Hi Michael!
Just a quick note to say how much Corinne and I enjoyed meeting you and Joe, if only briefly. Thanks again for allowing me to print off directions. Much appreciated. If work schedule changes you are more than welcome to come for a visit. At any rate, will be in touch over the course of our stay and should we decide to pop back up to Sherford, hope we can share a drink or a meal. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Mandy and Chris!
Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed meeting you both, and Elly of course! (I gather Corinne has already sent along a message.) Thank you so much for allowing us to stay in your gorgeous and wonderfully comfortable cottage. Much appreciated! As well, the tour of the peat farming operation was more than fascinating. We talked to Falcon Lake last night and pleased to learn that Dusty is now back home after being in hospital for over a week, I gather, and doing very well. He was delighted to hear about our meeting up with you both and is keen to see the pictures I took of the factory, cottage, etc. In this vein, hope your Mother is making a full recovery, Chris.
We will be in touch over the course of our stay and do hope we might be able to connect again, one way or another, before we leave for France/Italy. Thanks again for making our visit more than memorable. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Dinner at the White Swan and Ella Bella, being very, very good, at home! Rex Thomas who took us to meet Roger and Sue in Cheddar. Roger asked us to say that he'd like to be in touch so have included their email address; Michael hard at work on your rennos!
Hi Chloë! Forgot to ask how Maggster is doing. Hope she is managing, poor, poor thing! Bathroom is en suite off master bedroom at The Malt Scoop, Chris/Mandy Durston's cottage in Sherford, Devon. Time to feed Spud, Krissy'/Mark's cat! Love and Cheers, Dad!
Pics: Chris and Mandy at dinner at the white Swan; shots of the interior of The Malt Scoop and village church just up the narrow, narrow lane! PS: Let me know about cheques, (ICBC, Vancouver City tax refund), and address book. As well, have you been in touch with Kristine about moving out? Gayle and Derek don't actually arrive until August 6th.
Hi Goils!
Trust all goes well for everyone. We talked to Falcon Lake last night and pleased to learn that Dusty is now back home after being in hospital for over a week, I gather. Good work, Patti! Gayle/Derek our house exchange people, (They met in Ottawa and Gayle was born in Lethbridge, went to high school in Vancouver.), are on some sort of plan that allows free calls to anywhere in Canada!
Thought Spumoni could show these snaps to Clarisse and Picasso! I'll send some of peat farm operation when I have a moment. Life is not easy living in Luxury, Sheer Luxury. Time to feed Spud, Krissy'/Mark's cat! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio/Dad!
Pics: Chris and Mandy at dinner at the white Swan; shots of the interior of The Malt Scoop, their fabulous cottage, in Sherford, Devon, and village church just up the narrow, narrow lane!
Hi Sue and Roger!
Just a quick note to say how much we enjoyed meeting you both! Thank you so very much for your gracious hospitality. Please pass along our sincere thanks to Rex as well, for connecting us. Much appreciated, of course! As well, the tour of the farm operation was more than fascinating. We talked to Falcon Lake last night and pleased to learn that Dusty is now back home after being in hospital for over a week, I gather, and doing very, very well. He was delighted to hear about our meeting up with you both and is keen to see the pictures I took of your lovely home and garden and the farmyard. Trust your party went well. We could hear the music all the way in Street!!!
Pics: Dinner at the White Swan. Rex Thomas who was so kind to us. Chris asked us to say that he'd like to be in touch as well so have included their email address.
Hi again, Kids! More snaps from Durston Genealogy Hounds! Pics: Rex Thomas who took us to meet Roger and Sue in Cheddar. Roger and Cora Lee hard at work!
Hi Steve!
Trust you are well. I gather, from Jim Brownlee, in Wetherby, that the carrying bag I had ordered for the Navigator, has now arrived. My address, for next month, is Blackwater, Truro. Please let me know what I need to do to have it delivered here. Thanks very much for all your help. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Sneaky Pedrito!
I gather things have changed significantly for you! House looks wonderful indeed! Let us know about events leading up to this!!!
For our part, we arrived in London on July 11th. Spent about six days there and then we trained to York where we have friends, Chris and Jim, nearbye, in Wetherby. Had aranged to buy a foldable bike, Montague Navigator, from Evans Cycles in York and after I collected it Jim and I rode back to their home. From there we visited Somerset where we first stayed in Bath and then connected with some distant relatives, 3rd cousins, Cora Lee has in Cheddar, sheep farming, Roger and Sue, and in Street, peat farming:
Chris and Mandy, who insisted we stay in their gorgeous country home, The Malt Scoop, originally the village pub, even though they were not there! Stayed for two nights and visited Dartmouth and environs, then on to Cornwall.
