The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris on the morning of 14 July 1789. The medieval fortress and prison in Paris known as the Bastille represented royal authority in the center of Paris. While the prison only contained seven inmates at the time of its storming, its fall was the flashpoint of the French Revolution. In France, Le quatorze juillet (14 July) is a public holiday, formally known as the Fête de la Fédération (Federation Holiday). It is usually called Bastille Day in English.
David Kessler Two
huge pots of Vegan red beans, and two huge pots of extremely un-Vegan
gumbo! Happy Bastille Day from the culinary tradition of that little
bit of French America, la Louisiane! Expecting well over 100 people in
our tiny place.
like your trip is off to a great start. Nothing new in your tales of
Jamie - I hope he doesn't do catastrophic harm to himself at some point!
Best wishes to all . . . Janet
Hi Janet! Thanks so much for sending along those wonderful snaps!
Much appreciated. Very kind of you to offer to order prints. As you
say, a great reason for a visit upon return.
Congratulations to Karen. Terrific news indeed! Also,
congratulations to you on your new exercise regime. Sounds pretty
comprehensive. Onward! Fight! Persevere with bike riding! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, You're off to a great start on your holiday! It all sounds wonderful already and I would love to hear your travels.
We are about to send Jake (now 15) off to Europe. He'll be in Berlin for
a week with friends, and then will go with to the south of France (near
Cannes) for their annual 2 week summer holiday. I am happy for him,
envious of him, and I feel like a silly Mom
not wanting to see him go!! All the best. Sara Happy Bastille Day, Silly Sara!
Fabulous that you have a Trek Madone from West Point Cycles as well! We can form our own mini Team Trek! Be fabuluso to do Pacific Populaire next April so I'll be training diligently when in Languedos, Viognier in my camel pack!

One of our favourite varietals at the moment as well, along with the Argentinian Torrontes. Do you know it? Must say, however that we enjoyed two bottles of Les Ruettes 2011 Sancerre, (wonderful, wonderful citrus and subtle minerality), last night as we had another marvellous evening outside. Cora Lee bbq'd more succulent lamb, Penny made a tasty potatoe salad and I threw together a mixed green. Dessert was cheese and grapes, red and green, so La Dolce Vita once again.
Thanks for your email account. All the better to attach snapolas to green you with envy. In this respect I'm more than envious of Jake! Still a teenager and already lollygagging around Berlin and the topless beaches of Cannes! Nice work if you can get it! You aren't a silly mom just a jealous one. You want to go in his stead!!! I won't be surprised to learn that you have snatched his ticket out of his hand and dashed through Security ahead of him!!! Fondestos to you temporary de-nesters. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Jugos Dom Pedro!
again for your kind wishes! Must have helped as we made it toYVR in
plenty of time. Trust you are both well and enjoying La Dolce Vita in
the sunshine of The Naramata! Here follows a terse, concise version,
(Executive Summary, no less!), of the first entry for the Mill Hill
Diaries. Fondestos to you both from
Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio! Here endeth the lesson!
Hi JWo!
I gather your new MacBook Air is serving you well. I'm very pleased with mine. Off to Anna's/Leon's for lunch today. They live in Bushey,
(population 24,000), a town in the Hertsmere borough of Hertfordshire,
about half an hour's drive from Mill Hill. Leon is in a charity, 10K run
beforehand and there will be a bit of a fair in the town park
afterwards, I gather.
Off to The City tomorrow to meet close friend,
Jaimie, at St Martin's in the Fields, just off Trafalgar Square, for a
free noon hour concert and then lunch in the great restaurant in the
church cellars. We've been before and in addition to restaurant there
are often exhibitions of one sort or another in a number of the other
lower galleries.
Hope to buy some half-priced tickets,
beforehand, in Leicester Square for Passion Play with Zoë Wanamaker and
Owen Teale in the evening at the Duke of York's Theatre. Probably pop
into the National Gallery and/or the National Portrait Gallery, both
close by, after lunch. Happy Bastille Day! Fondestos, I'm sure, from
Cora Lee who is still slumbering away! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Mike and Pixie Woman readying themselves for first drink of the afternoon!
