Patrick James Dunn Did something happen to you to make you need to regain quickness? View from my bedroom balcony! Buona Fortuna! Cheers!!
- Patrick James Dunn Did something happen to you to make you need to regain quickness? View from my bedroom balcony! Buona Fortuna! Cheers!!
- Marvin Angelo Mercado Father Time Pat. Very nice view!
Hello Darling, and you too, Penny!
Change your plans for Cyprus and join me. Aside from anything else, wine is better here! Couldn't find where I was meant to go as every road sign was for a winery!!! Not just one but usually about four or five!
Arrived am in hotel. Very hot here! Don't wait too long to see John . Does not sound good.
You can stay with Chloe. Small hotel. Manager just brought me bottle of cold water.
Love you all Mom/nana/Corinne Gather she managed to negotiate bus trip to Stansted, baggage and all, in spite of her recent fall, (Legal action pending against one Penelope Doorbar for failing to provide due care and attention, contributing to and probably causing said injury!), from the high wire and has obviously already traded me in for another another unsuspecting male to fetch and carry!
Certainly appreciated all the live entertainment at Hale Grove Gardens Amusement Park. Beau Soleil is a bit quiet by comparison. Have to listen to BBC 2, on my Mac, at top volume, without band at bottom of garden!
Just in as I scribe. Latest electronic barked order:
Send pics of place. I invested in hot water bottle for tail bone. Got very strange looks in pharmacy. Breakfast has just arrived. Will send pics of days adventures.Last
night my water cost more than the glass of white wine. What a country. Love to all Nana/Corinne
Obviously spoken like someone with a drink problem! At any rate, obviously glad to here that Back-Flip Momma is alive and well and sightseeing in Rome! Was quite worried about how she'd manage on her journey. Presume it went as well as could be expected, given her ultra sore tailbone!
Plan to have dog
which started barking at 5:00 am for dinner tonight! Back to sleep until
7:30 am to gorgeous clear blue sky so adventure in Languedoc-Rousillon
continues! Fondestos to you, Duhlink, and Madcap. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Chloë et al!Obviously spoken like someone with a drink problem! At any rate, obviously glad to here that Back-Flip Momma is alive and well and sightseeing in Rome! Was quite worried about how she'd manage on her journey. Presume it went as well as could be expected, given her ultra sore tailbone!
Here is the "backstory" to accidento!
Saturday morning we left Sydney House at 9:00 am, two hours behind schedule but made it to Watford by 2:30 pm. Madcap was waiting at the petrol station he had directed us to and after i filed tank we proceeded to drop car off at Europacar rental agency there. Then to Evans, in Hendon, near Penny's, to have my six-week free tune-up. Then back to Hale Grove Gardens to help with party set-up, (50 invitees or more!), Cora Lee on her Feta potatoe dish while I scullionated.
Was tired around 11:00 am so went to find Cora Lee. Found her upstairs already, on bed, fully clothed. Brushed and flossed and then woke her to suggest she change into her pajamas. Bit of a struggle. When she was changed and back in bed, lights out, she told me that hse had fallen down the stairs! Apparently she caught her foot on something at the top of the landing, lost her balance and thinks she did a backwards somersault down the stairs. (She isn't completely sure whether she did go heels over head or not but thinks, as best she can remember, she did.) Managed to arrest her descent about two thirds of the way down by grabbing onto one of the balusters. Nobody saw or heard a thing. Band was quite loud and most people were either outside in garden or in living/dining room so unless someone actually happened to be in the hallway when she took her tumble nobody would have known about fall! She assured me that nothing was broken so we said goodnight and I thought of all the terrible possible scenarios that could just as easily have played out!
Didn't sleep particularly well after that as I was worried about concussion, (She had a huge goose-egg on the back top of her head and her tailbone/coccyx was extremely sore. She had obviously landed on both at some point in her aerial journey, coming down for an obviously hard, hard landing!), and a whole host of other injuries that might surface. Heard her get up at around 3:30am and rummage around for some painkillers and my malt bottle so I knew she hadn't broken anything. I was up at 7:30 am myself and she seemed to be sleeping peacefully so I left to start massive clean-up. Was just about to go back upstairs at around 10:00 am when the Queen of the High Wire walked slowly and carefully into the kitchen! Sore, very sore but apparently going to live to perfect her flip!
