The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. -George Orwell, writer (1903-1950)
Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. -Ernest Hemingway, author and journalist, Nobel laureate (1899-1961)
Please come home.... I feel abandoned, lonely and always hungry!!! I love you and promise to let you sleep all morning if you come get me. Meow xxx

After the beer had calmed our frazzled nerves, (We had to squeeze, literally squeeze past a 12 ton truck on one of the very, very narrow country lanes that we followed, aimlessly, earlier in our fruitless search!), Mike was able to follow the directions which the obliging, buxom barmaid had provided to The Wicked Lady. Here we enjoyed a delicious lunch washed down by pints of Doom Bar Bitter and Golden Lion Ale, (if I remember correctly), lads, white wine, (SB), lasses.. Not home until 6:00 pm and then we relaxed under the marquis on the patio. Since we weren't all that hungry we just sipped white wine for the early part of the evening and when everyone felt a bit peckish I made a large green, mixed salad and we made that our dinner.
Yesterday Team Chauffeur didn't ris euntil almost 10:00 am to collect Sunday papers and then immediately withdrew back to bed with cups of tea to pore over the weekend supplements. Coriande was up around 9:00 am but after breakfast on patio she went back to bed as well!
Around 12:30 pm we headed out towards Battlers Green Farm, in the general direction of Anna's/Leon's for lunch. They live in Bushey, (population 24,000), a town in the Hertsmere borough of Hertfordshire, about half an hour's drive from Mill Hill.) Since Leon was in a charity 10K run beforehand Anna had asked guests to arrive around 2:00 pm. As well, we had offered to bring dessert and Mike knew of a place at BGF, (originally a working farm that became a small, very attractive artisan mall. The various shops now occupy former farm buildings, very nicely restored/renovated, much like many of the buildings on Granville Island, per esempio. After buying some mouth-watering looking desserts and putting them in a cooler in car boot, (Note, Dear Reader, British terminology!),
we strolled around most of the shops and ended up at Wine & the Vine, a small wine store which is owned by a someone that Penny knew, having been to a number of tastings at the store Jesse, the proprietor owned before he moved to this location. We tasted from about six different offerings and Cora Lee kept repeating that this blush or that would be a great patio wine! Penny and I ended up buying a case of a South African Viognier, 14%, which Jesse thought was a steal at £6.99/$11. Although bottle wasn't one in tasting line-up, I certainly trusted his judgement as he seemed extremely, extremely knowledgeable. Will know more tonight after we try a bottle or two!
After loading out two half-cases into boot, we strolled around, poking our noses into a few other shops. I was particularly fascinated by one store which sold hand-crafted furniture. Many of display items, bed-frames, dressers, rocking chairs, etc., were of ash and beautifully designed. Not outrageously expensive, given quality of work, either. I started talking to the freindly proprietor adn Cora Lee had to come and drag me away as it was time to make for Bushey.
Very kind of Anna/Leon to have everyone over as their place is, literally, still a construction zone. Upstairs bathroom is functional but will not rally be finished for a week or so. Tradesmen's tools everywhere, piles of rubble/building materials choke hallways and back entrance but one can see the potential of this old row house. They have plans to push out the back of the house to enlarge the tiny, narrow kitchen, but that will be next phase. Nonetheless, Anna had prepared a simply incredible meal of roasted chicken, mustard infused potatoe mash, roasted carrots/parsnips, cheese topped broccoli/cauliflower bake and steamed green cabbage.
Plenty of white wine, beer and cider as another glorious, hot, sunny day. We enjoyed the more than delicious meal in their back garden. Had been terribly overgrown when they moved in about a year ago and they had had most everything removed over the last few days. Have never seen such an extended back yard. It reminded me, (on a smaller scale of course), of the original farms along the banks of the St Lawrence that the first settlers occupied. Long, long narrow tracts which allowed river frontage. Still plenty of landscaping work to do but should be pretty spectacular once re-plantings have taken place.