Hi Sam! Trust you are well! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Raymond! I meant to thank you for sending along the bike set-up video. I'll study it carefully and take notes for the lads at Evans! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Derek and Gayle!
Well, we are here! Trust you are both well and enjoying this incredible weather! Sorry that I've not replied sooner. Thanks for the stunning pictures. I plan to take Cora Lee to Gayle's spot, being brave, only I'd like her to be a tad closer to edge! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick! Thanks for your
email and pleased you arrived safely and are obviously well settled in.
Noticed you didn't wast any time getting to the wine shop! You know
where your priorities lie! Your trip to your final destination in London
seemed to go smoothly and the added bonus of no jet lag, lucky you. I
suffer terribly from jet lag and always find it difficult to sleep for
the first few days.
I hope you are not finding the heat on London too overpowering. It's
slightly cooler here but still uncomfortable trying to sleep. But being
England this little heat wave won't last long and I'm sure we will
plunge back to our "norm" over the next few weeks and we will be
complaining that it is too cold. We English love to complain about the
I spent the morning with a photographer from Cornwall Wildlife Trust
around Crantock headland trying to improve my photography! There should
have been 8 of us plus the instructor on the course but 6 cancelled at
the last minute so it was just the two of us.
The other chap called
Mark, had recently come down here to live from London. His camera put
mine in the shade! He is an engineer who was recently made redundant
after his company was taken over by an American concern. He decided to
leave the rat race of London and his two hour commute every day to
relocate to our neck of the woods. He managed to get a job in his field
in Cornwall, at a much reduced salary of course, but now finds there is a
life outside of work! The only downside was I can't seem to download
the pictures I took onto my computer.
I can view them on the camera but the computer is telling me there are no pictures on the camera to download! Very strange. That means I can't send you any of the very professional photos I took today!! I got back home at lunch time just in time to get cleaned up before we
went to a friends birthday BBQ near Hayle. Had a very nice afternoon
lounging in the sun and eating too much! Unfortunately, I was driving so
could only have a couple of beers. We are now at home with the fans
running trying to call down! I hope the rest of your stay in London is
pleasant and Cora Lee managed to get some reasonably priced theatre tickets. Normal theatre prices in London can certainly damage the bank account! Spoke to Krissy today and they are off to Bowen Island to a friends
cottage tomorrow for a few days to get away from the heat. Krissy has managed to hire someone at the Meatery to replace the girl she lost which means she can cut back her hours a bit and concentrate on managing the place as opposed to fire fighting! Best wishes to you both, Derek
Hi Glasgow! Well, we are here! Trust you are both well and enjoying this incredible weather, on both sides of the Pond, it seems! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Warren! Pleased message went through! Sorry that I've not replied sooner. Yes, that is Ted at banquet. And yes, I would like contacts for Jack. It would be terrific to re-connect on next trip to Australia. Thanks. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Bill! How is your new IPhone? Penny, our hostess here, doesn't particularly like her Version 5. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Maggie's Keeper! Trust you are both well, Little Darlings! Give Maggs a scratch behind the ears. Much warm love, Dad!
Hi Dana! Thanks for
your address and possible routes. Thanks. Could you send along your
phone number as well. (Apologize if you did so already but I can't find
it if so!) We will be staying in Wetherby and plan to arrive in Cornwall
on July 31st. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Mick! Pleased you are able to cycle and enjoy it! Onward! Robo Man and Whirlygig won't want me back in peloton after riding with you! Too, too bad about not being able to come to Languedoc but life is nothing if not unpredictable. I'll try to drink your share of wine. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Michaelo! Lovely to hear from you! Trust you and Digitale are well. Fondestos and Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Bob! Quite enjoyed the "wilderness" travelogue given we are in
London! Trust Ollivetti is having a stupendous time in his über condom
tent! I'm sure he is with such a guide! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat and David! Trust you are both well! Unfortunately, won't be able to attend your Summer Release Bash as we'll be in Cornwall, enjoying a house exchange for the month of August, Then on to Languedoc, for me, Italy for Cora Lee and then a canal barge with Flamin' and Sarge from September 28th to October 12th, south of Bordeaux. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Chris and Jim!
