Saturday 8 June 2013

The Petawawa Diaries: Saturday, June 8th, Laura's/James' Wedding Day!

I have never been contained except I made the prison. -Mary Evans, actress (1888-1976) 

Hello Kurt's Music Nemesis! Grand that you could make it across the pond to spice up discussion. Have attached brochure and rates for Beau Soleil. Take a look and let me know what you think and if keen I'll book you and Naughty Nancy in! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Denise and Bill! Lovely to bump into you on Thursday! Did you know Ted from VRC, Wild Bill? On squash matters, I had a long chat with Bill Dempster on the evening of May 22nd. He was in town but we couldn't manage to see each other. I was just back from LA and left for Winnipeg next day. Unfortunately, he was in considerable pain as he had somehow put his back out just before leaving for BC and I gather this really restricted what he could do and where he could go.

Have attached brochure and rates for Beau Soleil.
Take a look and let me know what you think and if keen I'll book you in! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Filmer and Sally!

Thanks for wonderful ad! Can hardly stop playing it. (Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, has always been one of my most admired works. Don't know if you saw Darling with Julie Christie, 1965. Wonderfully comic scene in Harrod's with her and her gay photographer friend shoplifting to the strains of this Bach.) You are spot on about the Japanese and their remarkable culture. We would dearly love to return as we just barely scratched the surface of things.

How are managing being de-nested? How go Travis' travels? Which computer did you decide upon for Kaitlyn? I am awaiting the delivery of my MacAir. Coming from Shanghai! Funnily enough, according to tracking system, it left city on same day, (last Wednesday), that Patti and Gavin, (Cora Lee's sister and brother-n-law), flew from there to Vancouver. They had been in China on a small group tour for about two weeks. They left yesterday, after collecting their two daughters, Rachel and Rebekah, (family lives in Petawawa), who flew in from Ottawa, at YVR, for Victoria, to see Gavin's father. Back on Sunday to celebrate Rachel's birthday. They leave this coming Wednesday.

Today Cora Lee and I are attending a wedding at Olympic Village, Creekside Community Centre, about a 2 K stroll down the Seawall from our place. Wonderful view of city/North Shore mountains over False Creek from there. Last night had a call from Crazy Andy Sredzki in Toronto so what with all the recent contact with Winnipegers, (Gavin is from there as well), I feel I'm still with you in Wildwood Park! Never left!!! Best wishes from Cora Lee to you both. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Patio and dinner, last Wednesday; Gavin and Kathleen, close friend, (Library School classmate), from Melbourne, in town on business and visiting her mother and eldest daughter, doing an MA in Children's Literature at UBC; Patti; Joanne, friend and neighbour; our tiny corner of Provence; a tavola at The Islay Inn.

Hi Joan! Sorry I've not replied sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons. Quite dismayed, of course, to learn about Bob's diagnosis. Not that I know him at all but he seemed rather quiet and subdued at the reunion dinner. I assumed it was simply his nature but he was probably fixated on the coming results of his medical tests. I know I would have been. At any rate, please pass along my concerns for this terribly difficult situation. I would send my own wishes for a successful outcome but because I really don't know him I think they might be better coming from you, if you don't mind.

Seems a bit callous to go on as if nothing has changed in our lives but I've come to learn that one cannot dwell overmuch on the terribly negative or circumstances simply worsen.

Last night had a call from Crazy Andy Sredzki, friend from university days, now living in Toronto, so what with all the recent contact with Winnipegers, (Gavin is from there as well), I feel I'm still there with you! Never left!!! Best wishes from Cora Lee to you, Joan. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Spumoni and Rickshaw People!

Do you know yet if you will be back in Vancouver? Glad you likes snaps of your boys! Royalty on screen saver is one bottle of London Dock Rum on next trip!!!  What with all the recent contact with Winnipegers I feel I'm still there with you, eating overlefts from your well-stocked fridge! Never left!!! Best wishes from Cora Lee to you and The Brotherhood. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio, your Favourite Brother-in-Law!

Hi Jean and John!

Sorry I've not replied sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons. You should have been the teacher, not John. Your visuals really make the point! This being the case, I'm pleased to report that I am awaiting the delivery of my new MacAir, (For various reasons have decided upon this for travel purposes.), so watch out for my kinky Power Point presentations!  Best wishes from Cora Lee to you and John. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Two dates recommended for the next gathering. – 30th June or the 7th of July. Please let me know what works best for you. The book is Indian Horse by Richard Wagamis (George). Kurt has chosen Nabokov’s  Pnin  to follow the Wagamis. Stephen or Victor will choose the book to follow the Nabokov – whoever chooses first. 

Sorry lads, I'll be away on both weekends. 8^) Cheers, Mark
Hello all, I want my selection to be Blood's a Rover by James Ellroy, although Moonstone is indeed a fine book (and the first modern detective novel prior to Sherlock Holmes) For the dates, July 7th works for me. I will be out of town June 30th Best, VL 

Hi Patricio,
Ok, I just finally finished reading your email in three parts over a couple of days! lol. All good stuff as always, and I appreciate the detailed recount as it’s almost as if I was there and i wish I was . I do miss cycling with the lads and have got to figure out a time to get out. I’m off to the cabin right now , we can be reached there on my internet phone. give us a call if you feel like it or I’ll get in touch later in the week.Cheers, Al

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