Drive back to London on August 31st to ready ourselves for next stage of trip. On September 2nd I take Eurostar to Paris and then TGV to Béziers where I rent a car to drive to Neffiès, about half an hour away. Have rented a house there for month of September. Cora Lee and her Book Club Sisterhood will be more than lollygagging around Italy for three weeks, after Cornwall, so I have arranged to have some nubile Swedish masseuses stay to work out the daily cycling kinks!
Coriandre will join me for last week or so and then on September 28th we meet close friends, Flamin' and Sarge, and two other couples, for a two week canal barge trip along Canal du Midi. On October 12th we make our way back to London, stopping near Lyon to leave my bike, etc., with friends there. Will depend on timing but we might spend a night or two in Paris before returning to London. Fly home to Vancouver on October 19th. You are more than welcome to join me/us at Beau Soleil as it has three bedrooms and can sleep ten, according to owner! Great to hear from you. Loads more to tell/hear about. Keep in touch. See you in Languedoc! Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Here is an account of my first solo outing from where we are staying, just outside Truro, in Blackwater:
Well, I'm finally back in the saddle again! Left Sydney House at a few minutes before noon, today, with Trelissick Garden, Feock as my goal. About 9 miles and a fairly straight cross country line, at least from Google Maps' point of view. Had little trouble after I crossed over the A390 and made for Chacewater as I had planned to do. Think I did a triangular loop via Threemilestone and back to or close to Chacewater. Still find signage difficult to follow, if it exists, but also because there are so many tiny, country roads/lanes leading off in all directions that not knowing the territory it is very easy to become snarled up and lose one's sense of direction altogether.
This is just what happened after I made a wrong turn, or at least I thought it was a wrong turn. I'd only been over intended route once, day before, when we drove it with Derek and Gayle. One thing to have someone point out turns and other landmarks but quite another to fix all this confusing information in one's mind. Wasn't overly worried, however, as I knew I would eventually find a village that was somewhat familiar and be able to get my bearings or, at the very worst, have to stop and ask for directions!
Felt pretty comfortable, even after ascending longest, but not the steepest hill, I'd encountered since arriving, Cusgarne Hill, leading, I thought, to Mount Wellington Mine. (MW Tin mine is two miles east of the village of St Day opened in 1976 and was the first new mine in the region in many years. With the fall of tin prices and the withdrawal of pumping subsidies, the mine finally closed in 1991.) Pleased that I had made the long, strenuous pull, brambles trying to scratch me whenever the few cars passed me on the narrow, one lane, paved though fairly rough suraface, and I hugged the side, I decided to retrace my steps as I was nohwere near where I had really wanted to be and saw no evidence, at all, of the abandoned mine, (The landscape, at least in this part of the countryside, is dotted with mine stacks and their adjoining wheel houses), not even a sign.
Enjoyed riding back down Cusgarne Hill but couldn't really put on any speed due to bumpy ride and concern about meeting a vehicle on the twisting course. After reaching the bottom of the hill somehow found myself in Frogpool, a village I had not ridden through on way to ascend hill so I was rather flummoxed. Nevertheless, when I came across a sign for Bissoe I thought the name sounded familiar so I made for it but once I reached that community I realized I was heading back towards Cusgarne. Not really relishing another climb up the tortuous hill, I turned around and eventually followed a sign for Canon Downs, another name that vaguely registered. After a fairly long climb up to this community I was then faced with a fairly steep descent. Knowing that what goes down must come up, at least as far as cycling is concerned, I was not altogether happy as I was worried it would lead to another steep climb
After leaving Chacewater I thought I was home-free but instead of taking Station Road I took Chacewater Hill, through Greenbottom and into Threemilestone. To my dismay, I found myself on a fairly busy road, Chyvelah Road, as it turned out, and I was forced to stop at a business estate to ask a chap on small tractor mower for directions to Blackwater. He told me to turn around and simply follow the road I was on and it would take me to my stated destination. Wasn't completely sure that he knew what he was talking about or just wanted to get rid of me or if I was so completely turned around that I was destined to wander for eternity so I thought I'd seek a second opinion, planning to stop as soon as I encountered another local.