Trust you are both well! Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. Friday we had a lazy morning and then Penny drove to Mike's place, (former mansion residence of J. Arthur Rank, now made into apartments), and from there we proceeded to look for a pub, The Wicked Lady in Wheathampstead, about 40 minutes from where Mike lives. Although he had been there three or four times he said he has always managed to get lost, en route. In fact this occasion was to be the fourth attempt with Penny. Three times before they had been unsuccessful and it looked as if this would be the fourth fruitless drive, even with the assistance of a Garmin GPS! In fact we stumbled upon the Brocket Arms, a pub both our confused driver and navigator were familiar with, after we passed Shaw's Corner, ("The primary residence of the renowned Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw; now a historic National Trust property open to the public.
Inside the house, the rooms remain much as Shaw left them, and the garden and Shaw's writing hut can also be visited. The house is an Edwardian Arts and Crafts-influenced structure situated in the small village of Ayot St Lawrence, in Hertfordshire."), a site Penny had visited. We hoped to have lunch at the Brocket Arms but service stopped at 2:30 pm and we didn't wander in until close to 4:00 pm. Drowned our sorrows with pints of Brocket Bitter, a very nice drop indeed, at a picnic table in the lovely garden.
After the beer had calmed our frazzled nerves, (We had to squeeze, literally squeeze past a 12 ton truck on one of the very, very narrow country lanes that we followed, aimlessly, earlier in our fruitless search!), Mike was able to follow the directions which the obliging barmaid had provided to The Wicked Lady. Here we enjoyed a delicious lunch washed down by pints of Doom Bar Bitter and Golden Lion Ale, if I remember correctly. Not home until 6:00 pm and then we relaxed under the marquis on the patio. Since we weren't all that hungry we just sipped white wine for the early part of the evening and when everyone felt a bit peckish I made a large green, mixed salad and we made that our dinner.
Off to Anna's/Leon's for lunch today. They live in Bushey, (population 24,000), a town in the Hertsmere borough of Hertfordshire, about half an hour's drive from Mill Hill. Leon was in a charity 10K run beforehand.Had a delicious meal in the back garden. Had been terribly overgrown when they moved in about a year ago and they had had most everything removed over the last few days. Still plenty of landscaping work to do but should be pretty spectacular once re-plantings have taken place. Happy Bastille Day! Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick
Are you going to France or Southwest England? Right now I cannot tell I
will be free or not. As you may remember I am taking over my friends
I have to be flexible and right now, money is also an issue. But I am
really sure, the business will bring me enough money for life by next
year :-)
I know I will have freetime from 15.08. - 25.08. and I am thinking to
fly with my girlfriend to Vancouver to visit you. I really would love to
see you again my friend. I know I am a bad friend in writing :-) I have
never been in Canada, so maybe I take the chance. Will you be there?
Here is lovely summer. Really enjoy it. Please take good care and say hello
Your swiss friend Marco
Hi Patrick! So nice to get
your message, all is well here, weather is amazing, and I am so grateful
to he staying in your beautiful home on Granville Island, what a treat!
I went to Spanish Banks yesterday to explore and today going to farmers
market and visit a friend who is down from Prince George. Sounds like your holidays are busy all ready, I hope you enjoy every minute! Take care! Kristine
Pat, It sounds as if things are going well there in the hot weather. Not quite as hot here but very pleasant, nevertheless.
Drove to Ken and Leise's in Ladner
late afternoon. Visited West Coast Seeds for gardening supplies and went
out for fish and chips with them later and enjoyed a very pleasant
Cycled into MEC 2 days ago and was
surprised at the new bike set up there with new fitting room which
looked very professional. Pity they don't have a better bike selection.
Couldn't believe how busy it was along 10th Avenue especially
near the hospital.
Sylvia and I are planning to drive to Whistler in the next few days to explore the Valley bike trails.