We sat in the shade of a large umbrella and chatted and visited and ate and tippled. Anna's boyfriend, Dave, was a guest and it was the first time we had ever met him as he has always been away on past visits. A former soldier, he now works for a security firm which provides bodyguard services to wealthy business folk. Quite fascinating to hear about some of his experiences in Iraq when he was there as part of a team of bodyguards. In one particular firefight he was involved in he was a gunner on an armoured car. Apparently the incoming rounds make deafening noise when they slam into the steel armour and it is a pretty adrenalin producing sityuation, as one can well imagine.
On a lighter note, Carol, Penny's close friend, who also happens to live in Bushey, had attended the music festival held in Hyde Park over he weekend and told us all about the Rolling Stones who closed out Saturday night, playing for 2 and 1/2 hours. According to Carol, Mick was simply incredible. With all the visiting and such it was soon 5:30 pm and we thanked our gracious hosts and made for home. We stopped at Mike's place as he needed to collect his car and the Babes continued home while I stayed to have a look at the grounds/gardens and his apartment.
We strolled around for about ten minutes and it is a gorgeous spot, surrounded by fields which cannot be developed. Quiet is almost absolute but for bird song. Lovely, lovely lawns, gravel walkways and some maze-like hedges. Even some fruit trees and a large greenhouse which owners are free to use to grow tomatoes, herbs, and the like.
Mike's apartment is a very modern, very comfortable, two bedrooms, two bathrooms but he feels it is far too large for him, now that he is alone, after the death of his wife, Sheila, a year ago. He plans to sell and move into something smaller, in the same area as he likes being in the countryside, over the next little while. He collected a few things he needed for work on the morrow and we set off for Mill Hill.
Goils were lounging on the patio when we walked in and we sat outside until close to 10:00 pm, chatting. Nobody was particularly hungry after the glorious, late lunch so rest of the gang plied themselves with G/T's but I settled for some strong java. Work for both Penny and Mike, (He would be driving to Cardiff for a meeting and then back to London!), on the morrow so we bade goodnight to one another around 10:00 pm.
I was pretty tired myself and could only manage one short chapter of A Wanted Man before I started to drop the book and jerk awake! Cora Lee was already n the Land of Nod so I switched off my miner's lamp and sank blissfully into my pillow.
Much Love to all the wonderful women in my life! Fondestos and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Pics: Mimi at her workstation; some shots of the front of Mike's place, taken on Friday.
Poor mags, is she sleeping with you still? We are off to Central London to meet Jamie and go for lunch and a concert. Then plan to take in a play.Hope things are good with you, Hugs Mom
Patrick, Sounds like you are off to a good start on your holiday. We have arrived home and the sun came out when we arrived which was nice
as we had such perfect weather in Vancouver it was a shame to leave
it. Saturday was Kitsilano days and 4th Ave. was packed with people and
I am sure the great weather helped.
The kids took us to Maenam for
Thai food that night and it was very good We got into a healthy
discussion about politics etc. so it was a lively dinner. Gerry and I
went down to Chinatown on Friday and went for dinner at Bao Bei which
had a sidewalk cafe set up right along the Night Market. It was
delicious and a very unusual Chinese menu, limited and unique. Of course
the people watching was great too. The Night Market is okay there but
the one in Richmond is a lot bigger with a greater variety of booths.
We set off on Wednesday to Calgary for our friends, the Proceviat's daughter's wedding and then we are returning to Vancouver for a few days before coming home. I have a very long list of jobs to do in the next 2 days.
We set off on Wednesday to Calgary for our friends, the Proceviat's daughter's wedding and then we are returning to Vancouver for a few days before coming home. I have a very long list of jobs to do in the next 2 days.