So that, as is said, is the story, full back-story! Now to the present! Last night, after a snort of malt, (last bit of Duty Free Macallan Ayn brought to Cornwall.), fell into bed to have a more than wonderfully delicious, sound sleep. Mattress and pillows possess just right amount of firmness for my liking and a single sheet was cover enough. Plan to have dog which started barking at 5:00 am for dinner tonight! Back to sleep until 7:30 am to gorgeous clear blue sky so adventure in Languedoc-Rousillon continues!
Spent most of morning unpacking and organizing kitchen and living room. Took a bedside table from bedroom off kitchen to use as my workstation. Bar counter is just a bit too high to type at comfortably and coffee table too low. Small table works well and gives me enough surface for mouse as well.
Furthermore, I can sit looking out the window to the hills, villages and vineyards beyond. Have placed a small wooden step-stool to my left to put my plate on so I can munch while scribing! Couldn't be happier! BBC2 streaming, nobody barking out orders, almost complete quiet except for the odd car passing on street below, snatches of muted conversation from neighbours/passers-bye, butter beans cooling down, ready for tonight's dinner.
Have made a shopping list so after I've sent this message and a few more I plan to stroll around Neffiès and get my bearings. Depending on what I find I might well drive into Roujan, a larger village. Will put my bike back together once I'm home and then go for first exploratory ride. Will wait until fairly late in the afternoon as it is another scorcher. Place is cool and comfortable as there is a pleasant, diagonal cross-breeze from front balcony through living room and past kitchen bar counter and out hall passage through bathroom to back, enclosed balcony.
Fondestos and much Warm Love. Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
First series of snaps of Beau Soleil: Entrance-way; stairs, landing at top, platform patiently waiting for Nana; shelf for empties with first victim! Front bedroom, to left as one comes up the stairs, and towards street side of house. Note red blanket, ready for Queenie; light curtains billowing in breeze; view from bedroom and front balcony.
Hi Simon!
Am sending this from Beau Soleil so thanks for lock box combo! And bottle of Le Petit Olivier! Thanks very much. Have it chilling the fridge but don't know if it will be here when Corinne arrives on September 22nd!
Trust Whistler Gran Fondo went well. What was weather like? Another friend, Sarah McGillivray, former colleague at UBC Library, was entered as well. Hope you both were pleased with time, event, etc. I hope to do it myself if we are ever in Vancouver at the time!
Thanks again. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: bike and bag
Hi Ricardo!
Sorry that it has taken me a few days to reply but has been a busy time of late. Am sending this from Beau Soleil. Cora Lee arrives on September 22nd, after flying to Rome yesterday! I took Eurostar from St Pancas and then TGV from Paris.
As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to house sit for you, as would Cora Lee. However, she needs to know exact dates as she has a Friends of VPL meeting she'd like to attend so we need to tailor trip, if possible, around this. I'm pretty sure, from what you said in your message, that dates should work out but let us know when you will be away and when you'd like us to take care of the wild cats! Fondestos to one and all, humans and felines alike! Will be in touch to confirm cat sitting duties! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Derek and Gayle! Sorry that it has taken me a few days to reply but has been a busy time of late. Trust your wild weekend, (Don't know if things can get any wilder after seeing snaps from the Islay Inn!), on VI went well. Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
First series of snaps of Beau Soleil: first culinary creation!
Hi Mick and Polly!
Congratulations to you both, (and to Nikki and Ben, of course), on the birth of another granddaughter! Any name yet? Pleased to learn that all goes so well with golf although now that you are lawn bowling you can sell your clubs!
Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
PS: Plenty of room so if things change let me know when to collect you in Béziers! You won't regret it but your liver might!
Hi Veraison Bill and Denise!
Pleased to learn that all goes so well in Naramata and with you two. I did know about VRC and your stewardhip of the club's finances. Hope to be in town in January but not quite sure of our plans yet. Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
Hi Robo Man and Whirlygig!
Hope all goes well with you two. Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
Hi Dennisovitch and Ragin Bull and Timo/Antoine, of course! Hope all goes well with you four. Sorry, D/RB, that it has taken me a few days to send along a message but it has been a very busy time of late. Fondestos and Cheers to one and all, Il Conduttore!
