Monday, 15 July 2013

Mill Hill Broadway Blues: Tuesday, Juy 16th

There is then creative reading as well as creative writing. When the mind is braced by labor and invention, the page of whatever book we read becomes luminous with manifold allusion. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

Hello there!

I have a new friend the same age as Lauren who just moved here from NYC...Angie Polk. Also very lovely! My co-worker, Alex, who you met at the art show for Melissa,  is also that age so they're ready to meet Lauren as well! We'll set up a lunch date in LA. Back to work I go...but excited to have an adventure ahead in August! Can Max come with me on the train? He sounds like fun!


Hi Lisa and Lauren, (and Team Prince/Dunn/Durston)!

Trust you are both keeping cool, cool babes that you both are! This message just in from Ayn...Looks as if it'll be power lunches in Tinsel Town from here on in! Not sure of timing in August, but perhaps you, Lisa, and Ayn, might be able to meet when she comes for her visit. Aunt Lisa could bring Mad Max to King's Cross for handover for trip to Cornwall. A visitor can always use Superman, (see attached snap), to help with baggage! Time to run the garden hose over myself on the lawn to cool off. Mimi meowed that she would hold nozzle! Cheers Patrizzio/Dad!

Snaps: Clark Kent and his entourage; pics of fascinating exhibition, Lost in the City, at the Crypt, St Martin in the Fields, (Most of these lost souls obviously needed Superman!); Duke of York's Theatre, Leceister Square. Riveting production Corinne/Nana and I took in yesterday evening; Mimi waiting for Room Service! Mags feels like you are trying to replace her with "Mimi ". And Mags is an Urban cat, she is from the east side. This Mimi who sleeps in planters sounds like a country bumpkin.

So no more mention of that cat, she is so sad she actually licked all the fur off her back leg(really looks terrible). Hi Tinsel Town and SPCA!

Ayn, thanks very much for looking out for Lauren. I'm sure she will appreciate social contacts.

Chloë, sorry to hear about your neurotic pet but Mimi isn't a country bumpkin! Far from it, she's an chic Urban Feline masquerading as a street cat! Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Dad! 

Hi Jim and Chris! Thanks, once again, Jim, for liaison work with Evans. Much appreciated indeed. As you wrote, ride back to Wetherby sounds more than wonderful. I am planning to wear cycling gear on train so I suppose Cora Lee will be in a different carriage! However, not too, too happy about your predilection for "refreshment", even before ride, (Raymond has been chastising me for my continuous imbibing, since arriving, I should admit, much to my chagrin!), so perhaps I should address you as Ragin' Bull when we meet at train station! (Just in case, itinerary: Wednesday, July 17th, 07:49 London Kings Cross-09:47 York)

Had a full day yesterday. Took the train/tube into city, to King's Cross from MHB then Picadilly Line to Leicester Square. Ticket booth right in station where we purchased less than half-price tickets (£25 each), for Passion Play at the Duke of York's Theatre for that evening.  Short stroll to St Martin in the Fields, just off Trafalgar Square, as you probably know, where we had arranged to meet close friend, Jamie Gairdner. (I met Jamie back in 1965 at the University of Winnipeg. Although he was born in Kendall, (His father taught at Sedbergh, at the time.), family moved to Winnipeg that year when Dr Gairdner became a faculty member, teaching French. Jamie returned to England in the late 70's and has been here ever since.) I wonder if we will drive past any of these places en route to Keswick?

We had arranged to attend one of the free noon hour concerts and then have lunch, in the restaurant in the Crypt downstairs, afterwards. Since we were about 30 minutes early we took the opportunity to take in the current exhibition in the gallery there. Quite an interesting show: Lost in the City by Roman Lokati. Basically, images of travelers in tube as well as a few inner city glimpses of individuals isolated in green field/park space. What made the works even more powerful, for me, at least, was the fact that we had encountered countless people, on our earlier train/tube journey, who could have been almost exact models for Lokati's subjects. 

I felt nothing but sympathy for the tourists or others, dragging suitcases and heavy bags, (I had but a light knapsack, myself), minding the Gap, along platforms or up stairs/escalators, in part because I knew I would join their ranks shortly! Artist managed to imbue his paintings with a tremendous sense of loss/isolation/dislocation/alientation within a crowded, busy urban environment  so very, very moving and also disturbing at times.

Jamie arrived just before concert, (piano recital,
Prokofiev's Visions Fugitives, Debussy's Etudes Book 2 and Chopin's Ballade No 4), by Bobby Chen was to start, (He is always late, for everything: work, social events, medical appointments, and the like. One needs to accept this trait, plan for it or else it will drive one around the bend!), and we took our seats beside Cora Lee. While waiting, just outside the entrance I took the opportunity to take some pictures of Trafalgar Square and surrounding buildings so I was happy to have the opportunity to do so. 