Thank you for the photos as it is always nice to see who you are talking about. Looks like Max worked pretty hard playing soccer. I bet you are his best friend now. Take care and enjoy each day of your trip. Cheers, Dawn
OK. If by chance I'm not in, please leave a message and a phone number so I can call you back. Dana
That would be great! Let me know when you'll be on campus. Bernice
That would be great! Let me know when you'll be on campus. Bernice
Hi Bernice! Will do!
Hi Patrick and Corinne, glad you arrived safely and in good time. Itsounds like your stay started out with a bang! What a cute little guy, love the close up.
Life has been fun as usual in lovely, sun filled Van. I hosted our Strata
meeting and some decisions were made, much discussion and a weeeeeeeee bit
of wine! Getting ready for company for my "big" birthday party on Sat. All is well, flowers have been planted at the front of our building and Ward and I are
working on furnishing the lobby! Take care, enjoy each day, missing you. Joanne.
Hi Raymond!
Sounds as if you people are busier than we are! Congrats on the painting job. You have an interesting ride ahead when you and Sylvia visit Whistler. Be curious to hear about what trails there are like. Say hello to Pete and Mick for me. Glad Mick is able to ride longer distances now. Unfortunately, I haven't watched a shred of Tour since leaving and really wanted to do so. Simply to busy doing other things! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hope you're not going to dress up next year and run alongside the riders, Jim. Ray
Hi Kristine: Sounds as if you are busier than we are! Glad you are enjoying life at The Islay Inn and environs.
Hi Derek: Thanks for all the news. Glad things are going well fro K/M. Perhaps I'll take some photo advice from you over the few days we are together. I've always wanted to have my nature/wildlife shots appear in National Geographic! (See example attached!) Haven't found prices too, too bad here, in general, and theatre tickets should be around £25/$40 according to what Cora Lee discovered on Saturday. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Donna Maria! Sounds as if you people are busier than we are! Unfortunately, for me, I haven't watched a shred of Tour since leaving and really wanted to do so. Simply to busy doing other things! Fondestos from Coriandre to you and Herardo! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, I can't keep up with you. What a grand vacation you are having and such perfect weather as an added bonus. I would have loved to have been at the Stones' concert - pretty amazing at their age that they can entertain at their high level of energy for 2 1/2 hours!
Terrace continues to be very sunny and hot - up to 30 today. Gerry has been working in the yard, watering, weeding, and is now trimming all along the bank. It is hard work especially when you are 71 but he seems to handle it remarkably well which makes me think he will live for a long time. I just went down and picked up a case of wine from Tinhorn Creek as they offer free shipping on any orders you place on July 1, Canada Day. We will have to cool one for tonight.
We made our last trip to the 'office' last night. Gerry worked in there
for 44 years first as a pharmacist and then as his office. Was kind of
sad to close the door and give the key away. Now comes the problem of
where to photocopy, where to shred, where to fax and where to go to the
bathroom if you are downtown. Oh my the adjustments we must make.
Keep us posted on your journey and give Corinne a big hug as that always makes a person feel even better. Dawn
Hi Marco! Terrific to hear form you! You are always the quintessential entrepreneur! Most impressed!!!
We are off to Yorkshire on Wednesday until July 25th and then we will drive to Cornwall, arriving at the end of July to spend all of August there. September 2nd I take Eurostar to Paris then TGV to Beziers. Have rented a house in nearbye Neffiès, (a community in the Hérault department in the Languedoc-Roussillon region in southern France.), for September.
Cora Lee flies to Rome on the same day and will join me around September 21st. We join three other couples on September 28th for a canal barge trip, (Canal du Midi), until October 12th. Back to Vancouver on October 19th. You are welcome anytime in Vancouver, even if we are not there. Just need to know your probable dates so that we can plan not to be away, if possible. You are more still than welcome in either Cornwall and/or Languedoc. Just let us know your plans as they evolve. Fond regards form Corinne. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello to The Sisterhood!
Thank you again, Anna and Leon, (and Mad
Max), for hosting such a wonderful, wonderful brunch! Simply amazing,
especially given that you are literally in the middle of a construction
zone! Great to meet Dave, as well, Lisa.