PS: Plenty of room so if things change let me know when to collect you in Béziers! We can stop by Relax and get you fitted out and you can ride back to Neffiès!
First series of snaps of Beau Soleil: Timo and Antoine.
Great to hear you arrived safe and sound in Neffiès. Good to see
the photo of Timo from the bike shop. I hope you said hello for me. I
can't wait to hear about your stories of biking in the area. You are in
paradise. Don't forget the best place to
have lunch is at le Chat Noir in nearby Roujan. Dennis
Hi Sue and Roger!
Grand to hear from you. Hope all goes well with meeting up with Chris and Mandy. Please pass along fond regards. You are always welcome in Vancouver. We'd love you to stay. Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
P, welcome to Neffies.
Looks a little rustic for my upscale tastes. I am only slightly envious
and even more annoyed with the anchors that bind.
Hope Corinne is really okay. That is a frightening tale. Just back from Hornby
-- rained out in fact. Will ride the annual Republic ride this weekend
out of Rossland. 110 kms each way over the Sherman Pass (Washington).
Maybe, if you ever decide to return at this
time of year -- (why would you?) maybe you would join the lads for this
ride. Beautiful but not even showing next to your current locale.
Saw Ray briefly lasterday and he looked well. He is off to the interior today. Ride safely and give my regards to the local roman/gypsies. Fond regards from me and the sisterhood, W
Marvin Angelo Mercado Father Time Pat. Very nice view!
Didn't actually go out until close to 5:00 pm and then I wended my way into le centre de ville, such as it is, here in Neffiès, and did a bit of shopping at the one and only magasin, a veritable Wasteland for the Power Shoppers! Purchases made I returned home to put things away and then took car to do a bit of exploring. Wanted to see where street in front of Beau Soleil led.
Followed it through first village, Fontès, and then turned around to head into Roujan to do a bit more shopping. After I scoped out the main part of town, (Noticed Le Chat Noir and just had a message from Dennisovitch: "Don't forget the best place to have lunch is at le Chat Noir in nearby Roujan." Guess this was meant to be!), I took a different route back to Neffiès just to see what could be seen. Saw a sign advertising Virgin Olive Oil so stopped in. Unfortunately, place was closed but neighbour assured me it
would be open tomorrow.Back home I refrigerated what needed to be refrigerated and then put the Navigator back together.
Suited up and headed for Fontès. The first hill is such a gradual climb that I was more concerned about keeping a 20 K+ AVG than the work required, minimal after Perranporth, per esempio! Still, to be gliding between endless vineyards was more than enough and I kept shaking my head and pinching myself to remind my consciousness how incredibly fortunate I was to even be here, let alone to be cycling in such circumstances.
Once past Fontès I had to follow my nose and so I belted along, (slight downhill grade was
marvellous but I knew I'd have to pay the piper sooner or later), and before I knew it I was in Lézignan-la-Cèbe, not far from the outskirts of Pézenas. Even though I knew this interesting town was close by, from Jo-Anne's/Colin's visit here earlier this May, I'd not really appreciated just how amazingly close this highlight happened to be. I was more than delighted
to know I could probably cycle there over the next few days.
Traffic looked like it might be busier if I continued so I used the first roundabout I encountered to turn back towards home. Ride back wasn't nearly as arduous as I'd half-expected it to be so I had high hopes of doing a 20+ KPH AVG. By the time I was back in Lézignan-la-Cèbe sun had disappeared behind the low hills and I turned on my two trusty LED lights. Hardly any traffic but I needed illumination to keep on the road, more or less. Since I knew surface was almost without imperfection I felt pretty confident and pedaled ahead on a spoke and a prayer.
Hard to express what I experienced as it was almost dreamlike. Was completely dark, except when one or two oncoming cars literally blinded me with their high beams, and it was just the bats, swooping across the road to harvest the insects I'd been spitting out of my mouth for most of the ride and the plaintive cicadas calling to their mates, evoking such powerful memories of my childhood in Cyprus that I almost wept, and me. Quite something to be immersed in such silence, such utter peace and quiet. Almost made me regret the single malt I'd primed my camel pack with!
