Hi Maggie's Keeper!
Congratulations on your very successful event, Chloë! Pleased that everything went off so well but had little doubt, with you involved, that it would!
Hoping to go on a fell walk, after another Full English Breakfast, to the following: Catbells is a fell in the English Lake District in the county of Cumbria. It has a modest height of 451 metres (1,480 ft) but despite this it is one of the most popular fells in the area. It is situated on the western shore of Derwent Water within 3 miles (5 km) of the busy tourist town of Keswick.
Derwent Water! |
"It is one of the great favourites, a family fell where grandmothers and infants can climb the heights together, a place beloved. Its popularity is well deserved, its shapely topknott attracts the eye offering a steep but obviously simple scramble."
Chris and your Mom will take a boat ride around Derwent while Jim and I are scrambling! Hello to Magster. Love, Dad!

Hi Patrick, I like the 5, although I've never owned a smartphone before ... having said that, I have played around with my wife's 4S and I do own an iPad ... one feature I love about both iPhones is the voice-to-text functions via Siri. These are great. I also like the quality of the camera in the 5 ... as they say, the best camera is the one you always have with you.
I have never been to the UK, so I'm salivating at all the references to various cultural experiences. One day I will find my way over to that part of the world ...
In the meantime, I've been flying every weekend, mostly Grouse Mtn. Yesterday, I was surprised when a Japanese guest (a 66 year-old woman) suddenly expressed interest in doing a tandem flight. I hooked her up with the North Shore Paragliding guys who do commercial tandems from Grouse; she flew and was absolutely beside herself over the experience. Ecstatic! It was more fun seeing her reaction than flying myself (I squeezed in two solo flights there yesterday.)
Oh well, back to the mundane world of hunting down references and trying to spend my collection budget before I go on holidays. Take care, Bill N.
Hi Bill!
I'm dizzy just from hearing about your flights, solo or otherwise! You should paraglide here in The Lake District. (We drove up with our hosts, from Wetherby, near York, on Sunday.) What a fabulously beautiful part of Yorkshire. In some ways the topography of the surrounding hills reminds me of that of the ones around Penticton/Naramata or Queenston, on New Zealand's south island. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Jeff!
Trust you and family are well! You should open a franchise for B.Alive Beauty here in The Lake District. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again Bob!
Not sure why Monika couldn't contact you directly! Anyway, I'll let you decide whether you will or not.
If you've not been to this part of Britain before, you'd love it, given your passion for trekking. Buona Fortuna with The Germans! Cheers, Rizzio!
What a gorgeous place!!! You are a very lucky man and your planning is
superb. Joanne
Hi JT! Lucky indeed and don't I know it!!! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Glad you enjoyed the birthday card. Just to let you know, I was the one who actually sent it. Account is in Cora Lee's name so most recipients believe she is the one thinking about individual in question. The Sisterhood continues to piggy back on the shoulders of The Brotherhood, as always!
Hi Kjell! Trust you are well. Fondestos, Patrizzio!
Hello Steven, (Monks Cross Shopping Park,Huntington, York):
I mentioned I'd like to bring my spiffy new Montague Navigator in for a quick check-up/tune-up this week. We will drive back from The Lake District today so I'd like to bring bike in tomorrow, July 24th, if it is possible to have it looked at then.
As well, any word on the soft carrying case? Hope to hear from you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Thank you for your email You will need to contact the store direct to book this in: http://www.evanscycles.com/stores

P, in Toronto after driving across the USA with Amira. K and the MT arrive via Ottawa on Thursday.
It is hot as only
Toronto can be but still doing some riding. I am sure you know some of
these trails along the lakeshore and up the Don Valley. How is the bike? How is the riding?
Amira is just into her tourney now 3 - 0 so far. Big challenge tonight against the USA. http://wfdf2013-u23.com/zuluru/divisions/schedule/division:5
Will head to New Hampshire and Boston after the tourney. Fond regards to C and everyone, W Hi Whirlygig and Ultimate Woman!
Wonderful to hear from you! To
tell the truth I was wondering if you had lapsed into terminal latte
stasis as I'd not heard a word in aeons! More than glad to learn that
all goes well with cross-country trek and competition. Bravo, Amira! Go
Canada!!! Pleased, as well, to hear about your riding in Toronto. I did
so enjoy cycling much/most of Lakeshore Drive, around Leslie Street Spit
and along Don River Valley Trail, at different times. For my part, I couldn't be happier with the Navigator. Felt comfortable, from the get-go, on the 21" frame and it has been smooth sailing ever since. Jim was a wonderful, wonderful domestique/guide for first two rides but since then I have been on my own. (Unfortunately, he came down with a bladder infection the night we arrived and has been on antibiotics ever since. Medication has helped but he is still not completely over ordeal and as you can imagine he has been quite uncomfortable at times and has not really felt like riding last two times I was out.) Will ride into York tomorrow to have Navigator undergo a quick tune-up/adjustment.
Bit early, in terms of suggested time for new bike overhaul, and nothing is out of whack but I figure I might as well take advantage of free service maintenance that comes with purchase before we leave for Cornwall. Nearest dealership to where we will be is in Bristol and that is probably not an option, given distance, time, etc., 3 hrs by car, so I probably will take it to an Evans outlet in Mill Hill, should I feel I need to do so, day before before I leave for France.