With respect to Lauren, I
thought I had her email address but once I was back here I realized I
did not have it in my address book in my new computer. I can contact
her via Likedin but if you supply me with an alternative email address I
can forward that to Ayn.
Thanks again for lovely, lovely afternoon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Lauren!
Trust you are enjoying Tinsel Town! We arrived here this past Thursday. Will let Ayn, our eldest daughter, know that you are in town but here is her email address. If you feel comfortable, please go ahead and send her a message. I know she'd loved to meet and she can help you get to know your way around LA, meet people, etc. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ayn: I have sent Lauren Beattie your gmail address. She is Lisa's close friend and I played a small part in reconnecting her with her brother a few years ago. She'll tell you the story. She was recently transferred to LA, (Event Planner at Credit Suisse), and Lisa said, while we've been here, that she is feeling a bit lonely, isolated, etc. If you could take her under your wing for a bit, I'm sure she would appreciate it. She is a lovely young woman and I think you'd really quite enjoy her company. Thanks, Fondestos and Love, Dad!
Morning Pat!
Had a lovely day also, was great to see everyone - lovely food as always sis:-)
I will email you and Lauren so that you have her details as I know she'd love to meet with Corinne's daughter.
Have a fabulous week in sunny London. Lisa x Morning Lauren
Pat and Corrin are over from Vancouver and are staying with mum. Corrin mentioned that her daughter Ayan (apologies with the spelling
this morning folks!) lives in LA and we both suggested you meet up for a
glass of wine:-)
If its ok, Pat/Corrin will pass on your email to her? I said I'm sure you wouldn't mind.
I have copied in Pat who I hope to see when I'm over in LA at Christmas also if their plans take them there. Pat my dates are 20th Dec (San Fran) - arv LA 24/25 Dec to 4th Jan.
Speak soon, and have a lovely week. Lisa x
Hello there! I have a new friend the same age as Lauren who just moved here from NYC...Angie Polk. Also very lovely! My co-worker, Alex, who you met at the art show for
Melissa, is also that age so they're ready to meet Lauren as well!
We'll set up a lunch date in LA.
Back to work I go...but excited to have an adventure ahead in August! Can Max come with me on the train? He sounds like fun! LOVE TO ALL, AYN

Weather continues to be outstanding and we enjoyed sitting on the deck with Pauline and Mike until the cool of the evening directed us indoors. Very nice fare with all the fresh veg. becoming available.
Very nice looking apartments and grounds in the pictures you sent. Hertfordshire is a very nice county which I know quite well as I often stay
with a friend in Hertford itself.
All that beer and wine consumption will give Jim a chance to keep up when you do the Filey run. Saw an article about fold-up bikes on the BBC site this morning - Brompton I think the name was and the company seems to be doing very well but haven't gone international at this point. You'll be picking yours up soon from York.
Day off in the Tour today and then it's into the Alps. You should be able to resume viewing once at the Brownlees. About to uncoil the hose for the watering system Sylvia and I will install this afternoon - pop-up sprinkers etc which will save us a lot of the time we spend watering by hand. Need to get a tube also, so on with the day. Ray
- David Kessler We have llama neighbors (four footed species) and they were brought down closer to our yard so that the children (and others) could enjoy the llama ambiance!Dear Friend,
Here at Aunt Leah’s, we help our foster children find hope. Of course, we offer them housing, job skills training and life skills training - but by providing these things, in addition to a community of support, we are helping them have the hope and courage they need to strive for a better future.
Our staff and volunteers are determined to make circumstances better for foster children, but we could not do this without your support. It is the time, effort and commitment that you give that allows us to house another young mum or help a foster child learn how to take care of themselves. But more than that - with your help, we are able to instill courage and hope into the hearts of those who need it most.
Thank you for all you do, Gale Stewart, Executive Director
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