Not far along, I asked two young girls, doing some yard work, for directions. They deferred to their grandmother and she was very helpful, even begging me to take special care on the busy road. Followed her directions as best I could but after a few more inevitable wrong turns, I made a loop and found myself on the A390, even busier road, so not a thoroughfare I particularly wanted to ride upon. By this time I really didn't know which way to turn. As it turned out, not surprisingly, I made the wrong decision and ended up going in the opposite direction I needed to follow. After cycling for a a couple of miles, I thought I was probably making for Truro and not particularly wanting to go there, I pulled into a Park and Ride complex, close to Threemilestone, not far from where I'd last asked for directions! From past experience I knew such places were often found outside fairly large towns, parking being such a nightmare most everywhere in Britain.
At any rate, I hailed the first person I encountered and it happened to be a very helpful gentleman, indeed. He patiently walked me through the directions he provided, a number of times, as by then I was over-compensating, having already made so many wrong turns, repeating everything twice to try and imbed it in my confused brain. For some reason I felt I had to turn right at a given point and he insisted it was left. He smiled each time I questioned him anew. Finally I had it straight. Thanking him profusely I followed the fairly simple directions, first turning left at the roundabout at the exit to the P & R to return along the A390. Felt like I was back on The Island Highway, between Nanoose Bay and Lantzville, as I was on a very narrow, marked shoulder, with almost a continuous stream of traffic, HGV, (Heavy Goods Vehicles, Dear Reader, should you not be familiar with this initialism), and commuters for a mile or more.
Gritting my teeth and putting my head down I soldiered on and finally the promised first roundabout came into view. The Chiverton Roundabout is a very large roundabout and I approached it with trepidation, knowing full well the amount of traffic I could expect to find queuing there. Fortunately, I was able to insert myself into the lane I needed to be in as there were a about five or six cars already waiting to enter the maelstrom and as soon as there was a break in the side traffic I held my breath and took off. Although I had the right of way the two HGV drivers waiting to enter probably took pity on me and allowed me to get well clear before they roared after me.
Once through, I was on a far less busy thoroughfare and almost immediately came upon the final, smaller roundabout and forcing myself not to turn right I followed instructions and was finally heading down into Blackwater. Cannot tell you how much I enjoyed whizzing down the hill to the village, sailing past The Red Lion Pub and then Seymour House, on my right, came into view. Had decided I'd ride up the hill leading out of town, south towards Redruth. Just wanted to see what was at the top. Found Scorrier Industrial Park there so after crossing a bridge over the A30, to Penzance, turned around there and made for home. Pleased as punch to ride into the gravel car park with 57.25 K on the clock!
Detailed stats below, for the benefit of maniacal riders everywhere:
I was home by about 4:30pm. Cora Lee had gone into Truro, by bus, to look around and shop for a few things for dinner. We had invited Godrun and Steve, (Mark's parents), for dinner.
Changed and ready for our guests, I skinned the beets and sliced them up, arranging them on a large platter, with a light dusting of chopped, fresh chives. Chicken was nicely done but yams were stubborn so Coriandre cut them in half and proceeded to finish them off in a large, cast-iron frying pan.

The Doom Bar is at its most dangerous between low and high tides when it is submerged by just a few feet. Mariners can easily become stranded or, in extreme weather, shipwrecked." Steve and I poured ourselves large glasses of the wonderful bitter and the women folk had white wine. We toasted one another and proceeded to catch up on the events in our lives which had transpires since our last time together, nibbling on crackers and two delectable cheeses, a creamy goat and an herb and garlic Boursin.
Evening was so warm and inviting that we were more than happy to eat our meal outside. Everyone helped set the table and I then carved the chicken. Coramandel put finishing touches to asparagus and I worked on the truculent yams, finally managing to soften them enough to be able to serve them. Meal seemed to satisfy everyone as there was but little left once we put our cutlery down a couple of hours later. I began to clear the table around 9:00pm and rest deciced to come inside as it was stating to cool off. We reconvened in the "reception room", just off the kitchen/entranceway, and after we'd poured more wine we continued to visit. A short time later Cora Lee served dessert, fresh raspberries on mini-pavlova meringues, delicious beyond believing!
Hi Patrick, No, I have not been well at all, but I'm fine now. I went to the Lake District with my parents in 1968 (took the same picture in the graveyard at Grasmere!), I love the place, and I have repeatedly talked to Jane about going back there, but I'm beginning to doubt it will ever happen.