Concert was more than a delight although both Cora Lee and I found the Prokofiev a tad too discordant for our untutored ears. Jamie is quite an accomplished singer, (He sings in the Bach Choir), and very knowledgeable about music in general. (His mother was a very accomplished pianist, his sister, Judith, now in Oxford, played the cello in the Winnipeg Symphony for some years and his father formed and directed a madrigal choir at U of Wpg.) During the Chopin portion of the recital he whispered that he remembered his mother often playing the piece, a favourite of hers.

Had the opportunity to thank Bobby Chan after the concert and then we took lunch downstairs. I opted for The Ploughman's Salad and it was wonderful. Enjoyed chatting and catching up over our repast and then we left Cora Lee. (Knowing full well my penchant for wandering off she gave me my theatre ticket before we parted!) Jamie needed to top up his cell phone so we agreed to meet at the National Portrait Gallery, just across the street, in 15 minutes or so. We walked a block or two to a small corner store and Jamie bought his added time and we then made for the NPG.

Having been there quite a few times before, I assumed we would bump into Cora Lee on the First Floor where the new works are usually exhibited. Wasn't overly concerned when we didn't come across her after first hour or so as I knew one could miss people quite easily, moving from one room/small gallery to another. Really enjoyed The BP Portrait Award. The exhibition "showcases fifty-five of the most outstanding and innovative new portraits from around the world. From informal and personal studies of friends and family to revealing paintings of famous faces, the exhibition features a variety of styles and approaches to the contemporary painted portrait."

Two other current events were equally interesting/fascinating:

Humphrey Ocean: A handbook of modern life

In 2006, Humphrey Ocean started making a series of portraits of visitors to his studio- a project which is ongoing.  Working swiftly in gouache on large sheets of paper in his studio, Ocean paints his sitters, including family members, friends and professional acquaintances, in simple forms and bold colours.

Creative Connections
Creative Connections is a four-year project connecting young people with contemporary artists to create a series of new artworks inspired by the Gallery’s Collection.

By the time we'd seen these three it was close to closing time so we made our way to Gallery Shop and I picked up a few postcards a fridge magnets and then we made our way outside. Jamie had choir practice at 6:30 pm so we made plans to call next day to exchange travel plans for Cornwall, (He will probably take train or bus to Truro to stay with us sometime between August 5th-11th.), and then we waved goodbye.

I assumed Cora Lee had simply missed us and that she would not have been overly fussed, pleased in fact, to be free of the two buffoons, for a few hours! I found my way to a small café right across the street from the DYT and sat and sipped a thirst-quenching lemonade, followed by a cappuccino while I almost finished A Wanted Man. Happy as a lark, I paid my bill and made my way to the lobby about 15 minutes befoer the 7:30 pm showtime. Found Cora Lee on the 2nd Floor Balcony sipping a glass of white wine. 

She had heard "National Gallery" rather than "National Portrait Gallery" so she was gazing at Picasso and Monet and Turner while we were enjoying Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davis next door!

Made our way to Row M, seats 11/12 and were pleased with our location. Play itself was really a tour de force. I didn't know Peter Nichols' work so obviously wasn't familair with plot itself. In short, it involves adultery but what is particularly innovative is that the playwright has introduced the main characters' alter egos into the play.

Simply mesmerizing to see these four actors cross commenting on the actions and behaviour of one another. Hilarious at times, heart-wrenching and terribly painful, as one can well imagine, for much/most of unfolding drama. We'd seen Zoë Wanamaker and David Suchet, (Poirot), in Arthur Miller's All My Sons, in 2010,  so it was a treat to see her on the stage once again. Other cast members were equally strong so it was a scintillating performance all around.

Play ended just before 10:00 pm and we certainly enjoyed the short stroll back to Leceister Square Underground, evening being deliciously balmy, outdoor cafés crowded with people, owners gleefully rubbing their hands together, wishing this heat wave to continue until Christmas! Had to wait for a First Capital Connect which stopped at MHB so didn't make it home until about 11:15 pm. Penny was still up so we gave her a brief recap of our day and then said goodnight.

We are planning to re-visit Shaw's Corner after Penny is back from an appointment later this morning. This National Trust property is relatively close to MHB and we don't want to be away all day as we need to pack in order to be ready for our early morning departure on the morrow, for York and Latte Land! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Snaps: Clark Kent and his entourage; pics of fascinating exhibition, Lost in the City, at the Crypt, St Martin in the Fields, (Most of these lost souls obviously needed Superman!); Duke of York's Theatre, Leceister Square. Riveting production Corinne and I took in yesterday evening; Mimi waiting for Room Service!