Rode to Steveston Saturday morning with Pete which was very pleasant if somewhat cool at 8AM.
Mike and Pauline are coming over
tonight for a BBQ. Mike is starting to cycle longer distances so I will
try and get out with him soon. Sylvia is very happy with the new
painting in the living room. A few more odds and ends to do and then I
can take the summer off. We have a new watering system to install at the
front, so that's probably today's main job. Enjoying Little Green by Walter Mosley. About to watch the finish of the Tour on the MT. Ventoux ascent. Ray
David Kessler Two huge pots of Vegan red beans, and two huge pots of extremely un-Vegan gumbo! Happy Bastille Day from the culinary tradition of that little bit of French America, la Louisiane! Expecting well over 100 people in our tiny place.
Sounds like your trip is off to a great start. Nothing new in your tales of Jamie - I hope he doesn't do catastrophic harm to himself at some point!
Best wishes to all . . . Janet
Hi Janet! Thanks so much for sending along those wonderful snaps! Much appreciated. Very kind of you to offer to order prints. As you say, a great reason for a visit upon return.
Congratulations to Karen. Terrific news indeed! Also, congratulations to you on your new exercise regime. Sounds pretty comprehensive. Onward! Fight! Persevere with bike riding! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, You're off to a great start on your holiday! It all sounds wonderful already and I would love to hear your travels.
We are about to send Jake (now 15) off to Europe. He'll be in Berlin for a week with friends, and then will go with to the south of France (near Cannes) for their annual 2 week summer holiday. I am happy for him, envious of him, and I feel like a silly Mom not wanting to see him go!! All the best. Sara Happy Bastille Day, Silly Sara!
Fabulous that you have a Trek Madone from West Point Cycles as well! We can form our own mini Team Trek! Be fabuluso to do Pacific Populaire next April so I'll be training diligently when in Languedos, Viognier in my camel pack!
Thanks for your email account. All the better to attach snapolas to green you with envy. In this respect I'm more than envious of Jake! Still a teenager and already lollygagging around Berlin and the topless beaches of Cannes! Nice work if you can get it! You aren't a silly mom just a jealous one. You want to go in his stead!!! I won't be surprised to learn that you have snatched his ticket out of his hand and dashed through Security ahead of him!!! Fondestos to you temporary de-nesters. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Jugos Dom Pedro!
Thanks again for your kind wishes! Must have helped as we made it toYVR in plenty of time. Trust you are both well and enjoying La Dolce Vita in the sunshine of The Naramata! Here follows a terse, concise version, (Executive Summary, no less!), of the first entry for the Mill Hill Diaries. Fondestos to you both fromCora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio! Here endeth the lesson!
Hi JWo!
I gather your new MacBook Air is serving you well. I'm very pleased with mine. Off to Anna's/Leon's for lunch today. They live in Bushey, (population 24,000), a town in the Hertsmere borough of Hertfordshire, about half an hour's drive from Mill Hill. Leon is in a charity, 10K run beforehand and there will be a bit of a fair in the town park afterwards, I gather.
Off to The City tomorrow to meet close friend, Jaimie, at St Martin's in the Fields, just off Trafalgar Square, for a free noon hour concert and then lunch in the great restaurant in the church cellars. We've been before and in addition to restaurant there are often exhibitions of one sort or another in a number of the other lower galleries.
Hope to buy some half-priced tickets, beforehand, in Leicester Square for Passion Play with Zoë Wanamaker and Owen Teale in the evening at the Duke of York's Theatre. Probably pop into the National Gallery and/or the National Portrait Gallery, both close by, after lunch. Happy Bastille Day! Fondestos, I'm sure, from Cora Lee who is still slumbering away! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Mike and Pixie Woman readying themselves for first drink of the afternoon!Hi Sam! Trust you are well! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Raymond! I meant to thank you for sending along the bike set-up video. I'll study it carefully and take notes for the lads at Evans! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Derek and Gayle!
