Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Blackwater Blues: Wednesday, August 14th

They defend their errors as if they were defending their inheritance. -Edmund Burke, statesman and writer (1729-1797) 

Dad's jar's are famous!!!
I saw this in a design email blog I get!!!

 Hello Dear Ladies!

The message below just arrived so I thought you would probably want to hear how, Mary and Dan, and their community of friends are coping. Take care of yourselves. Love, Dad/Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick & Corinne
Today was Leanne's funeral. If you can call funerals beautiful, it truly was. So much emotion, so many tears shed, but wonderful moments of pure love.

The funeral service was held at St. Augustine's Catholic church with a full mass. Mary gave an amazing eulogy to over 200 people. Following the service there was a celebration of Leanne's life at Jericho Tennis Club. I was the last speaker before the slide show, and I read excerpts from your e-mail that you sent to us. Mary & Dan were very touched, as were several others. People asked if I would send them a copy of your email - it was so moving & heartfelt.

So thank you from Mary & Dan as well as from us & our community. Love to you both. Elaine

Hello, Dear Elaine!

What shattering, devastating news. Thank you for taking on the very difficult task of informing us, given that it is, understandably, such a terrible, terrible time, for all concerned, particularly, it goes without saying, for Mary and Dan. Please convey our deepest sympathy and let them know we are grieving with them and for them. Sadly, obviously, words are of but little comfort in the face of death, let alone under such circumstances as ones you have described. I am sure everyone in your closely knit community will be of immense support to Mary and Dan, although I'm sure you all feel the loss as if you, yourselves, were the parents. Hardly bears thinking about, the nightmare we all dread, at some level, conscious or otherwise, whenever we learn of the death of child, anywhere, under any circumstances, belonging to a friend or relative. I suppose we all imagine what it would be like if one of our children was torn from us and can barely imagine, even begin to imagine, what it must be like for the parents who have lost a child.

Hard to know how one can continue to go on but to the extent that you and Ted, and the rest of your friends, are able to offer such comfort and support as is possible, we know Mary and Dan will somehow be able to endure the unspeakable pain and suffering that has shattered their lives. Again, our heartfelt sympathy, especially to Mary and Dan, to you both and your deeply shocked community of friends.

Much Love, Corinne and Patrick.

Dear Elaine:

Thank you for letting us know about Leanne's funeral and memorial service. We were both gladdened to learn that Mary and Dan were able to summon the strength to endure such an impossibly difficult time. I know that this was due, in large part, to everyone's love and support. It is a sad fact that we often come to realize and understand and depend upon the nature of immeasurable love and friendship under such heart-rending circumstances. From your description, the service sounded as if it was uplifting, Mary's eulogy befitting her lost daughter's memory. What courage, what strength of character, what a reservoir of love she possesses.

Now, I suppose it goes unspoken, the hard, hard road to acceptance and recovery lies ahead. Again, you and all your friends, fortunately, remain to support and comfort Mary and Dan as they try to stitch their rent lives back together, back into some semblance of normalcy. Please convey, once more, our love and support to them.

Don't know exactly how you feel but it seems almost disrespectful, even callous, to go about ones own life knowing the loss that others have suffered. The guilt which the living, the survivors, bear is a complicated emotion. For my part I guess I believe that one must simply try to go on, as best one can, helping, comforting, shouldering but finally, to the extent one can, celebrating a life that once was. Not an easy task as I certainly need not tell you, you who were so close to Leanne.

Again, dear, dear friends, our thoughts and love are with you and the grief-stricken parents and your truly remarkable family of neighbours. Take care of each other. Much Love, Corinne and Patrick. 

Hi Goils!

Thanks very much for the snap of the mustard pot, Chloë. And Nana wanted to get rid of them! How goes your packing, Tinsel Town Traveller? Plan to go for but a short ride today, if drizzle lets up. Fondestos from your destitute parents and Mme Coriandre's lap-cat, Spudnik. Love and Cheers, Dad.

