Greetings from The Bufoons!
Both Jamie and I are distraught to learn about your on-going, painful injury! Hope it doesn't spoil things too, too much but can't imagine it must be much fun, no matter what. Wish I was there to help, as best I could. Feel badly as my time continues to be most enjoyable.
Trust you are improving, even if only slowly, as seems likely, my Darling! Should you seek medical advice? I gather time, unfortunately, is only cure, in most cases but perhaps you have sustained some other injury. Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Patrizzio and Sir James!
Pics: latest tally; Sir James doing his exercises; brunch!
Slept like a log and didn't get up until 9:30 am. Haven't slept in like that for ages, can't even remember when! Anyway, not a peep from downstairs. I know that Jamie is a late riser and after his long journey I assumed he would be even more likely not to make an appearance for some time. I made an Instanto and did the dishes. Shows how "gone" I was last night as I would normally wash up. before hitting the sack. After kitchen was back in order I took a quick shower and then took a look at my email. Was distressed to find the following message from Cora Lee:
Hi all, not doing well. Only managing because Robyn is carrying my suitcase up and down stairs. I'm in a lot of pain can hardly walk up and down.
Big thunder storm in cinque terra today using the train as part of
the walk is closed due to land slides and the rest is too difficult for
was quite certain, (common sense alone was enough to know), given the
nature of her frightening fall, that although nothing was broken, her
obviously seriously, seriously bruised tailbone was going to plague her
for sometime, a goodly while as it has turned out. Still incredibly
thankful that this seems to be the only injury she sustained. That being
said, how awful to have had to suffer this extremely painful
incapacitation especially while travelling on holiday on a dream
vacation. Just fortunate that Robyn is with her to provide much needed
help and support.
When Sir James came upstairs, around 11:30 am, he did his back exercises, in the spare bedroom, and after he's showered we ate breakfast: muesli, for Jamie, before fried kartofellage with sliced tomatoes/oranges on the side. Yogurt for Jamie and then more java. After I've done dishes, (and Jamie ends his six hour call to Patrizia!), we are off to Pézenas to do some shopping and take a look at bike rentals.
Trust you are improving, even if only slowly, as seems likely, my Darling! Should you seek medical advice? I gather time, unfortunately, is only cure, in most cases but perhaps you have sustained some other injury. Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Patrizzio! Today's ride:
Found a parking spot, without too, too much difficulty in Parking Gratuit and strolled to the square. Stopped at a small wine shop and a number of the local wines pointed out to us by the very amiable chap behind the counter. Said we'd be back as didn't really want to cart bottles around while we were wandering the streets. A few blocks away we found a bike shop but place didn't offer rentals. Friendly lady there gave us directions to Planète Velos so we made off in its general direction. Happened upon the Pézenas Val d'Hérault Tourist Office, en route, so stopped by for a map and fridge magnets. There is a one hour film on Molière, La scénovision Molière de Pézenas, which we'd both like to see, probably this coming Sunday. I had not known about Molière's realtionship with Pézenas:
In 1645, Molière left Paris to begin travelling the provinces with his troupe "l'Illustre Théâtre".
In 1650, the troupe arrived in Pézenas. During three months, it entertained the Estates' representatives. The troupe was again in Pézenas in 1653 and performed at the Grange des Prés, residence of Prince of Conti. The troupe stayed one more time in Pézenas in 1656. Back in Paris, Molière became King's Louis XIV comedian; the southern people forgot him.
However, a precious relic was still in Pézenas: Barber Gély's wooden armchair, on which Molière liked to sit. But the interest for the comedian and playwright was aroused by the discovery in 1885 of a receipt signed by Molière. Thus a real movement called Molierism was born in France whose climax was the building in Pézenas in 1897 of a building dedicated to Molière.
On into the Centre Historique to wander its streets, snap pictures and chat with a people, the delightful proprietor of a family run pottery business selling strikingly coloured wares. When I discovered that his name was Jimmy I said it didn't sound very "French" and he agreed. Apparently his mother had been watching an American film on TV at the time and I suppose he was named for James Cagney or James Stewart or James Dean! I told him that since my father's name was "Jimmy" and that my middle name was "James" we were, quite clearly, closely related, and as such expected a huge discount on next purchase! He laughed and promised me a very special deal. I Plan to return when Cora Lee is in town as I need La Polizia di Colore to advise on purchase of a wine cooler. I'd love to be able to populate an abode with such vibrant, neon ceramics, whether bowls or pitchers or other containers of one kind or another.
On to Planète Velos where Jamie made arrangements to rent a mountain bike for four and a half days. He'll pick it up on Saturday when we drive in to the market. After we do whatever shopping we want, he'll head for store and I'll drive back to Neffiès to put food purchases away. Then I'll ride back into town. Only about 10 km so he'll have time to get used to the rental while I'm gone and then we will ride back to Beau Soleil. I'm sure he could find his way on his own but probably better for me to accompany him until he becomes a tad more familiar with roads in the area. Fairly flat going so a good way for him to start his riding here.
