The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity -- much less dissent. -Gore Vidal, author (1925-2012)
- Greetings from Meilhan-sur-Garonne, about 80 km south of Bordeaux!
Fondestos from Cora Lee to everyone. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Desserts from Augerge du Goujon in Buzet, Friday night; canal scenery; Navigator at start of yesterday's ride; typical ecluse; grill with Mr Fixit's Bourbon; Il Conduttore after The Fall from Grace; typical dinner, (breakfast and lunch!), table!
Hi Peggster and Mr Fixit!
Here are your walk stats:
Well done! Bravo!! Onward!!! Cheers! Patrizzio! Greetings from an Ecluse on Le Canal de Garonne! Hi Gayle and Derek!
Greetings from about 80 km south of Bordeaux! Trust everyone is well and plugged back into regular life in Blackwater! Trust you can find everything in your kitchen! Hope house was in good order, along with Spudnik! Thank you, and everyone else, for the simply wonderful, wonderful time we enjoyed in Cornwall. Looking ahead, you are welcome to stay at our place again, depending on time of your next trip, etc. While it may be a bit far off to do any detailed planning what I suggest is that you let us know when you might like to visit next and perhaps we can dovetail it with us being away. For any short visits, two or three weeks, we'd be more than delighted to have you stay. Even longer but you might wish to have your own place, or ours, to yourselves. Anyway, just a thought. You could bring Spudnik along to keep Maggster company when you are out whale watching! Please do keep this in mind as I'm sure it could work to everyone's advantage, if of course, it is something you might wish to entertain.
But to far more important matters! Fondestos from Cora Lee to Maur and Bill, and rest of family, and to Guddie Two Shoes and Stefano. (How did her surgery go? Please pass along best wishes.) Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Friend, Bob Altwein, sent this link a week or so ago so thought that you might enjoy re-visiting your experience. You've never been to Yorkshire and I've never been whale-watching!
Hi Everybody, Have any of you seen this video taken in the BC Gulf Islands back in August?
Hi again, Ruby Louise!
Look forward to catching up in Little Shuswap! Thanks again for accommodating us. We'll be in touch once we have had a chance to catch our collective breath, what with VWF volunteer duties beginning on Monday, two days after we land in Vancouver after being away since July 10th! Good thing is that we'll have been away for so long that it will seem like just another new city!
Fondestos from Cora Lee to you and Mr Grizzle! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings from Meilhan-sur-Garonne, about 80 km south of Bordeaux!
Trust everyone is well. Glad to hear you are busy but enjoying your work. Sounds pretty interesting so will be quite curious to hear about it when we finally connect. Don't worry, overmuch, about Chloë's desk, especially when you are so busy. She's waited for more than ten years so a bit longer won't matter! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings from Meilhan-sur-Garonne, about 80 km south of Bordeaux, Donna Maria and Heraldo!
Trust you are both well. You haven't heard from me, not because Cora Lee is back, but because life is very, very demanding aboard The Good Ship Lollypop! Furthermore, I'm quite envious of you being able to take in some of the films at VIFF. From e-newletter, it seems as if there are some fantastic films being screened. I have volunteered the last two years and would have done so again, had we been in town.everyone is well. Do hope we will be able to connect at end of October, if you will be back in Vancouver. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings from Meilhan-sur-Garonne, about 80 km south of Bordeaux, Paphos Penny and Metaxa Mike!
Trust you are both well. What a view! Do you ever leave the bedroom? You haven't heard from me sooner because life is very, very demanding aboard The Good Ship Lollypop! However, did manage to obtain shore leave to do my longest ride, to date, yesterday.
Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Enjoyed your last missive, James. Glad to learn that your vision is fine. (Please note the large print I have used! (Can you read this?)You can spend money saved on beer since you obviously don't need running shoes. Just watch out for the odd, rusty fish hook! Please plan to fly to Oz via Vancouver so that you can ski. Stay one week with Raymond/Sylvia, one week with Whirlygig/Kerry and one week at The Islay Inn and last week at place that treats you the best! Glad all goes well with Laura and Ed and Guillermo!
You sound busier than ever. (Never been to the Canaries but wold love to visit at some point.) Much like us as life is equally demanding aboard The Good Ship Lollypop! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings from Meilhan-sur-Garonne, about 80 km south of Bordeaux, Brenda Louise!