Hi Giorgio and The Traveling Sisterhood, as opposed to The Traveling Wilburys!

Not sure where you are in your peripatetic travels, (Trust all goes well in this regard.), but thought that, with all the new sights and scenes you've encountered, smells and tastes, you might wish to send this quotation along to The Millionaires:

It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven't lost the things that money can't buy. -George H. Lorimer, editor (1868-1937)

Plan to go for but a short ride today as quite pleased with yesterday's effort:

Much of route to Carnon Downs is on the level, more or less, and on this section I was actually able to nudge my average, for the first time in this land of maddeningly frequent, steep grades, over 19 KPH. Soon dropped sharply as I had to climb punishing Greenwith Hill, out of Perranwell, after racing down Old Carnon Hill, out of Carnon Downs village itself. Think this may well become a ride of first choice as it offers such a good mix of flat and climb and it picturesque beyond belief!

Invited for dinner with Maureen and Bill, downstairs, this evening so pleased that I'll be able to have a few drinks, not having to worry about driving home, as I can simply stumble up the steps to our place, tripping over the cat, shattering the crystal vase near the front entrance, splintering the delicate nesting tables in the hallway and then leaving the tap running in the bathroom after forgetting to brush my teeth and then falling into bed without undressing!

Off to Camel Valley Vineyard tomorrow with about a 20 mile cycle, (round trip), beforehand, along part of The Camel Trail, a disused and resurfaced railway line that is fairly flat, I gather, running from Padstow to Wenford Bridge via Wadebridge and Bodmin, 17.3 miles (27.8 km) long in total. Ayn arrives on Friday evening and Cora Lee has booked tickets for a plethora of activities hereabouts and further afield. From Scullion to Chauffeur/Banker in the twinkling of an eye and back again, methinks! I'll need a holiday from this extended, hard posting, believe you me!

Travel safely. Take care of each other. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre and her lap-cat, Spudenheimer. Cheers, Patrizzio, Befuddled Cyclist, Frustrated Photojournalist and Scorned Servant, all rolled into one!

Pics: Growing collection of fridge magnets; Chaise Lounge Lady in her perfumed garden, fending off pesky paparazzi; Spudnik complaining about not being brushed! One of the quaint pubs, looking onto the harbour in Porthleven.

Downton- in case you haven't seen this in the British press

Hi Raymond!

Thanks very much for link to Downtown, Series 4. Quite enjoyed reading about what is to come. Looking forward to it but not sure if we'll see any of the episodes here before we return. Depends on when the show actually airs this Autumn and whether Penny, our host in London, can record any of the episodes for us. We probably won't leave France until the 15th of October and will only have a night or two in Mill Hill before flying home, just in time to ride to Steveston with you and Rod and Peter! Don't eat all the kale! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Sterling Moss and Nervous Nelly!

Glad you survived the Edmonton-to-Barriere Rally! I do remember the terrible fire which destroyed so much of the surrounding forest. At the time we had friends who lived there.

You sound busier than ever. Glad Ann's 65th celebration was such a success. Sounded like a wonderful event, indeed. Sorry to learn of your former boss's funeral. We've had some very sad news ourselves, since being away. A week or more ago, the daughter, (42), of a good friend, and very close friend and neighbour of Elaine and Ted Keating, was killed in a bicycle accident on 12th Avenue. Don't know the circumstances and  we didn't know Leanne, but her mother, Mary Kowal, acted as our real estate agent when we bought the loft on Wall Street back in 1998, and we have been friends ever since. While any death brings sadness, I surmise, from what you wrote, that  Earle had a long, full, productive life while Leanne's was cut short, and cruelly so.

