Kuehner Drive and then followed this street to the start of Santa Susana Pass Road, passing the Santa Susana Railroad Depot & Museum just befoer the climb begins in earnest. I ridden as far as Box Canyon Road on Saturday but hadn't been over the pass on this trip. While climb is taxing it isn't punishing although the wind threatened to make it so.
Pleased when I reached the top and really enjoyed sailing down without having to brake, the wind in my face ensuring I couldn't achieve a dangerous speed. Always a delight to see the San Fernando Valley stretching out before me, as far as the eye can see. Seems like the descent is always over far too quickly and I was soon turning around where Old Susana Pass Road feeds into Topanga Canyon Road. Bit of a bottleneck outside the Meral Academy as it was right on 3:00 pm and parents, mainly driving huge SUV's, were collecting their children. Managed to weave my way through the angry, honking, (at other drivers, not me), chauffeurs and was soon toiling back up, towards Iverson Road and Rocky Peak, a good climb, past the Church at Rocky Peak and then all the way under the Ronald Reagan Freeway to turn around, the road leading into a gated community.
More thrilling zippage as I swooped back down to continue my way, onward and upward along SSPR. With wind now at my back this approach required far less exertion, although the sun was now directly in my eyes. It can be quite blinding at times so I had to focus on the road directly in front of me whenever the surrounding hillsides did not place me in shade. One crests the pass not too, too far from an entrance/exit to aforementioned RRF and as there was virtually no traffic I went for broke, not braking once on the entire descent, dare-deviling it all the way to Smith Road, making a right turn to dipsy doodle a bit more distance. Then back up Kuehner, not to attempt the pass again but to turn onto Clear Springs Road which is very picturesque, snaking its way along the base of the hills. Many homes here, nestled into the canyons which abound. Even had to pay attention near Alta Vista Ridge Road as a sign announced "Peacock Crossing, 50' ahead"! Eventually connects with Katherine Road and so I took this route back to Kuehner to do another loop.
This circuit complete, I took Kuehner back to ELAA and then it was pretty straight sailing all the way back to Sequoia Ave, although I had to keep my wits about me at Tapo Canyon Road and do an improvised dipsy-doodle through a mall parking lot in order to catch the light there. After that my only enemy was the fading light but I had timed things nicely and was toiling up First Street at just before 5:00 pm. Switched on my re-charged lights, (They both gave out yesterday!), then so that vehicles turning onto this fairly busy thoroughfare could see me. Knew I'd have just over 80 km on the clock once I was back at Fawn Court so had already steeled myself to 8 complete loops of Lake Park Drive as I wanted to log 100+ km for the outing. In fact the last 20 km didn't seem too boring as I pretended I was riding out to UBC and back and clicked off the distances imagining I was somewhere along Spanish Banks or Kits Points, etc.
Nevertheless, I was pleased when the last 2.5 km, (almost exactly), circuit was finally done and I could return to my two anxious feline charges, anxious not about my welfare but about their next feeding! Chandler and Joey fed and watered I was about to take a shower when I received a call from Chloë and we had a bit of teary chat as she described her last day with Maggie. She and Corinne had taken her to the SPCA that afternoon at 5:00 pm for the Big Sleep. Chloë had taken the day off work as she knew she would have been too upset to concentrate knowing what was in store at the end of the day. As it was, she spoiled Maggie with fresh salmon from GI Market and spent a lot of time talking to her and stroking her. Poor thing spent most of her remaining hours under our bed so Chloë lay down on the floor, as close as she could get, and communed as best she could.
My thoughts were with them around 5:00 pm as I knew the appointment time. I told Chloë that I'd seen a shooting star in the evening sky then and knew it was Maggie's soul making for Cat Heaven, although the Devil Cat's spirit should really have been heading the other way! At any rate, this difficult decision had to be taken and, all in all, I think Chloë dealt with it very well, considering Maggie had been her pet for over 16 years.
After our long conversation we both felt a bit better, banding together, against Cora Lee, about what to do with Maggie's ashes, once we receive them. Said goodnight and then had a comforting hot, hot shower and then made myself a large salad to go with a piece of Ayn's delicious quiche. Forecast for next two days is supposed to be the same as today so I'm hoping to ride to Moorpark tomorrow and see if I can stitch another 100+ km ride together. Not sure about Wednesday but I'm toying with a return to Box Canyon as this will probably be last opportunity I'll have. Rain is forecast for Thanksgivng and showers on Black Friday. Guess I'll just have to wait and see. Plenty to do if I can't ride but I'd prefer to be exploring this wonderful valley if at all possible.
Hi Sylvia and Raymond!
Trust all goes well. Making Christmas Cake again? Sorry I wasn't in touch before taking off but life was pretty hectic. Had meant to inquire about Arthur. Nothing good there, I fear.
Hope to be back on December 4th. All the best to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Sara Jane!
Trust you are well. Hope to be back on December 4th. Perhaps we can arrange for a ride/dinner before Christmas. All the best to you three. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Giggster!
Trust you are well and that all goes well. Sorry I've not been in contact sooner but life has been hectic. With respect to the next NRBC have you thought about having it in Parksville? Lots of space and limitless wine if we can burgle Grogg's wine cellar!
Hope to be back on December 4th. Perhaps NRBC discussion can wait until then. All the best to you three. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Ahoy Admiral Barnacle!
Trust you are well and that all goes well. Sorry I didn't call before I left and that I've not been in contact sooner but life has been hectic. Any definitive word on your heart? Red wine is the answer so you really should have tagged along! Hope to be back on December 4th. All the best to you until then. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi there Patrizio!!
I thought I had your phone number but apparently don’t at the moment..Merna phoned me and asked for your phone number.. she wanted to phone you directly as she does not use their computer. She feels badly about not contacting you since the reunion..
I can call her to tell her or, if you like.. her number is one you called when in Winnipeg
Cheers! JWo
Hi JLo!
Trust you are well. Please do pass along our number to Merna but tell her not to feel badly at all. I, of all people, know how hectic life can become and before you know it a year has passed and you wonder where time went. Of course, I'd be delighted to connect again and perhaps next August when we will be at Falcon. I plan to be back in Vancouver by December 4th so I will give her a call unless she beats me to the handset! All the best to you until I'm back. Hope we can arrange something before or over Christmas. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi JWo!
Sorry I called you JLo! Also forgot to give you our number. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Paolo!
Trust you are well and that all goes well. Hope you are back home now. All the best to you until I return to Vancouver in early December. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Call 1-866-519-6435 ex 3514 ref # 11398973. Call them before 5. Corinne
Hello Vancouver!
Trust you are both well and that all goes well. Thought that your Christmas card was priceless! Have you figured out which evening works best for dinner at our place? I plan to be back by December 4th so perhaps we can chat shortly thereafter. All the best to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Big Al!
Trust you are both well and that all goes well. I plan to be back by December 4th so perhaps we can chat shortly thereafter. Cheers, Trizzio!
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