Hi Raymond!

Thanks for wonderful description of Mt. Ventoux climb and pictures of fans! However, I am a bit sensitive about not having done any exercise for almost a week now so your comments are not helping at all, thank you very much! This being the case, am quite looking forward to riding from York to Wetherby on new Navigator!
[I am planning to wear cycling gear on train so I suppose Cora Lee will be in a different carriage!] Jim has done a wonderful job of arranging things with Evans so I suppose I'll have to stand the odd latte! 

Sorry to hear about puncture and work committments. You and Sylvia should head over to London as I'm sure you could find easy employment for installing pop-up sprinklers, given current heat wave! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi again, Dana! Will do. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hi JT! Good work on landscaping and with Strata. Wine always helps!!! Wish we could attend your birthday bash! We'll be thinking of you, however! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Lush Donna Maria and Ancient Gardner Hernandez!

Tinhorn Creek by the case! Nice work if you can get it! Guess you'll need it to drown your sorrows over handing over key to part of your life. Onward! Fight!!!

Cheers, Patrizzio!

Young Patrick I am sorry to have taken so long in writing. It has been a rough spring and summer thus far. My trip west was not a good one. I was badly crippled by arthritis even before I left for BC.  I was in pain the whole time I was there.. I went to 2 chiropractors a total of 10 times in BC and 5 more in NB with no results. I was just so sore that I was desperate for relief.

I believe that I told you that I had to cancel the Vancouver Island part of my trip as I was just not able to get around, and decided that dragging luggage in and out of a car every night was not a good idea.Anyway, I cut the trip short by a few days and came home.I have not had any relief, but I was climbing 2 flights of stairs at my friend Gerry's to go out or in and I was ready to head East. Gerry was a terrific host, but when everything becomes a major hurdle to accomplish,  it takes the joy out of the trip.I had a nice chat with Reidar, but never made it out to visit, which I intended.

Getting old really isn't fun. I have so much arthritis the length of my spine as the result of the 2 car accidents I was in in BC in 1991 and again in 2000.. It sounds like a hip replacement might be needed and I will still have the spine problems. I flew to Montreal 1 1/2 weeks ago to pick up a car I bought and drove it home.  ( again... not my best move). I planned on staying 3 or 4 days, but was so limited moving about that I arrived on Wed. and left early Fri. morning. I got a $258. speeding tick in Riv. du Loup... ouch!! otherwise did OK. I am very pleased with the car. Well, that is it for my bitching and complaining. I am on the list waiting for physio. When I get there, I am hoping they can do some good for me.
I am really sorry that I didn't get to see you, along with several other people while West... I am hoping next time I will be in better shape and a lot more mobile... Have a great summer my friend... Cheers.. Bill
Hi Wild Bill! First and foremost, terribly, terribly sorry to learn of your nasty arthritis and excruciating back trouble. My heart goes out to you as I simply cannot imagine the pain and stress you are undergoing. (Not to mention traffic ticket! That is painful enough!!!) I wish you well with physio. Feel a bit guilty to be having such a wonderful time on our holiday, given your ongoing, serious  discomfort.Trust things improve, on the medical front, Bill. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hi there Patrizio 
Sounds like you are having a ball! I'm still slogging away at work but had a good weekend .. Sat. night with Joanne + PLo and PLo's ex husband #1.

We were outside at Branas next to the Wicklow (used to be Stamps pub). Sat outside by the boats and were over served..  Hate that when that happens.   White wine.. won't be having that for awhile!!

Send more news  of your trip enjoying the emails so far.!

Hi to Cora Lee again! (Yes, am enjoying my new Mac air!) Cheers! JWo

Hi JWo! Had a note from JT but she didn't mention anything about an overhang! Perhaps she couldn't remember!!! Glad MacBook Air has worked out nicely! All the best from Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Patrick  Hope you are preparing yourselves for a non-cultural visit to Yorkshire. There is a theatre by the Lake at Keswick by the way- I shall have a look at what is on. Interesting you mentioned Sedbergh- that is on one of the possible routes to the Lakes- roads a bit twisty however.

We could combine Wensleydale, Middleham- race horse training centre and castle where Rchard III grew up and from which he administered North on behalf of his brother Edward IV then thro Sedbergh  and Winder as immortalized in their school song. Probably not as good as WHGS school song! You must ask Ray for a rendering. We would then drive thro Lakes from south to north arriving at Keswick.

However I don't want to condemn you to lots of time in the car when we could be sipping lattes. Similarly if we do try the Filey trip and combine that with visit to NY Moors and possibly my sister's house. Could be too much time in the car esp. for the girls.

