Friday, 5 July 2013

Pre-Departure Blues: Friday, July 5th

The arrow has to draw back to fly ahead. -Proverb 

Hi Lads!

Any Tour inspired ride today? Let me know, if so. I'm ready to leave almost any time now. Cheers, Team Heartbreak Terrace!

Hi Patrick.  With only five days to go thought I would wish you and Cora Lee bon voyage. Trust your packing is going well! Although you may have a mini heat wave over there be sure to pack a sweater since this wont be replicated here!
Went over to see my sister Margret yesterday. She had her operation on Tuesday and all went well. It was contained to the bladder so the treatment will just involve "flushing" with chemo every few weeks until all the cancer cells have been eliminated. We will try to arrange a wine and cheese evening when you are here so you can meet the sisters and their husbands! The local yokels! Hopefully they won't come with straw sticking out of their hats!
Have been watching Le Tour whenever time allows. Really enjoyed the first three stages in Corsica. Gayle and I have visited the island a couple of times during med cruises and really liked it. It's surprisingly mountainous and they have numerous relatively deserted beaches to enjoy.

England's Chris Froome is still one of the favorites to win the tour. He certainly could have done it last year but, of course, was supporting Brad Wiggins who ended up with the yellow jersey. Wiggins also went on to win gold at last years summer Olympics. An incredible achievement. His Knighthood was well deserved I think.

Today it's stage 7from Montpellier to Albi heading towards the mountains. I think there are a few cat climbs in this stage and the road is constant undulations and turns. Should be interesting and the scenery as usual will be great. Gayle is off to the local school fete with Maureen this afternoon so I will probably spend a couple of hours watching although I do have a list of chores to do which will have to wait!

We are meeting Stephano and Gudrun tomorrow for lunch. We will arrange to have them over for dinner while you are here before we leave. Best wishes Derek
Hi Derek!

Thanks for Bon Voyage wishes and packing tip regarding sweaters. We certainly will be including a number of warmer garments so that we can insulate with layers as needs be. Very pleased that Margaret seems to have come through the surgery so successfully. Best wishes to her on remaining weeks of chemotherapy.

Thank you for setting up some social engagements to meet "sisters and husbands" and Gudrun and Stephano. Feel as if we know the former, to a certain degree, from all the snaps you've sent along over the past year or so. At any rate, it will be a pleasure to meet, face-to-face, if circumstances allow.

Watched Stage Six last night with Sarge. Not that I'm comparing myself to these incredible riders but I felt a certain affinity for them when commentators were talking about the 40+ mph winds that were gusting across the route at about the 80-90 K mark. Almost like riding out to Iona! Today, the route will be quite close to Neffiès when it takes the riders from Pézenas to Bédarieux, as village is about half way between these two towns, slightly northwest of Roujan, itself but roughly 5 K from Neffiè. I wonder if Simon and Dina Collins, owners of Beau Soleil, will be spectators along the roadside. Simon mentioned he was a cyclist as well, when I dropped off rental payment week ago today, so I presume he will be keen to watch. Would love to do so myself, at some point.

We are having dinner with Chloë this evening, after her shift finishes at GI. We will walk to a restaurant she has selected, not far away, near 12th/Granville, I believe, a new vegetarian spot, I gather. We will celebrate her birthday, August 18th, along with Cora Lee's, July 19th, as, obviously, we won't be in Vancouver for either dates.

Tomorrow, Cora Lee is taking Maggie over to The Loft to spend time with her there, acclimatizing the poor cat to her new home, while we are away. Everyone is wondering how she will do, given her age and recent health problems. Ironically, this is where she first lived in Vancouver when Chloë first received her from a friend. We are also wondering if she'll be around when we return in October. She's had a fairly long, full life but it is still difficult to lose a pet that has been part of the family for many years.

Like you I have inumerable "chores" so must away, particularly if I'm going to try and squeeze in a ride at some point! Hello to G/S and fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pic: Taken by Chloë from a small park next to her building on Wall Street; from K's/M's balcony on Canada Day! 

Would dearly love to ride this perfect morning BUT I remain  tethered to the Mongol Princess. Enjoy, G

Hi Lads!

Sorry to learn of your shackles, Shackelton! Perhaps you can ride, vicariously, watching the Tour! Any respite from painting, Picasso? Like you two, I also have innumerable "chores" so must away, particularly if I'm going to try and squeeze in a ride at some point!  Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pic: Taken by Chloë from a small park next to her building on Wall Street last Saturday; from Krissy's/Mark's, (Gayle's/Derek's daughter's/son-in-law's, [Is that enough apostrophes for you?], balcony on Canada Day! 

Bring her along sometime, George, I'm sure she'll have no trouble keeping up with this old lad. I'll give you a call, Pat. Ray

Yes, Ann and I will be around form July 25th through 1st week in Aug. I'm in court on Fri, the 26th, but diary is free until Aug 9th. Here is our phone number. If calling in the UK. Do you know the exact dates of your York visit? Dana

Will do, you are also welcome to come up!!!  I do want to say "Bon Voyage"
and send you off with the best of wishes! Joanne.

Tickets Tonight sells half-price tickets in person only. Half-price tickets are sold on the day of the show. Tickets are subject to availability. Half-price tickets go on sale at 8:30 AM and typically go off sale at 4:00 PM. There is a limit of four half-price tickets per customer.


Information Line: 604-684-2787 Location: Tickets Tonight is located in the Tourism Vancouver Visitor Centre, Plaza Level, 200 Burrard Street, Downtown Vancouver. Hours of Operation: Daily: 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Public Transit: The nearest Skytrain Station is Waterfront. Exit the
station and walk west along West Cordova Street to Burrard Street.

Parking: There is metered parking on Burrard Street, as well as an
EasyPark lot across the street, accessible from West  Cordova.                                                                                                                  

Refund Policy: No refunds and no exchanges.   

Hi JT Just a quick note to say thanks for sending along the info on TT. Much appreciated! See you before D-Day, I trust. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Ride: Robo Man SP, PPHL, then solo to UBC for two Imperial/16th Ave Loops for a 102.4 K ride over 4:55:19, AVG 20.8 KPH, MAX 54.8 KP, plus an errand ride of 3.63 K up to Future Shop on Broadway to buy an external hard drive for Chloë for one of her birthday presents.

Patrick -Drop by in October and tell us all about your trip(s).Love your photo!
Happy trails, Sheryl

Hi Sheryl! Will do! Scads of errands/chores to do. Still optimistic that I'll make flight, at least at this point! Cheers, Patrizzio

Hi Gloria!

We plan to be back in Winnipeg to celebrate Corinne's parent's 68th wedding anniversary, next July/August, so perhaps we can connect then. Cheers, Patrizzio!


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