After Jane left on 9 July, I have mainly tried to take care of myself. The weather has been gorgeous, but I haven't been able to make us of that the way I had wished. Tomorrow, though, I'm going out to the outermost archipelago, and that will certainly be treat. Take care, Kjell
Hi again, Kids! More snaps from Durston Genealogy Hounds! Pics: Rex Thomas who took us to meet Roger and Sue in Cheddar. Roger and Cora Lee hard at work!
Just got your message here at War Eagle at 3:14 am. Just going to bed after making 4 blueberry pies, a pan of brownies and a banana cake. Sandy and Ken are coming down for the weekend so making some deserts.
Dad is doing well, just needs to mention if he is not feeling well earlier. Dustin and I have been doing the Harry Potter movie marathon and have watched 7 movies so far with the last one to go. I will write more tomorrow. Love Pam X0x0x0
Hi Chloë!
Forgot to ask how Maggster is doing. Hope she is managing, poor, poor thing!
Bathroom is en suite off master bedroom at The Malt Scoop, Chris/Mandy Durston's cottage in Sherford, Devon.
Here are the email addresses:
Elaine Keating; Joanne Trueman [joanne.trueman@sunlife.com]; Sylvia Banks [sylbanks52@gmail.com]
Time to feed Spud, Krissy'/Mark's cat! Love and Cheers, Dad!
Pics: Chris and Mandy at dinner at the white Swan; shots of the interior of The Malt Scoop and village church just up the narrow, narrow lane!
PS: Let me know about cheques, (ICBC, Vancouver City tax refund), and address book. As well, have you been in touch with Kristine about moving out? Gayle and Derek don't actually arrive until August 6th.
Pics: More shots of The Malt Scoop!
Hi D,
thanks for the addresses, i will send the lady's an email today!!!
Mags is OK, depressed but always has a full belly, so i think she
feels comforted by the fact that i will always feed her. She is starting
to get into a routine of sleeping spots and when she wants lap time, so
that's good.
As for cheques i did see the ICBC
one but I don;t remember you mentioning that you wanted to deal with it,
how can I?? Can i just go into the bank and ask them to deposit it into
our account? I don't have a blank cheque of
yours or anything. as for the city refund still have not seen it but
will check Friday, but again same thing, you guys did not leave me a
cheque or did you even speak to the bank about letting me do banking for
Did you forget address book? first I heard of it?? where is it?? do you want me to give it to Wayne??
will text with Kristine and find out her plan, i would like her
gone on the 4th as its easier for me to clean, but will let you know. love to all!!
Hi Al,
this is great, perfect in fact!! screws are fine, will they be powder coated as well though? in same colour as the desk? thanks, Chloe
Hi D,
Sorry guess I was reading your emails in the wrong order, will do
my best on banking and give address book to Wayne, why do you always
forget it?? xx
Oh my goodness, you need to post that tractor one of mom on FB!!! too funny!!! xx
I loved that one too!!! Chloe Alexis Dunn
Hold on tight Nana!!!!
- Chloe Alexis Dunn Ayn P, Corinne Durston, Patrick James Dunn - mom this makes me soo happy!!!!
- Patrick James Dunn I'll fly back from France!
- Patrick James Dunn Talk to Elaine Keating, Joanne Trueman and Sylvia Banks. Your Mother could do it via Skype! Or Gayle and Derek. There home is fabulous here in Blackwater! Or 3rd cousin Chris. He and Mandy, his wife, have a fabulous cottage in Sherford, Devon.Chloe Alexis Dunn Dad could you email me, Elaine, Joanne add Sylvia's contact info? Thanks. Who's bathroom ??
Thanks for keeping me up-to-date with events and photos. Chloe contacted
Sylvia looking for volunteer help with her project and Sylvia will be
pleased to help. She will also contact other
friends to see if they are also interested.
I'm sure you'll have a delightful
time in that south west corner of the country. Remember visits as a
young boy to Newquay and Budleigh Salterton (in a caravan) with my
parents and later to Bude and Sidmouth with Sylvia.
Our friends who live on 16th and
Collingwood invited us for dinner and the fireworks later with a group
of about 15 people most of who I knew. It was a very pleasant evening
and the previous evening I had taken over fresh
veg. and the beer I bought from Parallel 49 - a lager in a 2L glass
container as well as a chocolate zuccini cake I made the same day.