Still very warm and sunny here.Regards Jim

Hi again, Jim!

I'm just a country bumpkin at heart so will be happy just to sing rude rugby songs and forget about museums and such! Thanks for outlining possible routes but we'll let The Sisterhood choose routes. That we we can deflect possible blame!

Forgot to mention that I would appreciate having your phone numbers and address again, on the off chance you don't show up at train station, delayed by a gallery opening, film festival screening or some other toffy, cultural activity! Dolt, (I told you I was a country bumpkin!), that I am, I forgot to bring my address book with me!  Cheers, Patrizzio, Cultural Attaché, for Mill Hill Broadway, North London! Pic: If you look closely, you can just see me on the other side of the field, under a hedge, with a bottle of cider, chewing on a blade of grass with a bit of hayseed in my beard!

Thanks for your email Pat. Ayn - Looking forward to meeting you in August, and hopefully again in December when I'm over in sunny LA for Christmas yayyy:-)

I have 12 days holiday to use up, so am planning on heading down to Cornwall with Mum for a few days. Lots of Love and enjoy sunny England, you choose a good time of year to visit! Lisa xx

Hi Lisa et al!

Just had a brief chat with your Mom, Lisa Penelope. She left a few minutes ago, for an appointment, but before she did she mentioned that you were planning to join her on Cornwall visit. Grand news. Now I'll be completely
surrounded, vastly outnumbered by The Sisterhood! Talk soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Her Ladyship and His Lordship with Sunday papers while I'm the doormat!
Hi, Wetherby off the road out towards Linton and Sicclinghall villages. We could cycle to knaresborough on to Ripley Castle using old railway tracks some of the way and meet the girls in Harrogate as an option on another day----- and ride back on a different route. See you tomorrow Jim

Hi Jim! Thanks for phone numbers and address. I assume it was a typo when you wrote "meet the girls" instead of "meet some girls", friends of the Swedish masseuses I've engaged for Beau Soleil!

With respect to cycling route, (Cyclinghall Village is a must!), I leave it in the more than capable hands of my indomitable domestique! See you tomorrow. Have confirmed that the Duchess of Granville will be travelling in the Royal Coach, with Kate, while I'll be in the coal tender!

With respect to Google Talk, is there a version for Macs? Cheers, Patrizzio! 

I was up at 4 the morning after the Bastille Day party and in the pool per usual at 6:15. Tough hombre, no? Hope things are going swimmingly on the other side of the big pond.  Are you getting your bike miles in? Perhaps that is a foolish question to ask...

We are planning to be in Seattle for a wedding on Sept. 8. Will you be back in BC by then?  Just curious if we should consider drifting north while we are in the neighborhood.

So far retirement is a good fit.  But my morning swim schedule has remained inflexible.  Just like me? Cactus                                                 Hi Patrick,
After reading your email I am now convinced that you are coming to Cornwall for a rest after your whirlwind socializing! Hope the weather continues fine for your time in the UK. It cooled down here a bit but the mercury has started to creep up again.

Generally it's been too hot to cycle during the day but I did go out earlier this morning while it was still a little cooler for a short ride. Nice little ride around St Agnes Beacon.  Have attached details. Perhaps a nice one we can do when you are down. 
While I was cycling Gayle walked over to the bakery at Chacewater to see if they do gluten free Cornish pasties. I'm going to make pasties for us to take to the Minack but I know Cora Lee can't eat normal pastry but I think the pasty shops do gluten free ones.
Yesterday we had a walk around Bedruthun Steps near Newquay, then went to Crantock to walk to West Pentire to look at the wild flowers at Porth Joke.

 My sister, Maureen, has her 70th birthday next week so will be having a BBQ for the extended family probably around 50 nephews nieces cousins and assorted kids! Think she is beginning to regret the impulse invitation now!

Best wishes! Derek
Another grand day for the Dunn's.  

I love people pictures so I envy you seeing the photos at the gallery.  We look forward to hearing about your place in York.  We leave tomorrow a.m. for Calgary.  We are driving and staying at Valemount tomorrow night.  We will go down to Vancouver after the wedding in Calgary and stay there until the 3rd of August.  It is a lot of work getting the garden and house all in order prior to leaving - time to downsize!!!  Cheers, Dawn

Thanks for your email Pat.

Ayn - Looking forward to meeting you in August, and hopefully again in December when I'm over in sunny LA for Christmas yayyy:-)

I have 12 days holiday to use up, so am planning on heading down to Cornwall with Mum for a few days. Lots of Love and enjoy sunny England, you choose a good time of year to visit! Lisa xx 

The Germans are coming!

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