Thinking ahead, we'd dearly, dearly love o join you in Florida next year but unfortunately, don't think it is in the cards, fro a variety of reasons. Main one has to do with Clara and Dusty. Cora Lee, (and I support this, of course), is loath to leave her parents for a month or longer, (We would probably have driven.), especially since her Dad spent a week or more in hospital, with a nasty lung infection, this past July. He seems to have made more than a full recovery and in fact, is feeling even better than before he came down with ailment, but one can never be sure of anything, let alone when one is pushing 90! Furthermore, we might take a whirlwind trip to California, before and over American Thanksgiving to house/cat-sit again for same cousin. We won't be spending Christmas in LA and Nana would like to see her grandsons.

Finally, The Millionaires would like us to house/cat sit for them from January 11th-27th. Into this mix we are already committed to attend Nicole's/Marvin's wedding in Mexico in May, so unlike our fabulously wealthy friends from The Naramata, we need to be concerned about how to pay for everything, especially after this long holiday. I know Cora Lee would much rather spend part of January in Florida with you wonderful people, rather than with me in the fog, mist and cold of Parksville but there her parents can visit/stay for part/much/all of the time we are there. While we haven't actually confirmed whether we will go to VI, just had a message from Grog today, asking us if we are available. Under circumstances, I think this is what we will end up doing so just wanted to let you know in case you have other friends wanting to free-load! Thanks again, for the lovely invitation. Would be a dream come true, especially since you know Florida so well and are such simpatico hosts! 

Don't eat all the tomatoes and peaches! We expect canned preserves when next we visit!!! Take care of each other. Fondestos from Mme Coriandre and her lap-cat, Spudnik, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio, Befuddled Cyclist, Frustrated Photojournalist, Part-Time Dipsomaniac and Scorned Servant, all rolled into one!

Hello Sarge!

Glad to receive your last lengthy email! Took me the better part of two nanoseconds to read! Cora Lee did, in fact, try to remove all the warning signs but missed a few!
Take care of Flamin'! How is she doing with her cast off? Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Lurch and Grog!

Great to hear from you. Buona Fortuna with packing and getting ready to leave. Know what that is like, having just undergone much of same so recently! What a great way to start your trip, celebrating your 15th wedding anniversary with Special K and Flash! Congratulations! Hard to believe it was that long ago!!!
Won't cross paths in Paris as I'll be in Neffiès then and Cora Lee actually arrives there on the 22nd, from Florence. We might spend a couple of nights in Paris, en route to London, but haven't planned that far ahead yet.

Thinking ahead, we'd be more than happy to house/cat sit for dates you mention in January. We had toyed with the idea of driving to Florida to join Lynne and Peter, friends from Naramata, who invited us to stay with them next January/February but, unfortunately, for us, fortunately for you, under circumstances, I suppose, don't think it is in the cards, for a variety of reasons.

Have a wonderful dinner at Bistro Pastis! Happy Anniversary again! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Super K and Flash!

Heard from Grog that you will be celebrating your 15th wedding anniversary with them at Bistro Pastis. Congratulations indeed! For They are Jolly Good Fellows! Hip Hip Hooray! Hard to believe it was that long ago!!! Thinking ahead, we will probably be house/cat sitting for The Absentee Landlord Millionaires from January 11th-27th so you should consider coming over for a visit and we can break into Grogg's cellar!
Have a wonderful dinner at Bistro Pastis! Happy Anniversary again! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre and her lap-cat, Spudnik, to you both and your beautiful, long-suffering, neglected daughters! Cheers, Patrizzio, Befuddled Cyclist, Frustrated Documentary Photojournalist, Part-Time Dipsomaniac and Scorned Servant, all rolled into one, with a twist of lemon and a dash of Agnostura bitters, shaken but not stirred!

Hi Pinscher Creek Man and Advanced Mathematics Woman!

Trust all gos well with shoot in Alberta. Don't forget to bring back plenty of cheaper booze, malt and champagne, in particular, former for me, latter to celebrate Marilyn's wonderful mark in mathematics! Bravo! Onward! Fight!!!