Visiting the Parallel 49 Brewery was a lot of fun being allowed to taste
various ales before purchase and chatting with one
of the clients at the bar.
Had a visit from 2 landscape
gardeners this afternoon who asked if the could photograph our front
area. I gave them a tour of the back also and they seemed most impressed
- a very nice young Chinese couple. I gave them both
large yellow zuccinis which they seemed to appreciate.
Still hoping to do the Whistler
journey and ride when the Carters return from Philidelphia. Sylia's
older brother, Ed, and wife, Pat, have invited us to join them in
Penticton first week in September. Ed is a serious cyclist
and he recently won an open event in Prince George. Not bad at age 64.
We're keen to join them if things go to plan.
Rode this morning with Pete on our
usual ride but it was a real struggle for me - heart not functioning
well at the moment. Hopefully it's just a temporary situation.
30 plus days without rain although there might have been a slight shower last night.
If you want to see Chris's wedding photos, either you or Corinne can access them on Sylvia's Facebook account.
Hi Goils!
Trust all goes well for everyone. We talked to Falcon Lake last night and pleased to learn that Dusty is now back home after being in hospital for over a week, I gather. Good work, Patti! Gayle/Derek our house exchange people, (They met in Ottawa and Gayle was born in Lethbridge, went to high school in Vancouver.), are on some sort of plan that allows free calls to anywhere in Canada!
Thought Spumoni could show these snaps to Clarisse and Picasso! I'll send some of peat farm operation when I have a moment. Life is not easy living in Luxury, Sheer Luxury. Time to feed Spud, Krissy'/Mark's cat! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio/Dad!
I could not open this file on my blackberry or my playbook, so however you sent it does not work. I think the file is to big.
So need to resend individually. I showed mom and dad the first set of pictures you sent. Pam
Hi Sneaky Pedrito!
I gather things have changed significantly for you! House looks wonderful indeed! Let us know about events leading up to this!!!
For our part, we arrived in London on July 11th. Spent about six days there and then we trained to York where we have friends, Chris and Jim, nearbye, in Wetherby. Had aranged to buy a foldable bike, Montague Navigator, from Evans Cycles in York and after I collected it Jim and I rode back to their home. From there we visited Somerset where we first stayed in Bath and then connected with some distant relatives, 3rd cousins, Cora Lee has in Cheddar, sheep farming, Roger and Sue, and in Street, peat farming:
Chris and Mandy, who insisted we stay in their gorgeous country home, The Malt Scoop, originally the village pub, even though they were not there! Stayed for two nights and visited Dartmouth and environs, then on to Cornwall. Arrived here, in Blackwater, just outside Truro, around 5:00pm, this past Tuesday. Gayle and Derek are here until August 5th, (They fly to Vancouver on the 6th as we are doing a house exchange with them. Their daughter, Krissy, worked with Chloë at Granville Island Brewery, and that was original connection.), so we'll have a chance to get to know house and environs with them around for next few days. That being said, they left for London yesterday afternoon as they are attending Gayle's step-mother's funeral today. Will be back late tonight as we are off the see Wuthering Heights presented by the Ilkley Playhouse at the Minack Theatre on Friday. Although it is only about 30 miles away, apparently it will take almost two hours to get there! From Wikipedia:
Trust all goes well for everyone. We talked to Falcon Lake last night and pleased to learn that Dusty is now back home after being in hospital for over a week, I gather. Good work, Patti! Gayle/Derek our house exchange people, (They met in Ottawa and Gayle was born in Lethbridge, went to high school in Vancouver.), are on some sort of plan that allows free calls to anywhere in Canada!
Thought Spumoni could show these snaps to Clarisse and Picasso! I'll send some of peat farm operation when I have a moment. Life is not easy living in Luxury, Sheer Luxury. Time to feed Spud, Krissy'/Mark's cat! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio/Dad!
I could not open this file on my blackberry or my playbook, so however you sent it does not work. I think the file is to big.
So need to resend individually. I showed mom and dad the first set of pictures you sent. Pam
Hi Sneaky Pedrito!
I gather things have changed significantly for you! House looks wonderful indeed! Let us know about events leading up to this!!!