Well, we are here! Trust you are both well and enjoying this incredible weather! Sorry that I've not replied sooner. Thanks for the stunning pictures. I plan to take Cora Lee to Gayle's spot, being brave, only I'd like her to be a tad closer to edge! Cheers, Patrizzio!Hi Patrick! Thanks for your email and pleased you arrived safely and are obviously well settled in. Noticed you didn't wast any time getting to the wine shop! You know where your priorities lie! Your trip to your final destination in London seemed to go smoothly and the added bonus of no jet lag, lucky you. I suffer terribly from jet lag and always find it difficult to sleep for the first few days.
I hope you are not finding the heat on London too overpowering. It's slightly cooler here but still uncomfortable trying to sleep. But being England this little heat wave won't last long and I'm sure we will plunge back to our "norm" over the next few weeks and we will be complaining that it is too cold. We English love to complain about the weather!I spent the morning with a photographer from Cornwall Wildlife Trust around Crantock headland trying to improve my photography! There should have been 8 of us plus the instructor on the course but 6 cancelled at the last minute so it was just the two of us.
The other chap called Mark, had recently come down here to live from London. His camera put mine in the shade! He is an engineer who was recently made redundant after his company was taken over by an American concern. He decided to leave the rat race of London and his two hour commute every day to relocate to our neck of the woods. He managed to get a job in his field in Cornwall, at a much reduced salary of course, but now finds there is a life outside of work! The only downside was I can't seem to download the pictures I took onto my computer.
I can view them on the camera but the computer is telling me there are no pictures on the camera to download! Very strange. That means I can't send you any of the very professional photos I took today!! I got back home at lunch time just in time to get cleaned up before we went to a friends birthday BBQ near Hayle. Had a very nice afternoon lounging in the sun and eating too much! Unfortunately, I was driving so could only have a couple of beers. We are now at home with the fans running trying to call down! I hope the rest of your stay in London is
pleasant and Cora Lee managed to get some reasonably priced theatre tickets. Normal theatre prices in London can certainly damage the bank account! Spoke to Krissy today and they are off to Bowen Island to a friends cottage tomorrow for a few days to get away from the heat. Krissy has managed to hire someone at the Meatery to replace the girl she lost which means she can cut back her hours a bit and concentrate on managing the place as opposed to fire fighting! Best wishes to you both, Derek
Hi Glasgow! Well, we are here! Trust you are both well and enjoying this incredible weather, on both sides of the Pond, it seems! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Warren! Pleased message went through! Sorry that I've not replied sooner. Yes, that is Ted at banquet. And yes, I would like contacts for Jack. It would be terrific to re-connect on next trip to Australia. Thanks. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Bill! How is your new IPhone? Penny, our hostess here, doesn't particularly like her Version 5. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Maggie's Keeper! Trust you are both well, Little Darlings! Give Maggs a scratch behind the ears. Much warm love, Dad!
Hi Dana! Thanks for your address and possible routes. Thanks. Could you send along your phone number as well. (Apologize if you did so already but I can't find it if so!) We will be staying in Wetherby and plan to arrive in Cornwall on July 31st. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Mick! Pleased you are able to cycle and enjoy it! Onward! Robo Man and Whirlygig won't want me back in peloton after riding with you! Too, too bad about not being able to come to Languedoc but life is nothing if not unpredictable. I'll try to drink your share of wine. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Michaelo! Lovely to hear from you! Trust you and Digitale are well. Fondestos and Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Bob! Quite enjoyed the "wilderness" travelogue given we are in London! Trust Ollivetti is having a stupendous time in his über condom tent! I'm sure he is with such a guide! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat and David! Trust you are both well! Unfortunately, won't be able to attend your Summer Release Bash as we'll be in Cornwall, enjoying a house exchange for the month of August, Then on to Languedoc, for me, Italy for Cora Lee and then a canal barge with Flamin' and Sarge from September 28th to October 12th, south of Bordeaux. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Chris and Jim!
