Ray, thanks. Just ordered the Harris from VPL but it might be a while before I see it. Hope we can get a dry ride in before May. Best, G
P, glad you saw a break in the weather lasterday. We did not here. May have to join ya on the Sparksville Riviera, just to escape the weather. W
Certainly glad that I managed a decent ride yeaterday as today has been very wet, although rain finally let up around 4:30 pm. Gorgeous sky as you can tell from shot I took from deck.
The Millionaires left this morning from Nanaimo and it was simply pelting down all the way there and back. I drove Grogg's car home and was planning to pop in and say hello to Kurt and Natalia but had had no repsonse from him when we left Madroña manor at 8:30 am. As well it was so miserable, with poor visibility at times, I really didn't want to take a chance and have even a minor scrape in town with Grogg's Lexus! Traffic on highway was fairly light so I was just as happy to get back to Parksville.
Once there I spent most of the rest of the morning and early afternoon doing laundry, mainly sheets from their bed, (Which we will use.), and from bed downstairs I slept in for last two nights. As well I spent a goodly amount of time putting away all sorts of stuff in their bedroom, (laundry which had been done but needed to be folded), in kitchen, (oodles of jars of jam and biscuits, mainly items from Christmas), and in garage, (recycling tubs and gardening equipment), all so that we would have space to put away our own possessions/foodstuffs over the next few weeks. Even tidied up Grogg's desk, (Mainly just put all the loose sheets of paper, old bills, business cards, manuals of one sort or another in neat piles.), so that I would have room to set up my laptop on an uncluttered surface. Have also downloaded Firefox to his computer as I don't care for Safari or Chrome, for that matter. He has a 27" iMac so the screen takes some getting used to after my 13" MacBook Air. I won't use desktop for everything but it is fun for some things, although I don't particularly like the wireless mouse even though its is akin to the "mouse" pad on a laptop.
Coriandre arrived around 2:00 pm as she drove into Parksville first. Not sure if I had mentioned it or not but she came down with a sore throat last Sunday and was felled with a nasty cold by Tuesday. Anyway, although she is feeling better the head cold still persists and she needed some more over-the-counter medication. Once we unloaded the car she curled up on the couch and read Michael Connelly's latest Lincoln Lawyer, Gods of Guilt. She claims it is a good read so I'm looking forward to it after she is finished.
Once I'd unpacked my bags I chopped up a bit of kindling and brought in, (from the garage), a number of small logs and started a fire. Really enjoy having a fireplace to tend as that is one of the things I miss most about living where we do, as opposed to being at Hotel Kits where we had a wood burning stove. Anyway, looking forward to having a fire each day, (certainly in the evening), while we are here.
After Cora Lee had had a nap for a couple of hours, we drove into Parksville to buy some wine. Grogg left us a bottle of Gigondas, a 2006 Domaine Les Pallières, 14.5% but I'd like to have it with Jean/John Anderson, up tomorrow, from Victoria, with dinner. As I mentioned, above, when we drove into town around 4:30 pm it had stopped raining although it seemed a bit foggy in town.
Must away as I'm to make a salad for dinner. While dining we watched War Horse, using the new "TV" table, a gorgeous oak coffee table, the top of which is on a spring-loaded mechanism that allows one to raise it to regular table height. Works splendidly! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Giorgio, have Sisterhood clearance for the NRBC at The Islay Inn on February 9th if the Lads wish to meet there.
Pics: Grogg and Lurch outside Nanaimo Airport this morning; sunset this evening.
In the line up for 10:30 ferry. Feeling slightly better. Will go into Parksville for more cold medication and gluten free pasta before coming to Madrona inn.
See you this afternoon. Lv Corinne
Hi Nanaimo Nicotine Fiend!
I was planning to pop by but when I'd not heard from you by the time I left for the airport this morning I figured that you might have been elsewhere. I'll give you a shout domani. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kids!
Trust you had a comfortable flight to Toronto. I made a salad for dinner and we polished off the chicken that was in the fridge. Very tasty! War Horse happened to be on the History Channel so we watched it, using the new "TV" table. Works splendidly! Had a bottle of 2012 Paul Mas Viognier, 13.5% and we both found it very, very tasty. One of the domaines we visited in Montagnac, about half an hour from where I had rented the house. First heard about winery in one of the newsletters from Marquis so thought it might be interesting to taste there. Had a simply fabulous time so it was a real treat to come across some of their product here. Enjoy the sun and surf. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Arrivederci; sunset this evening, bedtime for felines!
Hi everybody!
I am back in Vancouver –I arrived yesterday after almost a month in the Basque Country–, and I am reading now the third chapter of Blood. Up to now I find the book easy to read, and interesting. Umbrella seems also tempting. Looking forward to meet you the 9th. Cheers P.S.: How long did take you to complete such a large list of unread books?
Jon , welcome back. Pleased you will join us. In answer to your question, that list is the product of years of diligent procrastination, which is a state achieved through a lifetime of rigorous study and esoteric mental perpetration. GBR
Hello and Healthy New Year Jon!
Let me echo GBR's welcome back. Trust Basque Country was all and more than you expected.
However, I must qualify Guy's reply inasmuch as "diligent procrastination" means that most NRBC members would rather talk and/or argue about reading a particular book than actually reading it. Lots of time to suggest titles, apparently, no time at all to read more than a few pages, if that, obviously. Perhaps, with your fierce Basque blood and unyielding spirit you might well be able to inspire the Procrastinators to achieve some sort of Praxis. Zorte on!
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