For our part, we arrived in London on July 11th. Spent about six days there and then we trained to York where we have friends, Chris and Jim, nearbye, in Wetherby. Had aranged to buy a foldable bike, Montague Navigator, from Evans Cycles in York and after I collected it Jim and I rode back to their home. From there we visited Somerset where we first stayed in Bath and then connected with some distant relatives, 3rd cousins, Cora Lee has in Cheddar, sheep farming, Roger and Sue, and in Street, peat farming:
Chris and Mandy, who insisted we stay in their gorgeous country home, The Malt Scoop, originally the village pub, even though they were not there! Stayed for two nights and visited Dartmouth and environs, then on to Cornwall. Arrived here, in Blackwater, just outside Truro, around 5:00pm, this past Tuesday. Gayle and Derek are here until August 5th, (They fly to Vancouver on the 6th as we are doing a house exchange with them. Their daughter, Krissy, worked with Chloë at Granville Island Brewery, and that was original connection.), so we'll have a chance to get to know house and environs with them around for next few days. That being said, they left for London yesterday afternoon as they are attending Gayle's step-mother's funeral today. Will be back late tonight as we are off the see Wuthering Heights presented by the Ilkley Playhouse at the Minack Theatre on Friday. Although it is only about 30 miles away, apparently it will take almost two hours to get there! From Wikipedia:
"The Minack Theatre (Cornish:
Gwaryjy Minack) is an open-air
theatre, constructed above a gully with a rocky granite outcrop jutting into the sea (minack from
Cornish meynek means a stony or rocky place). The theatre is at
Porthcurno, 4 miles from
Land's End."
Heights presented by Ilkley Playhouse at Minack Theatre.
See more at:
Heights presented by Ilkley Playhouse at Minack Theatre. - See more at:
Our address here is Sydney House, Blackwater, Truro TR4 8HH. We talked to Falcon Lake about four hours ago now and pleased to
learn that Dusty, who had been quite ill, is now back home after being
in hospital for over a week, I gather, doing very, very well now. G/D
are on some sort of plan that allows free calls
to anywhere in Canada!
Did some errands, by car, into Truro,
yesterday as it was mizzling, Cornish for mist/drizzle, in case you are
not familiar with local lingo! Afterwards we had a grand walk at
Trelissick Garden, at times along the Fal River,
with wonderful views of the water. Then to the Punchbowl & Ladle
for some refreshment. Your Nana had a cider, G/D a lager while I opted
for a cappuccino, (Absolutely delicious, by the way.), as I was hoping
to go for a short ride once we were back at home.
However, made note of the St Austell Cornish IPA, Proper Job, a
powerfully hopped brew I plan to have at some point in the not too, too
distant future!
Still mizzling when back at the house
so I set about trying to catch up on my backlog of email. Looking
forward to cycling today, my first ride since we left Bath last
Saturday, as forecast is promising. Plan to try the ride
to Trelissick as it is not nearly as arduous or as steep as one to St
Agnes, although the latter is but half the distance away.
Drive back to London on August 31st
to ready ourselves for next stage of trip. On September 2nd I take
Eurostar to Paris and then TGV to Béziers where I rent a car to drive to
Neffiès, about half an hour away. Have rented
a house there for month of September.
Cora Lee and her Book Club Sisterhood will be lollygagging around Italy
for three weeks, after Cornwall, so I have arranged to have some nubile
Swedish masseuses stay to work out the
daily cycling kinks! She will join me for last week or so and then on
September 28th we meet close friends, Flamin' and Sarge, and two other
couples, for a two week canal barge trip along Canal du Midi. On October
12th we make our way back to London, stopping
near Lyon to leave my bike, etc., with friends there. Depending on
timing we might spend a night or two in Paris before returning to
London. Fly home to Vancouver on October 19th.
You are more than welcome to join me/us at Beau Soleil as it has three bedrooms and can sleep ten, according to owner!
Great to hear from you. Loads more to tell/hear about.
Keep in touch. See you in Languedoc! Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Steve!
Trust you are well. I gather, from Jim Brownlee, in Wetherby, that the carrying bag I had ordered for the Navigator, has now arrived. My address here in Blackwater is:
Sydney House, Blackwater, Truro TR4 8HH. Phone number: 01872561105
Please let me know what I need to do to have it delivered here. Thanks. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Steve!
Trust you are well. I gather, from Jim Brownlee, in Wetherby, that the carrying bag I had ordered for the Navigator, has now arrived. My address here in Blackwater is:
Sydney House, Blackwater, Truro TR4 8HH. Phone number: 01872561105
Please let me know what I need to do to have it delivered here. Thanks. Cheers, Patrizzio!