We thanked Yannick and I made a note to stop by again as he mentioned that he offers different types of kidney, depending on which animals have been selected. I'd first noticed place on my visit to the market as Rue Anatole France is where the free parking lots are located, roughly half way between Carrefours, situated at the opposite end of the street. Couldn't ask for a better combination of the traditonal and the modern. Location! Location! Location!
We walked back to the car, stashed our haul in the coffre, and then drove to Carrefour to do a bit more grocery shopping. While waiting to weigh some of our fruit and vegetables at the very efficient electronic scales, (with touch screens showing different items of produce which one selects from to print out a sticky label), we started to chat with three young women, two Kiwis, (one of them was actually buying kiwi fruit, [gather she was a tad homesick], but couldn't find a picture of the fruit, even in the Exotique category), and an Ozite, (Sydney), who were staying in Nizas, working at a vineyard for two weeks. They receive room and board and all the wine they want. Work from around 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, depending on what grapes need to be picked. Had the afternoon off and so that is why they had come into town.
When I asked the Kiwi buying hiwi what the picking was like she said it wasn't terribly difficult. She mentioned that her family raised sheep on a farm not far from Dunedin so she was used to this sort of was manual labour. The three are flats mates in London, all travelling for about two years. A number of their other flat mates were arriving for the weekend so we invited ourselves over. Free wine and babes galore. I told you, Dear Reader, that I'm living in Paradiso!
Back home by just before 7:00 pm and after putting things away, I showed Jamie how to sign on to my laptop and left him to hunt and peck his way through his Yahoo email account and The Vastness of the [Internet] Universe (Alheimsvíðáttan): "I am the speeding spark of light flung by God from the forge of Chaos. I soar on wings swifter than wind above the paths of the pulsing stars. Faster! faster!"
Once he was settled, I went for a short ride. Took my two LED clip-on lights as I knew it would be dark before I returned.Evening's ride:
Once he was settled, I went for a short ride. Took my two LED clip-on lights as I knew it would be dark before I returned.Evening's ride:
Headed out of town up Mont Neffiès and was at the top by 7:45 pm, enjoying the splendid view. Thought I'd be quite alone but in fact I think I encountered more cyclists, over the course of the outing, than on any other ride to date! I suppose locals might well choose later times as the temperature is quite wonderful, just a touch of coolness to balance the pleasant exertion of the ride.The fiercely strong wind of the day had abated and so going against it was not a battle but more of a friendly arm-wrestle.
By the time I had looped back from Cabrières the light was fading and I turned on one of my lights, more to make myself visible than to illuminate the roadway. I knew the route reasonably well and wasn't worried about potholes and such, (there simply aren't any), and could easily navigate with by the ambient light the crescent moon.
Must say that it is a wonderful experience to ride under such circumstances, nothing but me and the wind soughing plaintively through the trees, the tall grass along the edges of the road, thrown into stark relief by my lamp, swaying gently, waves of upright grain heads, and, from time to time, when an isolated building or deep thicket sheltered me from the light breeze, the delicate, mesmerizing, truly enchanting song of a cicada to break the otherwise complete silence, not even the sound of my tires whirring on the smooth surface. Continued on my magical journey through Fontès and into Caux. Once out of Caux thought that I'd take the first road leading to Neffiès but I was enjoying myself so much decided to make for Roujan instead. Quick loop through its almost deserted streets and then followed the road towards Vailhan, taking the shortcut on the narrow lane through the vineyards. back at Beau Soleil at 9:15 pm to find the Hunt and Pecker still surfing.
Poured us each at hefty snort of Rivanis Pastis, 45%, €13.20/$18.11, while I started salad. Once that was done I had a quick shower. Back into the kitchen to dissect the chicken and we began our evening repas, around 11:00 pm, breaking the baguette we'd bought at a boulangerie, on the square, into coarse pieces as we enjoyed the delicious chicken flesh. Didn't hurt that the wine I'd opened turned out to be a blcokbuster, a 2011 Gravas, Walter Van Aalderen, Vigneron Œologue, Nizas, 14.5%, €5.50/$7.55! Still cannot believe what an extraordinary, octopus ink fruit bomb it is/was. And the price! Almost criminal! Plan to buy at least six more, (Would buy a pallet if I could!), tomorrow when we are back In Pèzeanas for the market.
Finished off our hearty meal with two large slices of flan which Jamie had purchased from the same boulangerie. Some tasty dessert! After a bit more chatting, I washed up while Sir James returned to his chicken-scratch method of typing. Was close to 1:30 am by the time I'd brushed and flossed so said goodnight to Chanticleer, a night owl if ever there was one! Suppose this is one of the reasons he lies abed so long in the morning. At any rate I was fast asleep ere long as I don't remember him turning off the light or hearing him clomp down the stairs to his bedroom. To be continued...
Hi Patrick!
We were just dashing out the house when a call came in from American Express for you. They asked if you could contact them urgently. Number is 18006686500. Will try to catch up with my emails in a day or so! Hope all is well with you and thanks for your last email!