Ride stats:
Home by about 9:15 am and pleased as punch. Have a much better idea about terrain now and know that 100 K+ is on the books if I can discipline myself not to enjoy myself so much! After getting things ready for dinner, (Made a green salad with a fairly strong chèvre to have with the butter beans and merguez sausage I prepared earlier this morning.), I took a shower and then sat down to feast and scribe. Could see the lights of Roujan winking at me from across the vineyards beyond living room balcony. Had opened a bottle of Celliers du Colombier, 2011 Picpoul de Pinet, 12.5%, a typical varietal here in Languedoc, to celebrate inaugural ride, and it went down exceptionally well with my peasant fare.
Think I'll go for a longish ride tomorrow, reasonably early to avoid the heat of the day and then drive into Pézenas to take alook around. Market there isn't until Saturday so won't hurt to have a better idea about parking, etc. Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio
Time for bed so sleep well, Dear Reader, wherever you lay your pretty head! Cheers, Il Patrizzio!
sounds like you are settling in nicely!!!
Glad mom is ok! she did not tell me that version when I asked her!!
The cost of the Canal Barge was 156 more than was expected because of the exchange. This works out to 39 per couple. 15 days to departure from Canada. Can't wait to see everyone. W
hmmmmmmm ............ Gypsies stealing sausages and wine ............... you lead a very checkered life Herr Dunn. (the countryside picture is beautiful by the way)
we leave Thursday, November 21st at 4:50 p.m. and return on American Thanksgiving Day Thursday November 28th at 3:55 p.m.
I hope you know how to cook a turkey. All the best Rick
Good morning Mr. Dunn,
Our records indicate that your 2007 Ford Escape will be due for its next scheduled
maintenance visit. If you would like to make an appointment or have any concerns with your vehicle, please contact us. Thanks, and have a great day! Ross Webb
Service Coordinator
Coastal Ford Vancouver
The Japanese term chikan means
groping," and the fact that there's a specific term for such an act
speaks volumes to the extent of the problem. This is especially true
when it comes to the subway. According
to the Guardian, locals dubbed Osaka's railway the "Pervert Express," while a
2001 survey of Tokyo high schoolers found that 70% of female students
had been the victim of at least one such assault on the trains in their
area. Another survey, one conducted by the Tokyo police
in conjunction with the East Japan Railway Company, found that two-thirds of women age 20-40 had been groped at least once.
Over the last decade or two, officials have tried to change this, with
stricter sentencing for those convicted of the crime and awareness
campaigns to help bring the issue to light. But by and large, these have
not been very successful. While awareness and
enforcement efforts have led to an increased number of victims filing
reports, many victims are embarrassed to come forward. The problem is
still widely believed to be rampant if not entirely out of control.
Interestingly, there's no fine or threat or incarceration if a man gets on a women-only car. Doing so isn't illegal, according to Japan Today.
The rule, to the extent that it truly is one, is enforced by shaming. In an odd sense, the same thing that keeps women from reporting chikan -- embarrassment -- keeps men from violating the commuting space of Japanese straphangers. And the term "women-only" is somewhat inaccurate as well, as young children, the disabled, and some other males are customarily allowed in the cars. Regardless, the innovation has proven somewhat successful and has found a home in other transit systems throughout the world. India, Brazil, Mexico, and a handful of other places have female-only transit options, aiming to stem a similar problem to the one encapsulated by the term "chikan."
Bonus fact: In 2001, Dubai opened up a women-only bank. As the BBC reported, the purpose was to give women in the highly-conservative country a way to manage their finances without having to explain their transactions to the men in their lives. Specifically, the BBC noted that "in some cases," the goal of the bank was to provide the customers some "secrecy from their husbands." It must not have proven popular as in some sense, the bank was lost to history. Seven years later, another women-only bank with special amenities catering to women opened in Dubai, which the LA Times called "the first of its kind."
Bonus fact: In 2001, Dubai opened up a women-only bank. As the BBC reported, the purpose was to give women in the highly-conservative country a way to manage their finances without having to explain their transactions to the men in their lives. Specifically, the BBC noted that "in some cases," the goal of the bank was to provide the customers some "secrecy from their husbands." It must not have proven popular as in some sense, the bank was lost to history. Seven years later, another women-only bank with special amenities catering to women opened in Dubai, which the LA Times called "the first of its kind."
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