Enjoyed some of your sister's blog, what little I had time to read! Sorry I've not replied sooner but life continues to be rather demanding aboard The Good Ship Lollypop! So many wine bottles to open! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both, and Picasso! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: We are coming up to Little Shuswap to spend the weekend of November 1st-3rd at Ruth/Rick Toews' cabin there. Perhaps we can see you, coming or going. Not sure, right now, when we are planning to go up as they usually leave Squamish on Thursday and return Sunday. Anyway, let me know if you'll be around and we'll plan accordingly.
Hi Patrick,
Before I forget, I'm sending this link -
It's for petite sirah/durif lovers and producers.
I guess you've moved on from the Languedoc by now and traveling
with your soulmate. I loved your wine descriptions -you are really very
good at it. Being a wine journalist would suit you perfectly, but you
might find it frustrating to be a spitter. I especially
liked the sound of of the 2011 Gravas Mourvedre -usually I prefer the
mourvedre component to be relatively high in southern French wines which
are often too high in grenache which makes it too kirschy- cherry like
to me. I would describe the mourvedre profile
to be more rustic/earthy/leathery in both nose & flavour.
Loved your story about Jamie, I hope his health has recovered from his ordeal with you -we can't all be ironmen like you.
Denise and I going on a voyage next week -to Victoria for Julie's
twentieth birthday. She is going to school there. We will stop at Mayne
Island on the way over to spread some of Turley's ashes where she loved
to play. Turley our beloved black lab died
in May.
As you know I'm not a man of many words so I going to sign-off now
to watch some Squash TV (yesterday was World squash day). You'll be
happy to hear that you have missed the 3rd wettest September in
Vancouver's 77 years of weather stats.
cheers, Bill.
Greetings from Les Mas-d'Agenais, about 100 km south of Bordeaux, Wild Bil and Denise!
Lovely to hear from you and thank you for your more than kind words. However, I defer to you and your encyclopedic knowledge and appreciation of wine, in general, certainly French. For my part, this is really only the second time, (First in 2010 near Valence/Lyon, Côtes-du-Rhône-Villages ), that I have had the opportunity to taste in this fabled country. I have always shied away from French wine as, not knowing anything and not feeling I could not understand nor afford the Bordeaux futures, per esempio, that some of our wealthy friends, (not mentioning names, mind!), buy at the drop of a sou, the ones I could afford interested me very little. Of course, this says far more about me and my untutored palate but until this trip, I tended to discount French wine, favouring Argentinian and Chilean product for price/quality ratio.
Languedoc opened my eyes and Buzet has continued to do so. I'm still just beginning to scratch the surface but I have had my wine-tasting socks knocked off, time and time again. At this very moment, I'm travelling with 18 bottles, (until the other dipsomaniacs aboard discover my stash), and I'm thinking, quite seriously, of dispatching Cora Lee into the canal, weighed down with empty bottles filled with cement, in order to use her baggage allowance to bring the hootch back to Vancouver! In short, what I'm saying is that this has been an incredible sojourn and has made me realize that I have been nothing but terrribly uninformed and biased against the very country which produces some of the most interesting, exciting and ridiculously affordable wine I have ever encountered! Here endeth the lesson! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Extreme hardship posting on the canal! Today's excruciating journey! Note the ceramic wine cooler, from Pézenas, next to the The Sistehood's cassoulet!
Lovely to hear from you and thank you for your more than kind words. However, I defer to you and your encyclopedic knowledge and appreciation of wine, in general, certainly French. For my part, this is really only the second time, (First in 2010 near Valence/Lyon, Côtes-du-Rhône-Villages ), that I have had the opportunity to taste in this fabled country. I have always shied away from French wine as, not knowing anything and not feeling I could not understand nor afford the Bordeaux futures, per esempio, that some of our wealthy friends, (not mentioning names, mind!), buy at the drop of a sou, the ones I could afford interested me very little. Of course, this says far more about me and my untutored palate but until this trip, I tended to discount French wine, favouring Argentinian and Chilean product for price/quality ratio.
Languedoc opened my eyes and Buzet has continued to do so. I'm still just beginning to scratch the surface but I have had my wine-tasting socks knocked off, time and time again. At this very moment, I'm travelling with 18 bottles, (until the other dipsomaniacs aboard discover my stash), and I'm thinking, quite seriously, of dispatching Cora Lee into the canal, weighed down with empty bottles filled with cement, in order to use her baggage allowance to bring the hootch back to Vancouver! In short, what I'm saying is that this has been an incredible sojourn and has made me realize that I have been nothing but terrribly uninformed and biased against the very country which produces some of the most interesting, exciting and ridiculously affordable wine I have ever encountered! Here endeth the lesson! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
glad to know the hardship posting is not quite as onerous as expected. Regards to all the sisterhood and the other ship mates.