Got to dash! Derek
Hi Derek and Gayle:
Thanks for email. Have been very busy last few days with Jamie here so just read your message this morning. I called the number, using Jamie's cell, but I was reluctant to enter my card details in case this is a phone scam of some sort. (Is this your new Mac email account?) Could you call number, 18006686500, just to see if you can find out the gist of what Amex is concerned about. I'm not overly concerned, however. Have not used card since leaving Cornwall, unless Cora Lee is spending like drunken sailor in Italy! Fondestos and Cheers to all the Vancouverites, Patrizzio!
Wednesday night, after collecting Jamie from Bèziers; Exercise Man;
some shots of Pézenas; Keyboard Man; last night's dinner! To be continued...
Wow, it sounds fantastic for you, riding and food!! I'll have to live vicariously through your emails, I could not do that much riding!! A lovely car ride perhaps!
One day after retirement I look forward to adventures in the lovely European countries. Right now my world is working, strata, and grandchildren!! See you this fall. Joanne.
Moth in sink this evening. What a gorgeous creature! Managed to coax it on to a knife blade and then walked it over to balcony to let it flutter away into the soft night.
By the time I had looped back from Cabrières the light was fading and I turned on one of my lights, more to make myself visible than to illuminate the roadway. I knew the route reasonably well and wasn't worried about potholes and such, (there simply aren't any), and could easily navigate with by the ambient light the crescent moon.
Must say that it is a wonderful experience to ride under such circumstances, nothing but me and the wind soughing plaintively through the trees, the tall grass along the edges of the road, thrown into stark relief by my lamp, swaying gently, waves of upright grain heads, and, from time to time, when an isolated building or deep thicket sheltered me from the light breeze, the delicate, mesmerizing, truly enchanting song of a cicada to break the otherwise complete silence, not even the sound of my tires whirring on the smooth surface. Continued on my magical journey through Fontès and into Caux. Once out of Caux thought that I'd take the first road leading to Neffiès but I was enjoying myself so much decided to make for Roujan instead. Quick loop through its almost deserted streets and then followed the road towards Vailhan, taking the shortcut on the narrow lane through the vineyards. back at Beau Soleil at 9:15 pm to find the Hunt and Pecker still surfing.
Poured us each at hefty snort of Rivanis Pastis, 45%, €13.20/$18.11, while I started salad. Once that was done I had a quick shower. Back into the kitchen to dissect the chicken and we began our evening repas, around 11:00 pm, breaking the baguette we'd bought at a boulangerie, on the square, into coarse pieces as we enjoyed the delicious chicken flesh. Didn't hurt that the wine I'd opened turned out to be a blcokbuster, a 2011 Gravas, Walter Van Aalderen, Vigneron Œologue, Nizas, 14.5%, €5.50/$7.55! Still cannot believe what an extraordinary, octopus ink fruit bomb it is/was. And the price! Almost criminal! Plan to buy at least six more, (Would buy a pallet if I could!), tomorrow when we are back In Pèzeanas for the market.
Finished off our hearty meal with two large slices of flan which Jamie had purchased from the same boulangerie. Some tasty dessert! After a bit more chatting, I washed up while Sir James returned to his chicken-scratch method of typing. Was close to 1:30 am by the time I'd brushed and flossed so said goodnight to Chanticleer, a night owl if ever there was one! Suppose this is one of the reasons he lies abed so long in the morning. At any rate I was fast asleep ere long as I don't remember him turning off the light or hearing him clomp down the stairs to his bedroom. To be continued...
Hi Patrick!
We were just dashing out the house when a call came in from American Express for you. They asked if you could contact them urgently. Number is 18006686500. Will try to catch up with my emails in a day or so! Hope all is well with you and thanks for your last email!
Got to dash! Derek
Hi Derek and Gayle:
Thanks for email. Have been very busy last few days with Jamie here so just read your message this morning. I called the number, using Jamie's cell, but I was reluctant to enter my card details in case this is a phone scam of some sort. (Is this your new Mac email account?) Could you call number, 18006686500, just to see if you can find out the gist of what Amex is concerned about. I'm not overly concerned, however. Have not used card since leaving Cornwall, unless Cora Lee is spending like drunken sailor in Italy! Fondestos and Cheers to all the Vancouverites, Patrizzio!
Wow, it sounds fantastic for you, riding and food!! I'll have to live vicariously through your emails, I could not do that much riding!! A lovely car ride perhaps!
One day after retirement I look forward to adventures in the lovely European countries. Right now my world is working, strata, and grandchildren!! See you this fall. Joanne.
Dental Appointment for Patient: Patrick Dunn
You are booked for your dental appointment on: October 29, 2013 at 2:00 PM.
To make any changes to this appointment, please call our office at (604)736-7373.
Two business days notice to make any changes to the appointment is required or a fee will be charged. Thank you!
Moth in sink this evening. What a gorgeous creature! Managed to coax it on to a knife blade and then walked it over to balcony to let it flutter away into the soft night.
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