Hi Kristine! Trust all goes well at The Islay Inn! Haven't seemed to have stopped for a moment since arriving so have outrun jet lag! Weather has been simply gorgeous ever since we landed. Dinners outside on patio every evening so far. Cora Lee just went into The City, (as locals refer to the centre of London), with our hostess, Penny.
She and her daughter, Lisa, are in fact going to have tea at St Paul's Cathedral at some event or other, while Coriandre is going to scope out the cheap tickets booth in Leicester Square to see if she can score some matinee shows over the next few days. I'm charged with doing the shopping for salad fixings for this evening's meal. Cora Lee will, of course, be window shopping and more while in The City! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Vittorio/Patrizio!
Trust all goes well with you two! Unfortunately, for me, not much of this prized malt left after Thursday's dinner party and last night's 2:00pm late night
session solving the world's problems! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Campers!
Trust all goes well with you two! Great to have reconnected, Olivetti! Sorry it was such a short visit but trust our paths will cross again in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Janet!
Trust you are well. I had hoped to send along a message before we left but time simply evaporated! Wanted to ask you if you would be so kind as to send along copies of some of the pictures from your wonderful web gallery: #'s 2, 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17. Thanks. Just chatted with Jaimie a few minutes ago. I had called him to say hello and to see about when it might be possible to meet.
He couldn't find his day diary anywhere so he asked if I minded holding while he popped around the corner to his car, thinking it was in the glove compartment. I waited and waited and waited and when he finally came back on the line he reported, in a rather shaky voice, that he had just taken a nasty spill on the road. Apparently he caught one of his sandals on a piece of rough pavement and over he went onto outstretched hands/arms and chin which started to bleed profusely from the gash it received. Beforehand he wanted Penny's phone number as he couldn't find that either so when I handed the phone to her, quickly explaining what had just happened, to be sure he received the correct number, he started to revisit a text she'd sent to him over a year ago, (To which he had never replied, of course!), when she attended a Bach Choir concert and noticed that he was sitting down for much of performance.
It turned out that he did go to hospital on that occasion, after concert finished, but no apparent cause for his feeling poorly was discovered. At any rate he told me, when he phoned back that his diary had been in his pocket all along! Poor Jaimie, he seems to be his own worst enemy. That being said, I do believe he would be the ideal guide for you on your next trip to India!!!! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi dad, nothing came through on this email?? Love you. Oops now I got it.
Hi Zoe! When will you be taking over at UBC's President? Bravo! Hello to Matt. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al! Trust everyone is well and enjoying La Dolce Vita in the Sunshine Valley! Fondestos to you and Marlilyn. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Vancouverites! Trust everyone is well and enjoying La Dolce Vita in the sunshine of Rain City! Fondestos to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Velma and Ernie! Trust you are both well and wedding plans are coming along nicely. Thanks for good wishes with respect to our travels. Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Donna Maria and Plumber Man! Thanks again for your kindness to the oppressed masses! Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Iron Woman! Look forward to hearing about all your rides, seeing all your graphs, etc! I'm delighted to send along snaps, etc., so send me an email address that allows attachments. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Zoe! When will you be taking over at UBC's President? Bravo! Hello to Matt. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al! Trust everyone is well and enjoying La Dolce Vita in the Sunshine Valley! Fondestos to you and Marlilyn. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Vancouverites! Trust everyone is well and enjoying La Dolce Vita in the sunshine of Rain City! Fondestos to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Velma and Ernie! Trust you are both well and wedding plans are coming along nicely. Thanks for good wishes with respect to our travels. Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Donna Maria and Plumber Man! Thanks again for your kindness to the oppressed masses! Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Iron Woman! Look forward to hearing about all your rides, seeing all your graphs, etc! I'm delighted to send along snaps, etc., so send me an email address that allows attachments. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Pat, Thanks for the pictures. Thanks too for the first travel notes. Oliver and i are at Ellie's here on Salt Spring Island. We drove up to
Lillooet, via the Duffey Lake Rd, on Wednesday. He didn't want to share
my big tent. Instead he slept in his 20 Euro tiny tent. I said he looked
like he was sleeping in a large wilderness
style condom.
At the campsite we imbibed with wine and Nicaraguan rum. The trip continued to Lytton the next day and a walk in the Stein Valley – my first in 6 years. It was nostalgic as could be. We were back at my apartment that night. Yesterday we came by ferry here.
At the campsite we imbibed with wine and Nicaraguan rum. The trip continued to Lytton the next day and a walk in the Stein Valley – my first in 6 years. It was nostalgic as could be. We were back at my apartment that night. Yesterday we came by ferry here.
Here is a one minute video from the ferry crossing on the Fraser. It is
always so spectacular as it feels a tad precarious in high water on this
small platform. Hope you are able to view this. Well we are heading into Ganges now. Ellie is at work. The German will get to the Saturday market now. Best, bob
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