Trust you are both well! Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. Friday we had a lazy morning and then Penny drove to Mike's place, (former mansion residence of J. Arthur Rank, now made into apartments), and from there we proceeded to look for a pub, The Wicked Lady in Wheathampstead, about 40 minutes from where Mike lives. Although he had been there three or four times he said he has always managed to get lost, en route. In fact this occasion was to be the fourth attempt with Penny. Three times before they had been unsuccessful and it looked as if this would be the fourth fruitless drive, even with the assistance of a Garmin GPS! In fact we stumbled upon the Brocket Arms, a pub both our confused driver and navigator were familiar with, after we passed Shaw's Corner, ("The primary residence of the renowned Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw; now a historic National Trust property open to the public.Inside the house, the rooms remain much as Shaw left them, and the garden and Shaw's writing hut can also be visited. The house is an Edwardian Arts and Crafts-influenced structure situated in the small village of Ayot St Lawrence, in Hertfordshire."), a site Penny had visited. We hoped to have lunch at the Brocket Arms but service stopped at 2:30 pm and we didn't wander in until close to 4:00 pm. Drowned our sorrows with pints of Brocket Bitter, a very nice drop indeed, at a picnic table in the lovely garden.
After the beer had calmed our frazzled nerves, (We had to squeeze, literally squeeze past a 12 ton truck on one of the very, very narrow country lanes that we followed, aimlessly, earlier in our fruitless search!), Mike was able to follow the directions which the obliging barmaid had provided to The Wicked Lady. Here we enjoyed a delicious lunch washed down by pints of Doom Bar Bitter and Golden Lion Ale, if I remember correctly. Not home until 6:00 pm and then we relaxed under the marquis on the patio. Since we weren't all that hungry we just sipped white wine for the early part of the evening and when everyone felt a bit peckish I made a large green, mixed salad and we made that our dinner.
Off to Anna's/Leon's for lunch today. They live in Bushey, (population 24,000), a town in the Hertsmere borough of Hertfordshire, about half an hour's drive from Mill Hill. Leon was in a charity 10K run beforehand.Had a delicious meal in the back garden. Had been terribly overgrown when they moved in about a year ago and they had had most everything removed over the last few days. Still plenty of landscaping work to do but should be pretty spectacular once re-plantings have taken place. Happy Bastille Day! Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick
Are you going to France or Southwest England? Right now I cannot tell I will be free or not. As you may remember I am taking over my friends business. I have to be flexible and right now, money is also an issue. But I am really sure, the business will bring me enough money for life by next year :-)I know I will have freetime from 15.08. - 25.08. and I am thinking to fly with my girlfriend to Vancouver to visit you. I really would love to see you again my friend. I know I am a bad friend in writing :-) I have never been in Canada, so maybe I take the chance. Will you be there?
Here is lovely summer. Really enjoy it. Please take good care and say hello
Your swiss friend MarcoHi Patrick! So nice to get your message, all is well here, weather is amazing, and I am so grateful to he staying in your beautiful home on Granville Island, what a treat! I went to Spanish Banks yesterday to explore and today going to farmers market and visit a friend who is down from Prince George. Sounds like your holidays are busy all ready, I hope you enjoy every minute! Take care! Kristine
Pat, It sounds as if things are going well there in the hot weather. Not quite as hot here but very pleasant, nevertheless.
Drove to Ken and Leise's in Ladner late afternoon. Visited West Coast Seeds for gardening supplies and went out for fish and chips with them later and enjoyed a very pleasant evening.
Cycled into MEC 2 days ago and was surprised at the new bike set up there with new fitting room which looked very professional. Pity they don't have a better bike selection. Couldn't believe how busy it was along 10th Avenue especially near the hospital.
Sylvia and I are planning to drive to Whistler in the next few days to explore the Valley bike trails.
Rode to Steveston Saturday morning with Pete which was very pleasant if somewhat cool at 8AM.
Mike and Pauline are coming over tonight for a BBQ. Mike is starting to cycle longer distances so I will try and get out with him soon. Sylvia is very happy with the new painting in the living room. A few more odds and ends to do and then I can take the summer off. We have a new watering system to install at the front, so that's probably today's main job. Enjoying Little Green by Walter Mosley. About to watch the finish of the Tour on the MT. Ventoux ascent. Ray
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