Hope the e-card I have been meaning to send for ages for you wedding anniversary, now past, arrived. In case it didn't, Congratulations indeed! For They are Jolly Good Fellows! Hip Hip Hooray!
In case you have time between eating free lunches at the cafeteria meant for the cast  of movie or solving quadratic equations, have included another, brief installment of the Blackwater Blues Diaireis, along with a copy of The Evelyn Wood Seven-Day Speed Reading and Learning Program, [Hardcover], for those of you who move their lips while poring over a given text! 

Happy Belated Anniversary again! Fondestos from Mme Coriandre and her lap-cat, Spudnik, to you both and your long-suffering, neglected sons! Cheers, Patrizzio, Befuddled Cyclist, Frustrated Documentary Photojournalist, Part-Time Dipsomaniac and Scorned Servant, all rolled into one, with a twist of lemon and a dash of Agnostura bitters, shaken but not stirred!

You do not know any more money. I just had to pay the rest we owed the barge company. I knew there was an accident but did not know who the person was. W

Hi Sarge!

I think you sent the last message to the wrong  person. You probably meant to contact the individual on the angle corner of Trafalgar, not me, as I've never, ever known money, just waved goodbye to it as it walked out the revolving door!  Hope you are not becoming as supercilious/uppity as Lurchesca now that you are planning to spend so much time together with The Millionaires in Paris in September! At any rate Cora lee will be relieved to hear that account is square as she is already stretched pretty tightly and she's not even in Italy with The Spendthrift Sisterhood yet!! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Glasgow!

Sorry to hear you are still burdened with a cat not belonging to you. Funny how these things work. Chloë has finally taken re-ownership of Maggie after lo these many years and then only because we were doing a house exchange!

Have included a few "blow-ups" of works by England's Greatest Living Painter but, unfortunately, they make his art seem much more aesthetically pleasing than the majority of the other monstrosities which festoon the already gaudy walls!

I bought my bike, (a foldable Montague Navigator, a road bike, for ease of carrying in the car, on trains, etc.), in York on July 17th, the day we arrived there to stay with close friends of Ray Banks, Chris and Jim Brownlee, and have been really enjoying it ever since.

Generally speaking, weather has been more than wonderful ever since we landed on July 11th. Had planned to go for but a short ride today,  as quite pleased with yesterday's effort, but persistent, intermittent drizzle dissuaded me from trying to better the following outing:

Fondestos from Mme Coriandre and her lap-cat, Spudnik, to you both and to Alexa's cat! Cheers, Patrizzio!

How is the weather and when do you leave for France.

Hi Sarge!

Generally speaking, weather has been more than wonderful. ever since we landed on July 11th. Had planned to go for but a short ride today,  as quite pleased with yesterday's effort, but but persistent intermittent drizzle dissuaded me from trying to better yesterday's outing. Plus the fact that I needed a bit of a respite from riding the steep hills. Furthermore, The Blackwater Blues were screaming for attention!

I leave for France on September 2nd, by Eurostar from London to Paris and then TGV from there to Béziers.

Did you receive the message about sending me Andrew Sredzki's phone number? I'd certainly appreciate it if you could find it, either in my address book, (Which Chloë is to have given to you!), or on one of our phones in stored address function. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Ray, just back today. What a wonderful looking car. I want one. Never heard that name before. Let me know if you would like to ride. I will ride tomorrow sometime, ideally early. Best, G

P, Just back at the compound lasterday. Will tether up to Ray in the next hour or so and he will drag me out to the flatlands of Richmond for a paltry 100 kms, some lattes, maybe fish & chips.

After getting lost in the countryside, maybe you will also appreciate your humble domestiques a little more. Speedy recovery to Ms C. and for your scorched foot disorder. Fond regards to all, G

P, Ray was waxing on about his first car, the Riley. It occurred to me that  you might be able to find a toy replica in England for him? W



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