Please suggest some dates that might work for you. These dates are arbitrarily chosen noncommittal nonreaders as you well know.
Ride safely. W
Hi Giggenheimer!
Hardship postings are hardship postings! Just a bit of a leg-stretcher today, late this afternoon after a lazy morning/early afternoon on the canal. We tied up at Les Mas-d'Agenais and I had scoped out, via Google Maps, a bit of a route to follow, to explore surrounding villages. As things usually turn out, I ended up in places I had no intention of visiting but one cannot really go wrong, given the relatively short distances between the villages. Since we have been in this general area for last week I have come to know the area and after 30 km I came across a village, Villeton, from an entirely different direction. As soon as I crossed the bridge leading into town I knew I had been here before. I'd "detoured" here, yesterday, leaving the canal tow path, to avoid the barriers, much like the ones on Stanley Park Seawall, that would have necessitated touching the Burning Ground! Once here, I was in terrific shape and logged an easy 15 km back to the Mother Ship to find the layabouts swilling rosé on the flying bridge and playing goofy card games!
Stats for Sunday's ride:
Fabulous chicken cassoulet by Coriandre and Flamin' for dinner and then unbridled bridge, with copious amounts of Pastis, to aid my precise bidding, after the scrumptious meal.
Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both and Tia Maria, it goes without saying! As to NRBC's next gathering, weekends after November 3rd, 10th or 17th, look like only possibilities as some people are going to Simi Valley on November 18th! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hardship postings are hardship postings! Just a bit of a leg-stretcher today, late this afternoon after a lazy morning/early afternoon on the canal. We tied up at Les Mas-d'Agenais and I had scoped out, via Google Maps, a bit of a route to follow, to explore surrounding villages. As things usually turn out, I ended up in places I had no intention of visiting but one cannot really go wrong, given the relatively short distances between the villages. Since we have been in this general area for last week I have come to know the area and after 30 km I came across a village, Villeton, from an entirely different direction. As soon as I crossed the bridge leading into town I knew I had been here before. I'd "detoured" here, yesterday, leaving the canal tow path, to avoid the barriers, much like the ones on Stanley Park Seawall, that would have necessitated touching the Burning Ground! Once here, I was in terrific shape and logged an easy 15 km back to the Mother Ship to find the layabouts swilling rosé on the flying bridge and playing goofy card games!
Stats for Sunday's ride:
Fabulous chicken cassoulet by Coriandre and Flamin' for dinner and then unbridled bridge, with copious amounts of Pastis, to aid my precise bidding, after the scrumptious meal.
Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both and Tia Maria, it goes without saying! As to NRBC's next gathering, weekends after November 3rd, 10th or 17th, look like only possibilities as some people are going to Simi Valley on November 18th! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Extreme hardship posting on the canal! Today's excruciating journey! Note the ceramic wine cooler, from Pézenas, next to the The Sistehood's cassoulet!
Greetings from Madrona,
A gorgeous sunrise today over the bay, had coffee on the deck with sea lions, herons, and assorted birds.
Though about 1991 wine trip , as we had a lovely 2006 Ridge Zin last night- I recall the tasting room with the big vats, and the cats!
We have numerous wines to taste when you are here in January. Hope all is well in France-weather looks pretty good there.
When are you back? We are in Vancouver overnight on Sunday, October 20th, staying at the Granville Island Hotel. If you are back, let's get together. Say Hi to the gang. Hope to see you soon! Grog & Lurch
Greetings from Les Mas-d'Agenais, about 100 km south of Bordeaux!
Trust you, and the sea lions and herons, are well. Life continues to be rather demanding aboard the Good Ship Lollypop. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. We are back at The Islay Inn on October 19th so not sure what kind of shape we will be in on Sunday. Anyway, give us a call and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
A gorgeous sunrise today over the bay, had coffee on the deck with sea lions, herons, and assorted birds.
Though about 1991 wine trip , as we had a lovely 2006 Ridge Zin last night- I recall the tasting room with the big vats, and the cats!
We have numerous wines to taste when you are here in January. Hope all is well in France-weather looks pretty good there.
When are you back? We are in Vancouver overnight on Sunday, October 20th, staying at the Granville Island Hotel. If you are back, let's get together. Say Hi to the gang. Hope to see you soon! Grog & Lurch
Greetings from Les Mas-d'Agenais, about 100 km south of Bordeaux!
Trust you, and the sea lions and herons, are well. Life continues to be rather demanding aboard the Good Ship Lollypop. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. We are back at The Islay Inn on October 19th so not sure what kind of shape we will be in on Sunday. Anyway, give us a call and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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