Jim walked me through a basic route to York, village by village, until I need to cross city itself. Since we rode back to Wetherby once I had picked up Navigator morning we arrived, I am somewhat familiar with centre of town. Not a huge place in any event so am not overly concerned about finding my way. As well, since I have accepted that I will have to un-clip from time to time anyway, I feel a great burden has been lifted from my obsessive compulsive shoulders and I can actually stop to ask directions or even, worse, order a latte!
Am just as delighted with my new Garmin Edge 200. Since it is uses GPS technology there isn't even a magnet to worry about and each ride is easy to download to Garmin Connect, their website. I certainly don't know how to use/invoke all the features on either the odometre or the on-line website, yet, but I'm learning as I go and what data I have is more than enough. The fact that the AVG speed is displayed is terrific, along with current speed, so that is really all I need for now.
We left Keswick this morning, (What a fabulous two days we enjoyed there! Had hoped to climb Catbells before we headed south but we had the first rain in weeks this morning. Incredible thunder and lightning and heavy downpours so a walk on the fells was simply out of the question. More later otherwise I'll never finish this message!), at around 9:45 am and made our way back to Wetherby by about 3:00 pm. By the time we unpacked and had a bite to eat I didn't set out until about 4:00 pm. Took a route that I'd first done alone last Saturday and had a grand ride. Sky had cleared by this time and it was perfect riding temperature, although a furious head wind at times. Hard to know which direction it is coming from as I barely know which direction I'm heading in!
By and large, roads, while narrow with high, high hedges and/or stone walls, for much of the time, are well surfaced so that makes for a comfortable ride. Have to keep reminding myself which side of the road I need to be on. That isn't much of an issue with other vehicles around but it is frightening how quickly one can forget when on an empty stretch! So far so good but tomorrow's ride will be a better test as York is certainly busier than county roads and people park every which way so it can be very confusing and disorienting, to say the least!
Trust all goes well with tournament. Jim sends along best wishes as does Cora Lee. Fond regards to your Sisterhood. Hotel New Hampshire and Boston sound wonderful. If I wasn't here I'd be jealous and I still am!
Here is the link for today's ride. See if you can manipulate it to take a look at map details. I can save each ride as a route so I am slowly building up a collection of possible outings to choose from/add to, etc. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
PS/Pics: You'd love the beer! I usually have half a pint at a time so that I can taste a number of different ales! Some shots of the fells.
Hi Girls, got email from George. Dad is in hospital in St. Anne's. He has an infection and fluid on his lungs. has been there for 2 nights. You should phone and check how things are going. George has been driving Mom back and forth to the hospital. Call Grandma and give her my love. Mom
Hi mom/dad/sissy,
just called Falcon and Dustin answered, he said Grandma and George
were at the Hospital. Gramps was supposed to come home today but his
heart rate was too low so they are keeping him in for another day or so,
he is on oxygen but that's all Dustin really
knew. I will try Falcon later today and let you know what i hear. Love you all.
Hi Chloë, et al!
Thanks for the update on Dusty, Chloë. We left the Lake District, from Keswick at 9:45 am today. First stopped at Ullswater to see the lake there then Pooley Bridge for a short stroll around the quaint village and bought a copy of Daily Mail with headlines announcing future king! On to Rheged, a huge presentation centre with an IMAX. Took in a wonderful photographic exhibition by University of Cumbria art students. Bought a number of books there we'd wanted as gifts. Then M6 to outskirts of Sedbergh, (This is where Jamie went to school. We stopped on way to Lake District, on Sunday morning, so didn't go into village this time around.) Then to Kirby Lonsdale, on A65, past Settle towards Skipton. Caught A59 there to turn off through Ilkley to Otley, with a petrol stop at Pool, (£94 but that included a 65p Daily Mirror deluxe souvenir edition of royal birth!), then past Harewood House, (Chris and Nana will visit it today.), between Pool and Collingham. Stopped at latter for groceries at Tesco Express, (I found a £ coin in front of till so that almost paid for groceries, (£24), salad fixings for tonight's dinner, as it turned out. (I was planning to fix one for last night's supper but we had delicious take-away fish and chips and mushy peas from a local shop and rest of gang didn't want to wait!), then over bridge over Wharfe River, into Linton past Windmill Pub, local establishment we'd had a pint or two at earlier in stay, and Wetherby Golf Course, (dinner there the first night with Chris/Jim), and then home.
While I was readying myself for a ride, Nana read message from George telling us about Grandpa Soup. Trust he will make a steady recovery and will be back at Falcon soon. Please send along our best wishes and love. Cheers, Dad and Patrizzio!
PS: I'm not sure if Nana has mentioned that she has been in touch with a Durston relative, 3rd cousin who is now in charge of garden centre business. We plan to visit after stopping in Bath for a day/night after leaving Wetherby. Coincidentally, he will be in Bath this coming Friday as his mother is having a hip replacement there that day.
Pics: Some snaps of Sedbergh School, taken on way to Lake District; two of serving staff at the Horse & Farrier, Sunday evening, Edwin and Erastus, both originally from Kenya; then some from walk around Buttermere this past Monday.
Hi Nicotino and Natalia! Trust you are both well. Heard from Whirlygig in Toronto. Quite a grand trip they have ahead of them. Cheers, Patrizzio!
- Chloe Alexis Dunn Wish you were here in the flesh so I could get you to buy a table:)
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